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BBM 3104




CAT 1 AND 2: 22/06/2020

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Question one

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Discuss the 10 commandments of customer care giving practical examples. 15MKS
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1. Be a Good Listener:

Take the time to identify customer needs by asking questions and concentrating on what the
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customer is really saying. Listen to their words, the tone of voice, body language, and most
importantly, how they feel. Beware of making assumptions, thinking you intuitively know what
the customer wants. Eg when a customer visits a water company and is complaining that he has
not had water for a week then it’s good to listen to the customer complain and understand why he
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has not been having water rather than telling him to go you will look in to it. The customer will
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not feel satisfied because he will feel that you have dismiss his complain and did not give him a
listening ear.

2. Identify and Anticipate Needs:


Customers don't buy products or services. They buy good feelings and solutions to problems.
Most customer needs are emotional rather than logical. The more you know your customers, the
better you become at anticipating their needs. Communicate regularly so that you are aware of
problems or upcoming needs. Eg when your are in a phone industry you need to understand your

customers needs and preferences so that to meet their needs this days people will like to do
everything on their phones so it’s good that you take that into consideration and provide that to
your customers and continuously inform them of what’s new and of any problems that may

3. Make Customers Feel Important and Appreciated:

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Treat them as individuals. Always use their name and find ways to compliment them, but be
sincere. People value sincerity. It creates good feeling and trust. Think about ways to generate
good feelings about doing business with you. Customers are very sensitive and know whether or
not you really care about them. Thank them every time you get a chance.

4. Body Language Is Key:

On the show floor be sure that your body language conveys sincerity. Your words and actions
should be congruent. Keep a smiling face when you interact with your customers this gives the
the confidence in your product or service

5. Understanding Is Crucial:

Help customers understand your systems. Your organization may have the world's best systems
for getting things done, but if customers don't understand them, they can get confused, impatient
and angry. Take time to explain how your systems work and how they simplify transactions. Be

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careful that your systems don't reduce the human element of your organization. Eg in a water
company how you do your billing its good your explain to your customer how its done and how

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you come up with billing for their understanding .

6. Appreciate the Power of "Yes":
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Always look for ways to help your customers. When they have a request (as long as it is
reasonable) tell them that you can do it. Figure out how afterward. Look for ways to make doing
business with you easy. Always do what you say you are going to do.
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7. Know How to Apologize:

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When something goes wrong, apologize. It's easy, and customers like it. The customer may not
always be right, but the customer must always win. Deal with problems immediately and let
customers know what you have done. Make it simple for customers to complain. Value their
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complaints. As much as we dislike it, it gives us an opportunity to improve. Even if customers

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are having a bad day, go out of your way to make them feel comfortable. When there is a water
interruption and you did not inform your customers in time its good to own up and apologies to
them and assure them when supply will resume.

8. Give More Than Expected:


Since the future of all companies lies in keeping customers happy, think of ways to elevate
yourself above the competition. Consider the following:

1.What can you give customers that they cannot get elsewhere?

2.What can you do to follow-up and thank people even when they don't buy?

3.What can you give customers that is totally unexpected?

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9.Get Regular Feedback:

Encourage and welcome suggestions about how you could improve. There are several ways in
which you can find out what customers think and feel about your services. Listen carefully to
what they say. Check back regularly to see how things are going. Provide a method that invites
constructive criticism, comments, and suggestions. This can be done through social media phone
calls emails or face to face interaction with your customers this give you the ability to grow and
improve on your service delivery.

10. Treat Employees Well:

Employees are your internal customers and need a regular dose of appreciation. Thank them and
find ways to let them know how important they are. Treat your employees with respect and
chances are they will have a higher regard for customers. Appreciation stems from the top.
Treating customers and employees well is equally important.

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Question two

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Explain how customer service automation has helped businesses overcome the challenges of

corona virus. Give actual examples. 15MKS

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Brought the service to customers comfort

Customer are able to get services from the comfort of their home they can be able to buy
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products from home without going to the shop or supermarket or malls to get them. Eg jumia has
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made it possible for customers to order and buy things from the comfort of their home.
Availability of services from anywhere

Customers are able to get services from wherever they are eg the bank services its now possible
for customers to get money from their banks straight to their phones without visiting the bank

and this has helped the crowding of people at the ATMS to cub the spread of COVID -19.
Less time consuming

Automation of services and products has assisted in reducing time for customers they do not
need to visit the company to log in their complains they can do it through emails social media
and get help instantly which has also reduce the crowding of customers in a facility which is
good to reduce COVID-19.

Saves money

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When you automate your customer service, you’re most likely providing information on your
website which you’re already paying for anyway or paying a monthly subscription for
automation software. A subscription service is most likely going to cost you much less than it
would to hire and pay an employee to handle all your customer service inquiries for you.

In addition, your business is likely to be more lucrative when you can devote more time to
product creation, marketing, and other creative pursuits than dealing with customer service
inquiries that could be handled automatically. This lowers your overall costs because you’re
hiring fewer employees and spending more time on your biggest moneymakers.

Frees you up for other tasks

In addition to saving time and money, automated customer service solutions allow for delegation.

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You can sort through incoming issues and determine which ones are the highest priorities so you
can personally tackle those first.

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This will help you streamline your process so you don’t become overwhelmed by incoming

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You get instant customer feedback

The benefit to customer service automation is that you get instant feedback from customers who

are posing questions or concerns. This helps you answer their questions as effectively as
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possible. It also helps you learn how to improve your product or service so it’s benefiting more
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people and ultimately increasing your sales. This has help companies to reduce customer
interaction with employees directly which is good to stop the spread of COVID-19
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