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Xee-A Twelve: Watch the Earth - Not the Sky


Permission by the author is specifically given to anyone to

disseminate this article in any form, electronic, written or
otherwise, PROVIDED that the entire article is reproduced
with the date of June 5, 2004, unedited, acknowledging "D.
M." as the author and copyright holder along with this
notice attached to it.

Watch the Earth - Not the Sky


D. M.

21st June, 2004

Many of the events that I have predicted in the past have

already occurred. Now is the time for Purification in
preparation for our return to our Pristine Home where there
is unconditional Love and no Evil. What follows could
frighten some, but take comfort that the Light will take care
of Its children.

You have a right to know what is in store. What is to come,

will come. All that is important is spiritual survival of your
consciousness. You can make the best of it by weathering the
upcoming events as best you can.

Of recent many have had their attention drawn to the skies to

look for incoming foreign objects such as meteors, comets
and even whole planets. This has been by design. The
alternative media has especially promoted sky searching.
False prophets of incoming objects have blossomed. The
masses are getting worked up into a frenzy about the

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possibility of huge disasters being caused by celestial

impacts or near misses, and even the possibility of alien

There has been a long-range plan by the ruling elite to spread

contrived incoming disaster stories. This includes the Planet
X scares, which I have already explained that the Planet X
no longer exists. I have said that something is coming this
way, but it will NOT be Nibiru (Planet X).

The ruling elite want to control the fear that they will be
spreading and the story of incoming objects works very well
to suit their purposes. However, they know the bulk of the
real disasters will not be coming from incoming objects, but
from the Earth itself. Hence, there will soon appear to be
incoming objects and damage caused by the ruling elite.
These will be artificially launched by them and the objects
will crash on the Earth and appear to have been incoming
objects from deep space.

The activities of foreign governments of recent have

demonstrated that this plan is about to be implemented with
the co-operation of other governments. The recent Mexican
UFO scam is just one of these. The Portuguese mass sighting
of lights, tied in with the Seattle light show signals that
everything is set to go. These three events were artificially
staged to set the scene.

False prophets – many are on the payroll of the ruling elite

while others have been sincerely and innocently drawn into
the plot – are springing up everywhere and talking about
incoming objects causing disasters. Soon the launches of
these incoming objects and other things will commence.
These launches will be from Earth or from human-made
launching pads in the sky and will be targeted at various
points on the Earth.

The ruling elite want people to be frightened, but to remain

where they are so that society continues somewhat as it is

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today. They want to keep governments, economies,

industries, religions, schools etc. as stable as possible in the
upcoming days. However, there are certain areas that the
ruling elite want cleared of people, so they will direct
evacuation of those places.

The ruling elite have invested enormous efforts to try to

implement their artificial launching of incoming objects plan
earlier than today. However, the Light intervened and
thwarted that plan and delayed it by several weeks. The
ruling elite then executed another plan with "new" false
prophets and have worked up the same frenzy using their
own agents to do so. This alternative plan is about to be
implemented, however, it will not work exactly as the ruling
elite have planned for it.

One of the main reasons for the "incoming-object" attack

plan is that controlled population re-location can be effected.
With this plan, the ruling elite can move and clear locations
at will because they can control where things are targeted
and give warnings for evacuations and few would want to
remain at ground zero for the impacts. Certain test locations
are already targeted.

The "incoming-objects" plan suits the ruling elite's agenda

for their One World Government, but what is really
happening to the Earth does not.

There will be disasters on this planet, but what the ruling

elite does not want you to know is that they are primarily
occurring because the Earth is collapsing. This is happening
because, as I have written some time ago, the consciousness
of the Earth, which has been held prisoner by Darkness in
Matter for a long time, has been liberated by the Light. This
has left the physical Earth as a literal shell, operating
robotically. It can no longer self-correct or self-sustain. The
shell is dying because of this. Fear not the death of the Earth,
but instead rejoice that the consciousness of the Earth is

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liberated and is no longer imprisoned in Matter.

The Earth is unable to cope and is having convulsions

everywhere. These are primarily seen by earthquakes,
volcanoes, storms, droughts, heat waves, freezes and
flooding at this time. However, other things will be apparent
soon. The ruling elite see all these things occurring and want
to divert everyone's attention from the natural disasters. This
diversion is being done for the ruling elite's own agenda to
effect the One World Order. This is another key reason for
the "incoming object" plan and the press releases about UFO
activities at this time.

There have long been warnings given that there would be

cataclysmic events befalling the Earth. However, because of
all the false prophets who are confusing people, even some
of the workers of Light are going to be taken by surprise
when these events occur.

As I stated some years ago, this will be a time when madness

and confusion will reign.

In the days of darkness and confusion, men and women,

young and old, will crumble under the Force which sweeps
across this planet.

The sky will turn red and black. Total silence will come
suddenly after the big Uproar. Many will die due to extremes
in temperature. No lives will remain untouched. Only
spiritual strength will withstand the "Cold" and the "Fire" of

Most of North America will be severely destroyed by

large-scale earthquakes. The San Andreas fault will fracture
completely. Mountains near Big Brother (Mount Rainier)
will tremble and Big Brother will burst into flames. Lava
will flow westward from Big Brother – the western quarter
of Big Brother will be no more.

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The rumbling sound announces its presence and the seas

swallow almost every coastal town from San Francisco to
Seattle, leaving part of Seattle as oceanfront property. The
Coastal Range will hold back the sea, but the Olympic
Mountains will be swallowed mercilessly. Portland,
Olympia, and the entire Olympic Peninsula will be under
water. Southern California will hear the call and millions will
flee east to the mountains. Many will seek refuge in Kansas
and Colorado.

A series of volcanic eruptions etc. will eliminate Alaska from

the Earth.

South Carolina will be devastated by a Giant Wind with five

prongs. Rhode Island will be totally submerged. Baltimore
will be hit by a huge hurricane and will later be totally under
water. A worse fate awaits New York.

Many parts of South America will also be under water.

Madagascar will sink into the sea as the drought worsens in

Africa. Diseases and starvation will kill most of its

Istanbul, Barcelona and parts of Italy will be in ruins and

eventually it will break off from the continent and simply
disappear into the sea. Much of Europe will be flooded and
the sea will continue to rise. The Jutland peninsula too, will
be swallowed by the sea. The Midland Plain of the British
Isles will meet the same fate as the Danish Peninsula and the
Thames will flow no more.

Asia will be hit by the worst typhoon ever. Earthquakes,

floods and volcanoes will batter it and Japan will sink into
the sea.

Australia will be relatively safe until the very end although

its coastal areas will be swallowed by the sea.

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All people in the world will be affected by what is taking

place and their Mind energy will undergo great change. Civil
wars will break out in many countries. No nation will trust
the others. There will be chaos surrounding these great

In spite of great waters everywhere, ironically, THE EARTH


For these upcoming times, certain sounds have been released

by the Light to assist the True-Light beings. Their spirits
have responded to the call of the Light even though many of
the physical beings are not aware of these protective and
comforting sounds. Again, it does not depend on what
religion, belief, colour, gender or age a person is. Its spirit
has chosen where it wants to belong. This applies to all
classes of Creation, including mineral, vegetable, animal,
human and other forms of existence.

All viable beings will soon be rejoicing. This is a joyous

message for all True beings – Liberation from Darkness at
last and the continuation of existence in our Original Pristine

© 2004 D. M.

Permission by the author is specifically given to anyone to

disseminate this article in any form, electronic, written or
otherwise, PROVIDED that the entire article is reproduced
with the date of June 5, 2004, unedited, acknowledging "D.
M." as the author and copyright holder along with this
notice attached to it.

Xee-A Twelve Home Page

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