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MARCH 2011


DPP organizes Japan donation drive

DPP organizes Japan

donation drive
- Pg. 1

The DPP announced on NT45 million collected by first Recent poll reflects
March 16 that it will start a dona- week
Taiwanese sentiments
tion drive to help Japan during
over nuclear energy
the devastating earthquake and By the first week of the Japan
tsunami disaster. The DPP Head- donation drive, the DPP an- - Pg. 3
quarters opened a bank account nounced that it already gathered
at the post office bank dedicated NT$45 million of donations by
for the donation drive. the public.
Taiwanese people immedi- DPP Spokesperson Lin You- DPP presidential
ately started to donate to the des- chang explained that approxi- primaries take full swing
ignated account by the DPP on mately NT$8.66 million was col- - Pg. 4
the first week. The account is to lected by the weekend activity
remain open for the duration of drive. He said that the remaining
one month (until April 16), and NT$36.31 million came from
the funds will be directly donated people donating directly to the Former US Deputy
to the Red Cross in Japan. post office bank account. Secretary of State visit
The account number at the Posters with the slogan, “Safe DPP think tank New
post office bank is [50187239] Wishes for Japan”, were pro-
Frontier Foundation
under the account name [民主進 duced by the DPP to advertise
步黨日本賑災專戶]. The DPP the initiative. The DPP also pub- - Pg. 5
invited people from all walks of licized the donation drive on its
society to help Japan and donate Facebook page and main web-
...and more
any amount that was convenient site.
for them. The DPP also organ- DPP’s Director of the Youth
ized donation drives throughout Department Lee Cheng-yi said
21 counties in Taiwan from 8 that Japan has never hesitated to
a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, March provide a lending hand to Tai-

... continued on the next page

MARCH 2011

DPP organizes Japan donation drive

... continued "om the previous page

wan, and that it was the time for Taiwanese to return Acting Chair Ker praised the Japanese people for
them our gratitude. their civility even at times of crisis, in addition to
“During Taiwan’s previous disasters such as the the professionalism presented by the media, which
921 Earthquake and the Typhoon Morakot disaster, are all examples that Taiwan may learn from.
80% of our foreign donations came from Japan,” he The DPP passed the resolution to start the Japan
said. donation drive during a senior party staff meeting
Acting DPP Chair Ker Chien-ming said during a on March 14, a few days after the earthquake hit
press conference announcing the DPP’s initiative on Japan. All senior party staff also donated one day’s
March 16 that, “The earthquake damage brought salary to the donation drive.
great shock, sadness and suffering to the people in
Japan, and the DPP would like to convey its deepest
concern for the victims. We also hope that Japan is
able to start immediately its rehabilitation and re-

MARCH 2011

Recent DPP poll reflects Taiwanese sentiments over

nuclear energy

76.5% believe that government should suspend 30.5% said that they did have confidence. Director
construction on Fourth Nuclear Power Plant to Chen said that the survey results are to give Presi-
conduct further security assessments dent Ma a high degree of alert.
Additionally, in regards to the question whether
Japan’s recent earthquake has brought aware- they agree or absolutely agree to suspending con-
ness and concern to the Taiwanese people over the struction on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, and
safety of nuclear power plants in Taiwan. that further government assessment was needed,
The DPP conducted a survey from March 15 to 76.5% of the respondents said they agreed while
16, where 50.6% of the respondents said they did 58.2% responded to ‘absolutely agree’.
not have confidence in the management capacity of “If more than half of the respondents in a survey
nuclear power plants. say that they absolutely agree, this is an important
61.1% of the respondents said that they didn’t point for the Ma Administration to pay concern to,”
have confidence on the government’s ability to Director Chen said.
handle a nuclear crisis. Most importantly, 76.5% of Director Chen also added that among the pan-
the respondents said they believed in suspending green supporters, 83.4% agreed to suspend con-
construction on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant struction on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant to
and that further government assessment was conduct further assessments, and among pan-blue
needed. supporters, 75.4% said to also believe the same. He
Director of the DPP’s Survey Opinion Center, said this represents that both party supporters
Chen Chung-lin, said at the March 17th press con- agreed to suspend construction in order to conduct
ference that more than half of the respondents further assessments.
didn’t have confidence in the management capacity This survey was conducted from March 15 to 16
of nuclear power plants in Taiwan, while only through telephone calling of random numbers to
37.2% said to have confidence. citizens 20 years and older. The sampling number
He said that during the survey, when asked “In was 1,112 and under a standard of 95% confidence
regards to their confidence in the government’s ca- level with approximately 2.99% sampling error.
pability to handle a nuclear crisis”, 61.1% of the
respondents said to not have confidence while only

MARCH 2011

DPP presidential primaries take full swing

The DPP has finished the registration proc- on Wednesday, April 13 from 8:00 to 10:00
ess of candidates for the presidential primaries. p.m.; the third one on Saturday, April 16 from
The candidates that registered for the primary 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.; and the last one on Wednes-
are (in the order they registered): 1) Su Tseng- day, April 20 from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. All the
chang, former DPP chair and premier; 2) Tsai four presentations will be televised and broad-
Ing-wen, DPP chair, former Mainland Affairs cast by four different television stations.
Council minister and former vice premier; and The presentations will each take approxi-
3) Hsu Hsing-liang, former DPP chair. mately 120 minutes. The format will be divided
DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen has taken a leave into three parts: opening statement, Q&A and a
from her responsibilities as chair in order to concluding statement.
pursue the DPP presidential primary. According
to party regulations, Legislative Convener Ker
Chien-ming will take on as acting chair.
On March 26, a coordinating meeting was
held at the DPP to decide the procedure for
televised presentations among the registered
candidates. All three candidates agreed to pre-
sent their policy platforms during televised
presentations in order for the public to under-
stand each candidate's point of view.
During the meeting, it was decided that a
total of four televised presentations will be
held. The first one will be held on Saturday,
April 9 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.; the second one

Top: Former Premier Su Tseng-chang along with his wife and youth supporters, accom-
pany him to the DPP during the registration process for presidential primaries.
Bottom le%: A group of 2012 first-time voters greet DPP chair Tsai Ing-wen as she en-
ters the building for registration.
Bottom right: Former DPP Chair Hsu hsing-liang speaking to the press a%er he is the
last candidate to register for the DPP presidential primaries.

MARCH 2011

Former US Deputy Secretary of State visits DPP think

tank New Frontier Foundation

Former US Deputy Secretary of State Mr. Rich- porters from women and youth voters in addition to
ard Armitage meets with New Frontier Founda- increasing its support base in northern Taiwan.
tion Chair Dr. Tsai Ing-wen Dr. Tsai said that during the election process, the
DPP presented solid policy platforms to respond to
On March 29, a delegation of academic and think the people’s anxieties about the future. She said
tank scholars from Washington, D.C. led by For- that over the past few years, the DPP has success-
mer US Deputy Secretary of State Mr. Richard fully transformed itself into a mature, stable and
Armitage visited the DPP think tank, the New modern political party. She asserted that in future
Frontier Foundation. In her capacity as chair of the elections, the DPP is even more capable than the
New Frontier Foundation, Dr. Tsai Ing-wen met KMT of producing comprehensive socio-economic
with the delegation and exchanged views on Tai- policies, which will help to ease the problem of the
wan’s domestic politics, cross strait relations, US- growing wealth gap in Taiwan.
Taiwan relations and US foreign policy. Responding to Mr. Armitage’s questions on the
Mr. Armitage first enquired about Taiwan’s do- DPP’s cross strait policy, Dr. Tsai said that the DPP
mestic politics, asking Dr. Tsai’s view concerning at this stage is cohering internal party consensus,
the results of the Big-5 Elections. He also asked but the basic direction has been established with
about her views on the upcoming presidential elec- the opening of the new think tank. She said that the
tions. Dr. Tsai said that she believed the past local DPP acknowledges Taiwan, as part of Asia, under-
elections have allowed the DPP to balance its stands the importance of preserving stability in the
strength to compete against the KMT. She also Asian region. She added that Taiwan and the US
added that the DPP was able to gather more sup- share a common responsibility. She also said that
although Taiwan has many differences with China,

... continued on the next page

MARCH 2011

... continued "om the previous page

... Former US Deputy Secretary of
State visit

Dr. Tsai also mentioned that

US-Japan security represents
the cornerstone of peace and
stability in the Asia-Pacific
region, and that she was op-
timistic towards the US re-
cently returning their focus
on Asia. She confirmed to Mr.
Armitage that the DPP will
actively engage in close dia-
logue with the US on issues
of great importance to both
As for trade relations, Dr.
Tsai said that despite recent
differences on the beef issue,
there is an overall segmenta-
there is no need to conceal these differences. She tion between US and Taiwan agricultural products,
emphasized that we must maintain the stable de- and that if there is going to be an integration of the
velopment of the Asian region. reciprocal relationship, agriculture will not be a
“We will find, together with China, where our point of contention between both sides. She lastly
common interests are,” Dr. Tsai said. emphasized that on this aspect, the DPP has pro-
Dr. Tsai reiterated that facing the challenges posed standpoints for Taiwan to strengthen its de-
brought by China’s rise in the political, economic velopment on agricultural services, including the
and security areas, Taiwan should not be alone in transformation of Taiwan’s agriculture to high-
facing these challenges, and that it should be the value products in order to enhance Taiwan’s com-
world who should collectively face China. She ex- petitiveness in agriculture.
pressed that she hoped to see Taiwan included in Present at the meeting were DPP foreign policy
the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) so that Taiwan advisors: Mr. Michael Kau, former representative
has even greater confidence in facing China. to the EU; Mr. Luo Fu-chuan, former representa-
In regards to US-Taiwan relations, Mr. Armitage tive to Japan; Mr. Winston Dang, former Minister
asked Dr. Tsai’s views on US arms sales to Taiwan of the Environment, Ms. Maysing Yang, former
and agricultural trade between both countries. Dr. chair of the Research and Planning Committee of
Tsai said that the DPP’s consistent position is to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mr. Lee Ying-
support the upgrading of Taiwan’s national defense yuan, former deputy representative to US; and Ms.
in order to cope with military threats facing Tai- Bikhim Hsiao, vice president of Security and Strat-
wan. She said that she hoped to see the US show- egy Research Center, New Frontier Foundation.
ing a positive response to the proposed arms sales
to Taiwan, and at the same time, she said that she
hoped both sides continue to strengthen the secu-
rity bilateral cooperative relationship.

MARCH 2011

DPP Acting Chair Ker Chien-

ming respects Vice President Lu’s
decision to drop out of primaries
In regards to the announcement by Former Vice President PROGRESS
Annette Lu on March 22 to drop out of the 2011 DPP Presiden-
tial Candidate Primary, Acting DPP Chair Ker Chien-ming said PUBLISHED BY:
that this time’s decision by Former Vice President Lu will play
a large influence on the primary.
Department of International
He said that he respected Former Vice President Lu’s deci- Affairs Democratic
sion and at the same time, he gave his highest confirmation. He Progressive Party
also added that in regards to Vice President Lu’s decision to
leave her post as Central Executive Committee member, he will
9F, No. 30, Pei-Ping East
exert all his efforts in persuading her to stay. Road, Taipei, Taiwan
Acting Chair Ker said that during this period, Former Vice
President Annette Lu gave much advice to the DPP. He said that
the DPP will not hesitate in the future to ask for her counsel. Tel: 886-2-2392-9989 ext. 306
He also further praised Former Vice President Lu for her
participation on the women’s movement and her contributions Fax: 886-2-2393-0342
to Taiwan’s democracy, for which she paid a high price by her
incarceration. He said that he had no doubt that the people of Email:
Taiwan are all aware of her service to Taiwan.

Bikhim Hsiao

Hsieh Huai-hui

Michael J. Fonte

Ping-Ya Hsu


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