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Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________

Grade/Section: ______________ Teacher:________________

Most Essential Learning Competency
1. Identify the basic sequence of events and make relevant predictions about
stories. (RC 16)
2. Discuss the illustrations on the cover and predict what the story may be
about. (BPK 12)
This worksheet measures the understanding of the learners in the previous
lessons for Week 5 and 8 “Predicting Outcomes”. Answer all the questions. Don’t leave
it blank. Use pencil to answer the following.
A. Directions: Predict the possible outcomes to each story. Choose your answer
from the box below and write your answer on the line provided.

1. Mother went to the market. She bought vegetables like petchay, taro, radish, and
tamarind. Aside from that she also bought a kilo of pork meat.
Mother ___________________________________________________

2. After class, Diana went home hurriedly. She changed her clothes and run to her
playmates outside. She played for a long time. She forgot to do her assignment
on Math subject before she slept.

3. Ryan had a fever. He went to the hospital for a check - up. His doctor prescribed
him to take medicine but he didn’t follow doctor’s instruction. He did not drink his

4. Jane is an industrious girl. She loves to help her mother in doing household
chores. Every morning she doesn’t forget to clean their house.
Jane’s mother_______________________________________________

5. Lena and Vic are siblings. They always eat nutritious foods such as milk, fruits,
and vegetables. They avoided eating junk foods.

Lena and Vic _____________________________________________________.

Parent’s Signature Over Printed Name

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