Pay Back Period: What Is The Payback Period?

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Pay Back Period

What is the Payback Period?

Corporate finance is all about capital budgeting. One of the most important
concepts every corporate financial analyst must learn is how to value different
investments or operational projects. The analyst must find a reliable way to
determine the most profitable project or investment to undertake. One way
corporate financial analysts do this is with the payback period.

The payback period refers to the length of time it takes to recover the cost of
an investment.

The desirability of an investment is directly related to its payback period. Shorter

paybacks mean more attractive investments. Investors and managers use the
payback period to make quick judgments on their investments. The concept of the
payback period is generally used in financial and capital budgeting. But it has also
been used to determine the cost savings of energy efficiency technology. As an
example it can be used by homeowners and businesses to calculate the return on
the energy efficient technologies such as solar panels and insulation, as well as
maintenance and upgrades.
The payback period, though, disregards the time value of money. It is determined
by counting the number of years it takes to recover the funds invested. For
example, if it takes five years to recover the cost of the investment, the payback
period is five years.
While payback periods are useful in financial and capital budgeting, it has
applications in other industries. Some analysts favor the payback method for its
simplicity. Others like to use it as an additional point of reference in a capital
budgeting decision framework. The payback period does not account for what
happens after payback, ignoring the overall profitability of an investment.

Payback Period Formula – Even Cash Flow:

When net annual cash inflow is even (i.e., same cash flow every period), the
payback period of the project can be computed by applying the simple formula
given below:

*The denominator of the formula becomes incremental cash flow if an old asset
(e.g., machine or equipment) is replaced by a new one.
The payback period is the cost of the investment divided by the annual cash flow.
The shorter the payback, the more desirable the investment. Conversely, the longer
the payback, the less desirable it is.


The ABC company is planning to purchase a machine known as machine X.

Machine X would cost $25,000 and would have a useful life of 10 years with zero
salvage value. The expected annual cash inflow of the machine is
$10,000. Compute payback period of machine X and conclude whether or not the
machine would be purchased if the maximum desired payback period of ABC
company is 3 years.


Since the annual cash inflow is even in this project, we can simply divide the initial
investment by the annual cash inflow to compute the payback period. It is shown

Payback period = $25,000/$10,000

= 2.5 years

According to payback period analysis, the purchase of machine X is desirable
because its payback period is 2.5 years which is shorter than the maximum
payback period of the company.

Due to increased demand, the management of XYZ Beverage Company is
considering to purchase a new equipment to increase the production and revenues.
The useful life of the equipment is 10 years and the company’s maximum desired
payback period is 4 years. The inflow and outflow of cash associated with the new
equipment is given below:
Initial cost of equipment: $37,500
Annual cash inflows:
Sales: $75,000
Annual cash Outflows:
Cost of ingredients: $45,000
Salaries expenses: $13,500
Maintenance expenses: $1,500
Should XYZ Beverage Company purchase the new equipment? Use payback
method for your answer.
Step 1:
In order to compute the payback period of the equipment, we need to work out the
net annual cash inflow by deducting the total of cash outflow from the total of cash
inflow associated with the equipment.
Computation of net annual cash inflow:
$75,000 – ($45,000 + $13,500 + $1,500)
= $15,000
Step 2:

Now, the amount of investment required to purchase the equipment would be
divided by the amount of net annual cash inflow (computed in step 1) to find the
payback period of the equipment.
= $37,500/$15,000
=2.5 years
According to payback method, the equipment should be purchased because the
payback period of the equipment is 2.5 years which is shorter than the maximum
desired payback period of 4 years.

Comparison of two or more alternative projects

Where funds are limited and several alternative projects are being considered, the
project with the shortest payback period is preferred. It is explained with the help
of the following example:

The management of ABC company wants to reduce its labor cost by installing a
new machine. Two types of machines are available in the market – machine X and
machine Y. Machine X would cost $18,000 where as machine Y would cost
$15,000. Both the machines can reduce annual labor cost by $3,000. Which is the
best machine to purchase according to payback method?
Payback period of machine X: $18,000/$3,000 = 6 years
Payback period of machine y: $15,000/$3,000 = 5 years
According to payback method, machine Y is more desirable than machine X
because it has a shorter payback period than machine X.

Payback Method with Uneven Cash Flow:

In the above examples we have assumed that the projects generate even cash
inflow but many projects usually generate uneven cash flow. When projects
generate inconsistent or uneven cash inflow (different cash inflow in different
periods), the simple formula given above cannot be used to compute payback
period. In such situations, we need to compute the cumulative cash inflow and then
apply the following formula:

An investment of $200,000 is expected to generate the following cash inflows in
six years:
Year 1: $70,000
Year 2: $60,000
Year 3: $55,000
Year 4: $40,000
Year 5: $30,000
Year 6: $25,000
Compute payback period of the investment. Should the investment be made if
management wants to recover the initial investment in 3 years or less?


Because the cash inflow is uneven, the payback period formula cannot be used to
compute the payback period. We can compute the payback period by computing
the cumulative net cash flow as follows:

Payback period = 3 + (15,000*/40,000)

= 3 + 0.375
= 3.375 Years
*Unrecovered investment at start of 4th year:
= Initial cost – Cumulative cash inflow at the end of 3rd year
= $200,000 – $185,000
= $15,000
The payback period for this project is 3.375 years which is longer than the
maximum desired payback period of the management (3 years). The investment in
this project is therefore not desirable.

Advantages and disadvantages of payback method

1. The payback period is useful from a risk analysis perspective, since it gives
a quick picture of the length of time that the initial investment will be at risk.
If you were to analyze a prospective investment using the payback method,
you would tend to accept those investments having rapid payback periods
and reject those having longer ones. It tends to be more useful in industries
where investments become obsolete very quickly, and where a full return of
the initial investment is therefore a serious concern.
2. An investment project with a short payback period promises the quick
inflow of cash. It is therefore, a useful capital budgeting method for cash
poor firms.
3. A project with short payback period can improve the liquidity position of the
business quickly. The payback period is important for the firms for which
liquidity is very important.


1. It does not consider the useful life of the assets and inflow of cash after
payback period. For example, If two projects, project A and project B
require an initial investment of $5,000. Project A generates an annual cash
inflow of $1,000 for 5 years whereas project B generates a cash inflow of
$1,000 for 7 years. It is clear that the project B is more profitable than
project A. But according to payback method, both the projects are equally
desirable because both have a payback period of 5 years ($5,000/$1,000).
If an asset’s useful life expires immediately after it pays back the initial
investment, then there is no opportunity to generate additional cash flows.
The payback method does not incorporate any assumption regarding asset
life span.

2. Additional cash flows. The concept does not consider the presence of any
additional cash flows that may arise from an investment in the periods after full
payback has been achieved.
3.Cash flow complexity. The formula is too simplistic to account for the multitude
of cash flows that actually arise with a capital investment. For example, cash
investments may be required at several stages, such as cash outlays for periodic
upgrades. Also, cash outflows may change significantly over time, varying with
customer demand and the amount of competition.
4.Profitability. The payback method focuses solely upon the time required to pay
back the initial investment; it does not track the ultimate profitability of a project at
all. Thus, the method may indicate that a project having a short payback but with
no overall profitability is a better investment than a project requiring a long-term
payback but having substantial long-term profitability.
5.Time value of money. The method does not take into account the time value of
money, where cash generated in later periods is worth less than cash earned in the
current period. A variation on the payback period formula, known as the
discounted payback formula, eliminates this concern by incorporating the time
value of money into the calculation. Other capital budgeting analysis methods that
include the time value of money are the net present value method and the internal
rate of return.
6.Individual asset orientation. Many fixed asset purchases are designed to improve
the efficiency of a single operation, which is completely useless if there is a
process bottleneck located downstream from that operation that restricts the ability
of the business to generate more output. The payback period formula does not
account for the output of the entire system, only a specific operation. Thus, its use
is more at the tactical level than at the strategic level.

Discounted payback method

The discounted payback period is a capital budgeting procedure used to determine
the profitability of a project. A discounted payback period gives the number of
years it takes to break even from undertaking the initial expenditure, by
discounting future cash flows and recognizing the time value of money. The metric
is used to evaluate the feasibility and profitability of a given project.
The more simplified payback period formula, which simply divides the total cash
outlay for the project by the average annual cash flows, doesn't provide as accurate
of an answer to the question of whether or not to take on a project because it
assumes only one, upfront investment, and does not factor in the time value of
To begin, the periodic cash flows of a project must be estimated and shown by
period in a table or spreadsheet. These cash flows are then reduced by their present
value factor to reflect the discounting process. This can be done using the present
value function and a table in a spreadsheet program.
A general rule to consider when using the discounted payback period is to accept
projects that have a payback period that is shorter than the target timeframe. A
company can compare its required break-even date for a project to the point at
which the project will break even according to the discounted cash flows used in
the discounted payback period analysis, to approve or reject the project.
The discounted payback method tells companies about the time period in which the
initially invested funds to start a project would be recovered by the discounted
value of total cash inflow. Additionally, it indicates towards the potential
profitability of a certain business venture. For example, if a project indicates that
the funds or initial investment will never be recovered by the discounted value of
related cash inflow, it means the project would not be profitable and the company
should refrain from investing in it.
The following example illustrates how a discounted payback method differs from a
traditional or simple payback method.

An opportunity arises for a company which requires an initial investment of
$800,000 now. The management’s discount rate is 12%.
The amount of cash inflows expected from the new opportunity are:
 Year-1 cash Inflow: $250,000
 Year-2 cash Inflow: $400,000
 Year-3 cash Inflow: $300,000

 Year-4 cash Inflow: $450,000
Compute the simple and discounted payback periods of the new investment
opportunity. Is this investment opportunity acceptable under two methods if the
maximum desired payback period of the management is 3 years?
1. Simple payback period
The simple payback method dos not take into account the present value of cash

Simple payback period =

Years before full recovery + (Unrecovered cost at start of
the year/Cash flow during the year)
= 2 + *150,000/300,000
2.5 years
*$800,000 – $650,000
We see that in year 3, the investment is not just recovered but the remaining cash
inflow is surplus. The initial investment of the company would be recovered in 2.5
years. So the project is acceptable according to simple payback period method
because the recovery period under this method (2.5 years) is less than the
maximum desired payback period of the management (3 years).
2. Discounted payback period
The discounted payback method takes into account the present value of cash flows.

*Present value factor at 12%: (1/1.12)^1 = 0.893; (1/1.12)^2 = 0.797; (1/1.12)^3
= 0.712; (1/1.12)^4 = 0.636
The rest of the computations are similar to simple payback period
Discounted payback period = Years before full recovery + (Unrecovered cost at
start of the year/Cash flow during the year)
3 + *44,350/286,200
3.15 years
*$800,000 – $755,650
We observe that the outcome with discounted payback method is less favorable
than with the simple payback method and according to this method the initial
investment would be recovered in 3.15 years.
The project is not acceptable according to discounted payback period method
because the recovery period under this method (3.15 years) is more than the
maximum desired payback period of the management (3 years).

Advantages and disadvantages of discounted payback method

 It takes into account the time value of money by deflating the cash flows
using cost of capital of the company.
 The concept backing the method is easy to understand.

 Both simple and discounted payback method do not take into account the
full life of the project. The overall benefit and profitability of a project
cannot be measured under these methods because any cash flows beyond the
payback period is ignored.
 It may become a relative measure. In some situations, the discounted
payback period of the project may be longer than the maximum desired
payback period of the management but other measures like accounting rate
of return (ARR) and internal rate of return (IRR) etc. may favor the project.
 The accuracy of the output only depends upon the accuracy of the input
provided, like the accuracy of figures of cash flows, the estimation of the
timing of cash flows which affects their present values, and the accuracy of
the discount rate to be used etc.

Accounting Rate of Return (Average Rate of Return)

The Average Rate of Return or ARR, measures the profitability of the investments
on the basis of the information taken from the financial statements rather than the
cash flows. It is also called as Accounting Rate of Return. The term “average rate
of return” refers to the percentage rate of return that is expected on an investment
or asset vis-à-vis the initial investment cost or average investment over the life of
the project. The ratio does not take into account the concept of time value of
money. ARR calculates the return, generated from net income of the proposed
capital investment.
How to Calculate the Accounting Rate of Return – ARR
1. Calculate the annual net profit from the investment, which could include
revenue minus any annual costs or expenses of implementing the project or

2. If the investment is a fixed asset such as property, plant, or equipment,
subtract any depreciation expense from the annual revenue to achieve the
annual net profit.
3. Divide the annual net profit by the initial cost of the asset, or investment.
The result of the calculation will yield a decimal. Multiply the result by 100
to show the percentage return as a whole number.

The formula for calculating the average rate of return is:

Average Rate of Return = Average Income / Average Investment over the life
of the project*100

Accept-Reject Criteria: The projects having the rate of return higher than the
minimum desired returns are accepted. When comparing investments, the higher
the ARR, the more attractive the investment. More than half of large firms
calculate ARR when appraising projects.
The formula for average rate of return is also derived by dividing the average
annual net earnings after taxes or return on the investment by the original
investment or the average investment during the life of the project and then
expressed in terms of percentage.

Average Rate of Return = Average Annual Net Earnings After Taxes /

Initial investment * 100%

Average Rate of Return = Average annual net earnings after taxes /

Average investment over the life of the project * 100%

In the above formula, the incremental net operating income is equal to incremental
revenues to be generated by the asset less incremental operating expenses. The
incremental operating expenses also include depreciation of the asset.
The denominator in the formula is the amount of investment initially required to
purchase the asset. If an old asset is replaced with a new one, the amount of initial
investment would be reduced by any proceeds realized from the sale of old

The ABC Clothing Factory wants to replace an old machine with a new one. The
old machine can be sold to a small factory for $10,000. The new machine would
increase annual revenue by $150,000 and annual operating expenses by $60,000.
Annual depreciation is $30000. The new machine would cost $360,000. The
estimated useful life of the machine is 12 years.
Compute accounting rate of return (ARR) of the machine using above information.
Should ABC Clothing Factory purchase the machine if management wants an
accounting rate of return of 15% on all capital investments?
Computation of accounting rate of return:
= $60,000* / $350,000**
= 17.14%
*Incremental net operating income:
Incremental revenues – Incremental expenses including depreciation
$150,000 – ($60,000 cash operating expenses + $30,000 depreciation)
$150,000 – $90,000
** The amount of initial investment has been reduced by net realizable value of the
old machine ($360,000 – $10,000).
According to accounting rate of return method, the ABC Clothing Factory should
purchase the machine because its estimated accounting rate of return is 17.4%
which is greater than the management’s desired rate of return of 15%.

Cost reduction projects:

The accounting rate of return method is equally beneficial to evaluate cost
reduction projects. The accounting rate of return of the assets that are purchased
with a view to reduce business costs is computed using the following formula:

The ABC company is considering to purchase an equipment costing $45,000 to be
used in packing department. It would reduce annual labor cost by $12,000. The
useful life of the equipment would be 15 years with no salvage value. The
operating expenses would be $3,000 per year.
Required: Compute accounting rate of return/simple rate of return of the

= $9,000* / $45,000
= 20%
*Net cost savings:
$12,000 – ($3,000 cash operating expenses)

Comparison of different alternatives:

If several investments are proposed and the management have to choose the
best due to limited funds, the proposal with the highest accounting rate of return is

It is important to understand the concept of the average rate of return as it is used

by investors to make decisions based on the likely amount of return expected from
an investment. Based on this, an investor can decide whether to enter into an
investment or not. Further, investors use this return for ranking the assets and
eventually make the investment as per the ranking and include them in the
In cases of projects, an investor uses the metric to check whether or not the average
rate of return is higher than the required rate of return, which is a positive signal
for the investment. Again, for mutually exclusive projects, an investor accepts the
one with the highest return. In short, the higher the return, the better is the asset.
The accounting rate of return is a capital budgeting metric useful for a quick
calculation of an investment's profitability. ARR is used mainly as a general
comparison between multiple projects to determine the expected rate of return
from each project.

ARR can be used when deciding on an investment or an acquisition. It factors in
any possible annual expenses or depreciation expense that's associated with the
project. Depreciation is an accounting process whereby the cost of a fixed asset is
spread out, or expensed, annually during the useful life of the asset.

Depreciation is a helpful accounting convention that allows companies not to have

to expense the entire cost of a large purchase in year one, thus allowing the
company to earn a profit from the asset right away, even in its first year of service.
In the ARR calculation, depreciation expense and any annual costs must be
subtracted from annual revenue to yield the net annual profit.

However, ARR does not differentiate between investments that yield different cash
flows over the lifetime of the project.

If you have already studied other capital budgeting methods (net present value
method, internal rate of return method and payback method), you may have
noticed that all these methods focus on cash flows. But accounting rate of return
(ARR) method uses expected net operating income to be generated by the
investment proposal rather than focusing on cash flows to evaluate an investment

Advantages and disadvantages:

1. Accounting rate of return is simple and straightforward to compute.
2. It focuses on accounting net operating income. Creditors and investors use
accounting net operating income to evaluate the performance of management.
1.Accounting rate of return method does not take into account the time value of
money. Under this method a dollar in hand and a dollar to be received in future are
considered of equal value.
2.The accounting rate of return does not consider the increased risk of long-term
projects and the increased uncertainty associated with long periods.

3.Cash is very important for every business. If an investment quickly generates
cash inflow, the company can invest in other profitable projects. But accounting
rate of return method focus on accounting net operating income rather than cash
4.The accounting rate of return does not remain constant over useful life for many
projects. A project may, therefore, look desirable in one period but undesirable in
another period.


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