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Lesson 2

 Communication occurs at different levels and in
different contexts. It takes place in:
 The individual
 Relationships
 Groups
 Organizations
 Societies
The individual

 Through sending and receiving information,

individuals react to and act toward the people,
objects, and the events in their environment.
 Through communication we interact and negotiate
meanings with others.
 Communication helps the individual to develop the
self and his/her self-concept.
 Communication helps us to express ourselves: our
thoughts, feelings, present ourselves.

 Cognitive development through the processing of


 Self-reflexiveness through intrapersonal


 A relationship exists whenever there is reciprocal

information processing. Through interpersonal
communication, relationships are initiated,
developed, grown or they deteriorate.
 Communication in relationships helps the parties to
acquire information about each other and about
topics of conversation.
 Communication also helps to shape the nature of the

 Groups differ from relationships in terms of the

number of people involved.
 Groups are created for different goals and purposes.
 There are groups that are intentionally formed and
others that emerge out of certain circumstances.
 Through communication, groups set and maintain
their rules, codes and symbols which guide them.
 Leadership is an important element in groups and to
be an effective leader, there is the need for

 Communication in organizations helps to coordinate

between members
 Communication helps define goals, to delineate
individuals roles and responsibilities, control the
organization’s operations, establish networks and
develop the organization’s culture and climate.
 Organizations need a control mechanisms for
planning, decision making, financial control,
monitoring functions, coordinating activities and
evaluating organizational functioning. These are
achieved through communication.

 A society is a complex social organization, composed

of a large number of diverse, geographically
dispersed and mutually dependent individuals ,
groups and organizations.

 Societies are created, defined and maintained

through communication among the individuals who
compose them.

 Every society has a culture- language, habits,

customs etc- and an individual adapts to these
through communication when he/she moves into a
new society.
Functions - Summary

 Understanding and insight

 Meaningful relationships
 Influence and persuasion
 Preventing misunderstanding
 Physical health
 Identity Needs
Understanding and insight

 Communication gives us insight into ourselves and

into other people.
 Communication helps us to develop self-awareness
as we get feedback from others.
 Others also need feedback from us to know about us.
For instance through feedback we get to know
whether we have the power to influence others or
 communications confirms our human existence.
Meaningful relationships

 According to psychologists, the need for

relationships is basic to human existence

 Effective communication offers us the opportunity

to satisfy our need for inclusion, control and
Influence and persuasion

 In any form of communication, people have the

opportunity to influence either subtly or overtly. We
try to persuade people to think what we think , do
what we do, as well as like what we like- this is
sometimes successful and sometimes not.
 We try to persuade people and influence them so
that we may realize our goals. For example sermons,
campaign messages
Prevents misunderstanding

 People often assume that others know what they are

thinking. However, it is only through effective
communication that people will actually understand
what others have in mind.
Physical health

 Researchers have found that people who have strong

relationships tend to live longer than persons who
are socially isolated. People who are isolated are
prone to cancers, mental diseases or even common
cold. Personal communication is therefore important
for our well being.
Identity needs

 Through effective communication we learn who we

really are. We can do this when we interact with
others. For example one can get to know whether he
is kind, intelligent or selfish through interactions
with other people in his environment.
 Deprivation of communication with others lead to
the lost of sense of identity.

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