Chapter 2

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   Chapter 2 
Analysis and problem-solving method: 
Spanning tree issue: 
                           STP creates a spanned tree that characterizes the relationship of nodes within
a connected network of layer 2 bridges and disables those links which are not part of the
spanning tree. The need for the STP arises because switches are often interconnected in local
area networks (LANs) via redundant links,  to improve resilience if the connection fails.  This
connection configuration creates a switching loop which results in radiation and the instability of
the MAC table. If redundant links are used to connect switches, it is necessary to avoid switching
STP is implemented on switches to monitor network topology, to prevent problems associated
with redundant links in a switched LAN. Each connection between switches and redundant links,
in particular, is cataloged. The algorithm of the timber then prevents the transmission of
redundant links by setting a preferred link between LAN switches. This preferred link is used for
all Ethernet frames unless a redundant link is activated in this case. STP designates a layer 2
switch as a root bridge when it is implemented in a network. Each switch selects the best root
bridge connection to forward and blocks other redundant links.  

Threat modeling: 
                           There can be threats from outside or indoors and they can have
devastating consequences. Attacks may entirely disable systems or cause sensitive
information to be disclosed, which would reduce consumer confidence in the
system provider. Administrators can use menace-modeling methods to inform
defensive measures to prevent menaces from benefiting from system defects. 
 Threat modeling should be performed early in the development cycle when
potential issues can be caught early and remedied, preventing a much costlier fix
down the line. Using threat modeling to think about security requirements can lead
to proactive architectural decisions that help reduce threats from the start. Threat
modeling can be particularly helpful in the area of cyber-physical systems. 
One of the oldest and most widely used techniques on cyber-only systems, cyber-
physical systems, and purely physical systems is to use attack trees to model
threats. Initially, attack trees were used as a stand-alone method, combining them
with other methods and frameworks since then. 

Research methodology and data collection procedure: 
Research methodology: 
Berndtsson et al. identify two main classes of research methods – quantitative and qualitative 
Collected, analyzed, and interpreted non-numerical data, such as language, are qualitative
research processes. Qualitative research may be used to understand the subjective perception and
meaning of an individual's social reality.  Quantitative methods on the other hand emphasize
objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected
through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using
computational techniques. 
Action research: 
The state of the art of implementing cybersecurity awareness in a developed country (UK) and a
developing country (South Africa) has been explored in interesting research papers (Kritzinger,
et al, 2017). The authors highlighted the critical role of schools in training school teachers and
teachers to address several cyber risks. Even if individual initiatives are undertaken, it could only
be useful for a systemic approach if different groups of society and institutions are involved. The
work of Chou (2011), for instance, shows that the Net Alert CyberCafe Schools Project is an
effective way to sensitize teachers and schools to e-safety issues, and that of the Australian
Government. Since children get in touch earlier and earlier with mobile devices and the Internet,
the role of prevention for young people and parents becomes clear. They are the most sensitive
classes in society that must know how to use computers and other software consciously and
safely (Livingstone & Smith, 2014). Since children get in touch earlier and earlier with mobile
devices and the Internet, the role of prevention for young people and parents becomes clear.
They are the most sensitive classes in society that must know how to use computers and other
software consciously and safely (Livingstone & Smith, 2014). Moreover, in a European cross-
national study (Ortega, 2012), the effects of bullying and cyberbullying on younger adolescents
have been presented, showing the emotional profile of the victims and the damaging effect of
these phenomena. Research questions on a small scale seek to explore a) how cyber risks can be
prevented from primary school, and b) when parents and children develop a better awareness of
these subjects and change their perceptions following a Research Action Project. 
Experiment search:
The goal of this experiment is to design and implementation of a simple client/server model and
running an application using sockets and TCP/IP. To make students aware of the insecurity of
default passwords, printed passwords, and passwords transmitted in plain text is another prime
purpose. To teach students how to use SSH to secure file transfer or access local computers using
the port forwarding technique and comparison between Telnet and SSH for Secure Connection is
also done.

PC correspondence is an exchange of data between two PCs. We use the sign-in name and secret
word to tie-down access starting with one PC then onto the next. On the off chance that this sign-
in name and secret key is tuned in by some undesirable client on the organization, it can get to
that equivalent PC with the same advantages as the initial one. We do have secret phrase
insurance security however despite that programmers are fruitful in taking the protected data.
This test will clarify how might we secure this correspondence more with straightforward SSH
customers and make it strong from any undesirable assault.

Case study:
For students to protect a network, a protocol analyzer dump must be able to understand it. Protocols
are important to understand the attack traffic and programmed an intrusion/prevention system
(IDS/IPS) security system or programming. For example, which ports in a firewall should remain open,
and which directions should normally be connected to? Sometimes this is not easily known, but must
be determined by monitoring the normal traffic. 

In this case study workshop, students are evaluating a protocol (Windpump) analyzer dump with
a computer power-up sequence. It is not a new computer and can have a worm. The laboratory
aims to identify necessary ports for the firewall, but also to see if unusual transmissions take
place during the powerup sequence. Instead of Wireshark Windpump
is utilized as Windpump produces a smaller dump that can be easily printed for case studies.

PCs have gradually and progressively assumed control over each part of our lives. From
shopping for food to making significant financial exchanges, each association is being led
utilizing PCs. PC security studies can incorporate inquiries regarding which programming is the
most mainstream, which antivirus is in effect broadly utilized, do most clients utilize paid or free
forms and so forth Every discussion or exchange for which an individual has been utilizing the
PC, might be mysterious yet hacking that data will be attacking a person's protection. Data that
can prompt information intrusion should be gathered and the best technique to gather subtleties is
utilizing a PC security study.

PC security overview questions can give data about security gives that typically go unaddressed
by an association. Hacking has become a very boundless movement because of the weakness of
the PC security across associations. Leading a viable poll that incorporates fitting PC security
overview questions can assist associations with recognizing regions where they can improve
their network protection.

Data collection:
Usually, data anomalies can reflect network attacks and intrusions. Thus, we can detect network
attacks by searching for abnormal network data. We refer to this kind of data that can reflect the
security status of a network system as network security-related data, and they may be feature,
signature, or fingerprint of a specific attack behavior [3]. For example, Time To Live (TTL) is a type
of network security-related data. TTL specifies the maximum number of segments allowed to pass
before an IP packet is discarded by a router. We consider TTL as security-related data about network
packets because it can be used to detect Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Abnormal TTL signals a
high probability that the network system is being intruded on. For example, an unusually excessive
number of packets with the same TTL entering a network simultaneously implies that a DoS attack is
likely occurring. Thus, many security applications (e.g., Intrusion Detection Systems - IDS) monitor
TTL to detect DoS attacks.

Gathering network information is getting progressively significant, especially with the thriving
of enormous information and the Internet of Things (IoT). The motivations behind gathering
network information predominantly incorporate

1) interruption discovery

2) network the board

3) traffic bookkeeping,

4) network criminology,

5) malware location.
1. Who is liable for introducing and keeping up security programming on your PC?

 Representatives

 Head

 IT Person

Each association has a group of people dealing with the PC security framework. Remember this
inquiry for the PC security survey to accumulate and examine the example among different
associations. Which association favors which sort of upkeep can be assessed by posing this
2. Which version of Windows is installed on the computer that you normally use to connect
to the Internet?
 Windows 10
 Windows 8.1
 Windows 8
 Windows 7
 Windows Vista
 Windows XP
 Other
The software installed on the computer has bugs that are regularly updated. Every computer
needs to be perfectly updated with the latest version of Windows. This is one of the factors that
can be analyzed to ensure that the software is regularly updated to improve computer security.
3. Which internet browser do you typically utilize?

 Web Explorer

 Firefox

 Mozilla

 Drama

 Netscape

In the U.S., Google chrome has been holding the biggest internet browser portion of the overall
industry for more than 4 years now. Having said that, there are other internet browsers, for
example, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple's Safari which are broadly
utilized the nation over. Counting an inquiry concerning internet browsers can help associations
to understand whether their PC framework is inclined to security breaks utilizing the internet
browser or not.
4. How frequently do you utilize Windows Update?

 It is set to refresh naturally

 In any event double seven days

 In any event once every week

 In any event once per month

 At times, when I recollect

 Never

 I don't have a clue what Windows Update is

The most recent windows or some other programming update will have the most un-number of
issues. A PC should be refreshed routinely to be refreshed with standard designs. Some refreshes
happen sequentially and probably won't be typically directed by associations. A few groups
incline toward completing simply significant updates while the others routinely direct every
single windows update.
5. Do you have anti-virus software installed on your computer?
 Yes
 No
 Don’t know
As discussed in the section above, each computer needs to have antivirus software installed so
that viruses can be kept at bay. Understand from the respondents whether they have an
antivirus installed on their computer or not so that data can be collected to learn customer
preferences for antivirus installation.

6. Which hostile to infection programming do you utilize?

 Avast

 Microsoft


 Symantec


 Avira

 Kaspersky

 McAfee
There are many rumored antivirus programming projects accessible on the lookout. Everyone
has their upsides and downsides and a business supervisor would realize that. By remembering
this inquiry for the PC security poll, study makers can accumulate bits of knowledge about which
is the most mainstream antivirus programming and the justification of its fame.
7. How regularly do you refresh your antivirus programming?

 It is done consequently

 At any rate double seven days

 At any rate once every week

 At any rate once every month

 Sporadically, when I recollect

 Never

 Never – the membership has run out

Each factor identified with the PC should be refreshed routinely. Antivirus is one such factor that
should be routinely refreshed. What number of the respondents lean toward refreshing the
antivirus consistently? – Gain data about this inquiry by posing to the rundown of study
respondents about it.
8. Which against spyware programming do you utilize?

 Norton Internet Security

 McAfee Internet Security/against spyware

 PC-cillin Internet Security

 Lavasoft Ad-Aware

 SpyBot Search and Destroy

 Bug Patrol

 Webroot Spy Sweeper

 Sunbelt CounterSpy

 Microsoft AntiSpyware
 Panda Internet Security

 PC Tools Spyware Doctor

 Aluria Spyware Eliminator

 SpywareBlaster

 SpywareGuard

It is fitting that a PC ought to be introduced with antivirus and antispyware virtual products as it
makes the PC especially secure. Get some information about which is the most favored enemy of
spyware programming to investigate the prevalence levels inside virtual products. Along these
lines, against spyware programming highlights can be examined to check PC security.

System development methodology:

The system development methodology is advanced as a method for improving the administration
and control of the product improvement measure, organizing and working on the interaction, and
normalizing the advancement cycle and item by indicating exercises to be done and strategies to
be utilized. It is normal implicitly expected that the utilization of a framework advancement
technique will improve framework advancement usefulness and quality. Nonetheless, there is
minimal observational proof to help this supposition.

There are many ways of data collection techniques, they are

 Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

 Build-and-Fix model
 Waterfall Model
 Incremental Model
 Prototyping
 Agile Method

System development life cycle (SDLC):

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is an efficient and straight interaction, utilized as
one of the numerous models, by the product improvement industry to configure, create, test,
send, and resign programming. The aim of utilizing the SDLC is to create excellent
programming that tends to the client's necessities. The SDLC can be applied to working
framework advancement, application framework improvement, and has been accounted for as
one of the models that can be applied to equipment and programming setup projects (Crnkovic
and Larsson, 2006).
There are variants of the SDLC model, the most common model contains seven discrete phases

 Planning
 System analysis
 System Design
 Development
 Testing
 Implementation
 Maintenance.

Nature of SRS:
The SRS is a specification for a particular software product, program, or set of programs that
performs certain functions in a speciÞc environment. The SRS may be written by one or more
representatives of the supplier, one or more representatives of the customer, or by both.

Purpose of SRS:
The purpose of the paper is to gather and analyse all the different ideas that have been developed
to define the system and its consumer requirements. We shall also predict and determine how we
hope that this product is used to gain a better understanding of the project, outline concepts that
can be developed and document ideas considered but which can be discarded as the product
In short, this SRS document is intended to provide a detailed overview of our product, its parameters and
objectives. This document outlines the target group and user interface, hardware and software
requirements of the project. It defines how the product and its functionality see our customer, team and
audience. It does, however, help any designer and developer to support SDLC processes in the delivery of

External interfaces:
There are many types of interfaces as such supported by the E-Store software system namely;
User Interface, Software Interface and Hardware Interface.
User Interface:
The UI for the product will be viable to any program, for example, Internet Explorer, Mozilla or
Netscape Navigator by which client can admittance to the framework. The UI will be executed
utilizing any apparatus or programming bundle like Java Applet, MS Front Page, EJB and so
Hardware interfaces:  

Because the app needs to work throughout the Internet, the system's hardware is the hardware
interface to connect the internet. WAN – LAN, Ethernet Cross-Cable, as for instance.. 
Software interface:
 To identify all the components available for configuring the product the e-store system
shall communicate with the configurator. 
 In order to obtain the product specification, offers and promotions, the e-store must
contact the content manager. 
 In order to determine available payment methods to validate payments and process
payment, the e-store system will communicate with BillPay system. 
 The e-store system shall communicate the financing options to the credit management
 To provide support, the e-store system must contact the CRM system. 
 The e-store system communicates with the order management system of the Sales
 In order to trace orders and update shipping methods, the e-store system shall
 In order to calculate a tax, the e-store system shall contact the external Tax system. 
 To validate the export regulations, the e-store system shall communicate with the export
regulatory system. 
 The system shall be verisign like software which shall allow the users to complete
secured transaction. This usually shall be the third party software system which is widely
used for internet transaction.
Communication interface:  

The e-store System uses the protocol HTTP for Internet-based communication and the TCP/IP
protocol suite for intranet communication.
Performance of SRS:
Performance requirements define how well under certain conditions the software system
performs certain functions. 
The product must be run from a web server and be based on the web.Depending on the
strength of the internet connection, the product will take initial load time, depending on the
media from which the product is run.The performance depends on the client/hardware customer's

Characteristics of a good SRS:

A good SRS document shouldh have following characteristics
 Correctness: 
To guarantee the accuracy of the requirements set out in the SRS, user reviews are used.
It is assumed that SRS is correct if it addresses all the requirements that the system
actually expects. 
 Completeness: 
Completeness of SRS refers to every completion sense including the numbering of all
pages, the determination of parts to be determined and to all functional and non-
functional requirements.. 
 Consistency: 
SRS requirements are said to be consistent if the conflict between any set of requirements
does not exist. Conflict examples include differing terminology at separate locations,
logical conflicts such as reporting time, etc. 
 Unambiguousness: 
A SRS is unambiguous where only a single interpretation of all the requirements
specified is provided. A number of ways to avoid uncertainties are appropriate modelling
methods such as ER charts, appropriate checking and buddy control, etc. 
 Ranking for importance and stability: 
The requirements should be classified as less or more important or more specifically
desirable or essential. A mark for identifying rank or stability can be used for each
 Modifiability: 
The SRS should be as modifiable as possible and be able to accept system changes to a
certain extent easily. Changes should be indexed and cross-referenced correctly. 
 verifiability: 
An SRS can be verified if a specific technology exists to quantify the extent to which the
system satisfies all requirements. For instance, a system requirement that is user-friendly
is not verifiable and it should be avoided to list such requirements. 
 Traceability: 
One should be able to trace a requirement to design component and then to code segment
in the program. Similarly, one should be able to trace a requirement to the corresponding
test cases. 
 Design Independence: 
The option should be available for the final system from several design alternatives. More
specifically, no implementation details should be included in the SRS. 
 Testability: 
A SRS should be written so that test cases and test plans can be easily generated from the
 Understandable by the customer: 
An end user is perhaps a specialist in his/her own particular field, but may not be a
computer scientist. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the use of formal notes and
symbols in as far as possible. The language should be kept easy and clear. 
 Right level of abstraction: 
The details should be explained explicitly if the SRS is written for the requirements
phase. In contrast, less details can be used for a feasibility study. The level of abstraction
therefore varies with the objective of the SRS. 

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