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You can see many things around you. Some are natural things while the
others are man-made.
Anjali, just think of the
things we see around
us. Trees, birds, sun are
natural things. Cars,
pencils, watches are
man-made things.

Aryan, you are

right. Do you
Anjali? Let me
check if you
can answer
the following

Look at the following pictures carefully. Circle the natural things with
blue and man-made things with red. One has been done for you.

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Machines are man-made things. They make our work easy. They also
help us do our work fast and save our time.

➤ A fan is a machine that helps us stay cool in


➤ An aeroplane is machine that flies

in the air. It helps us travel long
distances in a short time.

➤ A calculator is a machine that can do sums for us.

Given below are a few pictures. Tick (✓) the ones that are machines.

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Some machines work on electricity or battery.
➤ The television set and the
refrigerator run on electricity.

➤ Mobile phone and remote

control work on battery. People
listen to music using iPod, which
again runs on battery.

Use a pencil to join the dots. Write the names of the objects in the space
provided. Then fill the pictures with colours.

MIXER Grinder sewing machine

Both the sewing machine and the mixer grinder are machines. A mixer
grinder runs on electricity while a sewing machine does not.

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A computer is also a machine. It
runs on electricity.

This is how a computer looks like.

Now read aloud and learn:

➤ A computer works very fast.
➤ A computer makes our work easy.
➤ A computer never gets tired.
➤ A computer can store and remember lots of
➤ A computer can solve sums very fast.

Recap Time
á Things are of two types—natural and man-made.
á Machines are made by man. They make our work easy.
á Machines help us do our work fast and also save time.
á A computer is also a machine. It runs on electricity.
á A computer never gets tired.
á A computer makes our work easy.
á A computer can store and remember lots of information.
á A computer can solve sums very fast.

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Assessment Time
1 Look at the pictures given here. Write N for natural things and M for
man-made things. Then paste the correct stickers in the given outlines.
(Stickers have been provided at the end of the book).

2 Tick (✓) the correct statement and cross (X) out the wrong one.

(a) A computer gets tired easily.

(b) A pencil is a man-made thing.

(c) All machines run on electricity.

(d) A computer works very fast.

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3 Write names of each of the following. One has been done for you.


(b) A————I—————W

(c) T————I————

(d) A——————N—


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4 Tick (✓) the machines that run on electricity or battery. Cross (X) out the
other machines.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

5 Fill in the blanks using the words given below.

Fast Information Refrigerator Machine Travel

(a) A computer is a man-made .

(b) An aeroplane helps us long distances.
(c) A computer can store lots of .
(d) A runs on electricity.
(e) A computer works very .

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6 Look at the following pictures carefully. Fill in the blanks by choosing
the correct word from the following words. Write the name of each object
in the space provided next to it.



1. —L—U— 2. —R—N—E 3. —O—K—Y 4. —A—R—T

5. —M—R—L—A 6. —R—E 7. —L—P—A—T 8. —O—E

Take the first letter of every object. Write that letter above the number next
to it in the space provided. One has been done for you.

— — — — U — — —
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Activity Time
1 Visit the computer lab. On a sheet of paper list down all the differences between a
computer and a television.

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2 Visit the computer lab. Observe and do the following:
• Count the number of computers in your computer lab. __________
• Do you find your computer lab cooler than your classroom? Yes/No
• Draw and colour a computer on a sheet of paper.
3 Collect some old newspapers and magazines. Cut pictures of a computer and any
other two machines. Paste them under the following heads.


á Take students around the school and show them different for the
machines that do not run on electricity. N o t e s
á Discuss with students how man is continuously making
improvements to the already existing machines.For example, earlier
television sets were big and heavy. Now you have the flat and light LCD
television sets. You can also talk about cars and vacuum cleaners.

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