MARANTZ - SR 2000 - Service Manual - Pages 29

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SERVICE MANUAL " a a + Da aks } es we Oy A + , + + model SR2000 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1, PW.BOARDS .. . 2. TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR SERVICING 3, FM ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES . 3:1 Tuning Meter Alignment... . 32 FM Tracking Alignment . . .. 3.3 FMIF Alignment 3.4 Mono Distortion Alignment . 35 Stereo Distortion Alignment . 3.8 Multiplex Alignment . 3.7 Stereo Separation Alignment . 3.8 Muting Level Alignment . 4, AM ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES . 4.1 AMIF Alignment ...... 4.2 AM Tracking Alignment . . 5, AUDIO ADJUSTMENT ....... 5.1 Voltage Adjustment... 5.2 Power Meter Calibration . . 6, VOLTAGE CONVERSION 7, DIAGRAMS .. TA Block Diagram. er Bi Main Amp/Power Supply Board Schematic Diagram and 7A Tone Amp Board Schematic Diagram and Component Locations-PEOO . 7.8 Pushswitch Board Schematic Diagram and Component Locations-PSO0.. .. 7.8 Headphone Jack Board Schematic Diagram and Component Locations-PW00 7.7 Power Meter/Speaker Switch Board Schematic Diagram and Component Locations-PXO0 7.8 Stereo LED Board Schematic Diagram and Component Locations-PY 00 7/9. Dial Pointer Lamp Board Schematic Diagram and Component Locstions-PZ00 7.10 Tuning Meter Lamp Board Schematic Diagram and Component Locations-PZ50 8 EXPLODED VIEWS AND PARTS LIST 8.1 [CO1-99] Front Panel . .. 2 [C0299] Top Cover... 8.3 [C03-99] Rear Panel... 8.4 [PO1-99) Front Chassis and General Parts 8.5 [P0299] Chassis and Other Parts... 8.6 [01-99] Packing Materials... . 7 Electrical Parts nee 9. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ... INTRODUCTION ‘This service manual was prepared for use by Authorized Warranty Stations and contains service information for ‘Marantz Model SR-2000 Stereophonic Receiver. Servicing information and voltage data included in this ‘manual are intended for use by the knowledgeable and ex- pperienced technician only. All instructions should be read ‘carefully. No atternpt should be made to proceed without ‘a.good understanding of the operation of the receiver. ‘The parts list furnishes information by which replacement parts may be ordered from the Marantz Company. A simple description is included for parts which can usually be ob- ‘tained through local suppliers. 2. TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR SERVICING 1. PW, BOARDS ‘As can be seen from the circuit diagram the chassis of Model SR-2000 consists of the following units. Each unit mounted on a printed circuit board is described within the square enclosed by a bold dotted line on the circuit dia- gram, 41. Tuner. . - --« mounted on PW. Board P100 2. Main Amp/Power Supply ceceeeeeseseseess mounted on PW. Board P700 3. Tone Amp... ....... mounted on P.W. Board PEOO 4. Pushswiteh +++ mounted on PW. Board PSOO 5. Headphone Jack . ..... mounted on P.W. Board PWOO 6. Power Meter/Speaker Switch : cesses mounted on P.W, Board PXOO 7. Stereo LED ......... mounted on P.W. Board PYOO 8. Dial Pointer Lamp... mounted on P.W. Board PZ00 98. Tuning Meter Lamp... mounted on P.W, Board PZ50 ‘This table lists the test equipment required for servicing the Model SR-2000 Receiver. item Manufacturer and Model No. Use ‘AM Signal Generator ‘Signal source for AM alignment ‘AM Signal Generator Test Loo for Fanner FM Signal Generator ‘Sound Technology ‘Stereo. see : suaton ape ond wouble Wb Governor |‘ Mol 108 ee Diotion Ana Oetorion nesarenere hata Oni Sound Tecmctor Srnewve od sqm sgl ouce acvivi otaye meauement (ACh : Two T332 Wit sal nd Wubi Tongan Oxcitoscone Pgs hoa Saar 130 sient Freasncy Cori? Fluke Model 1600 MX Osler alent (VEDI Great Toer — ; Trouble eotag Fike Wal 6000 "ia Simpson ocvtvm Model 313, Triplet Mode! 801 Voltage measurements (DC) TE Water Simpson Model 1373 Tn pinay paver angi ae conan Gee (100) Hoorn out ner ret Line Votuneter Simpson Mode! 1350 Monts poieni a rina ower io Variable Autotransformer ‘Superior Electronic Co, Powerstat Model 1168-104 ‘Adjusts level of primary power to amplifier Use phono plug with 600-ohm ‘Shorts amplifier input to eliminate noise Shorting Plug across center pin and shel pickup ‘Output Load (8 ohms, ; Provides Bohm load for amplifier output 0.5%, 1000) Seo see termination ‘Output Load (4 ohms, ; Provides 4ohm load for amplifier output [205%, 100m Poncereill Grote termination 3 3. FM ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES {Selector switch in the FM position) 3.1 TUNING METER ALIGNMENT 1. Set the FM signal generator to no signal. 2. Adjust the secondary core of L201 (@) so that the tun- ing meter may read zero (center position). NOTE: Place the tuning pointer at 98 Mltz adjacency. ‘3.2 FM TRACKING ALIGNMENT 1. Connect an FM signal generator to the FM antenna ter- minals and an oscilloscope and an audio distortion ana- Iyzer to the TAPE OUT jacks on the rear panel. 2. Set the FM signal generator to 87.3 MHz and provide about 3 to 5 wV. Place the tuning pointer at the low fre quency end by roteting the tuning knob and adjust the core of oscillator coil L105 (©) to obtain maximum audio output. 3. Set the FM signal generator to 109 MHz and provide about 3 to 5 zV. Rotate the tuning knob and place the ‘tuning pointer at the high frequency end and adjust the trimming capacitor C114 (©) for maximum output. NOTE: Keop the C114 at a half of satisfied capacitance. 4, Repeat steps 2 and 3 until no further adjustment is nec: essary. 5. Set the FM signal generator to 90 MHz and tune the re- ceiver to the same frequency. Decrease signal generator ‘output until the audio output level decreases with the decreasing generator output. Adjust the antenna coil L101 @), RF coil L103 (©) tor minimum audio dis- tortion. 6. Set the FM signal generator to 106 MHz and tune the recsiver to the same frequency. Adjust the trimming capacitors TC, (®) and TC,(©) for minimum distor- tion. 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until no further adjustment is nec essary. 33 FM IF ALIGNMENT 1. Set the FM signal generator to 98 MHz and increase its Usable output level and tune the receiver to the same fre- quency. 2. The L106 (©) should be adjusted for maximum output ‘waveform with decreasing the FM signal generator input level so that the amount of noise should be the same on and beneath the waveform. Readjust the L201 for cor- rect zero point as turning the L106 deviates zero point. 34 MONO DISTORTION ALIGNMENT 1. Set the FM signal generator to provide 60 dB at 98 MHz, 2. Set the modulation of FM signal generator to 1 kHz, 100%. 3. Place the tuning meter pointer at the center position. 4, Adjust the primary core (upper) of L201 (©) for mini- mum distortion. 418. STEREO DISTORTION ALIGNMENT 1. Set the FM signal generator to provide stereo componite signal and tune the receiver tothe same frequency. 2. Adjust the L108 (©) for minimum ditorton. 2 Repeat the adjustment of L201 30 thatthe tuning mater nay reed zero. (8) Se Figure 1. Adjustment Point Locations 38 MULTIPLEX ALIGNMENT 1. Connect a frequency counter to test point 4307. 2. Set the FM signal generator to provide 60 dB (1 mV) at 98 MHz. 3, Tune the receiver to the same frequency so that the cen- ter tuning meter pointer indicates its center. 4. Turn off the modulation of the FIM signal generator and adjust the R304 (©) so that the frequency counter may a precisely read 19.08 kHz, 37 STEREO SEPARATION ALIGNMENT 1. Set the FM signal generator to provide stereo composite signal and tune the receiver to the same frequency so ‘that the center tuning meter pointer indicates its center. 2. Adjust the R313 (@®) for maximum and same separa- tion in both channels. 38 MUTING LEVEL ALIGNMENT 1. Set the FM signal generator to provide 22 dB (12.5 jd) at 98 MHz. (ion of FM signal generator to 1 kHz, 100%. 2. Tune the receiver to the same frequency so that the cen- ter tuning meter pointer indicates its center. 4, Turn on FM MUTING pushswitch. 5. Turn the R207 ((®) until the output waveform disap- pears and adjust it to @ point where the waveform comes, to appear again: Figure 2. Dil Stringing 4, AM ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES {Selector switch in the AM position) 4.1 AMF ALIGNMENT 1. Connect a sweep generator to the tuning capacitor C120 (for AM oscillator) and an alignment scope to the test point JA06. 2. Rotate each core of IF transformers LAOS (@) and LA06 (@)) for maximum height and flat top symmetrical response. 4.2 AM TRACKING ALIGNMENT 1. Set the AM signal generator to 520 kHz. Turn the tuning Capacitor fully closed (place the tuning pointer at the low end) and adjust the oscillator coil LAO4 (Q) for maximum audio output. 2. Set the AM signal generator to 1650 kHz. Place the tun- ing pointer in the high frequency end and adjust the trimming capacitor TC, ((D) for maximum audio output. 3, Repeat steps 1 and 2 until no further adjustment is nec- essary. ‘4, Set the AM signal generator to 600 kHz and tune the re- ceiver to the same frequency and adjust a slug core of AM ferrite-rod antenna L051 ((K)) for maximum output. 5. Set the generator to 1400 kHz and tune the receiver to the same frequency and adjust the antenna trimming capacitor TC; ((K)) for maximum output. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until no further adjustment is nec- essary. NOTE: Use the loop for AM tracking alignment. 6, AUDIO ADJUSTMENT 5.1 VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT 1. Turn on the POWER pushswitch and connect a DC volt- meter across the J825 and 1831. 2. Check that DC voltmeter reading is 32+ 1 V. 52 POWER METER CALIBRATION ‘Adiust the trimming resistors R09 (GD) and RX10 (@) ‘so that the power meter reading is 0dB (30 W) at 1 kHz, 30 W outputs (8 2 load). (TVA) Versions 6. VOLTAGE CONVERSION To convert the unit to a different power source voltage, change the position as illustrated in the drawing below. CAUTION: DISCONNECT POWER SUPPLY CORD FROM AC OUTLET BEFORE CONVERTING VOLTAGE. DO NOT DISASSEMBLE THE VOLTAGE SELECTOR ‘ABSOLUTELY. (P) Version Figure 3. Voltage Conversion NOTE ON SAFETY: THE PARTS MARKED WITH /\ ARE IMPORTANT PARTS ON THE SAFETY. PLEASE USE ‘THE PARTS HAVING THE DESIGNATED PARTS NUMBERS WITHOUT FAIL. FTZ REGULATION Instruction for the use in the range other than specified in FTZ codes. ‘Achtung fir die Leute, die in dem Gebiet wohnen, wo die FTZ-Bestimmungen vorherrschend sind. Sollte das Gerdt auch fir Frequenzen auszerhalb des bitten jaren, dass er den Bestimmungen entspricht. den FTZ-Bestimmungen angegebenen Bereiches empfangebereit sein, den Bereich durch Nachstellen des Keres in der Oszillatorspule (in der Abbildung mit “TZ” gekennzeichnet) so 7. DIAGRAMS: 74 BLOCK DIAGRAM OOOO [O00 ii _ fo eC i I i 8 HO I F < i ict C FL [pt fH} -@ Bion int ey FLime' ik g # a8 ; a = _ Fe - ‘auxrrare2O- 7.2 TUNER BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND COMPONENT LOCATIONS — P100 7.3 MAIN AMP/POWER SUPPLY BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND COMPONENT LOCATIONS ~ P700 7.4 TONE AMP BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND COMPONENT LOCATIONS ~ PEOO PEOO TONE ASSY ] aaev 7.6 HEADPHONE JACK BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND COMPONENT LOCATIONS ~ PwO0 chia 7.7 POWER METER/SPEAKER SWITCH BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND COMPONENT LOCATIONS ~ PXOO 7.10 TUNING METER LAMP BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND COMPONENT LOCATIONS ~ PZ50 ef 8. EXPLODED VIEWS AND PARTS LIST 8.1 (CO1-98] FRONT PANEL roe 0168 Y 0138 0178 Fort TYPE owe 0048 # (UI: for USA, *(C): for Canada (NI: for Europe Cai ge TT ranrn | eescurron a |1]1] |-2112065400 | Front Pane! Assembiy 7) z1r21s4010 | Knob aL 1} 2112063410 | Front Pere! Assembly 7| 2112118010 | Serine core |1{1{1] 2112188110 | Window, Oia! 1] 5311816080 | Hexagon Nut oa |1|1|1] 2112188120 | Window, Meter 4| 2112184020 | Knob 038 |1|1| | 2112063010 | Escutcheon 1] 2112154030 | Knob (0038 1] 2112063110 | Escutcheon, Low Filter 1] 2112154040 | Knob cos |2]2| | 2112063040 | Escutcheon, Wood 048 2| 2112063060 | Escuteneon, AL 2| s1roca0aag | 8.H.M. Screw 8 cose |1|1|1| 2112160020 | Bracket (R) 3| s1zecz08e0 | BH. Tapped Screw 83x8 cose [1 |1| 1] 2112160080 | Bracket (L) oo7e ||| |ssso0st0%0 | 8.4. Taoped Screw 83 x 10 oo7e 4] 5128020680 | 8.4. Topped Serew 83 x6 cos |2|2|2)s12e020960 | 8H. Topped Screw 83 x8 0096 |2 |2|2| 4128030880 | BH Topped Screw 83 x8 ore |1 [1] 1] 2112303010 | Mase ore |2{2|2] 2276008080 | ciamoer ore |2|2]3|2112288020 | Bushing ore |2|2|1|2112250090 | Bushing 1B 82 (coz-99] TOP COVER 8 (U): for U.S.A, 80): for Canad IN): for Europe DESCRIPTION 2112064012 3906250010 81280414U0 8.3 [C0399] REAR PANEL DESCRIPTION SU) for USA. (Ch: for Coneda UN): for Europe DESCRIPTION ] 2112160210 2112160260 2112160220 15128030800 15128030800 '51280308U0 15128030600 15128030800 1455759030 5142030870 15 510125900 2112265010 Fue 1.25AT —-280V dock, Fuse Holder Terminal, Speaker ‘Terminal; Speaker Jack, AC Outi Jack, AC Outlet Terminal, Ground Plug, Voltage Selector Plug, AC Inlet AC. Power Cord Indicator 8.4 (P01-99] FRONT CHASSIS AND GENERAL PARTS PARTNO. DESCRIPTION 2112160010 | Bracket, Front Chassis italy ‘5128030880 | BH. Tapped Screw 3x8 oon 1] 1]1] 2219273012 5110030849 | BHM.Screw = B3x8. ooo: 1] 1/1] 2216383010 2112114010 | Stopper ora |2|2|2| 2219063030 2133303020 | Mask ora |2]2|2| 8160020809 2276005050 | Camper 2417289010 | Bushing 2112274030 ‘2112302020 5128030880 ‘2276008050 2112104800 2219112012 ors: |3|3|3} 5128030880 | Tapped Screw 83 x8 1 8 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 4 D.C. Meter D.C. Meter im1000020 ‘1m 1000020 2112303040 2112083020 2112083010 ‘2112053030 Push Switch, Power Push Switch, Power Lamp 100mA soor_|1]1| | spoto10240 'sP02010330 IN10080810 3 svoz _|1]1]1] sroo0¢0040 Rotary Switch Film Cap. 0.022uF 220% Film Cap. 0.022uF 220% 16 8.5 (P02-99] CHASSIS AND OTHER PARTS ‘O02F 2F Fev OME oti: tor usa. S(C): for Canada ‘2 (N: for Europe ner, LOTy ner, | Ov pests. toTetw] PARTNO. DESCRIPTION oeStG. toletn] PARTNO. DESCRIPTION +[1 [2172105010 | chassis, (L) 4|1| 2112108020 | chassis, (R) core. |1 {1]4| 2112267032 | Heatsink 1|1| 2112126010 | stey ooae |x ]1]1| 2112271020 | Hote 14 | 4 | 5120030880 | 8.H. Tapped Screw fost. |i |1|1| 2112272010 | Pole 4 4]'5167041080 | P. Taptite Screw gost |1|1|1| 5128030860 | B.H. Topped Serow 83x 8 112112271010 | Holder gore |i |1]1| 2112160040 | Bracker 2} 2| 1802271010 | Holder ost |2|2]2| 5128030880 | BH. Tapped Screw 89x8. 2 ]2| 5126031080 | 8.H. Tapped Scrow oror |1|1]1| 2276160040 | Bracker }2 | 2 | 5128030880 | 8.H. Tapped Screw corse |2|2]2| 5128030880 | B.H. Tapped Serew 838. 1] ]2116160050 | Bracket or2t_|2|/2]2| 5128030880 | BH: Tapped Screw 83x8 1]1| 2116056010 | Butter orac |i /1/1| 62030040W0 | Lug 22 | 6128030880 | 8.H. Tapped Screw 4 | 4 | 6128030880 corse |2/2]2/ 2112160080 | Brecker 1] 1 | 5128030860 ‘or7e_|a|4|4 | 5128030880 | BH. Tapped Screw 83x8 }6 | | 5411009940 orac_|2|2]2| 5128030860 | BM. Tapped Screw B3x8 1] | 2112053030 ait |i |1]1| 2207267020 | Heatsink 2 | 2| 5128260680 zee |i |1]1|5120031480 | BH, Tapped Screw 89x 14 412112160070 zat |4|4]4|5120031680 | BH. Tapped Screw 83x 16 1]1/5128020880 1|1|2112053010 J2xo01 1 517614010 | Power Transtormer 3{1|2112302010 Jstoor | |1| | rs17614020 | Power Transformer 4 | 4 | 5128030880 [L001 1] 7818612010 | Power Transformer 4|1|2112274080 Lost |1 LF11000280 | Antenna Coil 2|2| 8128031280 | 8.H. Tapped Screw Lost | |1]1 | cF1t0002¢0 | Antenne Coit 2|2| 2276008050 | cismper 4|1| 2112903060. | Mask moor |1|1]1 111000010 | 0.c. meter 1]1|2112180010 | Orum 31] 7112189010 | soring svor |1|11 ss06040020 | ste switch 1|1| 7208080840 | ‘String 180) 1] 1] 2112103010 | Pointer 2oir |2|2]2| 2250109040 | shieia 3|1| 2112103020 | Poi 2o2F_|1|1]1| 2250109062 4| 4 | 2276262600 | Pulley, (k) oar |1|1]1| 2112109010 3] ]2112303030_| wast 7 8.6 [H01-99] PACKING MATERIALS 19s 012s 0 Fs So — x & Ss ‘015s Uh: for U.S.A, #8 (C): for Conads 2 (N): for Europe panto, | __BeSeRIPTON SIT ranrno, | Beseneron aniamore | reso coe 1) | |azasorsoe | enous Bienes | reuse 1] Faas | Ere Saran Fiowore | 11] Zesooren | Surarer ta Sram 1)" sipoames | § "Suton ere ipisionco 1]1|]seremore | Fovenr se Benoa 1/1|3]aatewore | Sere seaoorsie 1") Fests | ftaeon Selene 1] tester | Ste Sezoroon | sorrNo. cre 2|'| Setar | tw 1) Semon | Hirao aoransor2 | eneone Biasiora | Ensure 1]1]] zaczo0or | ext. nee Zeransion | Soro Grd +) Ecsinror | £2. onerco Zeanscode | Gowan ord Hrasseto | aston Biassato | Instone Simos | Marctos Siamseso | actos pias | lactone 18 U): for USA, 7 ELECTRICAL PARTS Sees IN): for Europe ge a rroorunsnencureaana| | cx |rfs|s| eae | ee cant saw vio [xfs] | yozuzono] Futaeenen HH ore ana ee 4)3}*) seat | at eee ay sais [i ]s]1) Bamana | crane omar areas Era M HH eee wy aoe ft] | easzates | eum, SSRte “A ao} | SMe | scrzumns| eet oaaar cage |i):) Yeasts | os SSaee SM) | Ste |i) peat] eae me oe, ca |sfs]:| oxime | comme oir ssox-aoe| | Si |1]t/!/ Brum] crane ter oH, 28 ARH pean | cee gigs f2]a|s) eta ee sae “Om gies ft]4]1) uses | Seen zee cama) | ce |1]t);) cxsemae | arewe One ON Sieg [ali] eats | cron "Se eer | | SM! 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