ME 605 - Computational Fluid Dynamics: Due: Midnight of September 19, 2021

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ME 605 | Computational Fluid Dynamics

Project 1

Due: Midnight of September 19, 2021


1. You can choose any programming language of your choice.

2. Do not use any in-built or intrinsic functions. You are expected to write your own
computer program (including for solving the system of algebraic equations)
3. Each student is expected to submit his/her own independent report and code.
Discussion among students is permitted.
4. Your report must consist of (1) problem statement, (2) grid details and approach for
discretization; (3) derivation and presentation of the final form of the discretized
equations; (4) solution methodology, (5) results and discussion; (6) concluding
remarks. Note that an in-depth analysis and discussion of results is required.
5. Report must be prepared using WORD or LaTeX. Handwritten reports will not be
6. Submit the project report and the code in Google classroom.

Project Statement

You are required to write a computer program to solve the 1-D steady convection-
diffusion equation computationally:

𝑑 𝑑 𝑑𝜑
(𝜌𝑢𝜑) = (Γ )
𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑥

with a domain length L = 1.0,  = 1.0, u = 1.0,  (x = 0) = 0, and  (x = L) = 1.0.

Choose a Peclet number, Pe =  , of 50. Perform the following exercises using
your code.
1. Consider a uniform grid with 11 nodes (inclusive of the boundary nodes).
Apply upwind (backward) differencing for the convective term and central
differencing for the diffusive term.
2. Repeat part (1) above, except with central differencing for the convective
term as well.
3. Plot φ vs. x separately for part 1 and for part 2. In each of these plots,
compare the numerical solution with the exact analytical solution for Pe =
50. Also, in the part (1) plot, show the exact solution for Pe = 18. Discuss
how the exact solution for Pe = 18 compares with the upwinded numerical
4. Repeat parts (1) through (3) with 41 nodes.
5. Try out non-uniform grids and higher order schemes and compare your
results with the exact solution.

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