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11th September 2021

Mauritius Bar Association
4th floor, Court View Building,
Pope Hennessy Street,
Port Louis – Mauritius

Dear Sir/Madam,
I had said I will not write again to this team of Mauritius Bar Association , but I have an important
matter to write to the Bar Association in an unprecedent situation.
I am not into politics
I am not a lawyer neither am I playing the Devils' Advocate
I take myself as example , I have my saving investments, my land , my house. and even my mother's
future lumpsum ,
Tomorrow all will be for my wife and children.
I am not on speaking terms with any family I only have my mother.
My money is not for politicians/families/foreign people/foundations/ngos/ religious groups etc.
Recently some narrow minded were saying supposedly my mother will give to them her lump sum. Its
obviously false. My money, our money my mother and I, our money is not for politicians/families
/foreign people /ngos/foundations / religious groups etc.
This has always been my decisions, versions and words. Obviously, I am fit and still young and if
anything happens to me, the banks will not pay for murder or foul play nor any accidents benefits to
anyone . Most importantly, politicians/families/foreign people/foundations/ngos/ religious groups etc.,
and those lawyer groups are NOT beneficiary of anything. Their wives and daughter ba are not
beneficiary of anything. Some lawyers appear more dangerous than the criminals.
This is the way I say it several times and will continue to say it. All ways are blocked. My death will
not be beneficial to anyone financially. I have informed my Employer and the PSC. I will provide a
copy to my lawyer in case he request it to me.
I always start with the end in mind.
As an opponent, as someone not from Politics, as a neutral , as normally even an 'enemy' of politics,
I heard the news of the illness of Dr Navin C. Ramgoolam.
When I heard the sudden death of HRH Prince Philip, I sent one letter of condolences. When I heard
the death of SAJ , I did not send any condolences but observed the national mourning. In case there is
any mourning, I will respect the National mourning.
I am not a hypocrite, I do not pretend to pray for anyone's health but I respect the prayers of others.
Thats all. I already informed the VOH that no ,I will not be part of any prayers any service in any
eventuality. His people even say he will come back stronger.
I am not concerned in any way. I am not into politics.
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I take myself as example, I wrote at least a dozen letters to police, several authorities about money and
as a honest person, as a law abiding citizen,
from a neutral point of view, as an observer,
I am sure sooner or later some women /men /children will come and say they were 'very close' to Dr
Navin C. Ramgoolam.
Rainbow women : Chinese, Hindu, Muslim, daughters/nieces of Creole all will suddenly 'dissik li brillai
' they were close to him.
[A] I sincerely hope , his family, his wife, his sister's family have arranged all legal disposition to
REJECT all people who Dr Navin C. Ramgoolam have himself denied and ordered as per his will
and testament.
In other words. I hope his will and testament will be obeyed as he himself has said. He should had ample
time to plan everything.
I personally have not done any testament yet since I am too young and I already wrote all in letters etc.
Banks and insurance are honest people. Enemies will not get a cent from me. I am in perfect health, I
do not smoke, I do not drink and I am not into any drugs.
The danger is 'children' . Women claiming to be the mother of my children.
I again look at myself and take myself as example, and I see many women coming and pretending I was
close to them, supposedly I am the father of their children. All are obviously false and any DNA test
will prove them wrong. There was a recent ruling on these matters of DNA , Case Annuth P.S. v Pierre
Louis M.J.R. 2021 SCJ 265 Record No. 113662 Judge V.Kwok Yin Siong Yen in presence of Ministere
Public and Registrar of Civil Status,
I personally I am single, and I do not yet have any child. Any woman who claim otherwise, can send
the matter to court and the court will order for my DNA test and will prove these women wrong. They
are liable to defamation and damages also,
I am still searching for my Queen.
and lets be honest, the world heard news of Epstein after his death.
[B] Lets hope that Dr Navin C Ramgoolam has made some legal provisions from his legal
representatives against those 'black listed women’ who will suddenly now have stories to say
about an ‘old man" in the worst case scenario.
I again take myself as example. I am virgin and I dont have any girl friend and I have not yet known
the love of a woman.
No one is beneficiary of anything that I have, insurance etc.I am not close with any family and they will
not get anything, politics/families etc etc cannot benefit financially of anything.
Too many women think in their heads that they are 'james bond girl with mission to harm me." Too
many women that I have known interested with have ended married to others, in the bed of others. I
cannot accept that. I personally think these women are stupid, but I cannot force anyone to love me and
be my wife.
I still search for that honest ,clean woman who deserves to be my wife, love me and understand me.
My wife will surely never be anyone who is related/from politics/families/foreign people/ngos/religious
groups etc.
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I keep faith that I will find that one rare pearl.

I even go further and say that if I get married with anyone who is related/from politics/families/foreign
people/ngos/ religious groups etc my wife will kill me and enjoy with my death benefits.
SO THE SOLUTION IS THAT My wife cannot be anyone who is related/from politics/families/foreign
people/ngos/religious groups etc.
I keep faith that I will find that one rare pearl who will love me and not love money.

Yours faithfully,

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