HP ALM Questions

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1. How to remove duplicate defect by taking defect report.

a) Similar defects and similar text

b) Related defects and related text
c) Parallel defects and parallel text

2. If we have more number of defects that need to be fixed and developer is not available to fix the
defect, then take a report which needs immediate fix. Report should contain the below options.
a) Critical defects and show stoppers which are in open status.
b) Critical defects which are in open status
c) All open defects.
d) Critical defects and show stoppers which are in open status

3. If a parent requirement is deleted in ALM will all the requirements related to that will be
a) Yes
b) No

4. If the directs link are removed in linked defects grid,

a) Only direct links are removed.
b) Indirect link are also automatically removed.
c) Both

5. If the tester completed all the requirement coverage and test cases design manually and he is
asked to use ALM for execution, test cases be generated from the requirements automatically in
ALM instead of creating test cases from the scratch.
a) Yes
b) No

6. Summary graph and progress graph for defect status by count

a) Except progress graph for defect status by count option

7. Requirement coverage and test cases completed in ALM. How to review it after it is completed.
a) Test plan tree
b) Dashboard view

8. To get the sign off from the customer for requirement coverage, what should be done to make
sure the requirements are covered?
a) Traceability (my answer)

9. What reports should be generated after the test closure.

a) Project report
b) Dashboard

10. Why is Test set folder assigned to a release cycle

a) To group the test sets together to see the progress of project and its status
b) Test sets run in different cycle and the status
c) Test set to see the progress of project and its status

11. From which module the test cases are pulled to test set.
a) Test plan tree
b) Requirement tree
My answer-Both and it is correct.

12. How to find the requirements which are covered

a) Requirement tree

13. Can defect be logged in all the phases of testing in ALM?

a) Yes

14. Calling test and called test

15. What should be sent to calling test from called test

a) Parameters

16. How to make the test cases more powerful? Parameters

a) Sending parameters to the called test
b) Sending data to the called test
c) Make data in test design phase itself
d) Add data in test execution phase itself

17. What reports should be produced to the client after test closure
a) Dashboard
b) Business view report
c) Project report

Points to be covered
Graph entity
Progress graph
Summary graph
Dashboard view
Test plan tree
Release cycle

1. Which is true in a NC requirement

None of the Test have execution as blocked

2. Convert manual test to automation- > generate script

3. Assigning each test set folder to a cycle- group… as you run your tests.

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