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INSTRUCTIONS : Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space provided. Avoid

______1. Technology that can display images directly onto our retinas while not blocking our sight is
being developed. This technology can be used in eyeglasses and have uses ranging from e-Gaming to
military defense.
A. Intelligent Routing Device B. Eye tracking technology C. Internet Glasses

______2. Eye tracking technology measures eye positions and movements which are analyzed
through computer applications.
A. Intelligent Routing Device B. Eye tracking technology C. Internet Glasses

______3. This future technology will be useful to, for example, local councils. While on the move,
staff will be able to provide the precise description and location of a street-based issue using
Smartphones and mobile devices that can take photos and have GPS (global positioning system)
A. Intelligent Routing Device B. Eye tracking technology C. Internet Glasses

______4. Is a feedback technology (using computer applications) that takes advantage of the user’s
sense of touch by applying force, vibrations and/or motions to the User.
A. Haptics Technology B. Voice and Tone Recognition C. Contextual

______5. By combining ‘hard sensor’ information such as where you are and the conditions around
you, combined with ‘soft sensors’ such as your calendar, your social network and past preferences -
future devices will constantly learn about who you are and how you live, work and play.
A. Haptics Technology B. Voice and Tone Recognition C. Contextual

______6. This technology will open new opportunities in security and healthcare – with mobile
A. Haptics Technology B. Voice and Tone Recognition C. Contextual

_____7. The acronym MOOC means

A. Master Open Online Course B. Mass Open Online Course C. Massive Open
Online Course

_____8. The acronym GPS means

A. General Public Sector B. Global Positioning System C. Group of People

_____9. The word mediate means

A. to connect B. To bridge C. To conjunct

____10. The most classic and already debunked theory on direct effect is the magic –bullet or
hypodermic needle theory which posit that audience are devoid of agency on their media deception
and that media is capable of greatly influencing the attitudes and behaviors of these audience without
realizing it.
A. Powerful and direct effect B. Limited effect paradigm C. Moderate effects paradigm
____11. Paradigm that is reconciliatory and is mid-way between the two.
A. Powerful and direct effect B. Limited effect paradigm C. Moderate effects paradigm

____12. This paradigm believes that you are highly capable of discerning propaganda and that media
has limited capacity to persuade you.
A. Powerful and direct effect B. Limited effect paradigm C. Moderate effects paradigm

____13. Refers to persons that are involved in the use, analysis, evaluation and production of media
and information source.
A. People Media B. People in Media C. Lower End User

_____14. People with limited access to media and information.

A. People Media B. People in Media C. Lower End User

___15. Those involved in media forms that they are primarily engage in-print, broadcast, film, new
media, and gaming.
A. People Media B. People in Media C. Lower End User

_____16. People without professional journalism training can use the tools of modern technology and
internet to create, augment or fact-check media on their own or in collaboration with other.
A. Political Communication B. Citizen Journalism C. Social Journalism

_____17. Journalists are using social media to make their content available to more people.
A. Political Communication B. Citizen Journalism C. Social Journalism

_____18. The exchange of information within the context of politics and governance, is perhaps one
of the most apparent examples of how humans act as media.
A. Political Communication B. Citizen Journalism C. Social Journalism

_____19. Ability to act or produce an effect. The following talks about the power of media and
information, influence, distribution of names and avail names.
A. Opportunities B. Challenges C. Power

_____20. A test, problem or trial.

A. Opportunities B. Challenges C. Power

_____21. A set of situations that makes it possible to do something.

A. Opportunities B. Challenges C. Power

_____22. A colloquial term for audience measurement that influence timing, placements and markets
for media content and advertising.
A. Revenues B. Reviews C. Ratings
_____23. Income generated from the sale of goods or services or any other use of capital or assets.
A. Revenues B. Reviews C. Ratings

_____24. Cyberbullying is one of the challenges of media and information in education.

A. True B. False C. Uncertain
_____25. Media and information have made a radial impact in the environment.
A. True B. False C. Uncertain

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space provided. Avoid

______1. A type of landslide where the soil is involved. They can travel short distances and vary from
rapid to very rapid.
A. Rockfalls and topples B. Debris slides C. Slumps

______2. Occurs where there is little soil or vegetation over the soluble rock.
A. Cover-subsidence sinkholes B. Dissolution sinkholes C. Cover-collapse sinkholes

______3. The following are landslide triggers except one.

A. Intense rainfalls B. weathering of rocks C. forest fires

______4. The following are the effects caused by landslides.

A. Property damages B. intense rainfall C. Injury and death

______5. The effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters.
A. Preparation B. Mitigation C. Reduction

______6. Represents different geological features of a certain area.

A. Weather Map B. Location Map C. Geological Map

______7. What level of susceptibility if the color-coded interpretation is RED?

A. High susceptibility B. Moderate susceptibility C. Low susceptibility

______8. What level of susceptibility if the color-coded interpretation is YELLOW?

A. High susceptibility B. Moderate susceptibility C. Low susceptibility

______9. Branch of meteorology and hydrology that studies the transfer of water and energy between
the land surface and the lower atmosphere.
A. Biology B. Hydrometeorology C. Geology

______10. It is an extremely large and destructive storm that occurs especially in the region of the
Philippines or the China Sea.
A. Thunderstorm B. Typhoon C. Storm Surge

______11. It is a weather condition generally characterize by heavy rain, thunder, lightning and even
the possibility of tornado.
A. Thunderstorm B. Typhoon C. Storm Surge

______12. A climate phenomenon that occurs when a vast pool of water in the eastern tropical Pacific
Ocean becomes abnormally warm. Under normal conditions, the warm water and the rains it drives
are in the western Pacific.
A. El Nino B. La Nina C.Thunderstorm

______13. All types of live flames, causes of sparks, hot objects, and chemicals that are potential for
ignition, or that can aggravate a fire to become large and uncontrolled.
A. Water Hazards B. Fire Hazards C. Wind Hazards
_____14. The first step when it comes to protecting yourself and your family from home fires.
A. Fire Hazards B. Fire Making C. Fire Protection

_____15. The following are the cause of fires, except one.

A. Barbeque B. Cigarette smoking C. Surfing

____16. You need oxygen to produce a fire.

A. True B. False C. Uncertain

____17. A phase of fire which starts to diminish as fuel and/or oxygen is comsumed.
A. Growth B. Fully Developed C. Decay

____18. A phase of fire where all fuels have been ignited and burning.
A. Growth B. Fully Developed C. Decay

____19. Expansion of fire, depletion of oxygen and increase in temperature.

A. Growth B. Fully Developed C. Decay

____20. Phenomenon in which fire that has consumed all available oxygen suddenly explodes when
more oxygen is made available, usually because a door or window is opened.
A. Fuel load B. backdraft C. flashover

____21. Total amount of load potential for a fire in a given area.

A. Fuel load B. backdraft C. flashover

INSTRUCTIONS: Write the correct name of the agency involved in disaster management

22. DOST -

23. DILG -

24. DSWD -

25. NEDA -

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