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2017 IEEE 8th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2017), 4 - 5 August 2017, Shah Alam,


Skin Disease Recognition Using Texture Analysis

Md. Nazrul Islam1 (Senior Member IEEE), Jaime Gallardo-Alvarado2, Masyitah Abu1, Nurfazlyna Aneem Salman1,
Sahanah a/p Pandu Rengan1 and Sakina Said1
Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya, TecNM, 38010 Celaya, GTO, México
E-mail: (Or)

Abstract — This research describes skin disease and other mitigating features caused the skin difficult to be
recognition by using neural network which based on the analyze. Its structure consists of Melanin and hemoglobin
texture analysis. There are many skin diseases which have pigments in the structure. Thus, slight variation of pigment
a lot of similarities in their symptoms, such as Measles structure will cause the colour of the skin change. Human skin
(rubeola), German measles (rubella), and Chickenpox etc. have some different kinds of textures which diseased skin can
In general, these diseases have similarities in pattern of be differentiate between the textures of the healthy skin. It is
infection and symptoms such as redness and rash. very important to take a really good care of the skin care. This
Diagnosis and recognition of skin disease take a very long is because, if the skin diseases are not treated earlier, it might
leads to the spreading of the infection from one part of the
term process because it requires patient’s history, physical
body to the other parts of the body. Not only that, it might also
examination and proper laboratory diagnostic tests. Not
leads to the spreading of the infection to the people
only that, it also requires large number of features clinical surrounding. A lot of observations can be made regarding the
as well as histopathological for analysis and to provide nature of the skin just by analyzing the skin texture and the
further treatment. The disease diagnosis and recognition colour of the skin. In order to design the system for the
becomes difficult as the complexity and number of features recognition of the skin disease, there are a few steps that must
of the disease increases. Hence, a computer aided diagnosis be taken which are including image processing, segmentation
and recognition system is introduced. Computer algorithm of the image, image feature extraction and data classification
which contains few steps that involves image processing, using neural network. The most difficult part in designing the
image feature extraction and classification of data have skin disease recognition system is to identify the disease itself.
been implemented with the help of classifier such as This difficulty is due to the huge similarities between different
artificial neural network (ANN). The ANN can learn classes.
patterns of symptoms of particular diseases and provides
In addition, the common symptoms shared by these skin
faster diagnosis and recognition than a human physician.
disease leads to the confusion in detecting and recognizing the
Thus, the patients can do the treatment for the skin disease
exact type of skin disease faced by the patients. There are many
faced immediately based on the symptoms detected.
papers that describe the applications of artificial neural network
Keywords—skin disease; classification by NN; segmentation; in medical decision making. A lot of research also has been
GLCM features; made and there are plenty methodologies have been propose in
order to analyze and recognize textures of the skin disease. A
I. INTRODUCTION scheme for automated detection of three classes of skin
diseases by analyzing textures and obtained from a collection
Biggest organ of human is a skin, which mass of it is of medical images based on Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix
approximately around 4 kg to 5 kg. The skin have the surface (GLCM). In order to give more efficient recognition accuracy
area of about 1.2 m2 – 2.2 m2. It has many functions and of the skin disease an approach relied on both skin color and
especially it is one of the most essential organ for human being. texture features (features derived from the GLCM). Texture
Among the uses and functions of the skin are protecting the
analysis is one of the most important aspects of human vision
body, adjusting the temperature of the body and used for the
sense of touch as well. The skin itself can be separated into which can classify between surfaces and objects. In the
three different layers which are epidermis, dermis and computer vision techniques provided surface texture to
subcutaneous. The two layers that make up the human skin is distinguish and recognize objects based on visual patterns of
known as epidermis. Meanwhile, dermis is the thick layer of objects. A GLCM is a popular statistical method for texture
living tissues below the epidermis that forms the true skin and analysis and it indicates the probability of object’s patterns.
contains a lot of important structures such as blood capillaries,
nerve endings, sweat glands, hair follicles and other structures
[1]. A. Classifying Method
The appearance of human skin is hard to be model and Human skin is a standout amongst the most troublesome
analyze due to its complex surface with fine scale geometry. surface to analyze because of its unpredictability of uneven
The complexity of the uneven edge, tone, presence of the hair edge, tone, presence of hair and other mitigating feature. Skin

978-1-5386-0380-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 144

2017 IEEE 8th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2017), 4 - 5 August 2017, Shah Alam, Malaysia

is the surface of the body having some texture; unhealthy skin accumulation of medicinal pictures, using feature based on
has variety in the texture from healthy skin malignant Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and using neural
melanoma at present records for a third most frequency type network as classifiers [6]. Another method in which the spatial
of skin disease and 79% of skin cancer death. The rate of distribution of pigment in foliage which lead to color variety
harmful melanoma in fair-skinned patients has increased are isolated by independent component analysis (ICA) from a
histrionically in most parts of the world in the course of recent single leaf color picture. Texture analysis and estimations in
decades. light of a measurable way to deal with the example
acknowledgment are proposed and contrasts in color and
In Europe, it's been reported that harmful melanoma coarseness of skin are quantitatively. This approach depended
frequency is increase by 5% consistently and it is responsible on both skin color and texture feature (highlights gotten from
for 91% of skin tumor death. In an offered to enhancing early the GLCM) to give a more efficient recognition accuracy of
identification, various symptomatic agendas and principles skin maladies. Feed forward neural network were used to
have been proposed, for example, Seven Point Checklist and classify input pictures to be psoriasis infected or non-psoriasis
ABCDE: Asymmetry, Border, Color, Diameter, Evolution infected. A fast fixed-point type algorithm that is capable for
agenda. These standards and agendas indicate visual elements isolating complex valued, linearly mixed source signals is
related with dangerous injury manifestations [3]. This paper, exhibited and it is guaranteed to be robust against outlier and
built up a diagnosis scheme for dermoscopic pictures, getting computationally simple. There are a way to deal with feature
to the Asymmetry (A), Border (B), Color (C), and Diameter extraction which contain picture textural qualities, for
(D) of various picture structures. This ABCD run turned into example, homogeneity, grey tone linear conditions, contrast,
the standard in dermoscopy for arranging PSL into generous, number and nature of boundaries present and the complexity
suspicious or harmful moles (melanoma). Be that as it may, of the picture. The Run Length feature to classify the focal
dermoscopic diagnosis is regularly complex and subjective, in lesion in ultrasound live pictures. The general classify
this manner related with poor reproducibility and low accuracy using neural networks was observed to be 83%.
precision particularly among naiveté dermatologist, as the Eduardo et al review the non-linear Independent Component
exactness of specialists is 65-84%. Likewise, visual Analysis and its applications to visually impaired source
understandings of these components by dermatologist have so separation.
far proven to be difficult task.
Y. P. Gowramma et al. [4] suggested to investigate and
Priyanka et al [2] developed a system which utilizes for the recognize textures in a computerized form and a
classification of Malignant Melanoma from other different computational approach for analysing visible texture by
skin disease are Digital Image Processing Techniques and localizing spatial changes in the frequency, orientation, or
Artificial Neural Networks. Dermoscopic pictures were phase of the texture using 2-D. Data extract from the Curve
gathered and different Image processing methods were lets responds are used to recognize phase discontinuities inside
applied. With the help of segmentation the cancerous region is a texture. A statistical and structural technique to model
isolated from healthy skin. 2-D Wavelet Transform is utilized texture construct designs based on the symmetric Gray Level
for feature extraction from segmented pictures. In light of the Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). Coarseness is the measure of
feature, the pictures were named Cancerous and Non- granularity of a photo, or typical size of area that have a
cancerous. In diagnosis of skin disease using image processing comparative force, complexity is the measure of clarity of the
the important task is to identify the skin based on the surfaces influenced by the utilization of confirming highly
histogram and mixture Gaussian models in skin detection and contrasting powers, directionality is the measure of headings
it is proved histogram models are predominant as far as of the dark esteems inside the photo. The standard focal point
accuracy and computational cost [4]. Alongside colour, texture on surface based arrangement has been decided the interior
feature are likewise assume imperative part in grouping of pixel structure of picture district since overall these methods
skin disease. Authors [5] proposed system to detect disease neglect to recognize convoluted edges and minimal restricted
states of human skin by examining skin surface pictures using component. A framework proposed by author which melanin
a set of normalized symmetrical Grey Level Co-occurrence and hemoglobin shade substance is extricated from a solitary
Matrices. There was system developed for psoirasis detection skin shading picture by free part investigation [6]. There are
using colour and texture feature. To classify different disease numerous systems that were planned to examine ailments as
from erythemato-squamouss class a system will be design by by and large however a couple for skin sicknesses
using artificial neural network and in which melanin and determination; MYCIN is a decent framework for diagnosing
hemoglobin pigment content are extract from a single skin bacterial maladies. These Expert Systems are specific
color picture by independent component analysis (ICA). In impressive specialist in one specific infections, yet the ebb and
this system, the scattering in the skin is demonstrated in a flow proposed master framework is invested huge energy in
simple linear form in the optical area in which reverse optical the examination of nine skin maladies [7].
scattering is performed by simple inverse matrix operation.
There was a plan for automatic recognition of three classes of
skin disease by analyses texture acquired from an

2017 IEEE 8th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2017), 4 - 5 August 2017, Shah Alam, Malaysia

B. Type of Skin Disease specific rash. That is the time when the signs are difficult to
There are a couple kind of sickness that can be described as perceive from the reactions of measles [9].
skin infection at first is Measles (rubeola). This is a malady that A multi-instance learning framework is described to solve the
made by diseases transmitted by aerosolized respiratory dabs problem of skin biopsy image features recognition and a skin
and by direct contact. The contamination period of measles surface images were mostly based on color features extraction.
begins with forth time span in 10 – 14 days. In the midst of this They are unable to be apply directly for skin biopsy image
period, the signs have not been seen. Towards the complete of features recognition because biopsy have inner structures with
the incubating time period, patients make prodromal signs of different textures. Therefore, texture feature extraction
high fever, hack, coryza (runny nose) and conjunctivitis. methods are used to express each region as a vectorial
Patients who have not been inoculated, light blue white spot expression [10].
inside mouth zone can be found. This spot frequently called as The hand tremor is one of the most common motion disorders
Koplik's spot. The normal rash at first appears after another 3 - of human caused by various neurological diseases. The
4 days, as often as possible joined by higher fever. The rashes diagnostic procedures for tremor determination and
are at first found on the face and behind the ears and examinations are not available that can accurately
subsequently spread all through the body. The spread of rashes indicate whether tremors are present in a patient’s. In
is joined by fever down and vanishing of prodromal signs. The this regards, Authors developed a computational method
spread rashes generally turn dim hued and after that vanish. based on machine learning which can automatically
Perplexities of measles may join detachment of the guts, ear detect hand tremors from a video of a patient and the
ailments, bronchitis, pneumonia, and encephalitis [8].
main challenge in tremor detection is that motion is very
Second skin malady is German measles (rubella) is subtle, and the signature of the motion can vary from
achieved by a disease not the same as measles contamination patient to patient [11, 12].
and has signs which are not as extraordinary as measles. In
children, German measles impacts the skin and lymph center
points. The signs appear for 2 – 3 days after the second week
since the symptoms of the viral sick. The indications sooner or The proposed methodology involves two sections: Image
later feel lighter than the measles. The ailment regularly Processing and Classification. Figure 1 represents the overview
begins with a delicate fever, distress and smooth of the system in block diagram. The method involves the
conjunctivitis. Indications, for instance, headache, runny nose following steps: Image acquisition, Pre-Processing,
and loss of appetite may in like manner be found. Those Segmentation, Feature Extraction, Classification using neural
symptoms appear before the nearness of rashes that spread network and finally decision phase to evaluate either the skin is
from the face all through the body. The rash trademark affected with disease or not.
resembles the rash of measles. This sickness is depicted by
joint misery and lymph center points that make the neck and Input Image Pre-Processing Segmentation
ear swollen since the ailment began.

The third ailment is Chickenpox, which is an extraordinary Classification

Decision Feature Extraction
overwhelming disease brought on by varicella zoster by NN
contamination (VZV). The nearness of the rashes of this
illness can be joined by flu like symptoms. The non-specific
signs for this ailment are smooth fever, headache, uneasiness, Diseased Skin Healthy Skin
sore throat, free entrails and loss of craving. These symptoms
appear inside a concise traverse. The persisted fever may be Fig. 1: Block Diagram of Skin Disease Classification System
higher when bother happens. The rash of this disease is more
prominent than whatever different sickness. The rash begins as A. Input Image
various minimal red thumps that look like pimples or
frightening little creature snack, regularly not as much as a Input image is obtained through the process of image
fourth of an inch wide. They appear in items more than 2 to 4 acquisition. The process involves either capturing an image
from a camera or retrieving images directly from image
days and frame into thin-walled annoys stacked with fluid.
database. Image acquisition in image processing is the
The annoy dividers break, leaving open injuries, which finally
beginning step in the workflow sequence thus, without an
outside over to twist up perceptibly dry, darker scabs. The red image, no further process is possible.
thumps, annoy and outside layer can appear in the meantime
and keeps on appearing in two or three days. The rashes B. Pre-processing
spread from the face to the entire body and can be centered
around the neck. Specific rash of this affliction appears to be The pre-processing is a modification of the image data that
simply if the patient has not been vaccinated. Ensuing to being eliminates unwanted distortions or enhances image features to
ease further processing. First, the image is resized to a uniform
inoculated, the contamination can come back with a non-
scale of 360x360 so that it supports feature classification with

2017 IEEE 8th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2017), 4 - 5 August 2017, Shah Alam, Malaysia

accuracy. The images are then converted from RGB (Red, initialized at the beginning of training. The whole process of
Green, and Blue) to grayscale. To improve the image quality training will continues until error is zero.
for better performance during segmentation, contrast
enhancement is being applied. Sometimes, hairs and pigments III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
which existed in some of the images to be used would confuse
the analysis. Therefore, all of the unwanted elements or noise Images from the database of Dermnet Skin disease atlas were
would be eliminated by median filtering. retrieved and used as input images. Three common skin
diseases: Eczema, Impetigo and Psoriasis were considered for
C. Segmentation the skin disease classification system. Fig. 2 shows the
sample images used as input images.
Segmentation of image is the process of subdividing a
digital image into its constituent parts or multiple segments
(sets of different pixels). This process is important in order to
simplify an image into something that is more meaningful and
easier to analyze. In terms of skin disease classification, the
affected region in the image is being segmented. In another Eczema
word, image segmentation is the process of assigning a label to
every pixel in an image such that each pixel with the same
label share certain visual characteristics, this process used
Maximum Entropy Thresholding method for segmentation.

D. Feature Extraction Impetigo

To differentiate between each input patterns, feature
extraction is used. It is a very crucial step that greatly
influences the performance of the classifier. The features
selection is based on texture analysis using Grey Level Co-
occurrence Matrix (GLCM). GLCM is a powerful tool for
image feature extraction that maps the grey level co-occurrence
probabilities based on spatial relations of pixels in different Psoriasis
angular directions. The features extracted from GLCM consist
of Energy, Correlation, Homogeneity and Contrast:
(i) Energy: Ranges from 0 and 1. It returns the sum of
squared elements in the GLCM. For a constant image,
energy is 1.
Fig. 2: Sample of Skin Disease Images
(ii) Correlation: 1 or -1 for a perfectly positively or The converted gray scale, contrast enhanced and median
negatively correlated image. filtered sample images are presented in Fig. 3. Then,
(iii) Contrast: Returns a measure of the intensity contrast suspicious regions of the pre-processed skin images are
between a pixel and its neighbor over the whole image. segmented using Maximum Entropy Thresholding to separate
the diseased skin from healthy skin. Fig. 4 represents the
(iv) Homogeneity: The values range from 0 to 1. Returns a sample of diseased and healthy skin segmented images
value that measures the closeness of the distribution of respectively.
elements in the GLCM to the GLCM diagonal.
Homogeneity is 1 for a diagonal GLCM.
Input Grayscale Contrast Median
E. Classification Image Image Enhancement Filtered
The segmented image is classified using neural network
classifier. In this proposed system, a feed forward multilayer
network consists of Input layer, Hidden layer and Output layer
is used. Meanwhile, for training, Back propagation (BPN)
algorithm is used. The hidden layer and output layer works in
adjusting weights value based on the error output in Fig. 3: Pre-Processed Sample Images
classification of different features. In BPN algorithm, signal
flow will be in forward direction. An error signal is generated
if both outputs do not match each time the output of the
network being compared with desired output. In order to
reduce the error, this error signal is propagated backwards and
weights are adjusted at the middle layer. In this BPN algorithm,
the hidden layer and output layer weights are randomly
Fig. 4: Sample of Segmented Images

2017 IEEE 8th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2017), 4 - 5 August 2017, Shah Alam, Malaysia

GLCM features were used for feature extraction and neural recorded in the momentum progresses in mechanization of
network for classification. After segmentation, GLCM therapeutic determination, this review has a tendency to boost
features are extracted for each sample image as given in Table the extensive accessibility of pervasive gadgets and elicitation
1. Contrast, Correlation, Energy and Homogeneity are the of past skin sicknesses picture set towards giving practical,
features selected as input fed for the input layer of neural less demanding and quicker finding for underserved ranges.
network. Be that as it may, the future degree will be founded on
Table 1: Extracted Features of Sample Images creating calculations to recognize different maladies, to
Features Affected Skin Healthy enhance the general productivity and furthermore to
additionally lessen the computational time.
Contrast 4.1819 7.7104
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highlight extraction, very much characterized division and
arrangement method. While numerous triumphs has been


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