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11th September 2021

Integrity Reporting Services Agency
Level 11, Sicom Tower, Wall Street, Ebene
Copy to the SCE Ministry of Education TEST, Through Rector (sent by email)
Copy to Secretary of PSC (sent by email)

Dear Sir/Madam,
I had written to the IRSA some time ago , about some harassment about people coming to tell me ; ‘I
need to tell to authorities, that they need to return to him his confiscated materials etc” and I wrote to
the IRSA to say that I am not concerned by the money (dirty money ) of Politicians and I maintain what
I say.
I again say I do not see who apart from Politicians have these powers and resources to keep
harassing/harming/annoying me. A bus worker was saying 'dissik , li brillai' Politician meme sa.” Its
Politician themselves.
On this 11th September 2021, it was the 20th years since the Terrorist attack at the World Trade centre
and it is said that among the debris, at the collapse towers , they found a tree called the SURVIVOR
TREE, a symbol of resilience, perseverance and I take myself as example of survivor against all these
persecution and I will never give up.
I even qualify any attack/harassment/annoyance/harm against me as ‘terrorist attack’ / attentat against
me, from whatever religion these bad people can be.
Even those women who in their heads think they are ‘james bond girls’ with mission to harm me, are
‘attentat against me’.
I was advised to inform my employer (always through my direct superior, through the Rector) , of my
problems I am having in the society and this is why I attach them to the letter.
And if any Politicians have anything to say to me, they need to inform the Police before addressing to
There is another problem that now some people are annoying me about is BAI, rather the Ex
I write to the IRSA to say that I had no link with anyone of ex BAI and as far as I know as per the
press, BAI was financing Politics, some politicians were even showing Checks online they got from ex
BAI and in no way I am concerned by these matters.
My employer and PSC are attached, I say it again I never got any cent from any Politicians and
neither had any plans from ex BAI and never got any money from ex BAI.
As usual similar to these foreign people, when they have nothing to say about me, they target my father
and mother.
All these mythomane stories about my father from those Uk, US, France , Monaco, Indian, Pakistan etc
people are obviously false.
I sincerely hope incoming and outgoing communication are being monitored at all level particularly
from politicians towards some countries. As they see their political career’s end coming, many
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politicians will undoubtedly try to run away. Now itself some have already started to have nightmares
about me.
Similarly those stories from those people of ex BAI supposedly they gave money to my mother etc are
absolute nonsense and many are liable to serious prosecution for false matters with malicious intentions
to tarnish me and my mother’s name.
And I have also notice that similar to these politics/families /foreign people/ngos/religious groups, these
ex BAI people also have the bad habit to say supposedly my money, my mother’s future lumps sum is
for them. It is absolutely false. We do not give any money to anyone and certainly not o such dangerous
bad people.
I am not into Politics and I don’t give any opinion on these past BAI matters but if it is with that same
intelligence those people were doing finance then they were condemned to crash at the beginning itself.

I personally would never recommend anyone who is related to Politics to anyone for
work/studies/wedding any matter. I understand there is the EOC that they can send a complaint if
anyone feel he/she is discriminated due to their Political belongings, but if their own parents, families,
or themselves interfere , corrupt, harm ,annoy , harass people , I personally do not believe that even the
EOC can help them.
Since ten years I am fighting these demoniac forces and You need to have felt those harassment
/annoyance / harm to understand how bad politics/families/ foreign people/ ngos/ religious groups can
They will need to be qualified with real qualifications and meet the requirements for the jobs they apply.
I personally have applied for more than 50 jobs in my life before. I remember with an MBA , I worked
in a call center. I remember with degree and an MBA I applied for Clerk jobs at PSC.
Some were born with silver spoon in their mouths and think they will get easy jobs, with slaves, and
with high salaries. They need to start at the bottom and gradually step by step earn their increments.
I am well placed to talk of that since I myself had faced all the possible obstacles to be where I am and
I entered through the legal ways.
PSC advert and application 2016 , PSC interview 2017 , PSC appointment 2017, and I am a confirmed
Some people like Politicians don’t know the chance they have to be in politics. They earn high salaries,
they have hundreds of admirers and people who love them and they still do not perform and many seek
only vengeance and vendetta.
In case My name is mentioned by anyone at the EOC for discrimination for example, I would certainly
agree to come to explain myself infront of the EOC or in a confidential writing. I respect the EOC.
I even say its those Politicians themselves who impede the chances of their communities tog et good
jobs. They themselves are jet set and their children went to study abroad and in private fee paying
schools. They don’t know what government schools , local universities are about. Only in movies they
say it.
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The same Politicians who make women believe supposedly I am dangerous, supposedly I am an escro
; themselves send people to ask to me money and wedding. I let the intelligent people decide who is the
real ‘Escro’.
An example is a Creole Politician who keep making people believe supposedly , as he himself and his
party keep saying “ I drink rhum at night in a dirty canal in quatre borne ‘ but when his own people
own supporters go to ask for job they refuse blood test. I am sure their legal advisers , the Mauritius Bar
Association can explain to them these matters. So what work do his people expect to get by making
allegations about others ‘supposedly a civil servant drink rhum in a dirty canal in Quatre Bornes’ and
themselves they do not abide to the rules and regulations of their own labour market.
Other’s daughter /son have achieved, and their children are still in the starting block and want easy path.
Others save and they think its their daughters/sons who will enjoy.
If some women are too stupid to believe others, then I cannot force any woman to love me.
I take the opportunity to again say what I wrote to some Political parties in the letter dated 4th
September 2021 copy to the Ag Commissioner of Police Mr Dip, PMSM.
I suppose by now all Political parties of Mauritius and (Religious groups), of all religions
have understood that
NO I am not interested to be part of any Political party
NO I do not want to have any sort of relationship with anyone related to Politics
NO I am not interested with any ‘mousse cxcx’
NO , concerning money matters I do not have any intention to deal/ talk with any Political party. My
money , my mother's money our money are not for politics/families and their foreign friends
NO I am not interested to participate in any 'dating/meeting radio' program.
NO I am not interested to 'diboute frere' stand as brother for any daughters of Politics.
NO I am not looking for any Political Tickets
NO I dont do campaign for any Political party
NO I am not meeting anyone. I am still single and my wife cannot be anyone who is from/related to
Politics/my families and /foreign people who wish me harm
NO I am not an escro, I can prove all what I claim to have(work, investment, studies, property)
No I am not interested with any married woman, nor with any woman who already have children
NO I do not send love messages to anyone’s wife/daughters/sisters
NO I am not interested to 'pick up' the wife and children of someone else. They will be burden.
NO I am not interested to 'maintain' anyone's wife/daughter/sister/nieces
NO I dont consume any alcohol and I am not into drugs.
NO I am not interested to participate in any dating/meeting Radio program. I fear of ambush, ‘guet
apens’ , set up, like the one I was victim in 2014 in Port Louis. I was called, I came and finish thrown
matter, ‘briani ‘ wedding, colour everything I put on paper.

NO I am not interested to buy any land/house of any Politicians

NO Its not me who sell ‘oil’ in sodnac
NO its not me who sell beef briani in van at night
NO I am not interested to give any money to any NGO/religious groups (the bad experience of those
years I was doing donations in beau bassin, riviere noire, quatre bornes, floreal curepipe etc and the bad
attitude of that Tamil guy of that NGO will never be forgiven. They don’t keep a record of what they
get as donations. There is misuse of funds.)
NO I am not interested to buy any magazines.
NO I am not concerned by the employer-employee disputes of any political agents
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NO I am not interested to visit anyone in regions of Riviere Noire and floreal.

NO I am not a Racist. Lord Shiva, Sri Krishna, Sri Ram all were blue of colour and they had fair wives
and my wife also will need to be fair of complexion.
NO I am not related to anyone of Uk, France, etc.
NO that British woman and that US woman married with a British are NOT my 'belle sair' and no their
children are NOTHING for me. George, Archy, Louis, Louise Charlotte are nothing for me.
NO its not politics, families , foreign people who will decide with whom I will get married
NO my father who passed away in 1995 has nothing to do with the Acid attack a son in law of a
Politicians was victim of (1998),
NO my father who passed away in 1995 has nothing to do with the death of that british woman in 1997
NO, sa aussi, my father who passed away in 1995 has nothing to do with the kaya riots 1999 and the
death of that guy who ran away and got heart attack
NO Political games of alliances, political matters are not of my concerned.
NO I am not concerned by any BAI matters
NO I am not concerned by any Confiscated materials moto, loto , bato , coffee of Politicians.
NO I no more enter the Churches that belongs to Politicians unless controlled by authorities like Pere
NO I am not interested to 'make children' with anyone's wife .

With all these dangers I face, my wife will need to sign a Prenuptial contract ,
among which if it is not my child DNA test , then its divorce,
no one will have the right to give any money to my wife without my permission and approval,
and my wife will need to inform me before talking to anyone of the law and order, and legal background.

NO I dont have any child yet. Any woman who claim otherwise, is free to seek the law and a DNA test
will be ordered and I will seek damages from the allegations made to me.
NO I am not interested to 'buy' anyone's daughter. I rejected a Politician X, and he was saying If I want
to get married with her daughter I need to pay him Rs 1m. I dont understand his logic.
For cheaper I can get cleaner, more beautiful and virgin wife. I reject and I need to pay ?

NO politicians /families/ their foreign friends should not interfere into my personal matters of
work/relationship/money /studies etc
NO, I DO NOT have any intention to commit suicide
NO , I DO NOT have any intention to consume alcohol and become a drunkard
NO , I DO NOT have any intention to 'sell myself'
NO , I am not interested to take any LIC plan
NO I am not interested to buy any land house in Sodnac ( they keep making metal sound bang bang as
if someone is getting hit by metal bars )
NO , emotional, psychological, mental, physical TORTURE is illegal and not acceptable.
NO the Police is NOT my enemy.
NO the daughter/wife/sisters/nieces ba of lawyers/politicians/families/foreign people are NOT
beneficiary of any of my investment plans.
NO my mother’s money, lump sum when she retires in some years and my personal investment, OUR
MONEY is not for politics/families/foreign people/lawyers groups/ngos/religious groups
NO I am not in any hidden communication with any foreign country.
and I am against any form of Racketeers and blackmail.
YES I maintain that some politicians are maniac, psychopath and need some mental treatment and these
woman who harass me need to forget me and search for another man. They will not get that man they
are looking for. 'Oublier moi, ale rode ene lote boug, sa zome to peh roder la, to pah pou gagner' . I even
have the impression some politician's mind are disturbed and they cannot focus on their own personal
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work (and forget me and look for some one else as said before). They will go to their own fall, in that
path. Its just 'zome zome cass cass'

There is no conditions , like ‘to pa tikoner, you did not know, astair to koner, now you know’. Now and
for ever and ever my relationship with Politics/families/foreign people/ ngos/ religious groups etc will
be like that. My mother and I we are not on speaking terms with any family and it will remain like that.
My life does not concern them. Nevertheless, there are some Political agents, who since some time
have been coming to annoy me have been saying ' to pah peh compren " .

I am still single and I only have my mother in life. There is no one else in my life. I still search for
woman to love me, understand me and care for me.
I still search for my Queen and I might visit a Pandit in the near future also but the problem remains
that Pandits are strongly associated with Politics.

Too many woman have come and think they are ‘james bond girls’ with mission to harm me.
My wife cannot be anyone who is related/from politics/families/foreign people who wish me
harm/ngos/etc . If I get married with anyone from that category, then my wife will kill me and enjoy
with my death benefits,
SO THE SOLUTION IS , my wife cannot be anyone who is related/from politics/families/foreign
people who wish me harm/ngos/etc

My wife will sign a Prenuptial contract and NO I will not impose to my wife to take any insurance plan.

There is no 'astair to pou koner' 'now I will know' . Its now and for ever, it will be like that. When I have
my wife and children also I will tell her of the injustices I have faced and namely these letters.

I will continue to write till I reach my objectives. When I get married its with my wife that we will
report Politics/families/foreign people/ngos, religious groups. To my eyes they will always be a threat
like the Bollywood movie Kabil where Rapist come to visit the wife when he is not at home. This is the
opinion of these people I have.

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