Text I Why Findland's Schools Are So Successfull

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Name : Anang Jamaludin

Study Program : English language education

Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull

For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA
survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the
world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like
Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small
country so strikingly different from others in the western world.
First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend
preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work
with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they
get home.  When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working
on the curriculum and new projects.  They teach in teams if it is needed to help them reach
their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries.
In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects
its teachers very carefully.  Only talented students can continue their education to a university
and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.
Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. However, more than
in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know
every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with
their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by
the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators.

The topic sentence in the article is at the beginning of the paragraph, namely:
Finland as a country that is successful in the world of education according to the PISA
survey, and the best country in Europe that is able to compete with big countries such as
Shanghai, Singaphore and South Korea.
Various Benefits of Guava For Body Health

Who has never tasted the delicious red guava juice or the spicy white guava salad. Besides
being delicious to eat, it turns out that guava also has various health benefits.
To find out, let's look at the discussion about the benefits of guava below.
Guava is a plant originating from countries in Central America, such as Mexico,
Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela. This fruit, which is also called guava, has now been widely
cultivated and can be enjoyed in many tropical and subtropical climates, such as Indonesia.
Guava is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and potassium, and antioxidants. In addition, guava
also contains other nutrients, such as fiber, iron, protein, magnesium, and folate, although in
small amounts.

Various Benefits of Guava

Here are some of the benefits of guava that you need to know, such as:
1. Protects the body from free radicals
The content of vitamin C in guava acts as an antioxidant, which is useful for protecting the
body from cell damage caused by free radicals.
Many experts believe that free radicals are one of the factors triggering the
development of cancer. This antioxidant content is not only found in guava fruit, but also in
the leaves.
Smooth digestive tract

The benefits of guava can also be obtained as a smoothener for the digestive system. This
property is obtained from the high fiber content in guava, so it can prevent constipation and
ensure that the good germs in the digestive tract keep working.
2. Boosts the immune system
Guava is a fruit with a high vitamin C content. Even the vitamin C content in guava exceeds
the vitamin C content in oranges. Vitamin C is associated with boosting your immune system
and can reduce your risk of developing infectious diseases. In addition, vitamin C is also
important for maintaining healthy bones, teeth, gums and blood vessels, helps in healing
wounds, improves brain function, and helps the body absorb iron.

3. Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol

Guava is a fruit that you should consume if you have high blood pressure. A study even
revealed that consuming guava fruit can lower bad cholesterol and lower blood pressure. The
benefits of this guava are obtained thanks to the content of vitamin C and fiber.

4. Healthy eyes
Bright fruit, such as red guava, mango, papaya, and watermelon, are good sources of vitamin
A for maintaining eye health. Not only that, vitamin A is also important for the growth and
development of body cells, boosts the immune system, and keeps skin healthy. With the
content of vitamin A in it, you can get many benefits of guava for health.

5. Prevent diabetes
In a study conducted on mice, it was found that guava fruit can protect the kidneys from the
effects of diabetes. Meanwhile, other studies suggest that red guava is thought to significantly
reduce diabetes symptoms, as well as reduce damage due to inflammation and oxidation
processes in diabetics. However, these studies are still limited to animal trials and have not
been tested on humans.

6. Prevent dengue fever

According to research, guava leaf extract is thought to inhibit the growth of the dengue virus.
Boiled guava leaves are believed to reduce the risk of bleeding in DHF sufferers and increase
the platelet count in dengue hemorrhagic fever sufferers. However, the effect of this therapy
is still limited to herbal remedies, and there are not many clinical studies to confirm the
benefits of guava as a dengue fever medicine.

In addition to the benefits described above, there are also other benefits that you can get from
guava. In traditional medicine, guava is often processed into juice to help heal internal
wounds, relieve headaches, and relieve diarrhea.

The benefits of guava are many, but further research is needed to support and prove these
claims. But, don't let that make you hesitate in consuming guava, because this fruit contains
many important nutrients your body needs.

The topic sentence in the article is at the second of the paragraph, namely:
Guava is a plant originating from countries in Central America, such as Mexico, Brazil,
Colombia, and Venezuela. This guava has various benefits of guava, as well as various
vitamin content found in guava.

The problems of online learning digital technology

In my opinion, this method has many weaknesses because the online messaging application
from the WhatsApp application is actually not a medium to support learning activities.

The trouble is, not a few teachers who understand enough to use the WhatsApp application to
support learning activities.

Is it wrong to use this online messaging application? It's not really wrong, but is it appropriate
to use this online messaging application as a medium of learning during the Covid-19 crisis.
To use it occasionally is probably not a problem, but if it is used every day from Monday-
Friday for months it will have an unhealthy impact on the learning itself.

To use it occasionally is probably not a problem, but if it is used every day from Monday-
Friday for months it will have an unhealthy impact on the learning itself.

The story of the author's own nephew who attended the most favorite public junior high and
high school in a warm city, it turns out that it is only a matter of fingers that the teacher has
the ability to adapt to this online education.

The teachers who can be relied on are those who are in the millennial age, born above the
1981s. This group of teachers is very adaptive and quickly follows the changes and
enthusiasm of online learning in this new adaptation period.

Online messaging applications are actually very private mediums, for exchanging
information with one another. Whatever the field. Not designed as a tool for massive learning
activities between teachers and students.

Recently, the application has been widely used to support learning using the most popular
zoom, as well as google classroom. Can be done interactively up to hundreds or even
thousands of people in one activity.

The problem is that parents of students and students are very difficult with technology
problems, because not all parents are able to control or access various applications used for
online learning. And besides that, in rural villages the network is very difficult, so that their
children miss lessons or some have never participated in learning activities due to the lack of
knowledge about technology and networks that do not support the learning process

The topic sentence in the article is at the end of the paragraph, namely:
difficulties of parents and students in using technology for the online learning process, and

the lack of internet access or teaching for those living in rural villages

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