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Topic: Travel & Transport; Hobbies, Sport and Games; Science and Technology


1. We may have known that:
Each of the verb tenses has a different meaning, depending on such things as the time and length of
an action, and how the speaker sees it.

1. Present continuous Present simple

In the middle of an action A present state
I’m watching this comedy. I like comedies.
A temporary routine A permanent routine
I’m working late this week. I work late most days.
2. Present perfect Past simple
An action in the period up to the present An action in the past
I’ve written the letter. I wrote the letter yesterday.
A series of actions up to the present A series of past actions
I’ve played basketball a few times. I played basketball years ago.
A state up to the present A past state
I’ve been here for a week. I was there for a week
3. Past continuous
An action over a period of past time
It was raining at the time.
4. Present perfect continuous
An action over a period up to the present
It has been raining all day.
5. Past perfect continuous Past perfect
An action over a period up to a past time An action before a past time
It had been raining for hours. The rain had stopped by then.
A state before a past time
The weather had been awful.


There are different ways of expressing the future

1. Will Be going to
A prediction A prediction based on the present
Scotland will win the game. Scotland are going to win the game.
An instant decision An intention
I think I’ll buy a ticket. I’m going to buy a ticket, I’ve decided.
An offer
I’ll help you.
2. Present simple Present continuous
A timetable An arrangement
The game starts at 3.00 pm. I’m playing in the team tomorrow.
In a sub clause
We must get there before the game starts.
3. Future continuous
An action over a future period
I’ll be working all day Saturday.
The result of a routine or arrangement
I’ve got a job in a shop. I’ll be working on Saturday.
4. Be to Be about to
An official arrangement The near future
The conference is to take place in November. The players are on the field. The game is
about to start.
5. Future perfect
Something that will be over in the future
The game will have finished by half past four.
6. Would Was going to
Looking forward from the past Looking forward from the past
At half time we thought Scotland would win. At half time we thought Scotland were
going to win.
Past intention or arrangement
I was going to watch the match, but I
was ill.

(Source: John Eastwood, Oxford Guide to English Grammar)


2. Nevertheless, one of the problems is that some learners do not realize the difference between
the two languages. The concept about tenses does exist in Vietnamese (Vietnamese has tenses as
expressed just only in đã, đang, sẽ in Vietnamese which are the indicators of past tense, present
tense and future tense respectively), but in English there are strict rules of uses and forms of
various types of verb tenses. However, in translation, finding equivalence with regard to tenses and
aspects between the two languages has not always been a simple task. Moreover, the grammar
errors which are related to the misuse of verb forms often occur when the learners keep
Vietnamese structures to translate Vietnamese sentences into English. Hence, the most important
thing is that translation must be done on the basis of the target language’s grammar points.


Task 1. Put the verb in brackets in an appropriate verb form. Then translate the sentences into
1. I usually (buy) a special ticket each week for the bus because it’s cheaper.
2. How is the match going? Our team (win)?
3. When we were in Canada, we (go) skiing almost every day.
4. I (dream) about my favourite band when the alarm clock went off.
5. The boy (play) computer games since this morning?
6. You ever (be) to the UK before?
7. It was a fantastic experience because I never (fly) in a plane before.


8. We (talk) about the Internet before the lesson started.

9. You (have) a great time in the Bahamas.
10. “Have you made plans for the summer?” – “Yes, we (go) to Spain.”
11. I’m going on holiday. This time next week I (lie) in the sun.
12. On July 20th, 1969, Astronaut Neil Armstrong (step) down on the moon. The first person ever set
foot on another celestial body.
13. A cell (be) the smallest part of a living thing that can carry out life activities.
14. For many years, scientists (search) for alternatives to fossil fuels.
15. Steve (already/see) the film, so he didn’t come with us to the cinema.
16. When I turned on the TV, the programme (already, start)
17. I think astronauts (land) on Mars by the year 2025.
18. Sarah looked tired because she (exercise) all morning.
19. The sunset over Niagara falls (be) a magnifient sight.

20. I last (ski) when I was twelve.

Task 2. Find a corresponding English expression for each of verbs in bold italics and then translate
the sentences into Vietnamese.
1. I love good films.
2. I’m loving this film.
3. He appears to be a singer.
4. The singer is appearing on the stage tonight.
5. Do you see what I mean?
6. I’m seeing Paula at the cinema tonight.
7. Your perfume smells of apples.
8. She is smelling the roses.
9. This silk shirt feels soft.

10. Ann is feeling the cat’s fur.

11. He thinks he’s really clever.

12. I’m thinking about his offer.
13. This tastes salty.
14. Why is he tasting the soup?
15. It looks as if it is going to rain.
16. He is looking at the painting.
17. The box is heavy. It weighs a lot.
18. He is weighing the potatoes.
19. He has two houses.
20. She’s having lunch.
Task 3. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
1. The hotel where we are staying is quite luxurious.
2. When you reach your destination, your tour guide will meet you at the airport.
3. David takes me to the train station every morning.

4. I always enjoy our school trip to France.
5. Hurry up, or we’ll miss the bus!
6. The brochure says that the hotel has a great view of the sea.
7. The distance from London to Berlin is about 919 kilometres.
8. Make sure you book a hotel before you come to our island, especially in the summer.
9. I live in Barcelona, but my hometown is Madrid.
10. I hope to go on a trip round the world one day.
11. You learn a lot about the local area by speaking to local people.
12. It’s good to have someone guide you when you are on holiday.
13. I get the train to work every day and the fare is quite expensive.

14. Captain Cook discovered Australia on a voyage to the Pacific.



15. Most tourist attractions in London charge an admission fee.

16. Let’s go to the airport to see Grandpa off when he flies back home.
17. Please pull in and stop so that I can buy something to drink.
18. Every Saturday night my dad picks us up outside the cinema.
19. I think the neighbours have gone away for the weekend.
20. We’re going on holiday tomorrow, but we’ll call you when we get back.
21. We used to go skating at the ice rink every Saturday.
22. Keith had never seen such a large golf course until he went to Scotland.
23. We all met at the basketball court at half past three.
24. The football match had to be called off because the pitch was flooded.
25. Our team was winning until half time, but in the second half the other team scored three goals,
so they beat us. But it was a great match!
26. Adrian got a new fishing rod for his birthday.

27. The referee blew the whistle and the most important football match I’ve ever played began.
28. We used to play rugby in the winter term, football in the spring term, and we’d do athletics and
swimming in the summer term.
29. The play was so boring; we walked out during the interval.
30. Coventry City drew 3-3 with Sunderland in the match last Saturday.
31. We got through to the final, but then lost to Cirencester.
32. Carl wasn’t very good at mountain climbing as he’s afraid of heights.
33. It’s high time you learned to swim.
34. Childhood used to be quite different from what it is today.
35. Fifty years ago, people would walk more than they do now.
36. We’ve been waiting to play tennis since 10.30. It’s our turn now.
37. The last time I spoke to you, you talked about giving the taekwondo course up.
38. Sarah looked tired because she had been exercising all morning.

39. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Lisa opened the window and looked out.
40. I’d already bought the computer game when I saw it was cheaper in another shop.
41. When I was very young, my grandfather would take me to the park to play.
42. I saw Maria for the first time at the Ray’s birthday party.
43. Have you succeeded in booking a room in London yet?.
44. My parents have always said that travel makes you more independent.
45. France managed to win the trophy at the end of a very tough match.
46. I don’t think we can ever predict what specific discoveries are going to be made that far out in
the future.
47. What kinds of car will we be driving in the future?
48. There will be no car crashes, because computer-controlled cars will safely find out an adequate
49. When we get so many new things in our life, that will cause some problems in life.
50. I can't say for sure whether the world will be a better or worse place after 100 years, because I
think one part will change for the better, while another part will be worse.

51. Everything is going to change more in the next ten years than it has in the last hundred.
52. Scientists are trying to work out ways to reduce pollution from aircraft.
53. Tomorrow, we will be carrying out an experiment to test this theory.
54. I’ll just put you through to our research department. Please hold on.
55. How many more amazing scientific discoveries will we see by the end of the next decade? And
how will these change our lives?
56. From your perspective, what will the next 30 years of science bring?
57. Over the next 30 years, I believe the advances in technology will offer the ability to accelerate
the pace of scientific breakthrough to levels we can’t even conceive of today.
58. Science, like many other sectors, will see the rise of China and other emerging markets.
59. Where would you like to see society benefiting most from science?
60. Which technologies do you think will shape science in the next decade?
Task 1. Decide which of the options provided best translate the following sentences
1. Tôi sinh ra ở Việt Nam.

a. I am born in Vietnam.
b. I was born in Vietnam.
c. I have been born in Vietnam.
2. Ngày hôm qua tôi đến nhà bạn và chúng tôi đã chơi bóng đá.
a. I went to my friend’s house yesterday and we play football.
b. I went to my friend’s house yesterday and we played football.
c. I went to my friend’s house yesterday and we had played football.
3. Hàng ngày, tôi thức dậy lúc 6 giờ. Sau đó tôi ăn sáng cùng bố mẹ.
a. I wake up every day at 6 a.m. Then I had breakfast with my parents.
b. I wake up every day at 6 a.m. Then I have breakfast with my parents.
c. I wake up everyday at 6a.m. Then I am having breakfast with my parents.
4. Khi chúng tôi đến, họ đang chơi game.
a. When we came, they played game.
b. When we came, they were playing game.
c. When we were coming, they were playing game.
5. Anh đã đọc quyển David Copperfield bao giờ chưa?
a. Have you ever read David Copperfield?
b. Do you read David Copperfield?
c. Did you read David Copperfield?
6. Mãi đến lúc tàu đi rồi tôi mới đến ga.
a. I didn’t reach the station until after the train had left.
b. I didn’t reach the station until after the train left.
c. I hadn’t reached the station until after the train had left.
7. Báo chí đưa tin hôm nay trời sẽ tiếp tục lạnh
a. The newspapers say it is cold today.
b. The newspapers say it’s going to be cold today
c. The newspapers say it is being cold today
8. Dàn nhạc đang chơi bản gì vậy?
a. What has the orchestra played?
b. What does the orchestra play?
c. What’s the orchestra playing?
9. Nghỉ hè tới anh định đi đâu?
a. Where are you spending your next summer holidays?
b. Where do you spend your next summer holidays?
c. Where will you spend your next summer holidays?
10. Tính đến cuối tháng này thì họ sẽ làm việc ở đây được 5 năm rồi.


a. By the end of this month, they will have been working here for 5 years.
b. By the end of this month, they will have worked here for 5 years.
c. By the end of this month, they have been working here for 5 years.
11. Chương trình sẽ kết thúc trong 5 phút nữa.
a. The program is due to end in 5 minutes.
b. The program will end in 5 minutes.
c. The program will be ending in 5 minutes.
12. Thời sự phát sóng trên ti vi lúc 7 giờ tối.
a. The news is on TV at 7 p.m
b. The news is going to be on TV at 7 p.m
c. The news will be on TV at 7 p.m
13. Ngày mai sẽ có trăng tròn.
a. There is a full moon tomorrow.
b. There should be a full moon tomorrow.
c. There will be a full moon tomorrow
14. Bên ngoài trời tối sầm lại, chắc sắp mưa rồi.
a. It’s getting dark outside, it rains soon.
b. It’s getting dark outside, it will rain soon.
c. It’s getting dark outside, it’s going to rain soon.
15. Trước kia ở đây có một rạp hát phải không?
a. There used to be a cinema here, didn’t there?
b. There was a cinema here, wasn’t there?
c. There used to be a cinema here, did there?
16. Tôi cứ thắc mắc giờ này ngày mai anh ấy sẽ đang làm gì nhỉ.
a. I wonder what he’ll be doing (at) this time tomorrow.
b. I wonder what he is doing (at) this time tomorrow.
c. I wonder what he has been doing (at) this time tomorrow.
17. Lại cằn nhằn nữa rồi! Lúc nào anh cũng bắt bẻ tôi hết!
a. Grumbling again! You’re always finding fault with me!
b. Grumbling again! You always find fault with me!
c. Grumbling again! You used to find fault with me!
18. Nó hay đạp xe đi học vào những ngày đẹp trời, còn khi thời tiết xấu thì đi xe buýt.
a. He cycled to school on fine days and took the bus only when the weather was bad.
b. He was cycling to school on fine days and taking the bus only when the weather was bad.
c. He would cycle to school on fine days and would take the bus only when the weather was
19. Chắc tảng băng này sẽ tan khi mặt trời xuất hiện.

a. This ice is going to melt when the sun comes out.

b. This ice melts when the sun comes out.
c. This ice is going to melt when the sun is going to come out.
20. Anh đã nghe tin vụ tai nạn liên hoàn kinh khủng trên xa lộ M1 đêm qua chưa?
a. Did you hear about that terrible pile-up on the M1 last night?
b. Had you heard about that terrible pile-up on the M1 last night?
c. Have you heard about that terrible pile-up on the M1 last night?
Task 2. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.
1. Tổng thống sẽ tới thăm Nigeria vào tháng tới. (be to + Infinitive)
2. Con người sẽ không đến được sao Mộc trước thế kỷ 22. (will + Infinitive)
3. Khán giả đã ổn định chỗ ngồi và buổi biểu diễn sắp sửa bắt đầu. (be about to + Infinitive)
4. Chuyến tàu sẽ đến Glassgow Central lúc 12 giờ 12 phút. (be due to + Infinitive)
5. Vở Hamlet sắp sửa được trình diễn tại nhà hát National. (be on the point of + Gerund)
6. Cuối tuần này có một buổi triển lãm ở bảo tàng. Mình sẽ đến đó xem. (be going to + Infinitive)
7. Chuyến tàu sẽ xuất hành lúc 8:58 phút và vì vậy chúng ta sẽ có mặt ở Scôtlen vào giờ ăn trưa
8. Chuyến đi có thể kéo dài trong 10 ngày (be likely to + Infinitive)
9. Chắn chắn ngày mai thời tiết sẽ tốt hơn. (be bound to + Infinitive)


10. Tối nay tôi sẽ hát tại một quán rượu ở Marais. Tôi đã dành cả tuần để chuẩn bị bài hát của mình
và bây giờ tôi đã sẵn sàng để biểu diễn nó. (be set to + Infinitive)
Task 3. Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention to verb tenses
1. Anna thường đi học bằng xe đạp.
2. Tàu khởi hành lúc 9 giờ sáng ngày mai.
3. Bà ấy đã sống ở Liverpool cả đời.
4. Tuần trước bạn đến thăm Mary phải không ?
5. Lúc nhỏ tôi đã thường đi bơi với các bạn trong xóm.
6. Trong khi tôi đang xem TV thì cô ấy gọi.
7. Chiếc xe của tôi đã bị đánh cắp.
8. Họ đã kết hôn được 50 năm rồi.
9. Có phải anh ấy đã làm việc liên tục cả ngày rồi không?
10. Tôi đã tìm cái máy tính khá lâu trước khi anh ta làm điều đó.

11. Đừng lo, tôi sẽ trả tiền cho bữa tối này.
12. Lúc 2 giờ chiều mai Mary sẽ đọc sách trong thư viện như mọi khi.
13. Tết này tớ sẽ uống thật nhiều bia.
14. Đó là bộ phim chán nhất mà tôi đã từng xem.
15. Nếu tối nay mà họ xem phim đó nữa thì họ đã xem phim đó 3 lần rồi.


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