Indian Economics in Global Scenario - Quiz 4 By:-Govind Maheshwari Roll No: - 05

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Indian Economics in Global Scenario - Quiz 4

By :- Govind Maheshwari
Roll No :- 05

Q1 Who were the founding members of NAM?

The non-Aligned Movement was established in 1961 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia through an initiative of the Indian
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser,
Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah, and Indonesian President Sukarno.

Q2) Wars make

a) Victorious Countries rich.       
b) Defeated countries poor?
c) Both categories of countries poorer.
d) None of the above.

Q3)  Why and how Yugoslavia was dismembered into multiple smaller countries?

Yugoslavia was formed after World War I. It brought unitedly six ethnic groups. They spoke a common
language, Servo-Croatian, but they had different histories, different beliefs, and distinct identities.

After World War II, Yugoslavia was subdivided along ethnic lines into six republics and forcibly held the rule
of their first president, Josip Broz Tito, these tensions were largely kept under control, as he promoted
“Brotherhood and Unity” between the six republics, and always tried to suppress nationalism, sometimes by
force. The death of Tito in 1980 is often viewed as the beginning of the end of Yugoslavia. During the 1980s
Yugoslavia’s economy took a turn for the worse, ethnic tensions began to rise, and nationalism began to grow
among some of the individual republics. This, coupled with the fall of Communism around the world all
contributed to what would become the Yugoslav Wars and the breakup of Yugoslavia.

In 1991, Slovenia and Croatia each declared complete independence from Yugoslavia. A bloody war then broke
out in Croatia where Serbs tried to create their state. A year later, Macedonia formed its state with little conflict.
Next to go was the republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. But Bosnian Serbs wanted to stay with what was left of
the Yugoslav Federation and that led to three years of war. The last of the Yugoslav republics, Serbia and
Montenegro, held together until 2006.

4. World Bank and IMF deal with

a) Project Lending 
b) Program leading
c) World Bank Program lending and IMF Project lending
d) World Bank project lending and IMF Program lending 

5.  Which multilateral institution imposes strict negative economic conditionality on the borrowing
a) World Bank
b) IMF
c) None of the above. 

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