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The 5 Gs of Lean
5Gs are simple acts that embody 5 basic steps to be accomplished one after
the other, in order to effectively solve a problem. It is a Japanese method of
solving problems whose purpose is essentially based on the arbitration of the
conflict between:

 theory (concepts) and practice (reality);

 what we want to do and what can actually be done;

It answers one of the following questions:

 Do the processes in the workshop meet the standards?

 Do users really adopt good habits?
 Will the reform we want to put in place provide the expected result?

The 5G method helps to examine every detail, in order to obtain an objective

opinion of a situation, putting aside any arbitrary assumptions. Unlike the 5M
Lean Newsletter 2021
method, it is not only a question of finding the possible causes of a problem,
but it extends well beyond that. Its purpose is to restore the most appropriate
and effective practices.

The goal of the 5G method is to ensure the respect and application of

standards, to establish or restore the right attitudes to improve productivity.
Unlike other problem-solving methods that can be done entirely in the
classroom by a workgroup, the 5G method requires moving to the scene and
actually analyzing what is happening in the field.

5G originates from the first letter of 5 Japanese words (Gemba, Gembutsu,

Genjitsu, Genri, Gensoku) which each correspond to one of the steps described

Gemba – 1G
The first “G” is called the Gemba. Genba (現場, also romanized as gemba) is a
Japanese term meaning "the actual place". Japanese detectives call the crime
scene genba, and Japanese TV reporters may refer to themselves as reporting
from genba. In business, genba refers to the place where value is created; in
manufacturing the genba is the factory floor. It can be any "site" such as a
construction site, sales floor or where the service provider interacts directly
with the customer.

Lean Newsletter 2021

In lean manufacturing, the idea of genba is that the problems are visible, and
the best improvement ideas will come from going to the genba. The genba
walk, much like Management By Walking Around (MBWA), is an activity that
takes management to the front lines to look for waste and opportunities to
practice genba kaizen, or practical shop floor improvement.

Above all, go to the field, instead of work, to the real place:

 where the action is happening;

 where the coin is made;

 where the reform will be implemented;
 where the people are;  
 to realize

Gembutsu – 2G
The second “G” is known as Genbutsu. Gembutsu is a Japanese word meaning
‘real thing’. It is one of the components of the ‘Three Reals’ meaning go to the
real place (gemba) to see the real thing (gembutsu) and collect the real facts

This term simply means that there is no substitute for seeing something with
one’s own eyes. Far too often, people hear about a process or problem, and
take what they hear as fact. Watching an actual item being made or form being
processed gives an increased level of insight that helps with problem solving as
well as making improvements.

While at the Gemba, the team should examine the equipment parts and
materials that were associated with the problem or the failed equipment. At
times, there could be instances, where the problematic parts would have been
Lean Newsletter 2021
removed (as to keep the line running) even before the team arrives on the
Gemba. However, the team should insist on all the parts pertaining to the
place for a detailed study which could explain how the failure had happened.

Observe, examine what is really happening on the ground:

 how the processes are done;

 the different stages of the work;
 defective products and the nature of the defects;
 poorly processed documents
 attitudes and practices of people

Genjitsu – 3G
The third “G” is Genjitsu. Genjitsu is a Japanese word meaning ‘real data’.
Genjitsu simply means the status & situation of the Gemba (Genba) and the
gap between where things are & where they ideally should be. It means to find
out What is happening in the area of kaizen, a workcell, etc.

Genjitsu refers to Data and Facts around the area of concern. In this step, the
team must gather all the data available about the 4Ms precisely say, process,
equipment and materials before and after the condition of the problem. These
data will assist the team in linking the facts behind the evidence that the team
sees and what had happened. While collecting the data, ensure the team
includes the variable control data from the line, collect the real-facts after
having informal chat with the Gemba-owners at the time of the failure or
problem occurred.

It provides statistics on products / documents / persons / procedures;

 make a quantified analysis of the situation;

 to determine the real causes of each observable event in the field;
 evaluate the achievements and the real needs

Genri – 4G
The fourth “G” represents Genri. Genri refers to Principles. Prior to attending
to resolve an abnormality or a problem, one should be aware of the principle
Lean Newsletter 2021
of operation. This would help the problem-solvers to do the root cause analysis
in the right perspective. This is because, knowing the operational principle
would help the team discriminate the current condition from the ideal
condition. The gaps will be clearly seen without which, at times, the problem-
solvers will be groping in dark and could be misled too.

It refers to the general literature to understand the theory:

 see what the procedures provide;

 study the essentials of the available documentation
 check the applicability of the standards

Gensoku – 5G
The fifth “G” is Gensoku. Gensoku refers to Standards and parameters. There
could be a possibility that the equipment failed because of deviations from the
standards – more importantly the method-standard. The Gemba-owner might
be unaware of the Standard Operating Procedures. The One Point Lessons
were not made or not providing clarity. The standard parameter chart was
missing and the operator had set wrong parameters. In short, the actions or
wrong-actions of the operator might lead to the problem. Verifying the
Standards, SoPs, OPLs, JI (Job Instructions), EIS (Element Instruction sheets),
enables the team identify the origin of the problem. Once the problem is
resolved, the team should also ensure that the standards are revised
accordingly as to prevent the recurrence.

Apply work standards and restore good practices:

 Taking inspiration from real needs, plan corrective actions;

 Inform and, if necessary, train on the application of the procedures;
 Support reforms with local advice and assistance;

Utilizing the “5G Principles” will enable the leader to conduct the root cause
analysis (RCA) in the right perspective. As a result, the process will be more
stable and working on the line will be less problematic.

In next letter we will discuss about various Lean Manufacturing Tools

Lean Newsletter 2021

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.


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