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Laba/Rugi (Standar)
Dari 01 May 2020 ke 31 May 2020

Description 1-31 Mei 2020

Sales 149.600.000,00
Sales 155.000.000,00
Sales Return -5.400.000,00
Jumlah Pendapatan 149.600.000,00
Harga Pokok Penjualan
COGS 90.100.000,00
Jumlah Harga Pokok Penjualan 90.100.000,00
LABA KOTOR 59.500.000,00
Beban Operasi
Marketing, General & Adm. Expenses 23.000.000,00
General & Administration Expense 16.000.000,00
Salaries & Employee Benefits 12.500.000,00
Salary Expense 12.500.000,00
Utility & Administration Expense 3.500.000,00
Utility (Electric, water, etc) Expense 3.500.000,00
Depreciation Expense 7.000.000,00
Depreciation Expense of Building 5.416.666,67
Depreciation Expense of Vehicle 1.583.333,33
Jumlah Beban Operasi 23.000.000,00
Pendapatan dan Beban Lain
Pendapatan lain
Non operational Revenue 3.000.000,00
Bank Interest Income 3.000.000,00
Jumlah Pendapatan lain 3.000.000,00
Beban lain-lain
Non Operational Expense 600.000,00
Bank Administration Expense 600.000,00
Jumlah Beban lain-lain 600.000,00
Jumlah Pendapatan dan Beban Lain 2.400.000,00
LABA(RUGI) BERSIH (Before Tax) 38.900.000,00
LABA(RUGI) BERSIH (After Tax) 38.900.000,00

ACCURATE Accounting System Report

Cetak di 17 Jul 2021 - 20:43

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