TXE-407 (Garments Manufacturing Technology - III) : Lecture-4 Topics-Normal Wash Recipe For Denim Garments

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TXE-407 (Garments Manufacturing

Technology –III)
• Lecture-4
• Topics-Normal wash recipe for denim garments.

 Md. Enamul Kabir

• B.Sc.in Textile Engineering (DU)
• Assistant Professor, Primeasia University
Normal Wash
• Normal wash is the most simple type of wash
with lowest washing cost. By this wash the starch
materials present in the new garments is
removed together with dirts,hence after wash
the garments feel soft during use as well as have
a wash effect of clean outlook to the garments.
• Normal wash is a mandatory/default wash mode
for all the woven garments, specially the yarn
dyed ones.
• 1.To produce a clean outlook to the
• 2.To remove the starch materials present
in the new garments.
• 3.To produce a soft hand feel to the
Recipe for 100KG Denim Pants
• Desizing:
• 1.Add water @1:5=500 L water added in the washing m/c.
• 2.Add the garments in the machine & start the m/c to run for
2-3 mins.
• 3.In this time the garments will be properly soaked by water
will take the chemicals uniformly.
• 4.Raise the temp to 50-60ᵒ C by steady steam supply.
• 5.Add the desizing enzyme (α-amylase enzyme) @1%=1 Kg
enzyme & run the machine for 20-25 mins.
• 6.In this time the enzymes will break down the long starch
molecules into smaller ones that can be easily washed away.
• 7.The tepm. of the wash bath is raised to 85-90ᵒC. By this
process the enzymes in the wash bath will be deactivated.
• 8.Liquor is drained off.
• 1.Add water@1:2/3=200L-300L water.
• 2.Raise the temperature of the wash bath to 40ᵒ & wash for 5-
7 minutes.
• 3.By this process the loose starch particles & other adjacent
impurities will be washed away from the garments.
• 4.Drain off the liquor.
• #Step-3:Washing:
• 1.Add water @ 1:5=500L water in the machine.
• 2.The machine is run for 2-3 minutes then 1% detergent=1kg
detergent is added in the wash bath.
• 3.Temperature of the wash bath is raised to 40-60ᵒC & then
washing process is continued for 15-30 mins.
• 4.Drain off the liquor.
Washing Mechanism
• The joint action of the mechanical agitation provided by the
washing machine & the chemical action of the detergent helps
to remove the impurities & provide the clean outlook.
• The main variables of a normal wash is:
• 1.The temperature of the wash bath:
• For heavier & dark color garments the temp will be higher &
vice versa.
• 2.The time of the wash:
• For heavier & dark color garments the time will be higher &
vice versa.
• 3.Detergent quality:
• For heavier & dark color garments the detergent quality will
be more strong & vice versa.

• 1.Add water@1:2/3=200L-300L water.

• 2.Raise the temperature of the wash bath to 40ᵒ & wash for 5-
7 minutes.
• 3.By this process the loose starch particles & other adjacent
impurities will be washed away from the garments.
• 4.Drain off the liquor.
• #Step-5:Softening: (Optional)`
• 1.Add water@1:3=300L water.
• 2.Add softener(silicon) @0.5%-1% =500 ml-1L softener.
• 3.Wash for 5-10 minutes at room temperature.
• 4.Drain of the liquor.
• 5.By this process the garments will posses a soft hand-feel.
• #Step-6:Hydroextract
• #Step-7:Drying.

• For solid dyed woven garments & knit garments the washing
process will start from the step-3.
Problems of Normal Wash
• Due to normal/regular garments wash , there may be a
problem of back-stain formation.
• If coloring materials present in the garment fabric is partially
removed from the fabric during washing, may redeposit on
the pocketing or lining fabric of the garments resulting into
color stain which is called back-stain.
• Formation of back stain in the garments due to washing is
considered as washing defect. Back stain is not acceptable to
the buyer. Hence proper precautions should be taken to avoid
back stain.
• The main reasons for back stain are as followed:
• 1.Excess use of fabric softener.
• 2.Garment color is of low quality.
To overcome the problem of back stain formation
following measures should be taken:

• 1.Complete garments washing without softener & observe for

back stain. If back stain is not formed , then the reason for
back stain formation is for the excess use of softener. So the
softener amount should be reduced. If back stain is observed
then it is clear that the low color quality is the reason for back
stain formation.
• 2.For low color quality of the garment fabric, the garments
need to be pre-treated prior to washing process.
• The pre-treatment is as followed:
• #Add water @1:5=500L water
• #Add color fixing agent @ 1%=1kg fixing agent.
• #Raise the temp to 40ᵒC & wash for 10 mins.
• #Drop the liquor.
• #Hydroextract the garments.
• #Dry them
• #Then perform the washing process on them.
• #The reason we dry them because the drying process also a
part of fixing the coloring particles.

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