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The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

800 BC 700 BC 600 BC 500 BC 400 BC 300 BC 200 BC 100 BC 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Start of the Roman Empire

Ousting of the Last King of Rome

Start of the Republic

First Punic War

Second Punic War

Third Punic War

War between Marius and Sulla

Spartacus Uprising

The First Triumvirate

Julius Caesar named Dictator of Rome

Julius Caesar's Assassination

Roman Civil War

Augustus becomes the First Emperor of Rome

Jesus of Nazareth's Birth and Crucifixion

Coliseum was Built

5 Good Emperors

Trajan's Forum/Column

Patheon was Built

Hadrian's Wall Built

Constantine becoming Emperor

Rome becomes Christian

The Division of Rome

Sack of Rome

Fall of the Roman Empire Create your own timelines at


Start of the Roman Empire founded by Romulus after defeating Remus, in the Latium Plain, along the
753 BC banks of the Tiber river

Ousting of the Last King of Rome last king abused power, overthrown and exiled from Rome
509 BC

Start of the Republic vowing to never live under a tyrant again, Rome formed a Republic, in
509 BC times of crisis, dictatot would take power and give it back to the people
after victory, politicians were generals

First Punic War (Carthage= Phoenician city on the coast of North Africa) began with
264 BC fighting in Sicily, Rome found a Carthaginian ship and copies it, Carthage
surrenders in 241 BC, Rome draws up an unfair treaty

Second Punic War Hannibal crosses the Alps into Italy, Carthage massacres Roman army at
218 BC Trebia in 218 BC, Lake Trasimae in 217 BC, Cannae in 216 BC, Roman army
uses Fabian tactic (avoiding combat), Hannibal defeates Atzama, eniding
the war in 201 BC

Third Punic War Rome invades Carthage and burns down and piledges Carthage, Rome
149 BC controls Meditteranean when the war ends in 146 BC

War between Marius and Sulla Sulla invades Rome, Marius escapes
88 BC

Spartacus Uprising slave rebellion, Spartacus and 70 other gladiators piledged Capua on their
73 BC way out of the city, fled to Mount Vesuvius

The First Triumvirate a 3-headed political rule, Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar
60 BC

Julius Caesar named Dictator of Rome Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon and defeates Pompey's forces, then
49 BC names himself dictator of Rome

Julius Caesar's Assassination assassinated by several Roman senators

44 BC Create your own timelines at

Roman Civil War Julius Caesar left everything to Octavian, his nephew, causing a war with
33 BC Marc Antony and Octavian, Octavian wins in 31 BC

Augustus becomes the First Emperor of Rome "first citizen", end of Roman Republic, many changes in Rome
27 BC

Jesus of Nazareth's Birth and Crucifixion

0 AD

Coliseum was Built built by Vespasian of the Flavian dynasty, as a gift to the Roman people
70 AD

5 Good Emperors Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antorinus Pius, Marcus Aurelius

90 AD

Trajan's Forum/Column arch made in celebration of victory

113 AD

Patheon was Built during the reign of Hadrian

125 AD

Hadrian's Wall Built using the wall, the army enforced border control
128 AD

Constantine becoming Emperor became Emperor of Rome, then renamed the city of Byzantium to
306 AD Constantinople

Rome becomes Christian Constantine converts to Christianity on his death bed, which gradually
337 AD changed the majority of Roman Faith to Christianity

The Division of Rome Rome split into two halves (West and East) due to the inability to govern all
375 AD of the territory because of it being too vast

Sack of Rome Visigoths sack Rome

410 AD

Fall of the Roman Empire

476 AD Create your own timelines at

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