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Unit 11 Assignment 2

Fluid Power Principles and Circuits

Task 1)
a. Boyles Law
Boyle’s law, most often referred to as the Boyle-Mariottte law,
states that the product of pressure and volume is a constant for
a given mass of confined gas, as long as the temperature is
constant. A reduction in the volume of a container means that
the molecules that make up the gas have less room in which
they can travel, leading to an increased pressure. Increasing this
volume would increase the space in which the molecules can
travel meaning pressure would decrease. This can be seen in
the diagram (Right) where a larger mass is applied to the
container decreasing the volume within the container and
therefore increasing the pressure. Boyles Law can be used to find the pressure or volume of a
gas as long as one of the changes is known.

b. Charles’ Law
Charles Law, also known as the law of volumes, describes the
relationship between the volume and temperature if the
pressure and amount of gas are held constant. This means
that as the temperature exerted onto two identical
containers with the same amount of gas and pressure, the
volume of the container with the most heat applied to it
would increase the most, taking into account these
containers are able to expand like in the diagram, otherwise
the pressure when then increase due to volume not being
able to increase. This is because the gas expands as the
temperature is increased.
c. Pascal’s Law
Pascal’s Law also known as Pascal’s Principle, is a
principle given by Blaise Pascal in fluid mechanics that
states a pressure change at any point in a confined
incompressible fluid (such as water or oil) is
transmitted throughout the fluid such that the same
change occurs everywhere. Looking at the diagram to
the right we can see a system where a force is applied
to the piston with a smaller area, creating pressure
which makes the larger area piston actuate. Pressure on the larger actuator is the same due
to the fluid being incompressible, however the force that acts upon the larger piston does
increase due to the increase in area. This can be seen in the formula P=F/A which can be
rearranged to F=PxA.

d. Bernoulli’s Principle
Bernoulli’s Principle states that in a steady flow, the sum of all forms of energy in a fluid is the same
at all points on that streamline. This requires that the sum of kinetic energy, potential energy and
internal energy remains constant. This means that a decrease in either the pressure or the fluids
potential energy would result in an increase in the velocity. This can be seen in the diagram (Right)
where at P2 the pipe that the fluid is traveling through decreases in area meaning that the fluids
velocity increases whilst the pressure is seen to be decreasing at P2.

y = Diameter of the pipe

ρ = Density of the fluid

g = Gravity

P = Pressure
The formula
used when applying Bernoulli’s principle is given as:

P1 + ρgy1 + ½ρv1² = P2 + ρgy2 + ½ρv2²

Pressure Energy Potential Energy Kinetic Energy

Using this formula allows for different variables to be included such as the width of the pipe and the
density of the liquid being used for example oil or water.

P1 x V 1
2)a. P1.V1 = P2.V2 V 2=
 P1 = 20 Bar
 V1 = 50cm³
 P2 = 40 Bar

Because the pressure is doubling from 20 Bar to 40 bar we know that using Boyles law the volume
will half.

V2 = 25cm³

b. V1/T1 = V2/T2V 2= xT 2
 V1 = 2.85L
 T1 = 25 °C = 298°K
 T2 = 0° = 273°K

V 2= x 273
V2 = 2.61L

Task 2)

Pneumatic Circuit

This pneumatic circuit starts with a compressed

air supply produced by a compressor, which is
then sent through the air service unit. The air
service unit is used to remove dust particles,
moisture and humidity by combining 3
components into one unit, which are a filter,
regulator and lubricator. This supply is then
usually connected to a manifold from which a

pressurised air supply can be gained to operate

other components such as valves. In our circuit compressed air is being constantly supplied to all the
3/2 way valves and the 5/2 way valve. This can be shown in the circuit diagram below, with all the
dark blue lines showing the air flow from the supply.

We can see that supply to the 3/2 way valve requires the push button to be pressed in order to allow
the air flow to travel to the next component. When the button is pressed air flow is then allowed to
travel to the dual-pressure valve, which is a component that requires 2 pressurised inputs in order to
allow an output from itself. This implements our needs for having a circuit that will only operate
when both buttons are pressed. Operation of the dual-pressure valve can be seen below in the 2
diagrams, show both one button being operated and also 2 buttons being operated at the same

1 Button 2 Buttons

Once both buttons are

pressed flow is supplied to the
5/2 way valve which operates
allowing air flow that is being
supplied to the valve from the
main supply to make its way to
the cylinder, in turn actuating the
piston outwards. To return the piston the same operation would need to be undertaken on the
other side of the circuit to again operate the 5/2 way valve, allowing for flow to make its way to the
opposite side of the piston so that it will return to its original position. This can be seen in the
diagram below.

An application which you can use this circuit for would be when operating a shutter door in which 2
people need to enter to work. The 2 button system would require both employees to be in the
correct position before operation can continue, meaning that the risk of a hazard occurring is
reduced. This is seen on plant where 2 operators enter a cell to put parts onto a jig and then both
operators have to leave the cell and each press their own buttons for the shutter door to shut and
the operation to continue. This means that both the employees are safety out of the area and the
robots can continues with the job.

Task 3)
In this hydraulic circuit that represents a single element of a digger arm we can see a number of
differences from the pneumatic circuit that is previously shown. One of the differences in a hydraulic
circuit is the use of oil that is used to operate components and circuits that must return to the tank,
where it is then introduced back into the system with the pump. This means that a returning pipe
has to be installed throughout the whole system. In a pneumatic system air is able to be exhausted
into the atmosphere after it has completed its operation. Hydraulic systems might

Another difference between these 2 circuits is that a pump unit is used on the hydraulic systems
compared to a compressor for pneumatic circuits. A pump unit consist of a motor that drives a
displacement pump, a pressure relief valve and gauge to show pressure. An FRL (Filter, Regulator
and Lubricator) is not needed with hydraulic systems due to oil already being a lubricated substance
and the system always being closed meaning that no debris can enter the system.

Comparing the two circuits we can see that the main benefit that a hydraulic system has over a
pneumatic system is the fact that it will require less maintenance due to the oil used in the system
meaning that a FRL will not have to be used and maintained. This may not be the case though for the
mechanical maintenance of the system due to hydraulic systems being used to operate heavier
loads, due to the use of oil which is an incompressible substance. Another downside to a hydraulic
system is the fact that it has to return the oil back to the tank, meaning more room is taken up by
Above we can see the hydraulic system in operation with gauges located in the pump unit and along
the system showing pressures at different points during the operation of the piston extending.

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