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UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION NET BUREAU Code No. : 59 Subject : LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCEENCE SYLLABUS AND SAMPLE QUESTIONS Note : ‘There will be two question papers. Paper-II will cover 50 Multiple Choice Questions (Multiple choice, Matching type, True/False, Assertion-Reasoning type) carrying 100 marks and Paper-IIt will have two Parts—A and B. Part-A will have 10 short essay type questions (300 words) carrying 16 marks each. There will be one question from each unit with internal choice from the same unit. Total marks will be 160. Part-B will be compulsory and Questions will be set from Unit-I to Unit-X. The candidate will attempt one question from. Part-B (800 words) carrying 40 marks. Total marks of Paper-III will be 200. PAPER-II and PAPER-III (Part A &’ B) Unit—I Information, Information Science, Information Society Information as a Resource/Commodity Information Transfer Cycle—Generation, Collection, Storage and Dissemination Role.of information in Planning, Management, Socio-economic Development, ‘Technology transfer Communication—Channels, barriers. Intellectual Property Rights—Concept, Copyright, Censorship—Print and Non- Print Media 7 brary and Information Policy at the National Level Unit—o Laws of Library Science Library Resource Sharing and Networking Library Movement and Library Legislation in’ India Library Extension Services Library and Information Science Education in India Library and Information Profession Library Associations in India,-UK and USA—ILA, IASLIC, IATLIS, SIS, LA, ASLIB, SLA and ALA Library Associations Organisations at International level—FID, IFLA and UNESCO Unit— Sourcés of Information—Primary, Secondary and Tertiary—Documentary and Non-documentary Reference Sources—Encyclopaedias, ; Dictionaries, . Geographical . Sources, Biographical. Sources, Year-books/Almanacs, Directories, and. Handbooks, Statistical (salient features and evaluation) fe Bibliographical Sources—Bibliographies, Union Catalogues, Indexing and Abstracting Journals (salient features and evaluation) E-documents, E-books, E-Journals Databases—Bibliographic, Numeric and Full text—Evaluation Unit—IV Reference and Iriformation services, Referral Service Bibliographic Service, Indexing and Abstracting ‘Service, CAS, SDI, Digest Service, Trend Report ‘Online Services ‘Translation Services Reprographic Services Unit—V Organisation of knowledge/information Modes of formation of subjects Library Classification—Canons and Principles Library Classification Schemes-—-DDC, UDC and ‘CC Library Cataloguing——Canons and Principles Library Cataloguing Codes—CCC and AACR-I Bibliographic Records—International standards—ISBDs,.MARC and CCF Indexing—Pre-coordinate, Post-coordinate Vocabulary Control—Thesaurus, Lists of Subject Headings Databases—Search Strategies, Boolean Operators Knowledge Management Unit—VI Management—Principles, Functions, Schools of Thought . Planning, Organisation Structure Decision making System Study—Analysis, Evaluation and. Design Collection Development—Books, Serials, Non-book Materials-Selection, Acquisition, Maintenance; ISBN, ISSN, Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) Human Resources Management—Manpower Planning, Job analysis, Job description, Selection, Recruitment, Motivation Training and Development, Staff Manual, Leadership and Performance Evaluation Delegation of authority Financial Management—Resource Generation, Types of Budgeting, Cost and Cost-Benefit analysis PERT, CPM Library Buildings and Equipments Performance Evaluation of Libraries/Information Centres and Services Marketing Information product and sérvices Total Quality Management (TQM) Unit—Vo. i Information Technology—Components; Impact of IT on Society Computers—Hardware, Software, Storage Devices, Input/Output Devices ‘Telecommunication—Transmission media, Switching systems, Bandwidth, Multiplexing, Modulation, Protocols, Wireless Communication Fax, E-Mail, Tele-conferencing/Video-conferencing, Bulletin Board Service, ‘Teletext; Videotex, Voice Mail Networking—Concepts, Topologies, Types—LAN,. MAN and WAN Hypertext, Hypermedia, Multimedia Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), Open Systems Interconnection (osp. Unit—vor Library Automation—Areas of automation, Planning, Hardware and Software ‘Selection, OPAC Networks—ERNET, NICNET; DELNET. JANET, BLAISE, OCLC, INFLIBNET INTERNET—Components, Services, Browsing—Web Browsers, Search Engines. Meta-Data, Digital Object Identifier (DOD National and International Information Systems—NISSAT. NASSDOC, INSDOC, DESIDOC, INIS, AGRIS, MEDLARS, INSPEC Unit—Ix ‘Types of Research—Basic, Applied, Interdisciplinary Research Design Sciéntific Method, Hypotheses, Data Collection, Sampling Methods of Research—Historical. Descriptive, Case Study, Survey, Comparative and Experimental. Statistical Methods, Data Analysis Report Writing Research Methods in Library and Information Science and Services Bibliometrics Unit—x 59 ‘Types of Libraries—National, Public, Academic and “Special Objectives, Structure and Functions Digital Libraries—Concept Virtual Libraries—Concept ‘Types of users, User studies, User education Role of UGC in the growth and development of libraries and information centres in institutions of higher education in India Role of Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation (RRLF) 11. SAMPLE QUESTIONS PAPER-IL An entry that directs the reader from one, heading to another is called (A) Added Entry (B) Main Entry (©). Analytical Entry (D) Reference Entry Who are the publishers of ‘Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Science’? (A) American Library Association 8) H. W. Wilson (©) . Marcel Dekker () RR. Bowker DRTC is located at ——. (A) New Delhi (B) Kolkata (C) Bangalore (D) Chennai PAPER-III (A) Explain the barriers in communication. Or Discuss the issues relating to copyright in India. PAPER-LI (B) Discuss the Library and Information Policy in India. Or Discuss the role of Library Association in professional development. or Discuss the problems in acquisition of serials in special libraries. feet : ae fava & ori dt werca at) oeera—n ¥ ga so Pret we (ag-froet, gift ay, FA/FAA, SUAS eT) eH Kev ge sis 100 et sie wa & a ar—A sit B SFr art-a # 10 afta Prerenerer 97 ei (300 sre &) Brad wees as 16 Se6i aor RPT eae weg 8 oe oe te Braet ee er & are aaa gare Bow Trae Rese we RPT Ger sis 160 Wt) arp aiftard erm otk Pret go 8 gard-x #8 eet one) ahenef St AB & Uw Ne GoM (800 sedi a7) Pree sie 40 Sem] weA-TA—II1 } Gat sis 200 BAI See atk meee (ATA B) yeott ET, Gere Peres, ToT aT WN & ah /aq FT RT ard — Sa, AT, Her ws TAT | ert A gern Bt Pree, ere, aon anflies Perera, qe VIAATTT | ifaw Seer safteore—areerrcon, erdhrde, steer — apo ae. ye START. ATT ata TC Gera Ua ger A wo yererere Perera 3%. gat ware weir ea Aeakot ora TT are ¥ gare ortdiert ca geremrere afaR aT gereorera Peree Bar. care % garanera ud gern fer Bret RTT Ta GET Sa "Na, Jo %o wi Yo Uo. Uo a yRrara da—sko Uo Yo, omfaiers, ameter; Two Ro Uo, Uo Yo, TaN, Gao To Yo TH to URoS srerdia ar & gerererat da drea—aho ango fo, KER Tt Be! yay ert & Git ares, Raters ce eaten ete ee ommeter] foogen, wieraita (age fedtren ea yale) | Se ae ee ee eee eee een Frais) | gang, Ege, fora | edie ree, emer Ta Yoh TSI retiv Be Ue aera tang, torre Fare teres: tard, species ost Aree Aas, arate cesT Bar, Tae qa ware, sree fat, waht wR sifsrerg Fa sagare Sat saferetrenror dar ye—v 59 SM eh ETAT PST fro aft arreweer FAR : Gear aie —sega od Reet qerarera site TEft—to Flo Ho, go So Ho wa she aero qe —are vd fart gare qatar Tahtdt—ato ato to Tago Yo sto snte-Il Faas afrera—sierhits we—sIgo Uo do Be, Aes we alo dio, Teo: aperten—a wate, wearer | secret Preiser—wafacater, Fert sities weit Serta ait afte, getter dares | ‘WM Hert (Knowledge Management) yert—VI wera—frara, ard, Parent Frefat sone sere, yale Ud otra oe Ranges, wa-aBerd ei -aidae area, saftirenr, tetonetarm, ago THe Ato Ho, Sio Wo To Wo, rereraery tere | ra Fae wears arn, wre Reem, art Pacer, ear, Fra, saten, sister ud Rare, afertt Rergiten, Age cd ard yeaa | sreretrt safereore facta serrata sees, aor] fave 8 meer, ere wel TH AR FereerHT We Gi Ho: dio Gro: GRETA Ha Tt STEHT garenral og yen day Sat ar ord pater WRT Sere Pros od Bat pet qoreen wert (Zo ayo Gio) wet—V ‘ger sentra — agen sttehhant Bm reas aye a MATT TC TAT ‘errors area, area, HUSH Patel, aa Py BRAT | Fearne are, ART seneh, Ashe, aE, Agar, stclates, Aare ener! = Sa, aera Ae arvtk, gaa as dar, eeeae, Adee, ala ' Aeafor—srareren, dfeafe, sere-a, fa os or) wfuctee, mfeetdiarsed ateiar Fetes affta Siren Aaa (sDM), sitvr Reena terete (OSD ‘yerg—vor Gera area & aa, dra, saa Th ATEaaT ae, sits (OPAC) arama, Patz, datz, de, aaa silo do Uo Ho, Titra | 59 8 devas ap, dar’, sacte—aa goo, a ERA! Herter, Biter snetae ong eterez (DON ‘ardta wel sierehtta gern a—Praray, area, waste, Seeks, onghrs, delta, Feenee, FAIS | wer ait & goatee, araetites, stafereett | aie oiftreaer Sanita fat, Reern, Ser den, aftr atte Patra tires, avirrere, Sa oer, acer, Germs os rehire | wifeaaira Faferat, Ser Raster Reté tea Gererera ci ger fears # siefattrat ct Fare 1 sata wu-x 59 qeranrat & seon—ait, arate, Safire od fare—stea, deer ca are fSren gereeta—arrereont ‘pier Gerera— aaa ‘areal & sar, soeent sree, area FRrerct | are 4 ser fare deer HF gerard Ger Gear Bat at a she Prare F apinht at yer! THT Trier Ta MERE ISSA Bt eT 59 we wt Bet Tee MEARE SH rams Br es sitchen | gat shies aH aire Meira ae & at area fake weet id @) rar sfae (B) ger siete (C) Saeifite afate: (D) def afate spanderinthcer sas eng es grerctert aga’ wr septeTes aT B? (a) aattrarr erate caterers (B) Wo Saye feat (Cc) arder er D) ao ato aa Glo atte go alo fare wet ¥ fara ? (a) ag feet ®) awe (c) ara ©) a ere are at aE wf | wet sare 4 ardrage wate presi ar aes aire ‘We-UA-III (B) 1. ane a gecenrere wel ger faa afar apr aos aera aera genres Saar a ferme Be Gecenrers et at ayfeepr oat ala afr i aereat fafine qeemertt 4 va-abrersit & sfimen a arated arersit ar ola SAE | 59 iw

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