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on script load:

register new shaped recipe for end stone named "&6Stoniarka" using iron
ingot, redstone, iron ingot, redstone, stone, redstone, iron ingot, redstone, iron

on break of stone:
{SmartStone.%event-block%} is true:
player is holding gold pickaxe:
set {SmartStone.%event-block%} to false
send "&e&l» &fZniszczyles &6Stoniarke&f!"
player can hold 1 end stone:
give 1 end stone named "&6Stoniarka" to the player
player doesn't have enough space for 1 end stone named "&6Stoniarka":
drop 1 end stone named "&6Stoniarka"
wait 2 real seconds
set the event-block to stone
on place of end stone:
if tool is end stone named "&6Stoniarka":
send "&e&l» &fPostawiles &6stoniarke&f!"
set {SmartStone.%event-block%} to true
wait 1 tick
set event-block to stone

command /stoner:
permission: stolniarka.dej
give a end stone named "&aStoniarka" to player

on break of stone:
{SmartStone1.%event-block%} is true:
wait 2 real seconds
set the event-block to stone
on place of end stone:
if tool is end stone named "&aStoniarka":
send "&e&l» &fPostawiles &6stoniarke&f!"
set {SmartStone1.%event-block%} to true
wait 1 tick
set event-block to stone

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