Exposition Text

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Created to fulfill a college assignment of “Exposition Text”
The lecturer :
Mrs. Eneng Liah Khoiriah M. Pd.

Created by : Group 3
Name : - Anang Jamaludin
- Silva Azzahra
- Dewi Septiani
- Intan Putri Bungsu
- Ripa Eka Nurwanda
- Iyan Abung
Semester : II (two)
Departement : English Departement Education



Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb
Praise the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His mercy, taufiq and guidance so
that we can finish the paper with the title “ Exposition Text”, at the appointed time.
The purpose of the writing of this paper is to fulfill the assignment of Reading II subject.
In addition, this paper also aims to add insight into “ Exposition Text” for readers and also us as
We would like to thank Mrs. Eneng Liah Khoiriah M. Pd as a lecturer in the Reading II
course who has given this assignment so that she can add knowledge and insight according to the
field of study we are working on.
I would also like to thank all those who have shared some of their knowledge so that we
can complete this paper.
Due to the limitations of the writer's knowledge, the writing of this paper is far from
perfect, therefore the authors expect constructive criticism and suggestions from the lecturers of
the Reading II subject to improve this paper. The writer hopes that this paper will get a
satisfactory value, Aamiin
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

Pandeglang, 4 May 2021




TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................

1.1 Issue Background......................................................................................................

1.2 Problem Identification..............................................................................................
1.3 Writing Purpose........................................................................................................

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION...................................................................................................

2.1 Definition Of Exposition Text..................................................................................

2.2 Types Of The Exposition Text..................................................................................
2.3 Purpose Of The Exposition Text...............................................................................
2.4 Structure Of The Exposition Text.............................................................................
2.5 Characteristics Of The Exposition Text....................................................................
2.6 Language Elements In The Exposition Text.............................................................
2.7 Example Of The Exposition Text.............................................................................
CHAPTER III CLOSING........................................................................................................

3.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................


1.1 Issue Background

Paragraphs are part of an essay (writing) or part of speech (if spoken). A paragraph is
characterized by a whole idea that is higher or broader than a sentence. Therefore, paragraphs
generally consist of a number of sentences. Sentences link together to express a particular idea.
Writing exposition is very beneficial, because most people are aware of the importance of
information. Exposition is an exposure or explanation.

If there is a paragraph that answers the question what is it? Where does it come from? The
paragraph is an exposition paragraph. Exposition is a description that conveys a number of
knowledge or information. The goal is that readers get knowledge or information that is as clear
as possible.

1.2 Problem Identification

1. What is exposition text?
2. What are the types of exposition text?
3. What is the purpose of the exposition text?
4. How is the structure of the exposition text?
5. What are the characteristics of the exposition text?
6. What are the language elements in the exposition text?

1.3 Writing Purpose

1. To find out what the exposition text
2. To find out what the types of exposition text
3. To find out what the purpose of the exposition text
4. To know how the structure of the exposition text
5. To find out what the characteristics of the exposition text
6. To know the language elements of the exposition text

2.1 Definition Of Exposition Text

Exposition text is a series of sentences that aim to explain an idea from the point of view
of the reader. The text in it is created to make it easier for the reader to understand the topic of
the language contained in the text. Exposition text is also known by another name namely
argumentative text. Argumentative text has the meaning of text that summarizes various
arguments about an idea or topic from the author.

2.2 Types Of The Exposition Text

1. Analitical Exposition
Analitical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer’s opinion on phenomena or
issues without persuading the readers to do something. This text will only persuade the
readers that the phenomena or issues are important or worth it to be discussed by providing
the argument or opinion to support the topic.
2. Hortatory Exposition
A hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to
explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done.In
other words, the main function of Hortatory Exposition text is to persuade the readers or
listener that something should or should not be the case.

2.3 Purpose Of The Exposition Text

1. To persuade the readers that idea is important matter.
2. To persuade the readers or listeners that there is something that, certainly, needs to get
3. To persuade the readers or listeners that there is something that, certainly, needs to get

2.4 Structure Of The Exposition Text

 Thesis: a sentence that contains a statement that explains the purpose and purpose of the
author on a topic discussed. The structure of the text of the first exposition or thesis can
be found in the text of the exposition directly or explicitly in a sentence or it can also be
implicitly or indirectly found in the overview of the exposition text.

 Argumentation: a sentence in the exposition text that explains the reasons or evidence
against the author's opinion. The structure of the second exposition text is argumentation.
Argumentation is used to convince the reader so that the perspective or opinion of the
author that his statement is considered a truth. In the argument presents some important
facts to support the opinion of the author so that the reason is getting stronger.

 Reaffirmation of opinions: reaffirmation of thesis summary and argumentation that

contains the description of the facts that have been made. The text structure of the
exposition of this section is the final part of the exposition text.

2.5 Characteristics Of The Exposition Text

 It uses standard language and is clearly and densely explained.

 To convey information based on its own arguments without sidelining a fact
 It is an argumentative text accompanied by supportive reasons.
 Use simple present tense.
 Using conjunctions such as first, second, third, next, furthermore, additionally and so on.

2.6 Language Elements In The Exposition Text

1. Using relational process = Relationships between and among leaders, workers, followers,
partners, co-workers, etc. people knowing and caring about people.
2. Using external conjunctions = Enhancing by linking to real world events (Holocaust, the
Final Solution, death trains)
3. Using internal conjunction = Elaborating and itemizing steps in an argument (Firstly,
secondly, next, finally)
4. Using causal conjunction = the cause of an event, because
5. Using contrastive conjunction = but, nevertheless
6. Using simple present tense = Bruno is quiet boy
7. Focusing on generic human and non-human participants, ex.: car, pollution, leaded petrol
8. Using abstract noun, ex: policy, government
9. Using relational processes, ex: It is important
10. Using modal verbs, ex: We must preserve
11. Using modal adverbs, ex: Certainly we.
12. Using passive sentence

2.7 Example Of The Exposition Text

Washing Hands With Soap Effectively Prevents Covid 19

 Statement of Opinion (Thesis)
Soap has ingredients that are effective in cleaning various types of bacteria and viruses that
cause disease.With the presence of these ingredients, soap is also effective in killing the
Corona virus (COVID-19).
 Argument
One of the symptoms of the Covid 19 virus that reports victims of infection is shortness of
breath.By using hands using soap regularly, it can minimize the virus entering the
respiratory tract of the hand.
This arrangement of molecules will float alternately as solitary units when they are
suspended in the air. Furthermore, the collection of molecules will be arranged with other
molecules to form small bubbles (micelles).The bubbles have a head that points outward and
a tail that is tucked inside.Viruses are nano-sized particles that have a weakness in the form
of a lipid bilayer (fat).
Soap has the ability to dissolve fat membranes. So that the virus will be destroyed and die or
rather inactive because of the fat content in the soap.This also applies to the Covid 19 virus.
So it can be stated that the way soap works is effective in killing the Covid 19 virus.
 Reaffirmation of opinions
From the explanation above, we know that soap has the ability to kill (kill) the Covid 19 or
Corona virus.Simply wash your hands using running water and apply soap to all parts of
your hands. And attention to at least wash hands for 20 seconds.This method has been
effective in killing viruses and bacteria that are on the hands so that it can prevent the Covid
19 virus from entering the body.


3.1 Conclusion

The conclusion from the explanations above is Exposition Text is an essay that presents a
number of knowledge or information, in other words, an Exposition Paragraph is a paragraph or
essay that has the aim of providing information about something so that it can expand the
reader's knowledge. There are several types of development in the exposition paragraph namely:

1. Analitical Exposition
2. Hortatory Exposition

3.2 Suggestions

This is the paper that we have written, hopefully it can be useful for readers. If there
are suggestions and criticisms that you want to convey, please tell us. If there is an error
please forgive and understand it, because we are servants of Allah who do not escape
mistakes, Alpha and forget.





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