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Final-Term Exam Summer – 2021

Department of Business Administration

Subject: Research Method and Skills Submission Duration: 3 Hours

Instructor: Dr. Bilal Submission Date: 5th September, 2021
Program: Max. Marks: 40 Marks

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Q1: Identify the sampling technique used in the above scenarios. (7

1. Mr. Asim puts students' names in a hat and then selects his sample by picking 5 names,
from his hat.
2. Mr. Asim wants to check the airport security and for that he choose the first 50 people to
pass through a checkpoint.
3. Mr. Asim wants to check the food quality of the products and for that he selects every
10th items as her sample.
4. Mr. Asim want to analyze the job satisfaction level among employees. He divided
employees on the basis of “managers” and “non-managerial employees” and then
randomly select 10 persons from each group.
5. Mr. Asim want to study on gambling addiction and realized that it is difficult to get in
contact with gambling addictive. He had however been in contact with one individual
gambler in the initial phase of the study. When he interviewed him he asked if he had
knowledge of other gamblers. The gambler gave references for two persons. When these
two persons were interviewed, one gambler give reference of the other gambler whereas
the other one said he does not know anyone.
6. Mr. Asim wants to assist an advertising firm who want to conduct a survey. They want to
know the average number of hours each week the individuals spent in watching television
in a country. For the purpose of data collection, they break the country into two parts (i)
urban (ii) rural and decided to take 50% of the sample from each part.
7. An airline company wants to survey its customers, so they divided the flight schedule
region wise. The airline select one region and survey every passenger that take flight of
that region

Q2. Answer the following questions by referring to the tables given below. (15

1. Identify the test perform in table 1. (2 marks)

2. Explain the reliability and how it can be ensured? (2 marks)

3. Explain about KMO and Bartlett test. (2 marks)

4. From table 2, identify the items deleted from each variables. Assuming each variables
having 5 items. ( 2 marks)

5. By using table 2, compute the variables for regression (2 marks)

6. Interpret Table 3 completely. (5 marks)

Table 1

Sample (n=216) Frequency Percent

Gender Male 157 73
Female 59 27
Marital Status Married 40 18
Un-married 176 82
Age 21-25 Years 110 51
26-35 101 47
36-40 05 2
Firm’s Size Less than 100 Employees 66 31
More than 100 Employees 150 69
Firm’s Type Public 16 7
Private 186 86
Semi-Private 09 4
Self-Employed 05 3
Experience Less than 1 Year 49 23
1 to 3 Years 97 45
4 to 5 Years 33 15
More than 5 Years 37 17
Source: Authors Estimation

XTable 2: Loadings and Cross Loadings

AK1 0.7350 0.4590 0.2980 0.3310 0.1960 0.4000
AK2 0.7050 0.4430 0.2210 0.3490 0.1950 0.3840
AK3 0.7950 0.4470 0.1550 0.3070 0.2980 0.4500
AK4 0.7470 0.4440 0.2920 0.3760 0.2450 0.3210
AK5 0.6450 0.4090 0.2810 0.3730 0.2430 0.3240
FV1 0.5740 0.7700 0.2080 0.3310 0.2810 0.3290
FV3 0.3830 0.7820 0.2390 0.2870 0.2910 0.3200
FV4 0.4300 0.7670 0.2510 0.4080 0.2910 0.4350
FV5 0.4370 0.7640 0.1110 0.3070 0.1910 0.3190
IC1 0.2340 0.2000 0.7500 0.2350 0.1540 0.1930
IC2 0.2250 0.2000 0.7580 0.2450 0.0580 0.1780
IC3 0.2500 0.2030 0.6400 0.2860 0.1690 0.2080
IC4 0.3000 0.2150 0.7760 0.3250 0.2350 0.2730
IC5 0.2080 0.1120 0.6860 0.3090 0.1700 0.3230
IM1 0.3620 0.3990 0.3920 0.7700 0.4310 0.3640
IM4 0.2830 0.2410 0.2360 0.7430 0.2980 0.3920
KT1 0.1790 0.1970 -0.0050 0.2190 0.7710 0.2300
KT2 0.1550 0.1470 0.0660 0.1750 0.7610 0.2060
KT3 0.2340 0.2530 0.1500 0.2770 0.7880 0.1510
KT4 0.3400 0.3580 0.3280 0.6280 0.7550 0.3920
PH1 0.4070 0.2510 0.2890 0.3790 0.2840 0.7700
PH2 0.2920 0.3070 0.2700 0.3920 0.2380 0.6790
PH3 0.4370 0.4460 0.1830 0.4060 0.2530 0.7790
Notes: AK = Acquired Knowledge; FC = Functional Value; IC = Innovative Culture; IM= Intrinsic
Motivation; KT = Knowledge Transfer; PH= Psychological Hardiness.

XTable 3: Standardized regression weights for the research model

Hypothesis Regression Path Effect type Co-efficient P-Value
H1 Intrinsic Motivation -> Acquired Knowledge Direct Effect 0.1350 0.001
H2 Innovative Culture -> Acquired Knowledge Direct Effect 0.1190 0.000
H3 Functional Value -> Acquired Knowledge Direct Effect 0.4150 0.210
H4 Psychological Hardiness -> Acquired Knowledge Direct Effect 0.2260 0.321
H5 Acquired Knowledge -> Knowledge Transfer Direct Effect 0.3390 0.000

Q3. Answer the following statements (7


1. What is the preferred reference style in research?

2. When a journal reference considers as complete?
3. When a book reference considers as complete?
4. In reference of a journal which part/parts should be in italics?
5. In reference of a book which part/parts should be in italics?
6. Identify what is missing in the below references?
a. Geebren, A., Jabbar, A., & Luo, M. (2021). Examining the role of consumer
satisfaction within mobile eco-systems: Evidence from mobile banking
services. Computers in Human Behavior, 114.
b. Shaikh, A. A., Glavee-Geo, R., & Karjaluoto, H. (2021). How relevant are risk
perceptions, effort, and performance expectancy in mobile banking adoption?.
IGI Global.
Q4. Classify the level of measurement (Nominal, ordinal, Scale). (5

1. Place of residence
2. Age
3. Gender
4. Monthly income
5. Level of education
6. Occupation
7. Employer
8. Marital status
9. Job satisfaction
10. Attitude

Q5. Write a note about the Qualitative research and mention some examples.
(6 marks)

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