GAD Plan

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FY 2016
Region: Region I
City/Municipality: __________________
Total Budget of LGU: 2,770,053,775.00
Total GAD Budget: 240,658,100.00
Gender Issue/ Cause of the GAD Objective Relevant GAD Performance Performance GAD Budget Office of
GAD Mandate Gender Issue LGU PPA Activity Indicator Target 8 Primary
MOOE PS CO Responsi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bility 9
Limited access of marginalized 1. Proximity of location/ To increase access I. Emergency A.Provision of Financial Assistance to; *No. of Clients/ 100 clients 275,000 PSWDO
and grassroots sector to social distance of clients of marginalized/ Assistance a.1 Aid to Individual in Crisis Situation (AICS) marginalized
protection programs and (men and women) grassroots sector Program -Regular Assistance sector assisted
services due to the to social welfare for better service 1. Social Case -Petty Cash *Increased
geographical area service provider delivery of social Management -Disaster victims ( dead and injured) access to as need arises
welfare programs -Emergency Shelter Assistance (totally and social as need arises
2. Cultural background and services partially damaged houses) protection
a.2. Food for Work-provision of food assistance No. of Clients 1000 clients
for projects assisted
a.3. Referral Services No. of Clients 140 clients
a.4. Counseling Services assisted 100 clients
B. Stockpiling 550,000
C. Disaster Relief Assistance
D. Purchase of Personal Protective Equipment No. of staff 39 personnel 100,000
(PPE) for the PSWDO staff to be used during provided with
disaster operations.(vest, rain gears, flashlight) PPE

2. Training A. Design and Conduct Training for:

Development a. 1. Updates on Disaster Management No. of staff 39 personnel 50,000
and Advocacy attended, KAS updated
Limited access of marginalized 1. Proximity of location/ To increase access II. Child Welfare PSWDO
children and day care workers distance of clients of marginalized/ Program
to social protection programs (men and women) children and 1. Information A. Update master list and Day Care Worker Profile No. of Updated 1 Updated
and services due to the to social welfare and day care workers Management (sex disaggregated data) Masterlist Masterlist
geographical area service provider for better service System
delivery of social
2. Cultural background welfare programs 2. Training A. Design module and conduct training course No. of ECCD Service 10 Mun. 12,000
and services Development and program orientation for ECCD Service providers trained
and Advocacy Providers

3. Program A. Establishment of Child Friendly Action Center No. of children/ 200 children/ 10,000
Management during Pistay Dayat clients assisted clients
Support B. Distribution of Amelioration (financial No. of DCWs 1395 DCWs 976,500
assistance) to Day Care Workers given w/ FA
Gender Issue/ Cause of the GAD Objective Relevant GAD Performance Performance GAD Budget Office of
GAD Mandate Gender Issue LGU PPA Activity Indicator Target 8 Primary
MOOE PS CO Responsi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bility 9
Limited access of marginalized 1. Proximity of location/ To increase access III. Youth Welfare PSWDO
youth to social distance of clients of marginalized youth Program
protection programs and (men and women) 1. Information 1. Data banking/update masterlist of: No. of Updated 1 Updated
services due to the to social welfare for better service Management Out of School Youth (OSY) Masterlist Masterlist
geographical area service provider delivery of social System (sex disaggregated data)
welfare programs
2. Cultural background and services 2. Training A. Provincial Youth Camp No. of Youth 30 youth 100,000
Development Participated
and B. Regional Youth Encampment for Youth/ No. of Youth 15 youth 150,000
Advocacy Institutional visit Participated

C. Skills Enhancement Training on Youth Related No. of Youth Dev't. 2 YDOs/Focal 60,000
Programs for Youth Focal Persons/Youth Officers trained Person
Development Officers

Limited access of marginalized 1. Proximity of location/ To increase access IV. Women Welfare PSWDO
women to social distance of clients of marginalized/ Program
protection programs and (men and women) women and 1. Information A. Continuing Data Banking of the updated No. of Updated 1 Updated
services due to the to social welfare for better service Management masterlist of: (sex disaggregated data) Data Bank Data Bank
geographical area service provider delivery of social System - KALIPI
welfare programs - Solo Parents
2. Cultural background and services - VAWC victims
B. Information Awareness on GAD, VAWC and No. of women/ 60,000
solo parents solo parents KAS

2. Policy & A. Program Organizational Support of the No. of meetings 1 organized and 20,000
Program Plan Provincial Inter Agency Committee on VAWC conducted active council
Integration convening every

B. Program Organizational Support of the No. of Meetings 1 organized 20,000

Organization of the Provincial Gender and conducted PGDCouncil
Development (GAD) Council
C. Organization of the Municipal/Provincial No. of Organized 1 organized 20,000
Solo Parents Association of Pangasinan Association association
D. Organization of Men Oppossed Violence No. of Organized 1 organized 20,000
Everywhere (MOVE) Association association

3.Training A. Updates in accordance with RA 9344 in updated program 60 program 60,000

Development relation with the Bahay Pag-Asa Set Up implementers implementers
and Advocacy B. Capacity Training for Rural women leaders on No. of women 70 KALIPI 55,000
Livelihood ventures and cooperative dev't. leaders trained Leaders
C. Policy advocacy on gender Justice on Women No of advocated 60 program 60,000
women implementers
D. Policy Advocacy on Solo Parents for Solo No. of solo parents 100 solo parent 70,000
Parent employees in the province. advocated employees
Gender Issue/ Cause of the GAD Objective Relevant GAD Performance Performance GAD Budget Office of
GAD Mandate Gender Issue LGU PPA Activity Indicator Target 8 Primary
MOOE PS CO Responsi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bility 9
E. Capacity Training for women leaders on women No. of women 50 KALIPI 70,000
leaders on communication skills enhancement. leaders trained Leaders
F. Skills Enhancement Training on GAD Related No of training for 3 GAD/Women/ 70,000
Programs for GAD/ Women Focal Persons women focal persons Person

4. Program A. Women’s Month Celebration Sport No. of KALIPI 250 KALIPI/ 120,000
Management Competition participated MS/PSWDOs
Support B. Lakbay-Aral for KALIPI (Vigan and Laoag City) No. of KALIPI 60 KALIPI 16,000
(Exchange of Best Practices Programs/projects) participated
C. Facilitate/Assist/Evaluate livelihood No. of KALIPI 5 KALIPIgroups
assistance for KALIPI groups in coordination groups assisted w/ 25 members
with Provincial Livelihood Program Team DOLE,
D. Financial Assistance for Solo Parents and their No.of Solo Parent 50 Solo Parent 200,000
children on Medical and Educational needs. given w/ assistance
Poor access of persons with 1. Age/health To intensify the V. Persons w/ PSWDO
disabilities to social welfare reasons in access and Disabilities
protection programs consonance to provision of ways Program
proximity of and means for 1. Information A. Data banking/update masterlist of: No. Of Updated 1 Updated
service areas elderly to part- Management -C/PWDs, sex deseggragated data Data Bank Data Bank
icipate and enjoy System -STAC beneficiaries, (sex disseggregated data)
2. Cultural background worthwhile activities
designed for their 2. Policy & A. Advocacte/lobby for the Creation of the Office No. of Mun. w/ 22 Mun./Cities
continued and Program Plan of the Persons with Disability Affairs Office PDAO
larger involvement Integration (PDAO) for RA 10070
in societal B. Organization of PWD Local Cooperatives No.of Organized Coop. 1 Organized Coop.
endeavors C. Construction of PWD Building forLivelihood, No. of constructed 1 PWD building 10,000,000
Training and skills training PWD building

3. Training A. Leadership and Team-building for Federation of No.of PWDs/STAC 50 PWDs, 50 60,000
Development PWDs (FPWDP) and Federation of STAC-Parents parents attended STAC parents
and (FSPAP)
B. Facilitate livelihood assistance in No. of PWD org. 3 PWD org. 100,000
coordination with DOLE and MLGUs granted w/ assistance

C. Provide livelihood training to FPWDP and No. of PWD org. 1 Mun. PWD 60,000
FSPAP trained org.

D. Continue advocate for the full implementation nO. of advocated grps. 44 Mun. & 3 20,000
of RA 9442 especially the provision of PWD cities
privilege ID and purchase booklet

4. Program A. Provision of assistive devices (wheelchairs, No. of PWDs/CWDs 40 PWDs/CWDs 200,000

Management crutches and walkers) awarded with device
Gender Issue/ Cause of the GAD Objective Relevant GAD Performance Performance GAD Budget Office of
GAD Mandate Gender Issue LGU PPA Activity Indicator Target 8 Primary
MOOE PS CO Responsi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bility 9

B. Provide Financial Assistance to PWDs for No. of PWDs/CWDs 50 PWDs/CWDs 100,000

purposes of seeking employment and given assistance
educational assistance.

C. Conduct of the Annual Celebration of National No.of Mun./cities 44 Mun/3 cities

Disability and Rehabilitation Week (NDPRW) participated
c.1 Special Olympics/kakayahan 60,000
c.2 Cultural/Musical Presentation 40,000

Poor access of marginalized 1. Age/health To intensify the Senior Citizens PSWDO

senior citizens to social reasons in access and Welfare
protection programs consonance to provision of ways Program
proximity of and means for 1. Information 1. Data banking/update masterlist of: No. of Updated 1 Updated
service areas elderly to part- Management (sex disaggregated data) Data Bank Data Bank
icipate and enjoy System - No. of FSCAP/OSCA Members
2. Cultural background worthwhile activities - Senior Citizens centers
designed for their
continued and 2. Program A. Celebration of Senior Citizens Week No. of SC attended 44 Mun. & 100,000
larger involvement Management 3 cities
in societal Support
3. Training A. Capability building/workshop seminar for No. of SC attended 44 Mun. & 70,000
Development 44 OSCA Heads, 44 FSCAP Presidents and 3 cities
and Advocacy MSWDOs and 44 SB Chairmen on Social Services

Special Projects:
High vulnerability of women Cu ltural stigma, To reduce the 1. Crisis PSWDO
and children to abuse and weak foundation vulnerability of Intervention 1. Conduct Capability Building/ Self Enhancement No. of staff 25 staff 100,000
discrimination of good values, women and Center Training attended
environmental, children to abuse 2. Provision of financial assistance *No. of clients/margin- 60 clients 240,000
social and and discrimination. (minimum of P3,000, maximum of P5,000/ client ) alized sector assisted
mass media 3. Provision of food subsistence No. of clients 60 clients 120,000
influence (5 client (ave.client mo.).x P400x5 days x 12 mos.) assisted
4. Referral for: 10 clients
· Medical/ Psychological evaluation 15 clients
· Temporary shelter 10 clients
· Legal 15 clients
· Transportation
5. Social Case Management No of Clients assisted
a. Women
· Physically 5 clients
· Emotionally 5 clients
b. Children
· Rape as need arises
· Incest as need arises
· Acts of lascivious as need arises
· Physically Abuse as need arises
Gender Issue/ Cause of the GAD Objective Relevant GAD Performance Performance GAD Budget Office of
GAD Mandate Gender Issue LGU PPA Activity Indicator Target 8 Primary
MOOE PS CO Responsi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bility 9

c. Strandees/ Transients 4 clients

d. Others 5 clients

2. Child Care & Management and supervision of the Provincial PSWDO

Development Child Care and Development Center.
Center a. Developmental Activities: No.of children of 40 children 38,500
Family Week/Children's Month Prov'l. employees
Recognition Day
Other Related Activities
b. Training/Capability Building No. of staff 5 ccdc staff 38,500

3.Establishment Construction of the Bahay Pag-Asa for the No. of constructed 1 CICL building 10,000,000 PSWDO
of the Bahay Children in Conflict of the Law (CICL) CICL Building
Pag-Asa for the
Children in
Conflict of the
Law (CICL)

High incidence for unmet Grassroots does To eradicate the high 4. Indigency Monitoring of Philhealth Point No. of Indigents as need arises 100,000 PSWDO
concerns because of not consider incidence for unmet Program of Care enrollment to the enrolled in Point of
poverty health investment health concerns 14 Provincilly controlled Care Program
as a basic need hospitals

SUB-TOTAL 24,591,500


I. Poor sanitation Lack of limited To increase source Constructed/ Construction/Repair/Installation of Water sources No. of units 65 units 5,000,000
potable water of potable water Repaired a. Artesian/deep wells/water system
supply and sustain sanitation installed b. Motor Pump w/ pressure tank/ hand pump
and water supply Artesian Wells/ c. Pipelines
Water system d. Elevated Water Tank
Gender Issue/ Cause of the GAD Objective Relevant GAD Performance Performance GAD Budget Office of
GAD Mandate Gender Issue LGU PPA Activity Indicator Target 8 Primary
MOOE PS CO Responsi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bility 9

II. The right to resources for Unpaved/ To provide better a. Concreted/ Concreting/Asphalting/Blocktopping of Roads No. of Kms. 15 kms. 70,000,000
food security Damaged main and accessible leading Asphalting
access roads Blocktopping
affecting farm Roads
produce to be
least competitive b. Rehabilitated/ Rehabilitation/Repair of damaged paved roads No. of Kms. 45 kms.-rehab. 60,000,000
damaged paved

To provide better Rehabilitated/ Rehabilitation/Maintainance of Bridges/Culverts No. of L,M 1624 l.m 38,000,000
bridge accessible Maintained and slope protections
leading to market Bridges/Culverts
centres and slope



Clients Shortage of Fish To increase fish FISHERY 1. Breeding of tilapia, production and dispersal No. of hatcheries 3 hatcheries 1,500,000
(Fisherfolks) Low Fish Catch catched for the population particular PRODUCTION & of tilapia fingerlings. maintained 1,500,000
in communal bodies of water populace ly on tilapia in DEV'T. PROGRAM 2. Validation of proposed sites for fingerling No. of fingerlings fingerlings
communal waters Tilapia Finger- dispersal. distributed produce
like rivers, creeks, ling Production 3. Coordination with recipients and technical No. of communal and disperse
dam and water and Dispersal briefing. water seeded 60 communal
impoundments 4. Conduct of IEC waters
5. Repair of existing production facilities and
installation of new structures
6. Technical staff development/capacitation
Upland, Riverbank and coastal Insufficiency of To produce assorted 1. Plan Nursery 1. Mangrove and forest/fruit tree seedling No. of mangrove, 185,000 asst. 160,000.00
errosion seedlings for seedlings for Maintenance production. fruit and forest tree seedlings (CRM &
reforestation to reforestation to and Enhance- seedlings produced Reforestation
address erosion ment Program 2. Planting/distribution of assorted seedlings. No. of seedlings Fund)
problems 2. Reforestation planted
Program 3. Maintenance/repair of Provincial Nurseries No. of nurseries 7 Nurseries
3. Coastal maintained maintained
Reforestation 4. Information, Education and Communication No. of IEC conducted 40 lectures
Project conducted
councils and
mangrove info
5. Development, reproduction and distribution No. of brochures dist. 2,000 brochures
of environmental advocacies and food
production brochures.
Gender Issue/ Cause of the GAD Objective Relevant GAD Performance Performance GAD Budget Office of
GAD Mandate Gender Issue LGU PPA Activity Indicator Target 8 Primary
MOOE PS CO Responsi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bility 9

6. Strengthening of organizations No. of organizations 5 organizations

strengthened strengthened
7. Project Monitoring No. of clients 25 clients/LGUs
8. Provision of Technical Assistance (TA) provided with TA provided w/ TA

Limited technical knowledge Poor linkages 1. To showcase 1. Technology 1. On Farm and Off Farm techno demo: No. of project/ 10 techno-demo
and access of farmers to between matured technologies Demonstration a) corn, vegs., fish, mushroom, exotic fruit and technology 15 skills trngs.
matured technologies. government thru technology Project organic farming. demonstrated 6 agricultural
institutions and demostration 2. Technical b) Production of off season high value crops No. of trainings field stations
clients projects in various skills Dev't. c) Vermicomposting conducted improved
(Farmers/Fisher- agricultural stations. Program 2. Skills training on Tilapia, IPM on mango, No. of field stations 2,625,000
folks) 2. To enhance the 3. Capability Mushroom, Fish Processing, cassava. improved
capabilities of building and 3. Provision of Technical Assistance
farmers/fisherfolks Livelihood Dev't. 4. Strengthening of inactive and unregistered
in agriculture and 4. Institutional SWISA
aquaculture Development 5. Station Development
3. To enhance
capabilities of



Client Focused
Sustaining an effective and Inconsistency of program To render adequate Population a. Advocacy for local funding resource for At least 90% of target 46 LGUs 50,000.00
responsive local population support and/or develop- technical assistance to Development sustenance of population management LGUs have active
management program by LGU's ment priorities of local LGUs and partner Integration program at the city/municipal level population workers
officials and partners agencies through with sufficient funds
effective implementation for population
of local population management program/
management program 44 municipalities
and 3 cities

b. Provision of technical assistance and 5 LGUs 150,000.00

capacity building to program partners

c. Capability- building institutional 2 LGU 100,000.00

development for LGU partner
Gender Issue/ Cause of the GAD Objective Relevant GAD Performance Performance GAD Budget Office of
GAD Mandate Gender Issue LGU PPA Activity Indicator Target 8 Primary
MOOE PS CO Responsi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bility 9

High unmet need for family Lack of institutional To enhance Responsible 1. Provision of 100% of target LGUs 10 LGUs 280,000.00
planning by couples and indivi- mechanisms and support capacities of Perenthood technical assistance provided with required
duals in barangays in accessing program partners and Family in the conduct of technical assistance
quality family planning to implement and Planning Family Development
information and services sustain IEC program Seminars and other
and activities in the IEC activities in the
barangays LGUs

2. Strengthen Pre- 46 LGUs 120,000.00

marriage Counseling
program implemen-
tation of LGUs

3. Provision of Tech- 46 LGUs 300,000.00

nical assistance in
the maintenance,
data generation,
consolidation and
utilization through
the Community
Based Family Planning
Management Infor-
mation System
(CBFPMIS) at the LGU
Access by organized groups, Lack of Livelihood in To sustain profitable Livelihood 1. Community Organizing
associations, coops and MSMEs Skills Development income generating Assistance
to livelihood skills development opportunities for projects of program to organized
and credit assistance marginalized groups and partners groups, a. Identification, vali- 100% of target clients 34 new groups, 100,000.00
small entrepreneurs micro, small dation and profiling provided with tech- 8 MSMEs
and medium of potential clients/ nical assistance
enterprises beneficiaries for
(MSMEs) livelihood asssistance

2. Organizational/ At least 80% of 26 regular groups 481,600.00

Institutional develop- beneficiaries have 16 new groups
ment improved their entre-
preneural and manage-
ment skills
Gender Issue/ Cause of the GAD Objective Relevant GAD Performance Performance GAD Budget Office of
GAD Mandate Gender Issue LGU PPA Activity Indicator Target 8 Primary
MOOE PS CO Responsi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bility 9

3. Credit Assistance At least 100% of Eligible30 regular groups 2,200,000.00

and LoAN Collection groups and small 20 new groups,
entrepreneurs have been4 MSMEs
extended livelihood

Total 3,781,600.00


Existence of underweight Inadequate To reduce prevalence 1. Delivery of 1.1 Provision of Technical Assistance on No. of C/MLGUs 44 Mun./ 20,000.00
(malnourished) children food of malnutrition nutrition assessment of nutritional status thru Operation provided with 3 cities
0-5 years intake, (underweight) among Services Timbang among 0-71 months old children Technical
Frequent children (0-5 y/o) Assistance
illnesses/lack from 3.93% in 2013
of knowledge to 2.93% by the end 1.2 Conduct of provincial Complementary No. of Feeding 3 MLGUs 250,000.00
on proper of 2015 Feeding program among underweight children programs
nutrition conducted

1.3 Augmentation of micronutrient (Iron syrup) No. of Rural Health 20 RHUs 200,000.00
supplements Units (RHUs)
provided iron

1.4 Reproduction and distribution of ECCD No. of RHUs 68 RHUs 40,000.00

(Early Childhood Care and Development) Card provided ECCD

2. Advocacy & 2.1 Monitoring and evaluation of Local No. of MLGUs 5 MLGUs 15,000.00
information Nutrition program evaluated
program 2.2 Annual Barangay Nutrition Scholar (BNS) No. of BNS Assem- 1 assembly & 60,000.00
Assembly and BNS evaluation bly conducted and 10 BNS
10 BNS evaluated

2.3 Celebration of Nutrition Month (July) No. of LGUs 44 LGUs 15,000.00


2.4 Nutrition Updates/Consultative Meetings No. of Meetings 1 meeting 40,000.00

with Service Providers

2.5 Promotion on Salt Iodization program (RA No. of RHUs RA 68 RHUs 20,000.00
8172 or Asin Law) and Food Fortification 8976 and RA
Program (RA 8976) 8172 promoted
Gender Issue/ Cause of the GAD Objective Relevant GAD Performance Performance GAD Budget Office of
GAD Mandate Gender Issue LGU PPA Activity Indicator Target 8 Primary
MOOE PS CO Responsi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bility 9
2.6 Promotion on Proper Nutrition (PGN) on No. of RHUs IYCF 68 RHUs 20,000.00
Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) promted

3. Nutrition 3.1 Barangay Nutrition Scholars Training No. of BNS 2 BNS 25,000.00
Training/s Trainings conducted
Management 3.2 Quarterly Meetings of Municipal Nutrition No. of MNAOs 4 MNAOs 50,000.00
Action Officers (MNAOs) meetings

3.3 Semi-annual Provincial Nutrition Committee No. of PNC 2 PNC 20,000.00

(PNC Meeting) meetings conducted

3.4 Provision of Awards/ Incentives for No. of BNS 10 BNS 25,000.00

Barangay Nutrition Scholars provided incentives

Low TB Case Detection Rate Passive casefinding of To increase Case 1. Conductive 1.1 Conduct active case finding through TB No. and % of TB Municipalities 22,400.00
(CDR) (All Forms) presumptive TB; poor Detection Rate (All casefinding Itenerant activity itinerant activity with Low CDR
health seeking behavior; Forms) from 79% to conducted
social stigma EO 2013 to 87% by the
EO 2015 1.2 Conduct of Integrated Itinerant Activity: No. and % of TB activity
Mopping up of Presumptive TB and Leprosy conducted
Cases during Health Events

1.2.a. World TB Day (March) 1 100,000.00

1.2.b Lung Month (August) 1 100,000.00

2. Meetings 2.1 Conduct of TB Diagnostic Committee No. and % of TBDC 48 meetings 324,800.00
Meetings Meetings conducted

a. Cebtral Pangasinan 2 meetings per

month x 12 mos.
= 24 months

b. Western Pangasinan1 meeting per

month x 12 mos.
= 12 months

c. Eastern Pangasinan 1 meeting per

month x 12 mos.
= 12 months

2.2 Conduct of Consultative Meetings with No. and % of Meetings

a. District TB Coordinators and District conducted 2 27,000.00
TB Validators
Gender Issue/ Cause of the GAD Objective Relevant GAD Performance Performance GAD Budget Office of
GAD Mandate Gender Issue LGU PPA Activity Indicator Target 8 Primary
MOOE PS CO Responsi
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b. Engaged providing hospitals 2 45,000.00

c. Provincial Coordinating Committee 2 18,000.00

3. Advocacy/ 3.1 Reproduction and distribution of IEC 30,000.00

Information Materials

4. Procurement 4.1 Procurement of Medical Viewer for TBDC No. of medical viewer 1 112,700.00
of Equipment procured

4.2 Request for Laptop as replacement of the No. of Laptop procured 1 49,900.00
existing TB laptop

5. Augmentation Laboratory reagents and other supplies No. of TB logistics 130,200.00

of TB logistics procured

Low TB Cure Rate Lack of sputum follow-up To increase Augmentation of Anti-TB Drugs 1. Anti-TB Drugs
of registered TB cases cure rate from Anti-TB Drugs 180,000.00
as scheduled 88% to EO 2013 Cat 2 drugs 60,000.00
to 90% by the
EO 2015
1,037,400.00 162,600.00
TOTAL 1,837,400.00 162,600.00
Client Focus
Lack of access to Poverty/limited To increase Increase n. of Provision of College Scholarship Grants to No. of college 100 scholar 23,000,000.00
education resources access to Scholars Poor but deserving Pangasinan students scholarship grants qualifiers
education; to
help deserving

Low Community involvement Lack of awareness on To increase active Conducted Pupils/ Students participated actively in No. of students 1,500,000.00
community involvement participation of pupils/ scouting scouting activities, blood letting and basic life participated
students activities and support training
Red Cross

Limited access to Sports Limited resources To maximize sports Conducted Conduct of Sports Program/Activities No. of programs/ 3,000,000.00
Activities programs/activities Palaro ng activities conducted
Bayan and
other Sports
Gender Issue/ Cause of the GAD Objective Relevant GAD Performance Performance GAD Budget Office of
GAD Mandate Gender Issue LGU PPA Activity Indicator Target 8 Primary
MOOE PS CO Responsi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bility 9

Lack of youth and sports Limited sports develop- To increase youth and Conducted Provision of assistance to youth and sports No. of youths and sports 3,000,000.00
development program ment programs sports development youth and development programs development programs
programs sports dev't assisted

Limited access of marginalized Proximity of location/ To increase access of Conduct other Implementation of social welfare programs and No. of clients/ 2,500,000.00
and indigent sector to social distance marginalized and Gender related services marginalized sectors
protection programs and indigent sector activities served
TOTAL 33,000,000.00

GRAND TOTAL 240,495,500.00 162,600.00

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Date:

PEO III/ Head - Technical Division Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officer GOVERNOR
GFPS - TWG - Chair GFPS, Vice Chair Province of Pangasinan
GFPS, Chairperson

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