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Iranian Rockers Call Time on Tehran

Indie band Yellow Dogs
on Brooklyn and leaving
their home country

he phone line has
gone dead for the third
time, and it takes a few
minutes to dial the epic se-
quence of digits that connects a
shaky New York cell to a Dubai
office. When Obaash, frontman
of Iranian band Yellow Dogs,
comes back on the line he is
laughing: “Man, maybe I talk
too much,” he says, as we try to
pick up where we left off. Some-
thing about an illegal show in a
Tehran basement. Oh yeah, he
says. That show.
It had been Yellow Dogs’
first, held in the days before the
documentary No One Knows
About Persian Cats made Iran’s
underground music scene the
stuff of legend, and before sub-
sequent heat motivated the DOG EAT DOG WORLD
indie-rock four-piece to head The Iranian four-piece
for safer pastures. It was just a left Iran for the U.S.
couple of hundred kids gathered
in a basement garage, two local “The government suddenly they started a run of shows at sion. You’re never going to play
bands – dancing, smoking, min- got very interested. They made SXSW (South by Southwest). stadiums in Tehran,” he says.
gling, rocking out. a TV series about musicians “We didn’t expect any of this, “There’s no future for musi-
“We really had no idea what and said all these people are no. Of course we always had the cians in Iran right now, even the
crime we were commiting Satanists and we have to ex- dream to do this and just travel folklore musicians, any kind of
by playing music,” explains ecute all of them and they don’t around playing shows but we musicians. It’s really hard, you
Obaash. “In our concerts every- believe in God. So, after we saw never expected that it would have to either sell yourself to
thing that was illegal was legal. that stuff and after the film, we become reality,” Obaash says, the government or get out of the
People didn’t have to wear the thought, ‘Man, we have to get pausing for a second before country. That’s it.”
veil; boys and girls were to- out of the country before we adding, quickly, that it is not But if Yellow Dogs moved
gether; there was a dance floor. get our asses busted,’” Obaash only luck that has brought Yel- from Iran to make it, it is just as
None of those people had been explains. low Dogs from a Tehran base- true that they want to make it on
to a rock concert before, includ- ment to U.S. tours. “We really their own terms. They are not,
ing me. pushed ourselves,” he says. “We Obaash explains, going to rant
“We did everything we could “In our concerts, pushed all the limits.” and rave about their country
to avoid being seen,” he recalls. everything that was Persian Cats certainly gives
the impression that the ma-
every chance they get as a way of
garnering support. Yellow Dogs
“But after our second show we
heard that some neighbors were illegal was legal. We jority of young bands from may hail from Iran, and their
calling the cops, telling them really had no idea Iran seek eventually to f lee experiences in the country have
the country, unlike in Saudi certainly shaped the band, but
that weird activity was going
on. So we said, ‘F*** that. We’re
what crime we were Arabia, where musicians face Obaash believes that the music
never playing here again.’” commiting.” significant odds but still choose speaks for itself.
After the venue was shut to organize shows and record “We try not to say ‘Iran, Iran,
down, Yellow Dogs moved to And so they did, first f ly- albums. It’s a point that Obaash Iran;’ because the essence of
a rooftop ‘practice room’ on ing to Istanbul at the end of is happy to concede, not only the band is not only that we’re
the outskirts of Tehran, which 2009 – where they played their because of the risks that bands from Iran. I like our music and
was where they met filmmaker first legal show – and then to are forced to take in Iran, but I know a lot of other people who
Brahman Globoid. Globoid Brooklyn, where they hooked because the future of the music like our music. We really want
included the band in No One up with Iranian-run record scene is, shall we say, bleak. to play and make progress like
Knows About Persian Cats, label Never Heard. Since then “I’m telling you, it’s a sick so- any other band from any other
which told the story of musi- the band has come forward in ciety. In Saudi Arabia they don’t country,” he says.
cians fighting censorship and leaps and bounds, playing a automatically punish you and “The things we sing about
repression in Iran. The movie U.S. tour which encompassed throw you in jail for playing rock right now, they are surrealistic,
courtesy of yellow dogs

won a Special Jury Prize at the everything from empty halls & roll, but in Iran they will put symbolic… They are stories.
2009 Cannes Film Festival, but in Phoenix, Arizona, to sell-out you in jail. When we did all those You can relate them to Iran
– perhaps unsurprisingly – was shows in L.A. and Brooklyn. In concerts and all that crazy stuff or to America, whatever. We
not received quite so sympa- 2010 they released In the Ken- in Iran, we were just playing for a don’t want to be only a political
thetically in Tehran. nel, their first EP, and in March small community, it was all pas- band.” ORLANDO CROWCROFT

20 • Rolling Stone, April 2011

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