List of Activities (English For Academic and Professional Purposes)

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Department of Education


San Roque, Macrohon, Southern Leyte
1st Semester SY 2019-2020

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

First Midterm List of Activities

Written Works (25%)

1. Essay (In your own words, explain the following: IMRad & 3-part essay) (10)

2. News writing (15)

3. Language use (Elements of Poetry) (10)

4. Quiz on language use (15)

Performance Tasks (45%)

1. Legal Indictment (15)

2. Role Play (50)

3. Writing a story (30)

4. List of famous art works and 3-paragraph essay (30)

Quarterly Assessment (30%)

1. Midterm

2. Periodical
Department of Education
San Roque, Macrohon, Southern Leyte
1st Semester SY 2019-2020

Practical Research II

First Midterm List of Activities

Written Works (35%)

1. Page 20 & 21 (10)

2. Using your own words, define the following: (20)

1. Survey descriptive research design

2. Comparative design

3. Evaluate research design

b. Page 20 & 21

3. How can Quantitative Research contribute to poverty reduction? (40)

Performance Tasks (40%)

1. Independent and dependent variables (10)

2. Characteristics, strength and weaknesses of quantitative research (30)

3. Group activity (20)

1. With two classmates, float a survey in a supermarket showing meat items consumers
frequently buy.
2. Do a telephone survey of the kind of mobile phone your respondents use.
3. Do an online survey on the most liked primetime programs of ABS-CBN and GMA.
4. Do a survey of how many enrollees there are in the following academic tracks in one private
school and in one public school.

Quarterly Assessment (25%)

1. Midterm
2. Periodical
Department of Education
San Roque, Macrohon, Southern Leyte
1st Semester SY 2019-2020

Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person

First Midterm List of Activities

Written Works (-%)

1. How do you define happiness?

Do you support the view of socrates to bea happy a person must live a virtuous life. (10)

2. Do you think philosophy is important in the age of globalization? Why or why no? (30)

3. Share your experiences on the times you did not use reason in your life but rather, you relied
on emotions or opinions of othe people. What did you learn from the experience? (10)

Performance Tasks (-%)

1. Take pictures regarding the gevesnt of Earth hour, an hour when cities and landmarks turn off
their lights. Write insights on your photos regarding this question: What ar ethe implications of
Earth Hour to being interconnected in a global society?2. Characteristics, strength and
weaknesses of quantitative research (30)

Quarterly Assessment (-%)

1. Midterm
2. Periodical
Department of Education
San Roque, Macrohon, Southern Leyte
1st Semester SY 2019-2020

Oral Communication

First Midterm List of Activities

Written Works (25%)

1. Enumeration (10)
2. Assignment Page 7 (5)
3. Page 9 (30)
4. Page 11 (10)
5. Page 22 (5)
6. Page 35 (10)
7. Page 42 (5)
8. Page 53 (10)

Performance Tasks (50%)

1. Page 12 group output with criteria in page 13 (25)

2. Weaving story on speech context and speech style (35)

3. Page 34 (30)

4. Movie Scene, Communicative Strategy, Effect on the communication, and Effect on the
characters (25)

Quarterly Assessment (25%)

1. Midterm
2. Periodical
Department of Education
San Roque, Macrohon, Southern Leyte
1st Semester SY 2019-2020

Intro to World Religions and Belief Systems

First Midterm List of Activities

Written Works (-%)

1. Why would you kknow what it means "Religion" . Does it make a difference? Explain (15)
2. Venn diagram on religion, theology, and Philosophy (20)
3. Open notes quiz about religion (10)
4. Page 15 (10)
5. Page 27 (15)

Performance Tasks (-%)

1. Why do you think religiosity is higher in poor countries than in richer countries? (30)

Quarterly Assessment (-%)

1. Midterm
2. Periodical

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