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Agree to some extent

Agree : invest in science subjects

. benefits
. help : solutions to the problems of the modern world: the demand for energy,
. health problems
. increase the work productivity
. deal with pollution
. bring comfort/ conveniences for humans
. not easy : determine whether to invest more or less, not just more money: other steps may work
. other subjects : not less important : arts/ social sciences
. other subjects : develop in all aspects
. solve social problems : high divorce rate, the low birth rate , lower level of happiness
. a balance
. fact : all education systems , a wide range of subject areas: kids prosper best
. reflect the diversity of human life
Science has long been recognized as the primary ingredient of the developed world. Hence, some
people are of the opinion that it is rational for the government to use more of their budget for
scientific subjects instead of other subjects. However, I just agree with this idea to some extent.
Investment from the government in science surely brings numerous benefits for the whole
community. In fact, technological innovations have been the key solution to many problems of
the modern world. Hence, with the sufficient investment from the public budget, scientists and
researchers will have what it takes to fully devote to their mission and bring amazing results with
practical applications in life. Pollution is undoubtedly a challenge to the whole world and only by
implementing modern technologies can we reduce its severity. Other issues involve the mounting
demand for energy, health problems of humans, the goal to improve the work productivity,
agricultural productivity and even the mission to bring comfort to people. All of these concerns
can be efficiently tackled with the stunning applications of science. Therefore, the country with
the most cutting-edge feats in science will take the lead.
It is, however, justified to declare that other subjects also play equally important roles. The
contributions of science subjects and scientific research are not to doubt. Nevertheless, we also
need to equip people with a wide range of skills and subject areas to help them develop in all
aspects. Experts seem to agree that kids prosper best through a curriculum that celebrates their
various talents and diversity is one of fundamental tenets of humans. Arts, humanity,
psychology, philosophy and even physical education are no less important to form rounded
people. Therefore it is also necessary to invest in those subjects to create a balance and handle
social problems today. Another argument to object to this proposal is the fact that it is never an
easy task to clearly determine a suitable rate of investment in each field. Besides, to really
develop science and technologies, the investment from the government is never enough. This
investment just goes a long way provided that wise policies are applied.
On the whole, science was and will always be the priority of many governments across the
world. However, it is far more justified to invest in other sectors as well and it is meaningful for
countries to share with each other what they have achieved to develop together.
view 1
right to some extent
. fact : available for everyone , the rich : easier access , more advantages
. conditions : good education , intelligent : make full use of technology : make money
rich : richer in the knowledge-based society
. poor stand fewer chances
. not the root or the main cause of this gap
view 2:
make senses in some cases
. available for everyone
. poor : learn , more knowledge , skills to work
. change their lives
. more information about the world , medical care , travelling , work efficiency : all get the
Technological innovations have profound influences on all aspects of people’s lives these days.
Some people hold the view that the easy access to technology has widen the gap between the rich
and the poor in the society while others are of the opinion that this phenomenon is a good
development. This essay will analyze these views in depth.
To start with, the first view seems justified in a sense. As a matter of fact, technology has long
been perceived as an indispensable part of the modern world and its contributions are immense.
However, it seems that the rich may get more benefits as they have easier access to education
and most of them stand more chances to make full use of technology in their work and lives. As
a result, some people from well-to-do families turn out to be richer as they can earn a living
easily and make big profits by investing in technology-based projects or internet-based
businesses. At the same time, some people living in rural areas or people from disadvantaged
families have to struggle to make ends meet with some basic types of work. Evidence shows that
manual workers have to save for life just to buy a small house while people from the upper class
can earn a fortune simply by applying cutting-edge technology in their daily work. Hence, we
may claim that technology somehow increases the current gap between the rich and the poor.
When the second view is taken into account, this view is also convincing. One obvious fact is
that this gap is caused by various factors and the policies of the government in power play the
key role in this story. Moreover, as technology is available for everyone, people from all walks
of life may enjoy a wide range of benefits brought by technological advances. For instance,
people’s life expectancy is lengthened and they are better cured with modern machines as well as
inventions used in medical sciences. In the workplace, robots can handle a lot of dangerous jobs
in place of humans and we have more time to enjoy life. There are numerous advantages we can
enjoy from technology and it is really convincing to claim that all members of the society can get
the benefits as long as they want to. Education may also turn out to be more accessible and
affordable for people with low income and they can change their lives when making best use of
In conclusion, it is a real challenge to find solutions to the gap between rich and poor people in
the society. However, I personally think that the availability of technology is not and will never
be the root cause of this gap.
. convenient
. save time , avoid traffic , money
. useful : too busy
. more time for families , not leave home, safer
. some cases : improve work productivity , fewer distractions at home
. may lose basic communication skills, not confident
. harm the social connection
. risks : be cheated
. less joy, opportunities to make friends , share feelings
. cannot fully express our emotion / opinion
4 diem nhan grammar : . relative clause
. adv
. verb
. what / whether
Technological innovations combined with the popular use of the internet has revolutionized the
way people live and work. In today’s world, most people can make full use of the internet for
their work, communication as well as everyday life instead of direct face-to-face contact. This
essay will analyze the pros and cons of this trend in depth.
To start with, the benefits of this trend are quite obvious. One primary merit is the convenience
that the phenomenon may generate as people can stay at home and do various things. Nowadays,
geographical distance is no longer a challenge for most people as the internet may help them
keep in touch, exchange information and do business as well as purchase something or learn with
experts from other parts of the world. Time has long been perceived as one precious asset to
people but the magical functions of the internet do help people save time and avoid trouble
associated with traffic. Some people even claim that they may have more time at home for their
children and their work productivity is also substantially improved as there are fewer distractions
at home. Another tremendous advantage we may enjoy is security as we do not have to get out of
our house.
There are, however, several problems that cannot be avoided from this development. Some
experts express their serious concern about the overuse of the internet in daily communication
because evidence reveals that some people appear to lose some basic skills as a consequence of
the trend. When people have the real chance to connect with each other, they are less confident
and some even fail to express their emotion or opinion efficiently. The second headache to take
into account is the dependence on the internet connection. In some cases, people are cheated
when they buy some products without careful trial or check. There are also reports of people
feeling lonely, isolated or even depressed as they just work at home and stand few chances to
make friends, hang out with colleagues or get involved in team activities. It is without dispute
that the desire to share feeling directly among people is one basic element of happiness.
By way of conclusion, the popularity of the internet surely brings us immense benefits and
comforts. However, this phenomenon is never entirely free from drawbacks and we need some
ways to minimize the trouble associated it.
View 1:
. totally justified
. improve living standards : earn a living , ….
. VN: example 
. the gover money , invest education system , public services ……………: skills : work , earn
their own living easily: fewer people have to live in poverty
View 2:
. right in a sense
. sure : pollution , hard to prevent ……..
. happen all over the world
. cannot reverse this trend, try to minimize
. the first priority: at the same time , try to develop the economy 
. new measures to protect ….., not stop
One of the primary concerns of the governments across the world is how to develop the economy
and improve living standards. Some people hold the view that this is the most effective way to
tackle hunger and poverty. However, others are of the opinion that this process may cause
serious environmental problems and it should be prevented. This essay will analyze these views
in depth.
To start with, the first view seems totally justified. It is without dispute that hunger and poverty
result from the underdeveloped economy and low work productivity. This phenomenon is now
existing in some third-world nations or even developing countries where people have to struggle
to make ends meet. Therefore, when the economy is developed, more jobs will be created and
people’s living standards will be substantially improved. As a direct result, more people can earn
their living and access education as well as medical care. Moreover, in case the economic growth
is sustainable in a long period of time, the government may have more money to invest in the
education system, infrastructure and health care system, bringing much better conditions for
citizens to live, work and thrive. Vietnam is a case in point; about twenty years ago when the
economy was underdeveloped and international cooperation was limited, a lot of people had to
live in poverty but most people now can earn a living easily and follow their passion as well in
this nation.
As regards the second view, this view is just right in a sense. There is now a sense among most
people that pollution is a part of the modern world and some even regard it as an acceptable cost
of economic prosperity. To stimulate the economic growth, we certainly need to generate
industrial activities, encourage mass production and consumption, exploit natural resources and
this process harms the environment in one way or another. It is almost impossible to develop the
economy without causing any environmental problems. However, there is no point in stopping
the growth of the economy as it may leave behind a mess. Instead, more efforts should be made
from all members of the society to protect Mother Nature and minimize the effects of economic
development on our living environment. Most countries all over the globe consider the economy
as their highest priority and the idea to stop their effort seems to make no sense.
On the whole, both developing the economy and protecting the environment are crucially
important to our lives. Hence, it is great when humans can improve their living quality by
developing the economy and conserving basic features of the environment as well.
Crime has always been perceived as a terrible headache in most nations across the world. In an
effort to tackle the issue, some people hold the view that tougher prison sentences should be
implemented while others are of the opinion that we may have other better options. This essay
will analyze these views in depth.
To begin with, the first view seems to make sense in just few situations. The first argument to
support this view is the fact that longer prison sentences may help to warn young people and
make them scared when they have an intention to cause trouble. However, it is often too late
when people did commit crime and go to jail. Evidence reveals that some people have changed
for the better after a certain period of time in prison as they are fully aware of their mistakes and
feel sorry for what they have done. Some also realize how they wasted their time in jail and
therefore, make an attempt not to repeat the same misbehavior. Nevertheless, this group accounts
for a small rate of criminals while the majority turn into more dangerous people with new tricks
learnt from this time. The fact is that most people break the laws when they are improperly
educated and fail to equip themselves with knowledge about laws.
When the second view is taken into account, there is a sense among experts and most people that
prevention is the best measure when it comes to crime. The high incidence of crime results from
the lack of education from home and from school. Hence, education is the best solution in this
story. When people are protected and guided in a nourishing environment, they may thrive and
become contributing members to the society and those people are much less likely to commit
crime or have evil acts. When considering the root cause of the problem, the government in
power may introduce feasible measures to tackle it such as improving social welfare, maintaining
social order or creating more job opportunities and providing people with equal access to
education as well as other public services. It is totally justified to claim that punishments should
only come as the last alternative.
By way of conclusion, dealing with crime and reducing this rate require more than just prison
sentences. Therefore, each family, school and community need to take specific steps to improve
public safety and make sure that people can live in harmony and security.
. justified in some cases
. evi : nations , focus : tourism ………
. protecting : priority : Sing : prosperious , clean
. if have to : put facotirs in other nations
. not many achieve
View 2 : really convincing
. to develop : industry ……………. : hurt the environ
. regard : pollution : acceptabl;e cost
. examples : everywhere
Pollution has emerged as a global issue and it poses a lot of challenges for most nations across
the world. However, some people hold the view that economic growth can go together with a
clean environment while others are of the opinion that this situation is infeasible. This essay will
discuss these views in depth.
To start with, the first view seems rather justified in some cases.
. evidence :
There is a lot of evidence of nations with high living standards and a good environment as these
nations have certain policies to protect nature. Singapore is a case in point; This country has
earned a strong reputation as one of the cleanest cities in the world as the major proportion of the
national income comes from tourism and eco-friendly sectors.
. priority , if have to : factories
In fact, conserving Mother Nature has become the national priority in some countries and going
green is also the guideline that people should follow. Therefore, businesses that may hurt the
environment have to pay heavy taxes and people are also aware of their duty in this mission of
the whole community. In case they need to produce something, manufacturing plants are often
located in areas with low population density and some are even encouraged to move their
factories to other countries.
As regards the second view,
As far as the second view is concerned,
When the second view is taken into account,
When the second view is put into consideration,
When the second view is considered, ………
it seems that this view is much more convincing.
. hard :
I am firmly convinced that it is almost impossible to develop the economy without harming our
environment. With industrial agriculture and industrial activities, chemicals are used and toxic
waste as well as greenhouse gas emissions are generated. As a certain result, the environment is
seriously damaged and what people can do is just to limit the harmful effects.

Another argument to support this view is the fact that …………………..

To illustrate this argument, we may consider the fact that many countries have regarded pollution
as an acceptable cost of economic prosperity. In other words, governments of such nations are
fully aware of the possible damages associated with urbanization and industrialization process
but they cannot balance conflicting priorities. At certain stages, boosting the economy is the
ultimate goal.
On the whole, developing the economy is undoubtedly one primary mission but protecting the
environment is no less important. Hence, it is essential that we make constant efforts to conserve
nature for our long-term development and benefits as well as for the sake of the unborn.
q1 both good and bad
. a way to show their love to children
. constant support , help available from their parents
. confident to speak their mind, develop naturally
. bad: dependent , lazy , not make efforts to achieve targets
. not develop self-efficacy
q2 : consequences
. lack motivation , not have to work hard
. not treasure what they have , not realize values of money , working
. may become mentally weak , wait for someone’s help or support : not independent
. more likely to become victims of social evils , crime
. adults : selfish : enjoy life , care about others’ feelings : hard to get on well with others, hard to
get success
Some parenting styles are open to criticism as they have negative influences on our precious
kids’ development. Among those, providing children with what they require and doing
everything as they wish are quite common among parents. This essay will consider whether this
practice is good or bad and analyze the long-term effects of this trend on children.
To start with, this parenting method brings about both benefits and several drawbacks. As a fact,
this is surely a way that parents show their love and care for their children. With their
unconditional love and unflinching sacrifice, children feel secure as they are aware that they
always have someone to support them and step in when they are in need. Moreover, with this
feeling, kids tend to be more confident to speak their mind and develop naturally. However, as
everything is provided by parents without any conditions, some children become totally
dependent and they cannot develop self-efficacy, a fundamental tenet of human psychology. In
many cases, children never make real efforts to achieve any goals and they even lose the ability
to tackle problems and take responsibility for their own actions.
As regards some possible consequences of this phenomenon on kids later on, one major
challenge that should be taken into account is the fact that those children may turn into adults
without motivations and efforts in life. For a long time, they are used to getting everything
needed with ease and they are not required to struggle for a certain goal. As a result, it is
extremely challenging for them to really realize the values of working. Some even fail to treasure
what they have. Some experts argue that children may become mentally weak when parents are
deeply involved in every single event. Some young people develop a habit of waiting for help or
support instead of trying to handle their problems. Furthermore, with the money given easily by
others, some young people are more likely to become victims of social evils and crime. Some are
quite selfish as they just want to enjoy life without caring about people around them.
In conclusion, as this way of raising children poses so many problems and challenges, it should
never be encouraged and parents should be rational enough to offer their kids the proper love,
care and condition so that they can develop into their glorious selves.
Money management seems to be an essential skill that people should have. However, evidence
reveals that many students fail to manage their finance effectively after leaving school. This
essay will analyze the relevant causes of this trend and consider some measures to improve the
To start with, several factors are to blame for this issue. In many cases, children are not taught
how to use and save money given by their parents. Some people even mistakenly believe that
money can spoil their kids in one way or another. As a result, they never let their kids access
money and they just provide what their children need. Therefore, managing money appears to be
strange to some young people. In addition, as students spend most of their time at school and
their lives are filled with school work, some think that it is too early to talk to them about money
and saving habit. It is also justified to note that the majority of young people who are still at
school are financially supported by their parents. In other words, those students are not required
to work and earn their own money. Hence, they may fail to realize the true values of money and
money management turns out to be a challenge for many of them.
As regards some solutions to help young people with money management, it is repeatedly
affirmed that this skill needs to be honed on a regular basis. Parents are supposed to get involved
in this mission as they must show their kids how to divide up the amount of pocket money
received into different parts for different purposes. With the help of adults, kids may form a
saving habit and they may also realize that they need to save for important things such as a new
bicycle or a kind of toys that are expensive. In case young people do not do well with their
money, they have to take all trouble and consequences as reminders for the future and saving for
rainy days should be a common thought in all situations. It is also highly recommended that
young students should share housework or take part-time jobs in the summer or in their free time
to develop self-efficacy and a sense of responsibility. When realizing that the money earned is
the result of hard work, people will be more responsible and careful with their spending habit.
On the whole, since money is one essential part of our daily life, money management is surely an
important skill to all people regardless of their ages or professions. It is, therefore, the duty of
parents and school to help young people avoid the reckless spending habit and be wise with the
money they earn.
. reduce the burden
. offer more options : enjoy services
. certain competition
. high cost : people with low income
. moral hazard : focus on increasing profits , not willing to serve those who cannot afford
. in some cases, go too far , not preserve the core values of this sector
. offer high salary : attract top doctors
Good health has always been crucial to all people regardless of their status or conditions.
Therefore, for-profit organizations have been established across the world to share the huge
market providing health services for people. This essay will make an attempt to analyze the pros
and cons of this trend.
To start with, the appearance of the private healthcare givers surely brings numerous benefits as
it is always welcomed by both people and the governments. One primary advantage is the
substantial support for the publicly-funded medical sector and the financial burden is now shared
by both sectors. In the past, many nations only offered the state-financed healthcare and it put
huge pressure on the public budget to take good care of patients all over the nation. In addition,
people now appear to have far more options when they need treatment or medical care. It is
without dispute that people now can weigh up their choices and select the hospitals or the
services that suit their pocket and bring them comforts as well. Another merit to take into
account is the certain amount of competition generated by this trend and patients as customers
may enjoy better services with more well-qualified doctors and cutting-edge facilities. In
Vietnam, most people show their great appreciation for modern hospitals run by international
corporations as the services are remarkably better.
It is, however, generally held that the appearance of for-profit hospitals and clinics is not entirely
free from drawbacks. As a matter of fact, since the cost is really high, the majority of the
population cannot get access to these services and it seems that such hospitals are only for the
rich and people of upper classes. Furthermore, some people express their serious concern about
the situation when patients are rejected basically because they cannot afford the high fees. In this
situation, these companies seem to go too far from the core values of this special field in which
helping people and saving human lives are the most important. Hence, with the ultimate target to
increase profits, it is really challenging for the businessmen in this field to balance conflicting
priorities. One final headache that arises is the attraction of high pay as well as more appealing
job packages which pose a hard question for the state-run hospitals when they want to keep their
qualified staff.
On the whole, despite several drawbacks that profit-making companies may possess when they
enter the healthcare sector, it is undeniable that they contribute a lot to the quality of the services
and change the picture of overload medical services in some countries. Hence, this development
should be encouraged and strictly supervised by the government.
Agree to some extent
agree : internet : important , practical applications in life
Other inventions : essential , no less important
The constant efforts of pioneers, scientists and researchers across the world have brought
amazing inventions that have profound influences on human society. Some people hold the view
that the invention of the internet is most remarkable one. However, I just agree with this idea to
some extent.
To start with, it is without dispute that the internet is one of the most impressive inventions of the
modern world. These days, the internet is widely used in most aspects of our lives and has
brought us numerous benefits and conveniences. Thanks to the internet, people can keep in
touch, make friends, do business, relax as well as exchange information both quickly and easily.
In the twenty first century, there is a sense among most people that the internet has
revolutionized the world and changed the way we live completely. Internet-based businesses
have emerged as the most successful companies in recent years and this trend is estimated to
develop even more rapidly in the future. In education, distance learning is now available and
many other magical applications of the internet can also be found in our everyday life. Therefore,
it is totally justified to recognize the internet as one crucial invention of human history.
It is, however, evident that many other inventions of our ancestors and past generations are of
equal importance. Amongst those, the invention of electricity was and will always be essential
for our comfort and conveniences. Without the foundation set by past generations with their
various inventions, the internet would never appear in the world and we could never live in such
a world. Another example is the invention of airplanes. Without the attempts of pioneers who
dared to believe that humans could fly, travelling would become a real challenge for people. In
medical science, doctors and scientists also accomplished great feats with the sole purpose to
improve life quality and lengthen our life expectancy. Moreover, as genetic engineering is
applied, agricultural productivity has been substantially improved to feed the rising population of
the world. Such inventions are of great use to us as well as our subsequent generations.
On the whole, it is without doubt that the internet is among the greatest accomplishments of
mankind but there are many other inventions that are extremely useful for us. Thanks to these
innovative inventions, life seems more comfortable, convenient and easier for us and we also
have what it takes to tackle global problems.
agree to some extent
agree : in some aspects , more freedom
. freedom of expression , more chances to speak their mind , willing to listen to , respect
………..parents , more knowledge , influenced by western cultures
. parents busy , no time
. open-minded : hobbies , friends
. education , school
disagree :
. sometimes less freedom
. past , rural areas , nature , peers , secure
. urbanization , new challenges , supervise all the time , keep an eye on , fixed schedule
. list : permit
. limited access to the internet : why : afraid
. fact: many : tired , checklist childhood
not freedom to develop into their glorious self , old before their time, be burned out , breathless
chac nhanh khon hay
Raising kids has always been perceived as a fundamental mission of each family and the society
as a whole. Some people hold the view that children these days seem to live with more freedom
than their counterparts in the past. However, I just agree with this idea to some extent and this
essay is to analyze this opinion in depth.
To start with, children of today’s world possess more freedom in some aspects. One apparent
fact is that most parents are now better equipped with knowledge and skills to bring up kids.
Some are strongly influenced by Western cultures and they tend to respect their children’s
feelings. As a result, many children enjoy more freedom of expression and they can speak their
mind without the concern about parents’ objection or ignorance. In some families, kids are
allowed to do what they want or follow their own interests with a lot of recreational activities
since parents are always busy with the rat race and their career. However, some adults provide
kids with more freedom as they realize that their children are not bonsai trees and the parents’
main duty is simply to offer the most nourishing environment for children to thrive and
maximize their potentials. In some developed nations such as Finland with caring and gifted
educators, school work is reduced and homework is never assigned so that children can have
more time to get involved in other activities.
There is a sense among most experts and people that the urbanization process deprives kids from
memorable childhood with appealing adventures. In the past, many children in rural areas had
the opportunity to learn from nature, to explore their own world with peers and observe lives
from their own perspectives. However, as risks and dangers have emerged with the urbanization
process, people need to keep their children at home and supervise them constantly. In some
cultures, parents tend to have high expectations of their children’s abilities and always demand
excellence from kids. As a consequence, some kids have to experience what is called a checklist
childhood in which they are only permitted to do few things except for learning at school or
doing homework. With more pressure and less freedom, many kids turn out to be breathless, old
before their time and fail to build their self-efficacy. Hence, it is justified to conclude that most
children in the modern world have less freedom.
On the whole, freedom is what people always require for themselves but an appropriate amount
of freedom may help kids a lot. With immense challenges brought by the modern society, parents
surely need more to shape their kids and make them become contributing members of adults’
Agree Topic 12 August 2017
Some people think that solving environmental problems should be the responsibility of one
international organization rather than each national government.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this idea?
totally disagree
. no organization , international problem, requires a lot of efforts / policies / steps 
. involves many steps, interfere the business of countries 
. impractical , work together , reach an agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions : hard 
. each nation, particular situations, specific priorities : hard to apply the same rules/ measures for
all nations
Those who support the idea to establish one organization to tackle environmental issues in the
world may argue that….However,
Pollution has long been perceived as a major global problem. In an effort to tackle the problem,
some people are of the opinion that the responsibility should belong to one international
organization instead of governments of countries across the world. However, I totally disagree
with this idea.
To start with, there are various arguments to object to this proposal. As a matter of fact,
environmental pollution is one of the most complicated issues that humans have to confront so
far and dealing with this problem requires the cooperation and constant attempts from all nations
in the world. It is infeasible to expect a single organization to improve the environment
effectively as no organization has what it takes to interfere in the business of a nation. All
countries in the world have the legal right to introduce policies and they also need to identify
their priorities in each stage. Hence, in one particular situation, different nations may have
different solutions and responses. The fact remains that it is a real challenge to convince nations
to reach an agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as some countries still regard
pollution as an acceptable cost of economic prosperity. Therefore, we may come to the
conclusion that countries will never support the idea and evidence also reveals that no
international organizations have enough power and tools to really control pollution all over the
Those who are in favour of the idea to tackle environmental issues with just one organization
may claim that this policy may work better as all countries are forced to follow the same law
system and share the same mission to Mother Nature. However, this idea seems to be a hope for
the far future and until now, we even have not achieved any real agreements to protect the
environment and most governments appear to propose their own strategies and actions that suit
their particular situation best.
On the whole, protecting the environment is a shared responsibility and all nations should play a
role in this huge mission. In fact, we can only protect nature for subsequent generations when all
members of the society work together.
. convenient , save time , money
. meaningful to working people , rural areas , developing countries
. flexible schedule
. access knowledge , upgrade skills , improve …population : benefits in both social and
economic terms
. income
. not much joy , communication , socialize
. peer pressure
. questions : not ask teachers
. rely on the internet connection
. awareness , many distractions
. degree : not highly regarded
Education has long been perceived as the key ingredient to success of individuals and the whole
society. Thanks to technological innovations, learners across the world can access knowledge
through online courses provided by universities. In this essay, the pros and cons of this trend will
be analyzed in depth.
To start with, there are surely some benefits that people can enjoy from such courses. First of all,
these online courses are of great help to busy working people as they can arrange flexible
schedules for learning. In addition, it is extremely convenient as people can learn at any time, in
any place as long as they have computers connected to the internet. Moreover, one major
advantage to take into account is the fact that students can save time and money as well. They
may avoid trouble from traffic jams and work at home when they have time. On a broad scale,
online courses offer a new way to access knowledge, upgrade people’s skills and improve the
education level of the population. In the long run, the community gets a lot of benefits in both
social and economic terms. As to universities, they can diversify their services to meet the rising
demand for learning in the society and make more profits.
It is, however, evident that this way of approaching knowledge is not entirely free from
drawbacks. The primary challenge is the lack of real communication between teachers and
students and the lack of chances for people to socialize. Hence, the courses provided on campus
bring much more joy and fun. It is generally held that peer pressure may also push people a lot in
their learning process but with courses on the internet, people get almost no pressure and whether
they can really acquire something or not very much depends on their own awareness. In some
cases, it is impossible to avoid distractions. It is a fact that learners find it harder to get the
prompt response and advice from their teachers when having some questions or problems
associated with their learning. Finally, the degrees from online courses are not really highly
regarded by recruiters and this is seen as one major barrier for those who learn with the ultimate
target to seek jobs.
On the whole, despite some disadvantages that people can see from online courses, one obvious
fact is that these courses do help people to improve their skills and access new knowledge
regardless of their location. Hence, these courses should be encouraged to offer more choices for
learners all over the world.
. gender orientation at young ages : guidance of parents
. fact: each gender : more suitable for certain fields : example:
. choose a major , even a profession on the basis of their friends’ advice , follow friends , not on
their own volition
. not old enough , not mature enough
. not essential
. reflect nature of humans , basic differences between males and females
. should let children develop naturally
. However, many exceptions : successful in the fields that no advantages
. suggestions : allow kids different experiences in different fields , different subjects : realize :
suit them best , not force , impose thought on children
Most schools and universities offer a wide range of subjects to learners. However, it has been a
common trend for male students to choose subjects or majors related to/ associated with science
while arts are more commonly chosen by females. This essay will analyze the relevant causes of
this phenomenon and consider whether it should be changed or not.
To start with, there is solid evidence that boys and girls are basically different in their nature and
they have different tendencies in taking up hobbies, subjects at school or even work in their
future. It is generally agreed that males are more suitable in certain jobs while women have more
advantages in other professions with their typical qualities such as carefulness and sensitivity or
patience. In addition, gender orientation at young ages has a strong impact on the rest of people’s
lives. With guidance and encouragement from parents, kids may pick certain leisure activities
and choose certain subjects to focus on at school. In some cases, students show preference to one
subject area on the basis of their friends’ advice and choice instead of their own volition. Some
learners even confess that they are not really mature and experienced enough when it comes to
picking a major or planning their future jobs.
As regards the question of whether we should do anything about this trend, it is a fact that any
interference seems unessential. It is justified to let kids develop naturally and follow their own
interests. The choice of students at school simply reflects the human nature and it is unwise to
steer our kids towards certain subjects, majors or even jobs as we wish. However, many
exceptions have been found in real life as some people have been extremely successful in a
profession that is not typical for their gender. For instance, some ladies have proven their
competence, persistency and even power in the high political positions such as the iron lady of
the UK, Mrs Thatcher or the present chancellor of Germany. Hence, it seems rational for schools
and parents to provide kids with various opportunities to experience different subjects, different
fields so that they can find the one that suits them best. Experts declare that kids prosper best
through a curriculum that celebrates their various talents.
On the whole, children should be encouraged to discover themselves and the world through the
learning process. However, they also have every right to make their own decision based on their
personal feelings and perception.
. feel pleased , freedom : express their ego
. architects: talent
. diversify the style of a certain location / area/ city
. suit people’s pocket
. look like a mess
. no special structure , mixture of different styles
. cause dangers to the public system , influence other houses / old buildings near it
. destroy the urban landscape
. uneconomical , cost a lot for the design of each separate house/ building : water system ,
garbage system , gas system
……………………. paraphrase . This essay will analyze/ examine the pros and cons of this
trend/ phenomenon
To begin with, there are several benefits we may enjoy from this trend. The primary merit is the
freedom for people to……….
This phenomenon is, however, not totally free from drawbacks. One major challenge posed by
this trend is the destruction of the urban landscape. …………..
By way of conclusion, ……………..
Houses and buildings do reflect a special feature of a city or a land. However, it is without
question that some governments seem to have few controls and regulations over the construction
of houses in their area. This essay will make an attempt to analyze the pros and cons of this
phenomenon in depth.
To start with, there are surely some merits from this trend. The primary one is the fact that
people have the freedom to design and build their own living space on their volition. Evidence
reveals that most people only possess one house and they seem to have a strong desire to design
every single detail of their home with their creativity. In addition, with fewer controls from the
local authorities, architects can demonstrate their talent and ego through their unique/original
works and designs. This also allows a city or town to look diverse and more colorful. From an
economic point of view, it is generally held that this trend enables people to create a house or a
building that suits their financial condition most. In reality, some people cannot afford to build
the house that fits the certain style legally approved by the government agency for a certain area.
This phenomenon may, however, pose several challenges. First of all, with no or few regulations,
people may make totally different kinds of houses with different appearances as well as
functions. As a consequence, the whole areas may look like a mess and this may destroy the
urban landscape. For instance, it is totally unjustified to erect modern skyscrapers next to old
buildings which have special historical or cultural values. Furthermore, the process may cost a
lot of money as people have to make separate designs for different houses and it is also far more
complicated to build the water, gas or power system for such different kinds of buildings. In
some cases, this freedom does demolish the special features of the whole area and causes
conflicts or trouble to people in the neighborhood. In fact, most governments in power have
policies and laws in place to control the construction of houses and buildings, especially in
important locations of the city or country.
By way of conclusion, it is clear that the control from the government is crucial when it comes to
building houses or other venues with various functions. However, people also have their every
right to convince the local authority and make some changes to the design of their own places of
working or living.
. illegal hunting, kill wild animals for fun , for commercial purposes , mistakenly believe that
contain health-giving properties 
. deforestation, chop down trees, lose their natural habitats , become extinct , pollution in oceans
. overexploitation, fishing industry
. are not aware of the importance of biodiversity , not make real efforts to protect wildlife and
wild animals
Q2: solutions 
. government : policies , laws, punish people who kill wild animals , or damage nature 
. regulation for people who exploit natural resources : examples, fish old enough
. education: raise their awareness 
. invest : nature reserve
. scientist , researchers : proper conditions to prevent the extinction of wild species
Wildlife and wild animals have crucial roles in nature. However, human activities have led to the
extinction of many animal species in many places across the globe. This essay will analyze the
relevant causes of this situation and offer several measures to prevent this trend.

To begin with, the extinction of animals results from many factors. The primary reason of this
trend is pollution generated by human activities. These days, factories are operated to produce a
lot of things to serve humans and mass production is surely one major cause of air pollution and
water pollution. Such types of pollution have negative impacts on nature and animal world in one
way or another. In addition, illegal hunting is a severe phenomenon that we have confronted for a
long time. Many people in certain parts of the world still mistakenly believe that products from
wild animals contain health-giving properties and these products are in great demand. As a
certain consequence, rhinos , elephants as well as some breeds of tigers are in real danger in
many parts of the world. deforestation and overexploitation of natural resources also emerge as
main causes of the problem.
As regards some optimal measures to tackle the problem, the most effective one must come from
the government.
On the whole, there is a close connection between human welfare and wildlife. Hence, efforts
should be made from all members of the society so as to maintain biodiversity and protect the
. justified in some cases
. evi : nations , focus : tourism ………
. protecting : priority : Sing : prosperous , clean
. if have to : put factories in other nations
. not many achieve
View 2 : really convincing
. to develop : industry ……………. : hurt the environ
. regard : pollution : acceptable cost
. examples : everywhere
Pollution has emerged as a global issue and it poses a lot of challenges for most nations across
the world. However, some people hold the view that economic growth can go together with a
clean environment while others are of the opinion that this situation is infeasible. This essay will
discuss these views in depth.
To start with, the first view seems rather justified in some cases.
. evidence :
There is a lot of evidence of nations with high living standards and a good environment as these
nations have certain policies to protect nature. Singapore is a case in point; This country has
earned a strong reputation as one of the cleanest cities in the world as the major proportion of the
national income comes from tourism and eco-friendly sectors.
. priority , if have to : factories
In fact, conserving Mother Nature has become the national priority in some countries and going
green is also the guideline that people should follow. Therefore, businesses that may hurt the
environment have to pay heavy taxes and people are also aware of their duty in this mission of
the whole community. In case they need to produce something, manufacturing plants are often
located in areas with low population density and some are even encouraged to move their
factories to other countries.
As regards the second view,
As far as the second view is concerned,
When the second view is taken into account,
When the second view is put into consideration,
When the second view is considered, ………
it seems that this view is much more convincing.
. hard :
I am firmly convinced that it is almost impossible to develop the economy without harming our
environment. With industrial agriculture and industrial activities, chemicals are used and toxic
waste as well as greenhouse gas emissions are generated. As a certain result, the environment is
seriously damaged and what people can do is just to limit the harmful effects.

Another argument to support this view is the fact that …………………..

To illustrate this argument, we may consider the fact that many countries have regarded pollution
as an acceptable cost of economic prosperity. In other words, governments of such nations are
fully aware of the possible damages associated with urbanization and industrialization process
but they cannot balance conflicting priorities. At certain stages, boosting the economy is the
ultimate goal.
On the whole, developing the economy is undoubtedly one primary mission but protecting the
environment is no less important. Hence, it is essential that we make constant efforts to conserve
nature for our long-term development and benefits as well as for the sake of the unborn.
Family values have been handed down through generations and people are supposed to make
constant efforts to preserve these values. However, it is sadly reported that people these days
seem to have fewer chances to have meals together. This essay will analyze the relevant causes
of the trend and consider its effects on families and the society as a whole.
Several facets emerge as the reasons for this phenomenon. Among them, the fast pace of life
combined with the mounting pressure from the rat race appear as the primary one. As people are
much busier, it is really challenging for them to arrange time to have meals with their spouses or
children. In some cases, people fail to rationally manage their time and they even cannot identify
their priorities. Besides, as young people are attracted by a wide range of recreational activities
outside, coming home and spending time with their families fall to the bottom of the list of their
favourite activities. Moreover, since some parents do not really help their kids recognize the
precious time at dinner or lunch together in a family, some young people seem to underestimate
such moments and they prefer to hang out with friends or have meals with their business partners
instead of coming home.
As regards the influences of the phenomenon, it is without dispute that the lack of time together
may harm the relationship in families. Some members cannot share their feelings, ask others for
advice or simply promote the family spirit via stories that happen in the day. In the long run,
children may lose faith in their parents and some turn to friends for help when they are in need.
On a broader scale, the society may suffer as families are small cells forming the wider
communities. As the family connection is weak, people are more likely to cause trouble, commit
crime and threaten the social order. There is now a sense among experts and educators that each
family is the best school for children. Hence, time at meals has proven to be crucial for family
connection and education.
In conclusion, the tendency above has raised a lot of concerns in the society. It is, therefore, the
duty of both educators and parents to set rules and encourage young people to spend more time
with their families.
. not taught how to deal with money
. fact : most of the time, at school , no need to use money , ask for money when need : from
. in some cases , parents tend to manage , some not want : use money
. not work to earn : not realize the values of
. parents , early ages , example
. school : talks money management : equip young people with……… be ready to………
. should be encourage to do part-time jobs , summers , values of money , manage their budget
Money management seems to be an essential skill that people should have. However, evidence
reveals that many students fail to manage their finance effectively after leaving school. This
essay will analyze the relevant causes of this trend and consider some measures to improve the
To start with, several factors are to blame for this issue. In many cases, children are not taught
how to use and save money given by their parents. Some people even mistakenly believe that
money can spoil their kids in one way or another. As a result, they never let their kids access
money and they just provide what their children need. Therefore, managing money appears to be
strange to some young people. In addition, as students spend most of their time at school and
their lives are filled with school work, some think that it is too early to talk to them about money
and saving habit. It is also justified to note that the majority of young people who are still at
school are financially supported by their parents. In other words, those students are not required
to work and earn their own money. Hence, they may fail to realize the true values of money and
money management turns out to be a challenge for many of them.
As regards some solutions to help young people with money management, it is repeatedly
affirmed that this skill needs to be honed on a regular basis. Parents are supposed to get involved
in this mission as they must show their kids how to divide up the amount of pocket money
received into different parts for different purposes. With the help of adults, kids may form a
saving habit and they may also realize that they need to save for important things such as a new
bicycle or a kind of toys that are expensive. In case young people do not do well with their
money, they have to take all trouble and consequences as reminders for the future and saving for
rainy days should be a common thought in all situations. It is also highly recommended that
young students should share housework or take part-time jobs in the summer or in their free time
to develop self-efficacy and a sense of responsibility. When realizing that the money earned is
the result of hard work, people will be more responsible and careful with their spending habit.
On the whole, since money is one essential part of our daily life, money management is surely an
important skill to all people regardless of their ages or professions. It is, therefore, the duty of
parents and school to help young people avoid the reckless spending habit and be wise with the
money they earn.
 view 1: totally justified
- Fact : in need of financial help , small budget , many sectors to invest
- Effective , welcome
- Examples , VN
. View 2: really convincing
-money : a part of the story
-other kinds of help : really beneficial
- even more meaningful in the long run
- examples : technologies , experiences , laws, policies
The globalization process has opened the door to greater opportunities for most countries across
the world. Hence, some people hold the view that the financial support from developed world
and international organizations are of great use to developing nations while others believe that it
is more useful to provide advice as well as other practical help. This essay will analyze these
views in depth.
To start with, the first view is completely justified. The fact remains that developing countries
often confront some budget problems such as a budget deficit since they must allocate money to
different sectors with a really tight public budget. Hence, it is a real challenge to balance
conflicting priorities. Therefore, when provided with financial aid, such nations have more
money to invest in infrastructure, the road system, the education system, medical care and such
investments will surely bring numerous benefits to citizens. There is solid evidence that money
from developed world will work if spent rationally by governments in developing as well as
third-world nations. Vietnam is a case in point; with the fund offered without return by
international organizations such as WHO and FAO or the Japanese government, people’s lives
have been substantially enhanced and children all over the nation are better nourished combined
with the easier access to education for people from all walks of life.
As regards the second view, this view appears to be even more convincing. It is generally held
that money is just a part of the story and developing countries are always in need of help in other
aspects/perspectives as well. The practical aid in terms of technology and experiences may bring
a fundamental change in a nation. For example, organizations may conduct surveys and offer
training courses to help local farmers change their production methods with the aim to increase
agricultural productivity, save labour and protect the environment as well. Moreover, advice on
how to build the political system and how to operate the public transport system is of great help
to tackle problems in many areas of the country. Another argument to support this view is the
fact that this kind of help is even more meaningful as it leaves behind positive long-term effects
and brings to the target country the long-lasting solution, not just the immediate response to a
problem. It is repeatedly affirmed that we may get help from other countries or people but we
need to stand firm on our feet and determine our fate.
On the whole, there are undoubtedly various ways for countries and organizations to help each
other. The financial aid is essential but it was not and will never be enough. The point is all
nations have to take the full responsibility for their development and base that target on their
constant efforts.
. reduce the burden
. offer more options : enjoy services
. certain competition
. high cost : people with low income
. focus on increasing profits , not willing to serve those who cannot afford
. in some cases, go too far , not preserve the core values of this sector
. offer high salary : attract top doctors
Good health has always been crucial to all people regardless of their status or conditions.
Therefore, for-profit organizations have been established across the world to share the huge
market providing health services for people. This essay will make an attempt to analyze the pros
and cons of this trend.
To start with, the appearance of the private healthcare givers surely brings numerous benefits as
it is always welcomed by both people and the governments. One primary advantage is the
substantial support for the publicly-funded medical sector and the financial burden is now shared
by both sectors. In the past, many nations only offered the state-financed healthcare and it put
huge pressure on the public budget to take good care of patients all over the nation. In addition,
people now appear to have far more options when they need treatment or medical care. It is
without dispute that people now can weigh up their choices and select the hospitals or the
services that suit their pocket and bring them comforts as well. Another merit to take into
account is the certain amount of competition generated by this trend and patients as customers
may enjoy better services with more well-qualified doctors and cutting-edge facilities. In
Vietnam, most people show their great appreciation for modern hospitals run by international
corporations as the services are remarkably better.
It is, however, generally held that the appearance of for-profit hospitals and clinics is not entirely
free from drawbacks. As a matter of fact, since the cost is really high, the majority of the
population cannot get access to these services and it seems that such hospitals are only for the
rich and people of upper classes. Furthermore, some people express their serious concern about
the situation when patients are rejected basically because they cannot afford the high fees. In this
situation, these companies seem to go too far from the core values of this special field in which
helping people and saving human lives are the most important. Hence, with the ultimate target to
increase profits, it is really challenging for the businessmen in this field to balance conflicting
priorities. One final headache that arises is the attraction of high pay as well as more appealing
job packages which pose a hard question for the state-run hospitals when they want to keep their
qualified staff.
On the whole, despite several drawbacks that profit-making companies may possess when they
enter the healthcare sector, it is undeniable that they contribute a lot to the quality of the services
and change the picture of overload medical services in some countries. Hence, this development
should be encouraged and strictly supervised by the government.
The development of tourism has changed the living standard in many remote areas. However,
some people argue that the wave of tourists to rural communities may also cause some problems.
This essay will discuss the pros and cons of this trend to local people and nature as well.
To start with, it is rather simple to name various benefits brought by package tours to such areas.
First of all, jobs are created with the process and the life of local people may change completely.
In some mountainous regions where people have no special skills except for hunting, gathering
or farming, tourists with their basic needs may create golden chances for local people to work
and provide services. Some local people earn a lot from this process and they stand more chances
to enjoy life as well as give their kids easier access to education and the modern world. On a
broader scale, with more money from tourists, the local authorities may invest in infrastructure,
the road system and living standards in certain will be substantially enhanced. As to travelers,
they also have the opportunity to please their curiosity, explore the world, have new stunning
feelings and possess chances to learn about other cultures.
This phenomenon is, however, not totally free from drawbacks. In social terms, some social
problems may arise as a certain consequence of the rising wave of tourists from more affluent
societies. When travelling, tourists surely bring with them their cultures and lifestyles which
have a direct effect on local people and children. Hence, some people express their serious
concern about the loss of traditions or even the national identity when the process occurs. In
Vietnam, Sapa is a case in point as this area is remarkable for its climate and landscape.
However, it is now easy to find many kids of single mothers who even have no ideas of the
fathers of their children. The damage to the environment is even more obvious. Construction has
to be made and nature may be destroyed in one way or another. In fact, a peaceful countryside
may turn into a busy destination for tourists and the cost of this development is tremendous.
In conclusion, the guided tours to remote places contain within them both benefits and
drawbacks in different facets. Therefore, it is the job of the government and the local authorities
to minimize risks and maximize the merits for the sake of local people and the general
development of the whole community.
. huge influences on the shopping habit and consumption of people
. many base their decision on
. example : common brand names , not take risks, buy products of famous brand names that often
appear on mass media
. of course , not all people , not all the time , the majority : why companies invest a lot in : push
q2 :
.protect : not cheated
avoid misunderstanding , excessive consumerism
. enact new laws , make sure that : not exaggerate the quality and functions of
. not cause misunder/ confusion 
. educate , raise their awareness via mass media
. each individuals : rational and experienced enough to protect themselves from, wise consumers
Advertising has emerged as an important sector of the economy with its immense effects. In
today’s world, people are constantly bombarded with a wide range of advertisements in various
types. This essay will make an attempt to analyze how much people are affected by
advertisements and offer some ways to protect consumers from these ads.
To start with, it is justified to claim that adverts have great impacts on people’s spending habit
and daily consumption. In fact, through advertisements from mass media, companies provide
much-needed information about their products to consumers and people can easily weigh up
their options when they want to make a purchase. In most cases, consumers report that their
shopping preference is based on their faith in some common brand names that have frequent
appearance on social media. For instance, most are not willing to take risk when shopping and
they often take the products of some companies that have earned a strong reputation or have a
long history in the market. Therefore, we may come to the conclusion that advertising does affect
people and it is the most effective tool to push sales and widen the market share. Some people
are even tempted by appealing adverts and they buy the items that they do not really need.
However, a small proportion of people seem to show no care for ads and they are less likely to be
influenced than others.
The question here is what steps we should take to protect people from these advertisements. In
fact, excessive consumerism and the waste of materials as well as natural resources are two
negative outcomes of the influences of advertising. Therefore, the government should play the/a
crucial role in this story by issuing laws and policies to make sure that companies provide
accurate information about their products or services. As a fact, companies tend to exaggerate the
quality or functions of products to impress target consumers with the ultimate goal to sell more.
Some companies even confuse people and cause misunderstanding with their marketing
strategies. Furthermore, education is also essential as companies need to decide their boundaries
and they should never go too far in an effort to maximize profits. One final measure to take into
account is raising people’s awareness so that they will be rational and experienced enough to
judge ads and make the right decision so as not to be cheated or to waste their money.
On the whole, companies have every right to push sales and develop their business via efficient
marketing tools. Hence, consumers are those who take all the responsibility for their spending
habit and the authorities should also demonstrate a role in shaping a fair market and protecting
q1 both good and bad
. a way to show their love to children
. constant support , help available from their parents
. confident to speak their mind, develop naturally
. bad: dependent , lazy , not make efforts to achieve targets
. not develop self-efficacy
q2 : consequences
. lack motivation , not have to work hard
. not treasure what they have , not realize values of money , working
. may become mentally weak , wait for someone’s help or support : not independent
. more likely to become victims of social evils , crime
. adults : selfish : enjoy life , care about others’ feelings : hard to get on well with others, hard to
get success
Some parenting styles are open to criticism as they have negative influences on our precious
kids’ development. Among those, providing children with what they require and doing
everything as they wish are quite common among parents. This essay will consider whether this
practice is good or bad and analyze the long-term effects of this trend on children.
To start with, this parenting method brings about both benefits and several drawbacks. As a fact,
this is surely a way that parents show their love and care for their children. With their
unconditional love and unflinching sacrifice, children feel secure as they are aware that they
always have someone to support them and step in when they are in need. Moreover, with this
feeling, kids tend to be more confident to speak their mind and develop naturally. However, as
everything is provided by parents without any conditions, some children become totally
dependent and they cannot develop self-efficacy, a fundamental tenet of human psychology. In
many cases, children never make real efforts to achieve any goals and they even lose the ability
to tackle problems and take responsibility for their own actions.
As regards some possible consequences of this phenomenon on kids later on, one major
challenge that should be taken into account is the fact that those children may turn into adults
without motivations and efforts in life. For a long time, they are used to getting everything
needed with ease and they are not required to struggle for a certain goal. As a result, it is
extremely challenging for them to really realize the values of working. Some even fail to treasure
what they have. Some experts argue that children may become mentally weak when parents are
deeply involved in every single event. Some young people develop a habit of waiting for help or
support instead of trying to handle their problems. Furthermore, with the money given easily by
others, some young people are more likely to become victims of social evils and crime. Some are
quite selfish as they just want to enjoy life without caring about people around them.
In conclusion, as this way of raising children poses so many problems and challenges, it should
never be encouraged and parents should be rational enough to offer their kids the proper love,
care and condition so that they can develop into their glorious selves.
Education has always been perceived as an indispensable part to the development of individuals
and the society as a whole. Thanks to technological innovations and the popularity of the
internet, some people argue that learning from the internet can replace traditional schools and
people can acquire most knowledge from this source. However, this idea sounds unjustified on
the following grounds.
To begin with, formal education from school has long been viewed as a vital part of life and it
makes a decisive contribution to the development of the community. At school, students have the
golden opportunities to work with well-qualified teachers professionally trained for this
profession. In the eye of caring and gifted educators, each kid has unique potential and talents
that need to be discovered. As a matter of fact, no matter what changes a nation has experienced,
education always has a high position and people often attribute a high status to the teaching
profession. There is a sense among experts that teachers are the lifeblood of success in school
and they deserve our respect when they pursue one of the most rewarding careers in the world.
Thus, schools and traditional schooling will never disappear in response to the mounting
popularity of the internet. The internet with a wide range of functions and information has
proven their efficiency in various fields. Nevertheless, most information is uncensored and some
is posted for commercial purposes. Hence, it is extremely hard for children to rationally select
the information and the proper source to learn from. Furthermore, the lack of real connections
with teachers and peers may deter children from developing essential soft skills for their later life
and work.
Those who are in favour of the idea that online learning will become the most common way to
access knowledge may show some facts and figure about the constant growth of this
phenomenon in recent years on a global scale. However, it is also important to note that more
schools are being built and teachers are also equipped with new skills to efficiently use
technology to boost their job performance. The internet is of great use to both teachers and
learners but it can never replace teachers’ roles.
In conclusion, what the internet can offer is a new way for people to acquire as well as hone their
skills. However, traditional ways of learning remain the most effective and the combination of
both methods would really work.
City life is always exciting with various recreational activities. However, a disturbing fact is that
most city dwellers do not have adequate physical activities. This essay will make an attempt to
analyze the relevant causes of the trend and offer feasible measures to change the situation.
To start with, a range of reasons can be used to explain for this phenomenon. The typical nature
of work associated with city life appears to be the primary one. As an obvious fact, people’s
work in major cities often involves office work and the knowledge-based economy does not
require a lot of physical activities. As a certain result, people fall into the habit of working with
computers in offices or using their brain mostly instead of their hands. Physical strength seems to
be the last requirement in many professions. Besides, the fast pace of life and the busy rat race
occupy most of people’s time. In certain cases, people are tempted by other more enjoyable
activities such as hanging out with friends, shopping or eating out rather than doing exercise.
This trend raises the question of what we can do to encourage more sports and physical activities
in cities. If provided with proper conditions and information, people may change their routine
and make more efforts to rationally arrange their time for these activities. What the local
authority can do is to build more fitness centers or public parks in which people can socialize as
well as play sport or work out to stay in shape. Education is surely an effective solution in this
mission. At school, students equipped with enough knowledge about how to keep fit and develop
both physically and mentally are far more likely to form healthy lifestyles. Companies may also
help by offering flexible working time that allows staff to stretch their legs and move their bodies
to stay away from the sedentary lifestyle leading to obesity. Finally, sport events and
competitions regularly held in the community may encourage the love for sports and bring about
a fundamental change in people’s life.
On the whole, this lack of physical activities is possibly one major drawback of city life.
Whether people can make a change or not depends much on their own efforts and awareness.
As the living cost in major cities is increasing steadily, housing seems more and more expensive.
As a result, many people in urban areas now live in small houses or apartments with limited
spaces and no outdoor areas. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of this trend.
To start with, this trend is surely an option that suits the pocket of many families with a tight
budget. As people buy or rent a small house or apartment for living, they have to pay less money
and they can save for other purposes. Surveys conducted in different cities point out that
accommodation accounts for a large proportion of people’s expenditures. Besides, as the home is
small, family members appear to have more space to share with each other and they may also
tighten the relationship in families. In a large houses with many separate rooms, kids may isolate
themselves in their own space and parents sometimes fail to supervise their children while this is
not the case with a small apartment with one or two bedrooms. Lastly, as the space is small,
people will find it much simpler to clean the house and tidy up everything.
This choice, however, poses a lot of challenges for people. As a matter of fact, in small spaces,
people may fail to enjoy their privacy and it sometimes turns out to be extremely uncomfortable
and inconvenient. As the home is not logically divided into different sections with their specific
functions, people in that house cannot enjoy all the comfort and in case of an emergency, dangers
and risks are magnified. The lack of outdoor space is also a real disadvantage of this
phenomenon. There is an agreement among most people that a house with a garden brings to
them joy and the chance to really relax with nature, trees or flowers. The space for sports and
physical activities is out of reach with those living in small houses. Conflicts and annoyance are
unavoidable outcomes of this trend.
On the whole, it is without dispute that this option is just the last choice when people cannot
afford big houses with green spaces and sports facilities. However, this phenomenon simply
reflects the evident pressure and challenges of city life.
agree to some extent
. some cases , some people learn mostly from teachers
. basic level , young children : need instruction
. rural areas , no access to the internet and other sources
. teachers : professionally trained , schools ideal envi for learning
. cannot deny : effects teachers ……..
proven in most cultures
. learn more from other sources
. the internet
. from the job
. from life , our own experiences
. teachers not with us all the time
. true learners , observe , learn all the time , everywhere
Education has always been recognized as a crucial part to the development of individuals as well
as the whole society. Some people hold the view that teachers can help students more effectively
than other sources. However, I just agree with this idea to some extent.
To start with, the above idea seems convincing in some cases and to certain people. The one
group that really needs the direct guidance from teachers is people of basic levels or young
children as it is almost impossible for them to acquire certain skills right at the beginning.
Teachers appear to play the decisive role in the learning process of people and their contributions
are much more immense when it comes to beginners or kids. In addition, in rural area with
limited access to the internet or TV, students have fewer alternatives and the roles of teachers are
emphasized. One argument to support this view is the fact that most teachers were professionally
trained for their career and schools are always perceived as the ideal place for learning. Some
experts state that teachers are the lifeblood of success in schools and in most cultures, people
attribute a very high status to teaching profession.
There is also solid evidence that people can learn quite efficiently from many other sources as
long as they are willing to learn and they have a strong desire for learning. In today’s world,
technological advances have a tremendous impact on all aspects of our lives and education is not
an exception. Many people these days can make full use of the internet for their learning and
most agree that they can hone skills on a regular basis in the workplace. Thus, learning from the
job also works for many people. As a matter of fact, true learners can observe and learn from
other people, from life, from their own mistakes and experiences and this process occurs all the
time with them. In reality, some outstanding/exceptional people with great accomplishments in
various fields just dropped out of school and learned by themselves. More importantly, it is
without dispute that teachers are not with us forever and each person should be his best mentor.
In conclusion, the roles and influences of teachers are not to doubt. However, people can learn
from a range of sources and if they do not limit their learning to the school zone, they can
develop more rapidly with more achievements.
agree to some extent
agree : should invest roads
. a must
. more cars , more demand : meet the demand
. population : rises , more roads , more types : reduce pressure , traffic jams
also public transport
. one effective way
. subway , bus
. ban vehicles, encourage people to use public , available
. example: no country, developed , better system , Japan

chac nhanh khon hay

Traffic problems have always been recognized as a major challenge that many countries across
the world must deal with. In an attempt to tackle these problems, some people hold the view that
it is more rational to invest in building roads instead of developing the public transport system.
However, I just agree with this idea to some extent.
To start with, the idea to invest money from the public budget in constructing roads is totally
justified. As a matter of fact, the population keeps growing and as a certain result, the demand
for travelling is rising as well. Therefore, the government has to spend a large proportion of their
budget on infrastructure and the road system to meet this practical demand of citizens. In case
they fail to match this demand of the society, traffic problems will occur frequently in many
parts of the country and such problems prevent the nation from attracting international
investments and improving living standards. More roads should be built in many cities and more
highways must also be constructed to make travelling around as well as transporting cargo
easier. In Vietnam, more roads are being built every year and this process seems to develop more
rapidly in recent years in response to the market force.
It is, however, sensible to invest in the public transport system. Evidence reveals that an effective
public transport system is one primary element to the general development of the nation. It is
almost impossible to image a city or a country without the public transport system. In some
cities, traffic is always too heavy and private vehicles are prohibited in certain parts of the city.
Hence, public services need to be provided so that people can move from one place to another
with ease. To reduce traffic congestions, most experts agree that developing the public transport
system and encouraging the majority of the population to use this system seem most feasible. In
all nations across the globe, the public transport system accounts for a certain rate of the public
spending. Most developed countries or major economies of the world such as Japan, the US or
Germany have developed modern public transport system with frequent services to serve their
On the whole, the combination of modern road systems and good public transport systems may
bring effective solutions to traffic problems that nations confront. However, each country with it
particular situation needs to determine a suitable proportion of investment that suits it best.
It has long been accepted that our health is our most precious property. Hence, people always
seek ways to improve their health and live happily. Some people argue that it is more rational to
use money for encouraging healthy lifestyle as a way to prevent health problems rather than
spending money on medical care. However, I just agree with this idea to some extent.
To start with, it is totally justified to claim that preventing diseases is much better than dealing
with them when they really kick in. In case people are fully equipped with knowledge about how
to maintain health and avoid illnesses, they may make efforts to stay in shape and protect their
physical as well as mental health. Through mass media, the governments in many nations across
the world have implemented several strategies to raise people’s awareness and such campaigns
have brought a lot of positive outcomes. As a matter of fact, people may damage their health and
get into real trouble with fatal diseases when they are unaware of the fearful consequences of
their bad habits such as smoking, staying up too late or the lack of proper rest and relaxation.
Hence, we may come to the conclusion that offering education combined with public warning
can bring fundamental changes to people’s health and their living quality as well although this
measure does not cost much.
However, there is a sense amongst most experts and people that investing in medical care is
always an important action. Evidence reveals that some diseases result from our immunity
system and genes, people cannot avoid such problems no matter how they try. In such situations,
we do need the professional care from well-qualified doctors and hospitals with cutting-edge
facilities and results of intensive research. Furthermore, as people get older, getting health
problems is simply a natural process that cannot be avoided. Therefore, we are always in need of
help from well-qualified doctors trained for years for this job. In all nations across the globe,
healthcare accounts for a large proportion of the public budget and this investment is supported
by the majority of the population. Without the constant investment from the government, it is
almost impossible for people working in healthcare sector to help patients, ease their pain and
lengthen their average life expectancy.
On the whole, the combination of both steps seems to bring the best result in order to form
healthy community. However, the thing is people’s own efforts to protect their own health for
their own sake as well as for the happiness of their families and the growth of the community as
a whole.
agree to some extent
agree : in some aspects , more freedom
. freedom of expression , more chances to speak their mind , willing to listen to , respect
………..parents , more knowledge , influenced by western cultures
. parents busy , no time
. open-minded : hobbies , friends
. education , school
disagree :
. sometimes less freedom
. past , rural areas , nature , peers , secure
. urbanization , new challenges , supervise all the time , keep an eye on , fixed schedule
. list : permit
. limited access to the internet : why : afraid
. fact: many : tired , checklist childhood
not freedom to develop into their glorious self , old before their time, be burned out , breathless
chac nhanh khon hay
Raising kids has always been perceived as a fundamental mission of each family and the society
as a whole. Some people hold the view that children these days seem to live with more freedom
than their counterparts in the past. However, I just agree with this idea to some extent and this
essay is to analyze this opinion in depth.
To start with, children of today’s world possess more freedom in some aspects. One apparent
fact is that most parents are now better equipped with knowledge and skills to bring up kids.
Some are strongly influenced by Western cultures and they tend to respect their children’s
feelings. As a result, many children enjoy more freedom of expression and they can speak their
mind without the concern about parents’ objection or ignorance. In some families, kids are
allowed to do what they want or follow their own interests with a lot of recreational activities
since parents are always busy with the rat race and their career. However, some adults provide
kids with more freedom as they realize that their children are not bonsai trees and the parents’
main duty is simply to offer the most nourishing environment for children to thrive and
maximize their potentials. In some developed nations such as Finland with caring and gifted
educators, school work is reduced and homework is never assigned so that children can have
more time to get involved in other activities.
There is a sense among most experts and people that the urbanization process deprives kids from
memorable childhood with appealing adventures. In the past, many children in rural areas had
the opportunity to learn from nature, to explore their own world with peers and observe lives
from their own perspectives. However, as risks and dangers have emerged with the urbanization
process, people need to keep their children at home and supervise them constantly. In some
cultures, parents tend to have high expectations of their children’s abilities and always demand
excellence from kids. As a consequence, some kids have to experience what is called a checklist
childhood in which they are only permitted to do few things except for learning at school or
doing homework. With more pressure and less freedom, many kids turn out to be breathless, old
before their time and fail to build their self-efficacy. Hence, it is justified to conclude that most
children in the modern world have less freedom.
On the whole, freedom is what people always require for themselves but an appropriate amount
of freedom may help kids a lot. With immense challenges brought by the modern society, parents
surely need more to shape their kids and make them become contributing members of adults’
agree to some extent
. may be effective 
. the massive use of fuel : one of the root causes of …………. if , use less , less pollution 
. fuel : key ingredient of manufacture , business , travelling : if : turn to other sources , cleaner ,
more friendlier : reduce the cost 
. examples : use cars less , public , modern technologies : save fuels
. in some cases , impractical 
. confront opposition from people 
. wind / solar energy : too expensive , underdeveloped / developing : not have technologies to
develop : rely totally on fuels 
. increase : cost : price : customers have to pay 
. other solutions : education , international cooperation , agreement to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions , encourage more recycling
Environmental problems have emerged as a major concern for most nations across the world. In
an attempt to reduce pollution and improve our environment, some people suggest a rise in the
price of fuel. However, I just agree with this proposal to some extent.
As a matter of fact, the massive use of fuel on a global scale is the major cause of air pollution
leading to global warming and climate change. Hence, this idea is justified in some aspects.
When the price of fuel is higher, people and companies must come up with new strategies to
reduce the usage of this kind of energy and the direct outcome is a substantial improvement of
our environment. One evident example to illustrate this point is the trend to use public transport
instead of private vehicles among city dwellers in some countries and some factories now turn to
more eco-friendly production methods with cutting-edge machines that consume less fuel.
Energy is surely the key ingredient to mass production and the modern world. In case fuel is less
affordable, it is a must for people to make better use of renewable energy such as solar energy or
wind energy and the effects of this tendency are immense.
It is, however, obvious that this solution may pose certain challenges. What we know for sure is
the fact that people today appear to rely on fuel for a comfortable life and for operating
businesses. Most developing nations or underdeveloped world have not got what it takes to
efficiently use solar or wind energy on a broad scale. These types of energy turn out to be too
costly for many nations and at this very moment, the most commonly-used ingredients for
industry are oil and coal. In addition, increasing the price of fuel is impractical in some situations
as people appear to have no better alternatives. If the production cost is higher as a result of this
rise, consumers are those who have to pay all additional cost. Moreover, when it comes to
environmental issues, we need a wide range of steps and the cooperation among nations and
organizations. One measure will never work as regards this major challenge to the whole world.
In conclusion, the idea to raise the price of fuel is of some help to tackle pollution. However,
education and the constant efforts from all members of the society are essential to bring about
fundamental changes to our environment and this mission should be viewed as a priority.
Topic 16 May 2015 2v
View 1:
Rather justified 
. students : right to speak their mind, show their feeling, 
. teachers : not perfect, need the constructive feedback from students : do their job better
. some teachers: welcome , duty: listen to their students 
. teachers not work effectively : communication with their students
View 2 : right in some certain cases 
. hardly accepted in some Asian cultures, receive a lot of respect 
. are supposed to be good examples for students 
. certain level, in suitable situation, polite ways, at the end of the semester/ the academic year
. design questionnaires for students to fill in
. in fact, face-to-face communication, conflicts, cannot please all students 
. students should not criticize just to satisfy their feeling.
Intro : ………………….. paraphrase . This essay will…
1/ - Teachers always play the key role in the learning process of all students.
- The quality of teaching staff has a dominant impact on the efficiency of education/ learning at
- In different cultures, people have slightly different attitudes toward the roles of teachers
- Some people hold the view that students should be allowed to assess their teachers and even
show their criticism with the purpose to improve teaching quality while others are of the opinion
that this idea is not convincing as it affects the respect to teachers negatively. 
- Some people suggest that schools may improve the teaching quality by encouraging their
students to assess and criticize teachers while others claim that this may break the respect among
students to their teachers. 
-This essay will discuss these views 
- This essay will examine the two views mentioned above in depth
-In this essay, these views will be discussed/analyzed/examined and the writer’s opinion will also
be presented.
Body : 
1/ To begin with, the first view seems rather justified 
- To start with, it seems that the first view is justified in most cases. 
- As a matter of fact, there are many reasons to support the first view.
- Right speak their mind, feelings:
. It is obvious that all students have the right to speak their mind, show their feelings and
exchange information with their teachers.
. Students may feel pleased at school when they can demonstrate their feelings toward their
teachers and speak their mind as well.
- Teachers not perfect:
. Teachers are supposed to guide their students but it does not necessarily mean that they are
perfect without any mistakes. Therefore they do need the constructive feedback from colleagues
as well as students to do their job better. 
. Even the best teachers have some mistakes or limit and they therefore welcome the evaluation
from others so that they can perfect themselves and complete their mission more effectively.
- Teachers : duty listen 
. Evidence reveals that the well-qualified teachers are those who are willing to listen to their
students instead of imposing their thought on students and they may also welcome criticism if it
makes them change for the better. 
. It is generally held that one of the primary duties of teachers is listening to their students. It is
somehow like the way service providers listen to and observe their customers to offer better
- Teachers not effectively without communication 
. without sufficient communication with students, it is extremely hard for teachers to understand
them and help them, especially slow learners and those who struggle at school to keep up with
their peers. 
. The adequate communication between teachers and students surely promote the quality of
teaching and strengthen the relationship at school. Otherwise, the gap between learners and
instructors is unnecessarily big.
View 2:
1/ As regards the second view,
As far as the second view is concerned, 
When the second view is taken into account, 
When the second view is put into consideration, this view is right in some certain cases,
- Hardly accepted in some Asian cultures 
The idea to let students evaluate and criticize their teachers may confront opposition in some
cultures such as Asian countries. In these nations, teaching has long been regarded as a precious
career and teachers receive a lot of respect from their students as well as the general public.
In some countries, teachers are always highly recognized for their meaningful guidance and
contribution. Hence, teaching is a respectful occupation and students are not allowed to evaluate
or show their criticism to their teachers.
. In some particular situation
In fact, even when teachers get the assessment or criticism from their students, they still need the
respect and the process of evaluating must be done with care. To be more specific, teachers
themselves or schools may design the questionnaires and hand out to students to fill out at the
end of the semester to show their attitude. Under any circumstances, students cannot directly
criticize their teachers with an aggressive attitude to satisfy their anger or personal feelings at a
certain moment.
1/ computer magical functions, work, not replace. Excessive use , lose 
2/ city life threats social evils ,pressure . hard resist attraction ……more come settle 
3/ human nature : root cause crime . effects, education , family 
4/ invest education, developing …..solve problems .
1. Not allow foreign investors , do the same . impossible to export, not develop
2. Lose concentration , program boring, not practical, no inspiring methods
3. Hard control population growth major cities. Attracted by …………. Young people leave the
4. Money essential business. Only ideas hard. Know how ….make more money, use effectively
5. All occupations meaningful, need different fields. What not important , how
6. Technological innovations way learn. No longer school, sit in classes. Home via computer ,
hand in mail
7. Parents training courses skills better. Not rely totally instinct , advice experts
8. Some places, farmers hard, living standard low. Even get nothing a failed crop. Policies
Most people wish to achieve success in their career as well as their personal lives. Some people
hold the view that diligence and determination result in success while others are of the opinion
that money and our appearance are more decisive factors. This essay will examine the two views
mentioned above in depth.
To begin with, the first view is really justified in most cases. The fact remains that people who
work with determination and passion always stand more chances to succeed in their life. When
people work hard, they can maximize their productivity and make full use of their strength.
Similarly, people with determination never give up easily and they seem to have the power to
overcome obstacles as well as challenges. To those people, failure is not a big issue and they are
willing to stand up to achieve greater accomplishments once they fail in their career. In fact,
hardly can we find a truly successful person without these two crucial elements. Another
argument to support this idea is that some people may get success without working hard but
those people are simply lucky. Hence, their success is not based on a strong foundation and they
may lose what they have on any given days.
As far as the second view is concerned, it is generally held that this view is not convincing. We
all know for sure that money is important provided that it is used effectively. However, it does
not necessarily mean that money can bring to people success. Sometimes, people have different
definitions for success and the amount of money one owns may also reflect how successful he is.
For example, some people may use their money to set up a business and from this starting point,
they may go much further and obtain many great things. Nevertheless, money is never the core
value of any companies. In case people have a lot of money but they fail to use it rationally, they
may waste a lot and become poor sooner or later. With our appearance, it does help us in life and
some certain professions but it is not all that the society requires. In addition, the physical
appearance is just a contributing factor to leave good impressions. Hence, it is not reasonable to
evaluate a person through his appearance or wealth. Some experts claim that the success of
people may be demonstrated by their education level, their personal happiness, their job
satisfaction and their lifestyle.
In conclusion, people should be fully aware of the true value of life and the factors that can bring
success as well as happiness. We should also bear in mind that success that comes from hard
work and determination is always more sustainable.
iew 1
totally justified
. work for many purposes , not just money
. joy , happiness : from social connection , friends
. the majority : make friends in the workplace, meet each other frequently , have the same goals,
values to share
. social network : boost the work productivity , help people in their future plan
. really boring : work , without friends
view 2
. right to some extent
. social network in the workplace : may negative effects on job performance
. certain professions : keep secret , one person supervises the job of the other
. fact: companies rules , staff to be in a romantic relationship with colleagues
. many other places , other conditions : make friends , widen their social network
. some cases , too busy , pressure
…………………Some people hold the view that……….view 1 while others are of the opinion
that v2 …………….This essay will discuss these views in depth.
To start with, the first view is totally justified.
When the second view is taken into account,
As regards the second view, this view is just convincing to some extent/ in some cases.
On the whole,
The modern world offers people more opportunities to socialize and make friends. However,
some people hold the view that the main goal for those going to work is not simply to earn
money but to form social networks while others are of the opinion that it is unwise to form
relationship with people in the workplace. This essay will discuss these views in depth.
To start with, the first view is really convincing. One apparent fact is that money is surely an
important element that most people will take into account when choosing a certain job. However,
most people also work to gain joys and a sense of satisfaction with meaningful social
connections. At work, people certainly have opportunities to interact with others on a regular
basis and they may even share the same visions, values as well as targets as the strong foundation
to build relationship and friendship or partnership. Therefore, it is widely accepted that those
who are more socially connected tend to be happier and the good relationship with colleagues
can also help to boost the work productivity. Job satisfaction only comes to those who are highly
regarded by colleagues or partners and the work may turn out to be extremely boring if people
feel lonely or isolated. Long-lasting relationships formed at work are so common in evidence/in
As far as the second view is concerned, this view just makes sense to some extent. It is almost
impossible to find any reasons to convince people not to make friends when they go to work.
However, in some certain professions with their particular nature and requirements, people are
supposed to work independently and to just focus on their main duty. For instance, in police
force or military, people are required to keep secret and the connection with each other is not
allowed in some cases. In some companies, staff are not allowed to have romantic relationship
with colleagues as it may have negative effects on their job performance or the culture or image
of the company. Those who support this view may claim that friendship at work may prevent
people from making rational decisions regarding to the organization’s benefits. However, Most
working people are not in favour of this idea and the workplace is and will always be among the
best places to make friends.
In conclusion, the meaningful connection with others are of great use to people in order to
achieve a happy personal life and job satisfaction. Hence, relationships at work should be
perceived as an indispensable part.
. convenient , keep in touch , not move around a lot
. work more effectively : get infor ………….
. boost social connection , make friends
. in case of emergency ,…………….. Feel more secure , parents supervise their children
. limit our freedom, get unexpected phone calls
. sometimes , annoyed : advertisements
. accidents: dangerous , use cell phones when drives, 
. face-to-face communication, not really confident 
. health problems
Technological innovations have profound impacts on most aspects of the modern world. Thanks
to the wide applications of technologies, people can contact each other almost all the time
through cell phones. This essay will analyze the pros and cons of this trend.
To begin with, there are surely many practical benefits that we may enjoy from this trend. First
and foremost, it is extremely convenient for people’s lives and work as they do not need to travel
around and most work will be accomplished when they can talk to each other at any time to
discuss their business. With the help of mobile phones , people are rarely isolated from the world
and they are much more socially connected. In case of an emergency, mobile phones can clearly
prove their usefulness and efficiency. Moreover, this magical device may also help us to keep in
touch with family members as well as friends and geographical distance is no longer a challenge
for people in the modern society. One major merit of the phenomenon is the fact that people are
constantly informed and they have prompt response to different situations as regards their work
or personal life.
This situation is, however, not entirely free from drawbacks. Most people seem to agree that the
frequent use of cell phones somehow limits our freedom and we may even have the feeling that
we are constantly under the supervision or control of the others. It is a fact that this important
electric device is also a source of trouble when people receive unexpected calls from strangers,
advertisers or even from bad people. On some occasions, we may feel really annoyed as we are
bombarded with advertisements via our phones from insurance companies or other service
providers. Lastly, the most stressful aspect of this trend is that we appear to depend on cell
phones and it is a real challenge to live without it in just a day. Many people even admit that
their lives are messed up when their phones are out of battery for a few hours.
On the whole, the benefits and usefulness of mobile phones with their practical functions are not
to doubt. However, whether they can really serve us or not very much depends on the way we
use them and trouble can be avoided in one way or another.
convenient , keep in touch , overcome the barrier of distance
. all the
time , constantly informed about their friends , family members
. cheap
. do
. education
. parents
. lose skills
. chances : not confident
. not real connection
. live in illusion ,
. spread new ideas, new trends, new problems
. not well controlled , bad purposes
The mounting popularity of social media appears to have profound effects on most aspects of our
lives these days. Some people even claim that face-to-face contact will soon be replaced by
Facebook or Twitter. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the pros and cons of this trend.
To start with, it is rather simple to name some immense benefits that people may enjoy from the
emergence of social media. One primary merit is a new convenient way for people to make
friends and keep in touch. With the magical functions brought by technological innovations,
geographical distance is no longer a challenge to people in the modern society as people can talk
to friends, family members or even business partners almost all the time regardless of their
location. In economic terms, Facebook or Twitter is now regarded as a stunning means helping
people and businesses to reach more customers and promote their products or services with ease.
It would be a real miss not to mention the decisive contribution of social media in education
when teachers and students can make great use of this source to exchange information,
knowledge and upgrade their skills constantly. Above all, through social media, people may
express their opinion, share their feelings, cheer others up or feel less lonely as well as happier.
The apparent benefits from the appearance of social media cannot, however, outweigh the
challenges caused. There is now a sense among most experts and people that face-to-face contact
among people seems to be less common and it may also be soon replaced by new forms of
communication. As people put more time in communicating through the internet, they may feel
less confident when having a chance to talk to others directly. From social media, people may
discuss, argue and state their personal opinion without considering the possible devastating
consequences to others. People may easily judge others and some people even use social media
for bad purposes such as demeaning others or destroying the reputation of their business rivals.
When poorly controlled, social media such as Facebook may spread bad ideas, new concepts or
trends rapidly and some of these may lead to social problems or negative impacts on the young
In conclusion, social media have become a part of today’s world and we must accept and live
with both their benefits and drawbacks. It is, therefore, advised that we should guide young
people and protect them from the negative impacts of this trend
ad :
. job , income
. explore , cultures
. increase public budget , invest infrastructure
. lose traditions
. environment
. social issues ,
. diseases
The development of tourism has changed the living standard in many remote areas. However,
some people argue that the wave of tourists to rural communities may also cause some problems.
This essay will discuss the pros and cons of this trend to local people and nature as well.
To start with, it is rather simple to name various benefits brought by package tours to such areas.
First of all, jobs are created with the process and the life of local people may change completely.
In some mountainous regions where people have no special skills except for hunting, gathering
or farming, tourists with their basic needs may create golden chances for local people to work
and provide services. Some local people earn a lot from this process and they stand more chances
to enjoy life as well as give their kids easier access to education and the modern world. On a
broader scale, with more money from tourists, the local authorities may invest in infrastructure,
the road system and living standards in certain will be substantially enhanced. As to travelers,
they also have the opportunity to please their curiosity, explore the world, have new stunning
feelings and possess chances to learn about other cultures.
This phenomenon is, however, not totally free from drawbacks. In social terms, some social
problems may arise as a certain consequence of the rising wave of tourists from more affluent
societies. When travelling, tourists surely bring with them their cultures and lifestyles which
have a direct effect on local people and children. Hence, some people express their serious
concern about the loss of traditions or even the national identity when the process occurs. In
Vietnam, Sapa is a case in point as this area is remarkable for its climate and landscape.
However, it is now easy to find many kids of single mothers who even have no ideas of the
fathers of their children. The damage to the environment is even more obvious. Construction has
to be made and nature may be destroyed in one way or another. In fact, a peaceful countryside
may turn into a busy destination for tourists and the cost of this development is tremendous.
In conclusion, the guided tours to remote places contain within them both benefits and
drawbacks in different facets. Therefore, it is the job of the government and the local authorities
to minimize risks and maximize the merits for the sake of local people and the general
development of the whole community.

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