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Unit Planning

Unit: Introduction dache@m Teacher: Iordache Xenia Primary School “G. Vieru”, Stefan Voda, R.Moldova

Numbers of hours: ______hours (45 min)
Products for

Area/ Standards SCI and Sub- measuring Learning Evaluation Content

Competences competence activities criteria
Listening Magic English
 Understanding the Pupil’s book
meaning of simple, Exercises for 1. Lesson One
short instructions correct The recognize “Hello!”
and directions Answers to pronunciation of the letters
related to classroom simple of sounds and and letter Look! Listen!
Area: activities, slowly questions, groups of groups, Repeat! Do it!
Communication and clearly, and issued sounds. specific to Sit down! Stand up!
repeated several directly, studied Say “Goodbye!”
times. articulated foreign Hello, Goodbye, I, am
 Recognizing sounds slowly and language Talking about the
and groups of clearly. Short dialogues importance of studying
Standards: sounds pronounced reproduced by English and about the
Receiving various in isolation and in model. Stress countries in which
messages transmitted words. oral English is used as a
orally in various  Indentifying the communication mother tongue
communication intention of (teacher - Phonetic and English-Speaking
situations. communication and student, student phonological countries
Production of the formulas of - student) correctness of
appropriate messages politeness used to respecting an oral 2. Lesson Two
to specific establish social Conversation standards product. “Meet My Friend.”
communicative contact. verbal label.
situations.  Recognizing simple 1.Greeting people and
saying “Goodbye”,
short questions and
ache Hello, Goodbye
answers referred to @ mail 2. Introducing oneself:
the students’ .ru The using of a My name is…
personal basic I am…
identification. Exercises using vocabulary of What is your name?
Area:  Understanding the forms of isolated words
Culture meaning of words address, and phrases 3. Lesson Three
in simple sentences. greeting, related to “How Are You?”
Spoken presentation. concrete
Interaction Reading a situations. Let’s talk! Let’s sing!
 Reproducing familiar text, Meet, he, she, friend.
Standard: certain sounds and of a small size Danny Rabbit;
Distinguish material group of sounds in with the number, one, two,
and spiritual values , isolation and in pronunciation Achieving the four, five, six. Hi. How
various aspects that words. of a limited tasks in are you? Fine, thank
are specific to an  Reproducing amount of Short poetry appropriate you.
allophone society. certain intonation memorized readings with a way.
patterns. words and vocabulary 4. Lesson Four
 Reproducing phrases. accessible to Correct “How Old Are
simple sentences students. articulation in You?”
and formulas of simple words
politeness used to and sentences, Seven, eight, nine, ten,
establish social the sounds, eleven, twelve; Boy,
contact. Observation of groups of girl, man, woman;
 Reproducing photographs sounds using Rusty Rooster, Ruddy
simple answers and images that accents and Fox, Hoppy Frog.
and questions represent the specific
concerning the characteristics intonations. 5. Lesson Five
students’ personal of a country. “Where Are You
identification. Map location From?”
 Reproducing a of the capital of Moldova, England,
simple short song. the country. The USA.
Area: Written Where are you from?
Connection Interaction I’m / I am from….
 Reproducing/copyi Respecting
ng letters (capital Singing short punctuation 6. Lesson Six
and lowercase Legible songs. marks, and “He Is From
forms) in isolation. writing of their value by Moldova?”
Culture simple words using Canada, Romania,
Standard:  Creating and and simple appropriate Russia, Italy; Mother,
Apply skills in related developing sentences intonation. Father.
disciplines (language, linguistic curiosity Role play. Where is he/ she from?
foreign languages, and interest Play counting He/ She is from…
mathematics, science, towards studying game.
ICT, art, music the English Using simple
education, physical language. syntactic
education) to inform,  Discovering a new structures and 7. Round UP
discuss, perform culture of grammatical
8. Test
learning activities. communication forms that
xeni Introductory
and acquiring other a.ior have been
9. Test Analyses
norms of verbal ache memorized.
and non-verbal @mai Notes:
 Learning poems,
songs and short
dialogues for
children which
belong to the
culture of the

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