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NAME_____________ DATE________________


1. Write the Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets:

a) The girl _________________________(write) the homework.

b) They __________________________(listen) to a new CD.
c) Tim and Mark ______________________ (play) together.
d) My sister ________________________ (watch) TV.
e) The children _______________________ (not/ play) football now.

2. Write the negative forms:

a) They speak English - ……………………………………………………

b) She plays the piano. - ………………………………………………...
c) I help my friends. - ……………………………………………………..
d) I watch TV.-……………………………………………………………….
e) We eat chocolate.-…………………………………………………….

3. Translate the following sentences:

a) My sister played tennis last week-_____________________________________________________
b) The children are learning a new song-__________________________________________________
c) Our classroom is very clean-_________________________________________________________
d) I will go to church tomorrow-________________________________________________________
e) Tim always drinks coffee in the morning-_______________________________________________

5. Translate the following sentences:

1. Eu voi merge la scoala- _______________________________________________________
2. Noi am fost la cinema- _______________________________________________________

6. Change the words TO PLURAL:

Car- Mouse-
Box- Man-
Child- Fish-
Class- Foot-
Table- Teacher-

7. Write a dialogue between two people consisting of 10 lines about the summer holiday.

Ministerul EducaŃiei, Cercetării, Tineretului si Sportului
Centrul NaŃional de Evaluare si Examinare
Barem de evaluare si de notare
Limba engleză
Clasa a VI- a L1


Anul scolar 2013-2014
Limba engleză
Clasa a VI- a L1


Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalităti de rezolvare corectă a cerintelor.

Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem.
Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota finală se calculează prin împărtirea punctajului total acordat
pentru test la 10.

PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

1. 5 x 2p=10 points
a) is writing; b) are listening; c) are playing; d) is watching; e) are not playing;

2. 5 x 2p= 10 points
a) They don’t speak English
b) She doesn’t play the piano
c) I don’t help my friends
d) I don’t watch TV
e) We don’t eat chocolate

3. 5 x 2 p= 10 points
a) Sora mea s-a jucat tenis saptamana trecuta
b) Copiii invata o noua melodie
c) Clasa noastra e foarte curate
d) Eu voi merge la biserica maine
e) Tim mereu bea cafea dimineata

4. 2 x 0,5p=10 points
1. I will go to school
2. We were at the cinema yesterday

PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)

4 points for appropriately beginning and ending the dialogue
- hello/good morning…
-good bye/nice talking with you….
6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
3 points for a balanced structure
2 points for the general impression
Matrice de specificaţii
Limba engleză, L1
Clasa a VI-a

C1: C2: C3 C4:

Competenţe Să extragă Reformularea unor Să Să scrie
corespunzătoare informaţii enunturi/rescrierea deducă relatări
nivelurilor generale şi unor cuvinte sensul simple ale
taxonomice specifice dintr- conform cuvintelor unor
un unor structuri din context evenimente
text citit în gând studiate si sa trecute şi
formuleze experienţe
Teme/ personale
Unităţi tematice

Copilul şi lumea 30 p
înconjurătoare- dialog (Partea II)
intre prieteni
Verbul-timpuri verbal, 10p
Present continuu (Partea I, ex. 1)
Pluralul cuvintelor; 10p 10p
Prezentul simplu: (Partea I, ex. 2, 5)
negativul cu
Traduceri.Gramatica: 20p 10p
timpul trecut, viitor, (Partea I, ex.
prezent.Vocabular: 3, 4)
obiecte, cuvinte
TOTAL 10 p 20 p 30p 30 p

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