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Coenen aaa aiken aaa TST OS) YOGODa SAT-SANGA VORTAIGHTLY INSPRUCYT ONS { Be 4 Paras, YOCANANDA 265, hs SEOOND 2TEE te ERAZQBEERTA SUNNAHIES 10 TL Lia SUMUARY OF PRAECEPTUM 1m the summer days of my lite, NO. 46 Teach me to gather the honey From rlovera of quality, Wileh grow in the gardon of luman hearts. | The gommon prinoiple of the various kinds of meenetism is the power of attraction and of cohesion, Tmt which is termd "electronic magnepism" is universal mgncticm and is the spirit which permeaten ail things. All things ereated out of it hove tho individuality of the spirit ana its ‘mgnetio drawing power. It te by the various kinds of magnetism, respectively, that like attracts like, both us to substance and qualitics. : Besides the kinds of mgretism by which man’s physical body is _-Hield together and attracts its physical needs, man, bein a rational, acsthctio, spiritual animi, poscecees intellectual, moral, aesthetie, and spiritual, as well'as animi, menetism. The right kind of mgnetic paver bas expanding, uplifting, and * spiritual qualitics, and should be cultivated, Aniwel moguetism is or low vibration and is somewhat similar to hypnotism in that 1t has tho i Benes of pina teina hie atl of ene tber and in umnotae ue rs guide ‘ed by another's instinots acd habite. Hypnotism is 6 spiritucl crime, "+" } gs the hypnotict robs his subject of free Wil, judgment, an’ cascious- , ~ ness, Nevor subject yourself to this power. Tree vill is the God-given ight of mn. But man must learn to use this gift to choose that which 4s for his highest good. i As a piece of iron or steal bocaxes mgnetized when rubbed ny against a magnct, so do peopl. bovone megne tized through close associa- < | tion with muignetic personalities to whom tey sive their attention. Gherefore, decide carefully whet kind of mm om you wish to sequire, and then choose your associates c:cordingl:, brough hand-shokire, lose associction, and mental contacts with dcap attention, magnetism 4s exohonged. strong qualitics anwrally nave the stromer mignetic power, and for thet reason, un} one is very strong spiritually, one should not try to reform by avsociation a confirm fl door, leet he himself should absorb the cvi? qualitics into himeclf. Inthe exchanging of megnctiom, imediate contact Ja not alwoys tecessary. If O mon continuously thinks, dreams, ad vigializes the qgualiticn he desires, and concentrates upou the visual ime and mital- & ities of persons possessing these qualitics, he can develo) tint mag~ netism from within, ore who contacts the Spirit's own nagnctiau by meditating upon Om ond GOD, intuitively perceives all-attrecting Divine iagvetiam, and develops Spiritual Magnetics of limitless rame, SUMMARY OF PRAECHPTUL Wiay the Wingara Palle No. 47 Of the joys fou my heart 3ush unccaring ly Over those whom T The Jaws of human temytoriom and of magavtie developmnt ave closely related, It is by exercising the right beha: a in. ali otis atiors that your seorct mgnetism is unleashed. ‘herciows, you -muri 2 Il P.52/4 “Pago Two~ netlons. Ronembor that the greatest teat of your spiritual devolopmat is your home environment, in your every-dny contact with your familyand ones, Solf-control, continuous goodwill, inner heartfelt courtesy, larsas, Kind, swoet words, firmness in your own principles ~~ thene are vowors which clothe the Soul in mognetism. You can tonch your denr sand dialy associates by your oxnmplo, far more offectively than by ens and miny vords which s0 often create more misunderstanding. You exhibit positive good bebavioriam, clothed in grnosousnoss. Assoointe with persons who have the strongly positive qualities hich you desire. Avoid those of strongly positibe evil qualitice, In - Joping and exchangihg mognotiam between two persons, the stronger mag~ uecisn will predominate, Tf both are cqually atrong, caoh witl be obsprb- sl ‘o sme extent by the other, resulting in good to each {f the qualities use good. Tf one 18 good and ono to evil, either hnea chanoc of predo- sting. Choose well, both your ansoointes and the qualities of magnet- ‘am wnich you desire to develop. Iron or its lnck, in the human system, is one of tho grentest fno- tors in determining whether an individual 1o optimistic, ambitious, live- ly, or pessimistic and listless, for iron is a builder of blood and rea corpuscles. Itw lock 1s responsible for the @isense enlled "ananin Moditate and contact God, so that your eyos of wisdom may be opened. Thon, by your Asorimimting nnd’intuitive fnevitios, you will feel ond respond to the call of Spirit, attracting by this Divine Mngnetion o 11 Yays of knowlodge ana protection, as eee SUMMARY OF PRAECEPIUM “the rays of Thy Light will keep the oyes of my NO. 48 wisdom from drooping, I think Theo, my Father, for keoping me always aynke and ready.” In order to perform daily duties and rots of life, onc must have memory, which is the art of recalling conscious, subconsiious, and super- conscious experiences; also pre-natal and post-natal experiences. The wore you prnotioo romaboring deep oxpericncos, the more you will develop mm nory. In renlity, there ts aly the one mina, the sup creonsetovsness, vtijeb Is the pure, intuitive, nll-seeing, over-new Blissful connelousnoss: of the Soul. While 1% is ioented in the braln and in the point botween the oyebrows and is marked by the all-secing power of intuitive bliss, it As called *superconscioueness.” When it becomes locnted in the low brain and lower spinnl ccuter and viseern, it 1s onlled "subconscioumes:.” Wren At comes down into the nerves, musvlos, and senses, it is enllod wselous mind." All three divleious of the mind work’ together, thoveh sonetdmes one 1s uppermost In netivity. Whon the superconseiousness is mnifest, one ts enim and blissful, nna highly intuitive. ‘The supcroonsoloumess is the conscience and "gunr- dian angel,” always trying to get through to guide you townrd that wnibh is for your highost good. It is olways awake, watching both the subcona- clove and conselous minds, : Yhon the subconscfovsness 15 uppermost, one 1s imaginative, and the actions and words are guided by habit and imaginntion rather then by Feason.- The subconscious mind ts the mental vofrigerntor, wherein 1s secrcd all past experimnecs and thoughts, rendy to be recntled and used agnin von an instant's notice. Tt ip continually momorizing and storing away oxporicnees, It 4s always awake, During bodily sleep, 1t nots aa- the Janitor of the body, and keops the omana of the body ond the cirev- latory system doing thedy round of avtion, Tv eqn bo traing) to correstly nemorize nnd reonll nt wii) all conscians experiencen, Tho consedous mind tn win!fest on} > quring wmkervlnens. Tt te pking, Teasonine mind, 4 wisty Rt the cate Sf the sihe wee Trorder to rlybely tr an gubeanaelar Brained 1 introoctive, ereative thinking, s, the connetous nd the channel na unt ee gabon eV e/ 4 a sciousness, In order to rightly train tic subconsedouonang, the “con- soious mind mst bo trained in introspective, crective thinking, am the olionnel opened for the supevconsolousness to manifest its blisetul stato ani all-seeing power of intuition. It is through memory that the identity of individual existence is maintained, in the story, "The Great Failure Who Made Suecess His Slave," you learn that the law of attraction governs persons of like vibrations; also, that you ogn attain success by developing the power to create atwill what you need, through opening the channel to the sup- eroonscioupness., Contact God, the source of all power and wisdom, through deep meditation. SUMMARY OF PRAECEPTUM "Inflame our minds with Thy thoughts! No. 49 Inflame our hearts with Thy lore! Inflame our Souls with Thy joy!" Through meditation, delve into the 1: Minite Mind, where all thoughts of past, present, and mture, ate unveiled. Learn to now yourself as One with Infinite Intelligence and All-Secing Wisdom. { 1 Memory should D8 used ani trained to recall only noble and up- lifting experiemes. Only the good which is gleaned from any experience should be allowed to find its way into this reservoir of memory. If ony slimy thoughts find their way into thie reservoir, those same Sought will work their way out dnto words and acts at some unexpected time. ce the goodiis present, then only the good can come forth, Guard Wellithe gate of your nind, ep, alert attention with fecling is the needle that cuts 2 grooves in the record of memory cells. aL life is shythmical, there- fore regularity im activities and studics is a arcat aid to memory. During eriods of semi-wakefulness, just before and just after ee the 5 boonseiousness is especially retentive and attentive, Toon d a ttiose things you wish, it to retain, ms There are certain physioel methods also which are of benefit in developing memory. Massage the region of the medulla. Rotate the scalp with the fingers. Gontly strike the skull and forchead with the knuckles: of the hends, with concentration, to awaken the sleeping brain cells. Application of ice or cold water to certain parts of the head and body also helps to liven up a dull memory, Cere in the diet is also essen- tial. Study the directions in the last two paragraphs on page 3 of this Lesson. Avoid the use of stimulants and intoxicants. vaso aeooUne AVVO UE USE OT STIMUIANLE and INTOXICANTS, SUMMARY OF PRADCEPTUM "Q Father, my I behold Thee: above, beneath, NO. 50 behind, (round - vierovor I turn ny gazot Tom sy eves ¢ttidu, Go gaze upon Thy ever-changing Beauty; train my cors to list. to Thy unheard Song." Attachment to persons a to tulle: scuuses you to act froma selfish Genter. Non-attaohnc is freedom, Whe you are non-attached, you can see situations in their proper relation, which mules it possible to perform right actawith greater ease. It means expansion of conscl=- ousness amd greater realization of your Oneness with da. In attach- ment you limit yourself. In non-adtachnent, all good is yours, all lore is Divine Love, all service is for God, When you are non-attached in your love for your friend, you ware what is best for his happiness and spiritual upliftment, without tho % of perscral lcss or gain to yourself, If you grieve in losing ou hurt and limit both hin and yourself by your thought. whatever you have, r ira it as being given into your care by God, Perform material dubics with the sonse of serving God and God's children, using your wisdom-guided efforts and elligence in so doing. Body consciousness gives rise to material desire, The Ego, or body consciousness, must be conquered by expanding consciousness to that of ownipresaice, Remember, Invits of thought are mental magnets, Arawing unto themselves their kind, It is good to instal} good habit: to use as an cconomy of initial will power ond effort in the performance Page Three- a3 of good actions. The secret of habit and of nagnetism is found In ie seriptural verse, "For unto cveryone that hath shall be given, and he shall have cbundance; but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." - Matt, /f25:29. Above all, cultivate the mbit of meditation, so that in the nighty Power of strong spiritual habits, mterial sense habits will be destroyed, In meditation your body becomes u dyramo of electricity, be cause a1) your forces are focused in one direction. This is the inner switch which you turn on to connect you witl the Infinite, Hola the after-effects of meditation by your attention, You will then find that you are a reservoir of power in body, mind, and soul, Memorize the Fortnightly Affirmation: . "All the veils of my ignorent inner life are burned in the light of my aWakening in christ." SUMMARY OF PRAECEPYUM, "God is the Fountain of wisdom; NO, 51 He is the wirror of Silence, In which all creation Is reflected." You may beliove what, you hear and read, but to positively know a thing, you mst oxperienoe it in your ovn consciousness, This is true of God. Until you ave experienced God, mde actual God-contact, which is the Realization of your Oneness with God, and therefore, of God's unity with all manifested things and unmanifested Cosmos, you do not ‘mow God, God is visible to you in the beauty ami grandeur of Nature. He speaks to you through sweet music, the songs of birds, the gentle lovin Voioes of your dear ones, and in the thundering call of duty. The urge within us to find perfection, peace, happiness, immortality, and cons~ ¢fousness knowlédge, is God's voice calling us back to His Mansion of Oneness. It is His Image within us trying to mnifest itself through our matterbound consciousness. ye ~ an The only way to know God is to experiende Him in deepest medita » tion. God is present right on the throne of Peace within you. You can know Him within, in the Peace and Bliss of meditation, then realize Him as Peace existing in the harnony of all things without, Forget your little isolated life-wave, and imow yoursclf as a part of the great human family, one with Universal Life. To love God-oreated things more than God, is not wisdom. Make your goal the source, the Fountain of all powers, God. Perform your material duties well and at the same time do your duty to God by keepim Your contact with Him in meditation. Above all else, never neglect Gai, The extremely necessary chemical, Silicon, is foum in the skins of fruits and vegetables, and bran coatings of cereals; also in straw- berrics and unpeeled cucumbers, This chemical is necessary in the build- ing of heir and nails, and good eyesight, It is on aid in speeding up brain activity, and is also an alimlinizer am antiseptic. luemorize the Fortnightly Affirmation. Follow the "Shepherd of the Wise," Meditation, and enter "through the star of inner wisdom to the Christ in everything." FINIS OF SUMARIES This concludes the Summaries of the Praecepta, constituting the Second step in the study of Self-Realization. It is our ofrnest, sincere, and humble request that you devote yourself through conscientiour concen- tration and attention to the complete and harmonious assimilation of these Summaries. These vital, comprehensive facts will be most advanta- geovs to you in answering the questions which are to be given in the Se- oond Intermediate Exemination, The coxamination aaa e eng partiguiare WEta be mile tp sow efter. aif ores ntic@RAt AsMe EER Hache, allowed to permit and return Soar answers to us, ‘This all proccdes the beginning of the Praccepta in the Third step. S-II * P-xe YOGODA SAT-SANGA FORTNIGHTLY INSTRUCTIONS BY. PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA SECOND INTERNEDIATE EXAMINATION AAERIRUEIORAE aN TRODUCTION The Weekly Pracceptu can be made very valuable to you if you read and study their contents fnith- fully and seriously, You oan refer to the subject-mtter over and over again, ‘he Praccepta are always at hand, like the Dictionary and the Bible, ever rendy to be consulted, but the eduention and on- lightenment that you receive from studing these Lessons will ontire- ly governed by the amount of time and close application that you put upon the work. Tho thing that is the easiest to obtain in this lifo is sol- dom valuable, We know from reading the lives of great man and wo- men that they become grent in their particular vocations and in the building of their character only through the most rigid study and sacrifice, but the result obtained was worth far more than the ef- forts that were put forth, and that is usually the case. Perhaps you will think that you have little time to give to the Lessons, but all of as have 24 hours a day to give to something. You will find upon reflection that you really waste much time upon trifling duties and entertainment, time whith you could uso to much — better advantage in the study of the life principles contained in the “eckly Praccepta, Indeed, there is no comparison between the two mothods, Ono leads to nothing but temporary artificial satisfaction; the other leads to Solf-Realization, ponco and permanent happiness, We implore you to use your time to the very best advantage. The study and practce of these Lessons will not only help you in this life but will also prepare you for the life that is to come. PURPOSE In order to further help you in your development result- ing from the study of these Lessons, wo have decided to give you between Steps n thorough exnmination on the Lessons, in order to determine just how much ~ ~ benefit you are receiving from your stvdy of these valuable principles. We wish you to obtain full Value from every standpoint. This examination will indicate your degree of progress and your readiness fox the Third Step which is to follow. It will also indicate your present needs, whereby we shall learn the most effective way to help you. We shall de able to help discovering your weak points and your strong points, and in that way be able to vide you correctly in your future studies. EXAMINATION INSTRUCTIONS Please answer the questions briefly, clearly, and concisely. Answer ench question in as fow words as possible; (5 to not more that 20 words) . Rond the Summaries of the Second Step as given in the 4 parts of Praeceptum No, 52 for a concise review before answering the ques= tions, ‘hen do not refer to the “eekly Praccepta unicss absolute ly necessary. The more you answer from memoxy, the more it will show what you really have lenrnod and assimilat Also draw on your personal experiences in describing and answering many of the questéons, Write only your answers and sond them to us. Give the Pracceptun number and the number of the answer, For instanc?. Praccoptum 27, — a nswer 1, Do not sends the ~* ‘tsa ase x Avswert, De inet send US the questions that wehave sent to you. S-II * P-xe - Page Two - Wo have set a time-limit of two weeks for you to answor the questions and return them to vs, and to allow us tome for making corrections. ‘he Third Step will follow after two weeks devoted to tho Examination. (if you are a very busy man or woman and have only a very limited time to write, answer these questions to yourself and refer to the Praceepta to ascertain the correctness of your answers, Ton let us know of your approximate examination percentage, On your true, conscientious testémony we shall give you credit, but positive- ly write the answers if you have sufficient tine.) All members will be started in the Tiird Stcp and their answers will serve as 0 guide toptho succeseful apolyeie of each Nenvers'n progress in Solf-Realdan= On. AoXatorkgiyia* PRAECEPTUM NO, 27. 1, What_are the results in your daily life of regular and correct habits of meditation and concentration? 2, What is your most important engngement? 3, How do you kmow in meditation that God 1a manifesting Him- self? 4. Toll how to overcome doubts and attacks of restlessness after meditation? 5. Toll how to ineroase the love of meditation over that of sense plensures, if both attract you? &. what dia you learn from the story, “How a Saint Converted a Thict?” 7. Wont is meant by epiritualizing songs? a 1 aie PRAECEPTUM NO. 24, - sy What three things are important during meditation? 2. Where is your omnipresence hidden? 3. Why does the omnipresence soul become little with the body? 4. How my one regnin the mmoviledge of omnipresence? 5. How many mys are there to attain Cosmic Consciousness? Desertbe enoh bricfly. seo PRARCEP TUM NO. 29. 1, Why should you face East and sit on a blanket during moditation? 2. What are the quotations in the Christian Biblo and Findy Soriptures showing that this Lesson in meditation and its Tosults are refereed to? 3. What is the scientific basis of this Leeson? 4. Describe briofly the technique of this Lesson? S, What did you learn from the story, "Guru Nanaka?" 6. What disenses are caused by enleium deficiency? What foods contain enlesun? 7, What is the value of Group-Meditation? IDK PRARCTPTUM NO. 30 1, What is OM? 2, How does the devotee tangibly contact God in meditation? 3, What is God and the proof of tis existence? 4. “hat is the moral of the story, "The Snint Who Wont to Hades Speaking Truth?” = 5, Give a good calcium menu, S-11 * Pxe2 - Page Throe - PRARCEP TUM NO. 32 1. What is the main purpose of the poom, " Cosmic Creation?” 2. How does the (1) conscious, (2) subconscious, and (3) superoonseious, mind work? 8, How are dreams mado? 4, What is the difference botween dreams and visions? 5. What dee the signs of spiritual dovolopmonts? cory PRABCEPTUM NO. 32. 1, What 1s the moral of the poom, “Where I am?” 2. Whence do we all come? 8. How can you find your voention in life? 4, Give a recipe for a tasty vegetable dish. ae PRANOEPTUN NO, 38. —————— 1, What is the spiritual perception in, "In His Presence?’ 2. What is the meaning of tho"6hembstry of Feelings?” &, Illustrate how you can hate constructively. 4. What are the similarities between chemical combina- tions and psychological combinations? 5. What feeds good and bad habits? . Name some foods in which you find the presence of mgnesiun? ya PRAECHP TUM 4 1, Why spend for God? 2, What is the stomach oxereise? What good does it do? How many times shoula you prnetice 1t7 3. What laws of health must be followed in order to maintain a healthy body? What is to be avoided? 4, What is the value of sun baths? £. Toll how to relax a single body part; the whole body. eRe PRAECEPTUM NO, 35, 1, Do you understand the technique of control of . the Creative Impulse? 2, Name the constructive channals into which the Crentive Foree should be directed. 3, What is the true purpose of marringe? 4, How may married people invoke good souls to be born to thom as their children? 5. What lesson did you learn from the story, “Ronst Your Seeds of Rvil?” sie PRARCFPIUM NO. 3 1, (a) What is the source of physion] plensures? (b) Of true happiness? 2, Can you be happy in the midst of failures and difficulties 3, Is environment important to both old and younes? 4. Should you ent refined groin and sugar preparations? Why? HI PRAECFPTUM NO. 37. ———— 1, What is the first law of balanced well-being? 2, Nome the source of all diseases and its three aivietons. 3, Shovld one disregard all mterial methods of healing? 4. How ean you become healed of all maladies of body, mind, and BOULE i «Nhat 1e the moral of the story, "the Pricst “ho Jumed into the Well?" aaa a wf PRAECEP TUM NO. 38. 1, Name the three rays through the Light of God heals. 2. If Man is mide in God's image, why does he suffer in so many ways? 3. How may ho find release from his sufferings? 4, (a) Describe the first technique of vital henling. (b) In mental healing. 5. How many methods of henling are there? Name them. 6. Why shovld you ont an abundance of green vegetables? eee PRARCEPIUM NO. 59. ; 1, Name two gront sources of stimulation to the ’ Life force. 2. How may you. be sure oe receiving unobstructed rays of sun- light ie your body? 3. What technique is common to the curing of colds, hoad- aches, rhéumatism, anemia, and norvousross? 4, what is the moral of the story, "The Three Gods and tho God of Gods?" 5. What class of food should form a large part of the datly dict? PRAECEPTUM WO. 40. RR 1, What is the theme of the poom, "I Am King?” 2, Who 1s your real omployer? 3, Nome the essential qualitics of n good employee. 4, hot is the difference between "selfish selfishness” and unselfish selfishness?" 5. How can you overcome the humon limitations which impede your success? PRAECEPTUM NO. 41. eyo 1, What should be the motto of every buciness man? 2 (a) Name five necessary requirements for a successful and happy business life. (b) Whieh one is the most important? 8. What is the moral of the story,"the Philosopher's Stone?“ IGOR NO. 4) PRAZOEP 1, Explain bricfly the lnw of Karma in relation to habit tendencies, 2, Have you been successful in ridding yourself of any bad habits? %. Why Ss good company necessary? 4, What is the best way of igtluencing other people? PRAECEP TUM NO. 43 1, What weapons must you vse to overthrow bad habits? 2. Is self-control "denial" and"suppression?" 3, Name the surest method of combating temptation. 4, Toll what you learned from the story,"The Man who Thought that He was proof against Teuptation.” tion °° 22 Planning a menu cwhag,points must be given considera~ on’ PRASCEP TM NO. 1, In what way does the poem, "The Noble New," relate to the overcoming of jealousy? Ln NES FIV = 2, What is the best mirror in which to see your own short- comings? 3. Nome the greatest enemy of real love. 4) How can you help to spread happiness and cheer to the lives of others? + ae PRAECEPTUM NO. 45 1. “hat 41d you learn trom the poem, "Where I Found Happiness?” 2. hat must be the foundation of a lasting and hoppy married life? 3. (a) Can jenlousy be used constructively? (b) Explain a better method, Sear PRABCEPTUM NO. 46. 1, What is the common principle of the various Kinds of magnetism? 2. (a) What kind of magnetism does man possess? (b) Which kinds should he cultivate? Which should be shun? 8. Name the methods of attracting desired qualities yourself. aren PRARCEPTUM NO. 47. 1, Name three laws of human bebaviorism. 2. In the association of two people, one of whom possesses a strong quality, and the other a weok quality, which quality will predominate? 3. The lack of what chemical in the dict causes anemin? aOR PRARCEP IWMI Ni 1. (a) Name the three divisions of the mind. (b) Explain how they are related. 2, What is the particular work of each of the three divisions of the mina? 3. Mhat aid you lear from the story, "The Grent Failure Who made Success His Slave?” coo Name the principal rules in the art of develop= ing memory - (a) psychological (bv) physical. 2, What is the theme of the poem, "The Infinite Rhythm?" soir 1, Is non-attachment heartlessness and indifference to duty? 2, How can you destroy body consciousness and material desir@? fo 2 PRARORF TUM NO. 51 ~~ 1, How can you ‘mow what God is? 2. Toll what you learned from the story, "The son who Loved Miracles more than God?" 3. (A) What foods contain Silicon? (b) What parts of body building are dependent upon Silicon? eeunae NOTE For your reference and convenience, we suggest that you keep a duplicate copy of your Examinition Answers submitted to us, as wo shall preserve in our files your answers sent to us, 90000000000 ip

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