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1. When does the speaker say we will reach peak world population?


2. What number does he give for the current world population?


3. What does he say about organic farming?


4. What other solution does he suggest?


5. Which three cereal crops does he say are the most important?



1. What does the lecturer provide for those who are interested in doing extra reading?

A. Personal consultation sessions.

B. Extra materials, such as a booklist.

C. Mid-term examination.

D. Free glasses.

2. In the past, time management meant you needed to

A. reduce your stress.

B. plan for every hour of the week.

C. own a good watch.

D. set goals and try to achieve these goals.

3. Today, wise time management means you need to

A. set goals and work in a systematic way.

B. work faster.

C. set an overview of your assignment.

D. make a list, plan for everything and try to stick to this plan.

4. In this college, students are assigned ____________ at the end of each semester.
A. team projects.

B. final term examinations.

C. essays.

D. time management courses.

5. One sign he lecturer mentions that students feel under pressure is

A. library books go missing.

B. students get angry for no reason.

C. lower class attendance rates.

D. trouble at the library.

6. What kind of suggestion does the lecturer give to the students?

A. Making a very detailed plan of their daily activities.

B. Not being so stressed just because there is an assignment.

C. A regular one-hour session in their personal timetables.

D. Wearing comfortable shoes.

7. According to the lecturer, there are three kinds of planners. They are:

A. one weekly planner, one daily planner and one hour planner.

B. one yearly planner, one weekly planner and one daily planner.

C. one term planner, one monthly planner and one weekly planner.

D. one term planner, one weekly and one daily planner.

8. If you want to set an overview of your time, you should need at least

A. one week.

B. half a week.

C. one month.

D. one term.

9. The daily planner of time is mainly concerned with

A. the detailed planning.

B. how to plan all available time.

C. TV schedules.

D. an overview of everything you need to do for several days.

10. According to the lecturer, wise time management may have the following benefit:

A. having more time to spend on relaxation and other activities.

B. improving your performance in the final term assignment.

C. helping you write better essays.

D. improving your memory.

PART 4: Fill in the missing information with NO MORE THAN 5 WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER for each

- The Indians today saying outright that they believe they have (1) __________ that Pakistani
authorities knew that the terror attack was going to happen and that they are directly linked to
it. The Pakistani government refuting those claims calling them (2) __________ and instead (3)

- (4) __________ on a debris strewn Highway all that's left in the aftermath of a massive attack
launched by Islamist militants in which a suicide bomber drove a car packed with explosives into
a bus carrying over (5) __________ in Indian-administered Kashmir. No one on board survived
and with dozens more being treated in hospital for their injuries, officials have warned that
number is likely to rise.

- Today soldiers have (6) __________ of the bombing which is also the main route linking the
Kashmir Valley with the rest of India. It's a high-security zone how militants were able to obtain
store and use explosives without detection has now become (7) __________ by anti-terror

- We've been hearing this morning that Indian officials have now (8) __________ to come and
meet them to discuss their concerns over what Pakistan you and when. These security forces
would be (9) __________ in their response.

- Indian authorities will be (10) __________ to have Pakistan declared a terrorist state. We know
that they've tried that in the past three times. In fact, and on each occasion, they were blocked
by the Chinese.

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