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Good Friend and Bad Friend

A very good _____ , I bid to my beloved teacher ______ and my

fellow friends. Me and my teammates would like to present a
drama entitled “______” Hope you all will enjoy it.

Scene 1

Joel and Vincent were playing in the class

Yuen Xi : Hey, be quiet! Don’t play around.

Both of them threw papers at him.

Yuen Xi : Hey! Who did that!

Teacher walked in

Cher Shen : Silent! You two stop playing around.

Tan Thon : Jimmy, a new student at Muar High School, arrives at

the class.

Jimmy walked in

Cher Shen : Oh! Hi! Come in. Class, he is a new student here. His
family just moved in to this town. Say “Hello” to everyone.

Jimmy : (shyly) Er~ Hi!

The Class : Hi!*lazily*

Cher Shen : Oh! Please sit.

Jimmy took his seat.

The class talks about him while he seats.

Cher Shen : Now class, please copy this.

Joel and Vincent take their seats beside Jimmy.

Joel : Hey, what’s your name?(looking up to down)

Jimmy : Err~it’s Jimmy.

Vincent : This book? Don’t need to read one.*grabs the book and
throws it to the ground*

Joel : This book also don’t need *throw another book on his desk
to the ground*

Jimmy : (angrily) Hei ! That’s enough.

Cher Shen : Hey ! You two get back to your seats!

Yuen Xi : Ya, don’t bully him, his new here.

Joel : Ok,ok, just don’t shout!

Both of them switched place.

Vincent : Later hang out with us, ok?

Jimmy : Why should I agree!

Both of them threw his bags and books to the ground

Jimmy : Okay,okay. Just don’t throw my things anymore.

Cher Shen : Hei! (standing up), how many times I have to repeat ,
get back to your seats.

Joel and Vincent wentback to their seats.

Scene 2

Tan Thon : During recess~

Joel and Vincent teached jimmy to do bad things.They

started with littering and vandalizing.They met Yuen Xi on
their way to the canteen. They thinked of something to make
Yuen Xi falls.

Vincent : Hey ! Why you didn’t fall down*he accidentally step on

it and falls.Then, he took out the script*. Look, the script says you
should fall down (pointing at the script).

Yuen Xi : Oh, I am so sorry.

Vincent : Never mind, let’s continue.

Vincent went back to the original position. Then, Joel went to

Yuen Xi and throw his book to the ground.

Joel : Hey! Why are you reading book again*he grab hos book and
throw it to the ground again*.

Yuen Xi squats down to pick up his book. Then, Vincent

pushes him from the back.

Jimmy : Hahaha, so stupid. Fall down on your own. Oh my god.

The three of them walks away from Yuen Xi.
Tan Thon : Jimmy along with Vincent and Joel roamed around the
school every recess, playing and messing with students everywhere
they go. But after they had their mid-year exams~

Scene 3

Cher Shen : Class, I have your marks here.

The class becomes very excited.

Cher Shen : Jimmy,Vincent and Joel come out now!

Cher Shen : Your marks are very low.*Hands out the paper to

Jimmy scores only 45%(knocks Jimmy on the head), Joel

scores 24%(pulls his ear) and Vincent gets 19%.

Cher Shen : Get out! And think about what you have done


Scene 4

Tan Thon : During recess~

Joel was looking at his paper quietly, Vincent was fainting, Jimmy
kept on looking at his paper (feeling desperate and wanted to cry)
Tan Thon : Jimmy began to run around the school until he found a
quiet place to let off his feelings.

Jimmy : Why! Why! Would I get such low marks! Why couldn’t I
get an A! I was once a smart boy! But why~~~~~~~WHY!

Suddenly, a book fell down from the sky.

Tan Thon : (using a genie voice) Start to read books , stop playing

Jimmy looked up and wander who is talking to him.

Tan Thon : But then, he met someone~

Jimmy : Why are you here?(sobbing)

Yuen Xi : Oh~~~I came here to study~ Hey aren’t you the

newcomer who hanged out with those bullies.

Jimmy : No, I’m not. Wait, did you say bullies?

Yuen Xi : Yes, those bullies who play around and didn’t study.

Jimmy : Play around, didn’t study~ (Jimmy is considering about

his recent behaviour)

Yuen Xi : Oh, what’s your name? I’m Yuen Xi.

Jimmy : I’m Jimmy, you seem to have a book everywhere you go.
Is reading that fun?

Yuen Xi : Well, a bit, at least its not so boring, plus it helps us in

our study too~~here (give out a book) this is one of my favourite.
Soon, both of them began reading while they walked back to

Scene 5

Tan Thon : Jimmy and Yuen Xi beome good friends. They talk and
study together during recess. A few months had passed and it’s the
final exam. Jimmy worked hard and studied unlike Joel and
Vincent who continue to goof off. After the final year exam.

Yuen Xi : Stand up, Thank you, teacher.

Joel : It’s good evening, how many times do we have to tell you.

Vincent : It’s already the third time

Yuen Xi : Sorry, sorry!

Cher Shen : Ok, class. I have your marks here. Come out when I
call your name. Yuen Xi!

Yuen Xi walked out nervously. He took out the papers and

went back to his seat with a smile on his face.

Cher Shen : Hmm~(shook head) Vincent! Joel! You two haven’t

improve at all. (Raise his voice).You two have been playing
around since the beginning of the year(both of them looked
down).What happened to both of you? (pointing at them)You have
been an obedient student.And you, once a top boy in class. Why
would you two become like this.You have gone bad to worse.
Where is the older you when I knowed before.*They took their
paper *

Cher Shen : Huh,(did a deep breath) and now, Jimmy.

Jimmy went out nervously.

Cher Shen : (smile) Congratulations! You’ve got an A for your

test,keep it up.

Jimmy walked back happily and saw Joel and Vincent.

Jimmy : Your marks are still the same? Haha, read some books,

Ladies and gentlemen, see the difference when you mix with
different types of friends? The moral value of the story is friends
can have good or bad influence on you, they have the same
characteristic of water. It takes the shape of its container, so choose
your friends carefully. The END!

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