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Ɉ.Ⱥ. Morozov, P.E. Ovchinnikov

Department of physics
Nizhny Novgorod State University
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,


The neural network method of detection for FSK signals is

presented. The application of constructed system to
detection of MSK signals is considered. Processing of test
signals by the proposed method shows its capacity for work.

Index Terms— signal processing, neural networks,

detection, FSK


Nowadays neural network technologies are widely applied

in various systems of data processing; in particular neural
networks are used for detection in receivers of radio signals
[1]. At the detection of signals with shift keying raises the
task of construction of a solver which estimates information
symbol via analysis of signal segment. Solver must be
steady to noise and frequency distortion in transmission
channel. Procedure of detection of FSK signals at
deterioration of a signal becomes more and more difficult to Fig. 1. The scheme of the proposed detection system
formalize, especially in the case of use of FSK with low
The fragment of sampled IQ components of the signal,
modulation index. Traditional methods of detection are
representing an output of the digital receiver is given to the
connected with difficult hardware, containing automatic
input of the trained neural network namely to the input of
phase control schemes, for example, Costas loop [2]. The
the multilayer perceptron (MLP) with two outputs.
artificial neural network (ANN) possesses the property of
Samples of IQ components are chosen as features for
generalization. Therefore use of a neural network presumes
recognition by two reasons. First, IQ components are not
to construct an algorithm of detection, invariant to small
dependent on carrier frequency and at the same time
changes of parameters of a signal and steady against noise.
contain the information about phase of a signal. Secondly,
In the work in question the method of neural network
IQ components output from the digital receiver, and
detection of FSK signal, based on the analysis of in-phase
additional calculations are not required for their obtaining.
(I) and quadrature-phase (Q) components is considered [2].
The length of fragment, i.e. number of samples, and
The method of quadrature demodulation is applied for IQ
accordingly number of pairs of ANN inputs is equal to the
components extraction. In the work proposed method of
length of symbol segment:
detection is examined on the kind of FSK signals called
ν = fs / fm, (1)
MSK, because it prevailing in communications systems and
where fs – sampling frequency of IQ components, fm –
has the least frequency spacing.
frequency of manipulation.
At the training the neural network is tuned so that
outputs serve for manipulation distinction. At consecutive
input of IQ samples to neural network, signals on outputs
At use of ANN as a classifier the following scheme of
reflect probabilities of frequency changes depending on
detection (fig. 1) can be constructed.
time are formed. For short we shall name set of these

978-1-4244-3677-4/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE 594

signals as “frequency diagram”. The example of frequency
diagram is presented on fig. 1 On frequency diagram values
on ANN outputs are shown by color: white – 0, black – 1,
grey – intermediates. For reduction of noise influence each
of signals of frequency diagram is smoothed along time by
convolution with a rectangular window:
After smoothing frequency diagram is resampled with
frequency equal to frequency of manipulations and for
determination of symbols maximum-likelihood criterion is
d [k ] = arg max z i [kv] , (2)
i =0 ,1,..., M −1

where d[k] – a detected symbol.

The described algorithm uses the trained network. The
back-propagation training algorithm was used for training Fig. 2. Dependences of error probability on SNR. 1 –
on fragments of realizations of complex envelopes of ǻf0=0; 2 – ǻf0=0.5 kHz; 3 – ǻf0=1 kHz; 4 – traditional
signals, similar to those to be detected [3]. IQ components method, ǻf0=0; 5 – traditional method, ǻf0=2 kHz
are modeled according to data, which generated in a obtained as a result of detection of 105 symbols. In figure
random way. The generated data are used at training for curves of dependence of a symbol error probability (Pe) on
specifying of desired outputs of ANN. Two-layer perceptron SNR for test signals with various carrier frequencies are
with following parameters: number of nodes in an output shown. For clearness in figure curves for signals with the
layer – 2 (equal to number of possible frequency shifts), 16 carrier frequency exceeding base are presented, in the case
nodes in the hidden layer, sigmoid activation function for of a negative frequency deviation curves are similar. For
all nodes was used in the work in question [3]. The number comparison, curves obtained at detection by traditional
of nodes had been established from experience for optimum method are shown in the same figure. These curves of
quality of detection. dependences of error probability on SNR obtained at
detecting of the same signals by the method based on of two
3. COMPUTER MODELING band-pass filters [2]. It is possible to see that proposed
detection method and traditional method produce
Software perceptron was used for computer experiment. As comparable results in the absence of carrier frequency
detection should be carried out in conditions of additive deviation. Also it is visible that the proposed method is
noise, training set was made from IQ realizations of noised more sensitive to carrier frequency deviation, than a
signals. method based on filters. But proposed method does not
MSK signal detection (possible frequency shifts: 0, kfm) require a priori definition of signal characteristics and is
was carried out in the work. Parameters of a signal: adaptive because of training on realizations of received
bandwidth – 40 kHz, frequency of manipulations – 16000 signal.
bits per second, sampling frequency of IQ components –
192 kHz. 12 samples of I and 12 samples of Q components 4. CONCLUSION
that corresponds to the fragment of a signal containing one
period of manipulation were simultaneously given to the The neural network method of detection for FSK signals is
input of perceptron. After each shift for one sample along presented. Computer modeling has shown, that application
complex envelope the net output was calculated. Thus the of neural network approach allows to construct the system
maximum detailed frequency diagram over time was detection MSK signals with error probability less than 10-3
obtained. If necessary the computational complexity of if SNR is not worse +10 dB. Such results are comparable
proposed method can be reduced by increasing the step with results obtained at detection by traditional method.
between two consecutive net output calculations. The proposed method uses relatively small neural
For estimation of noise robustness of the constructed network and can be realized software and hardware (on the
system, before detection additive noise within the same basis of digital signal processors or digital logic integrated
spectral band was added to the signal. For estimation of scheme) for real time detection. Complex envelope inputs
carrier deviation (¨f0) robustness of the constructed system to ANN from the digital receiver and on the output of
tests at the carrier frequencies differing from base were neural network detector symbols of the received
made. Thus IQ components turn out not on zero frequency. information are formed. Thus application of neural network
Results of statistical examination of the proposed detection technologies allows to construct the finished scheme of
method are presented in fig. 2. Each point on curves is detection of FSK signals. Examinations of the method

robustness in various conditions are carried out in present


[1] J. D. Matyjas, I. N. Psaromiligkos, S. N. Batalama, M. J. Medley, “Fast

Converging Minimum Probability of Error Neural Network Receivers for
DS-CDMA Communications,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,
15, pp. 445-454, 2004.
[2] B. Sklar, Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd
Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR, 2001.
[3] D.E. Rumelhart, J.L. McClelland (Eds.), Parallel Distributed Processing:
Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition (MIT Press, Cambridge,


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