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2 Way Slab Design

Moment Redistribution
SAFE Slab Modeling
31 July 2013
Moment Redistribution:Teck Hong, Kermin
Code Base 2 way Slabs: Shi Yun, Sher Mein
RAPT 2 ways slabs: Sher Mein
SAFE: Maziar
Moment Redistribution
BS/CP65 Code Overview
CP 65/BS8110: Cl. 3.2.2
Cl. 3 Conditions
1. Equilibrium between internal and external forces
is maintained
2. Neutral Axis Depth x should be greater than (Bb-
a. (This clause generally rule out reduction in column
moment except when column axial load is small)
3. Max. moment redistribution is 30%
Moment Redistribution
BS/CP65 Code Overview Structures over 4 storeys where
structural frame provides lateral stability

Max. moment redistribution is 10%

K' Value for Doubly Reinforced Beam

Check do we need
compression rebar?
Why does k’ change with different
degree of redistribution
limiting k’ - tabulated code limit
x: neutral axis,
● smaller k’
○ smaller moment capacity of single reinforced beam
for a section
● moment redistribution
○ required more ductility to develop plastic rotation
avoid Over-reinforced section
Goal: Prevent brittle failure
What is K?
k = Mu / [bd2fcu]
k’ = limit for whether
section needs to be
doubly reinforced
When k & x is low
Tension controlled section
When k & x is high
Compression controlled section
Moment Redistribution
RAPT Features
Moment Redistribution
RAPT Features
Moment Redistribution
RAPT Features
With End Column

Rapt does not redistribute moment at column

Moment Redistribution
RAPT Features
30% moment redistribution at mid support
Moment Redistribution
RAPT Features
Moment Redistribution
● fcu = 40 MPa
● E = 28000 MPa
● Beam dimension (D x W): 1000x500
● Inertia = 1/12 bd3 = 0.04167 m4
● Slab : 250mm = 5.9 kPa
● SDL : 3.2 kPa
● LL: 2 kPa
● Span: 10m
● Trib Width: 4m
Moment Redistribution
● wu : 1.4(5.9+3.2) + 1.6(2) = 16 kPa
● Beam Line Load: 11.8 kN/m
● Factored Beam line load: (1.4 x 11.8) = 16.5 kN/m
● Factored Line Load: 16 x 4 = 64 kN/m
● Total Factored Line Load = 64 + 16.5 = 76 kN/m
Moment Redistribution
2 Moment diagrams
● Fix - Fix
○ Mu = +wl^2/24 , -wl^2/12
○ + 76(10^2)/24 = 320 kN-m
○ - 76(10^2)/12 = -630 kN-m
○ slope at support = 0
Moment Redistribution
A simple example per BS code
Mend= 0.7x(-630)= -440 kN-m
Mmid= 76x(102)/8 - 440 = 510 kN-m
Slope = 0.00271x0.3 =0.000813 rad

-440 -440

Section Design (Full End Fixity)
Moment Redistribution
2 Moment diagrams
● Pin - Pin
○ Mu = wl2/8 = 76(10^2)/8 = 950
○ deflection = 5wl4/384EI
■ 5x76(104)/(384 x 28000 x 1000 x .0417)
■ 0.085 m =8.5 mm
○ beam rotation at support, without cracking = wl3 / (24 EI)
■ =>76(103)/(24 x 28000 x 1000 x .0417) = 0.0027 radians
○ beam rotation at support, with cracking = wl3 / (24 EIcr)
● =>76(103)/(24 x 28000 x 1000 x .0417/2) = 0.0054 radians
■ Target rotation capacity = 0.0054 radians
Section Design (pin-pin)
Moment Redistribution
Back to textbooks
Concrete Beam Failure Mode

Elastic stress Ultimate stress

distribution distribution
Computing Rotational Capacity

Source: Design of Concrete Structures [Arthur Nilson, David Darwin, Charles

Computing Rotational Capacity

Source: Design of Concrete Structures [Arthur Nilson, David Darwin, Charles

Textbook Examples
(Design of Concrete Structures, page 404-405, Nilson, Darwin and Dolan)
(Reinforced Concrete: A fundamental approach, page 599-602, Edward G Nawy

● No material safety factors in evaluating behavior

● ey = 0.0023 [rebar yield strain]
● ecu = 0.003 [concrete crushing strain]
● Mn = 991 kN-m
● My = 920 kN-m
● z [dist to point of 0 moment] = 2000 mm (assume 20% of span)
● lp = 0.5d + 0.05z = 564 mm
Computing Rotational Capacity
(Design of Concrete Structures, page 404-405, Nilson, Darwin and Dolan)
(Reinforced Concrete: A fundamental approach, page 599-602, Edward G Nawy

● elastic neutral axis [kd] = 296 mm

● yield curvature = ey / [d(1-k)] = 3.64E-6
● nominal curvature = ecu / c = 3.68E-5
● Plastic Rotation
○ [nominal curvature - yield curvature (My/Mn)]
○ (3.68E-5 - 3.64E-6 [991/920]) lp
○ 0.0185 radians (textbook)
○ 0.0187 radians (s-concrete)
■ close enough
Computing Rotational Capacity
S-Concrete Moment Curvature
Mn = 1000 kN-m
My = 906 kN-m

Set max ecu = 0.003

lp = 0.5d + 0.05z = 0.564 m

plastic rotation theta,p
(36.465-3.271)E-3lp = .00187 radians
How much rotation do I actually
● Available = 0.0187 radians (without consideration of enhanced ecu)
● 500x1000 beam
○ Required Pin-pin end rotation = 0.0054 radian
○ 0.0187 > 0.0054 => enough rotational capacity

Eurocodes deal with allowable rotations

(plastic design)
What if I need more rotational
● Say load increased by 4x
● Rotation requirements = 4 x 0.0054 = 0.022 radians
● Increase rotation capability by considering
○ enhanced ecu [0.003 + 0.02b/z + (p’’fy/14.5)2]
○ introducing compression steel
○ introducing tighter stirrups
Moment Curvature
with Compression Steel

My = 910 kN-m Mn = 1000 kN-m

lp = 0.5d + 0.05z = 0.564 m

Set max ecu = 0.003

plastic rotation theta,p
(40.720-3.271)E-3lp = .00211 radians
Allow max ecu = 0.0085
plastic rotation theta,p
(100-3.271)E-3lp = .0054 radians
Over-reinforced Section
less rotational capacity

plastic rotation
Research & Code Provision

Follow the code to avoid extensive checking

Rotation Capacity
Must Satisfy:
1. Force Equilibrium
2. Compatibility of deformations
Edward Nawly,
Chapter 13: Continuous RC Structures
Edward Nawly,
Chapter 13:
Continuous RC
Edward Nawly, Chapter 13:
Continuous RC Structures
Moment Redistribution
1. Ductility Requirement
a. (keywords: compression rebar, stirrups, rotation
capacity, slope, brittle failure)
2. Follow the limits as defined in code to avoid extensive
check on the above mentioned.
Moment Redistribution
1. Consistency in design, provide the As according to
design assumption
a. cannot casually over-reinforce the section as this
reduces rotational capacity
2. A shear failure cannot occur while plastic rotation is
a. Design stirrups conservatively
3. Unacceptable surface cracking may be expected
Limit Design of Indeterminate Beams and Frames_Edward Nawy

Rotational Capacity of Hinging Regions in RC Beams_Mattock


Design Indications from Tests of Unbraced Multipanel Concrete Frames

● Code based approach
○ Column Strip, Middle Strip
○ Moment Coefficients
○ Punching Shear
○ Deflections?
● FEA Methods
○ Integrated moments
○ 1 way shear
○ 2 way shear
The Basics - Slabs
● Concrete cover = 25mm
● Typical concrete grade = C35
● Typical E = 20 + 0.2fcu
● Typical bar size = T13, T25 at column head
● Typical bar spacing = 150mm, 200mm
● Maximum flexural bar spacing = 300, 500
● Min reinforcement = 0.13%
● Max reinforcement = 1%
● Min dimension for drop panels = ⅓ Spn
Strip Definitions
Typical Curtailments
Simplified detailing rules for slabs
Limitations of Moment Coefficients
● Lateral stability is not dependent on the slab-column

● At least three rows of panels of approximately equal

span in the direction being considered

● fulfill the condition for using single load condition

● Moments at supports taken from the moment

coefficient may be reduced by 0.15Fhc
( hc= effective diameter of a column or column head
F = total ultimate load )
BS Moment Coefficients
BS 8110-1:1997

End Span First Interior Intermediate First Interior End Span

Span Span Span
These coefficients take into
account 20% neg moment
Moment Requirements

Interior Span (Positive)

Positive Moment= 0.063FL=852.84KNm

Column Strip:0.55 X Positive moment

Middle strip: 0.45 X Positive moment
Moment Requirements

Interior Span (Negative)

Negative Moment= 0.063FL=852.84KNm
[Moment reduced by 0.15Fhc= 0.15 X 1611.6 X0.5 = 120KN.m]

Column Strip: 0.75 X Negative moment

Middle strip: 0.25 X Negative moment
(0.25X732.84= 182.99KN.m)
Flexural Design
Positive Moment
Middle Strip
K=M/(bd^2 Fcu)= 383.7 X10^6/( 4200 X 320^2 X35) = 0.02549
From the lever-arm curve => la=0.95
As= M/(0.95FyLad) = 383.7 X10^6/( 0.95 X 460 X 0.95 X 320) =

Provide = 15T16 ( As= 3015mm^2)

Column Strip
As required= 2888.71mm^2 X 469.04/383.76 = 3530.6mm^2)
Provide = 18T16 ( As= 3618mm^2)
Flexural Design
Negative Moment
Middle Strip
K=M/(bd^2 Fcu)= 182.985 X10^6/( 4200 X 320^2 X35) = 0.012
From the lever-arm curve => la=0.95
As= M/(0.95Fy La d) = 182.985 X10^6/( 0.95 X 460 X 0.95 X 320) =1377mm^2

Provide = 14T13 ( As= 1858mm^2)

Column Strip
K=M/(bd^2 Fcu)= 639.63 X10^6/( 4200 X 320^2 X 35) = 0.042
From the lever-arm curve => la=0.95
As= M/(0.95Fy La d) = 639.63 X10^6/( 0.95 X 460 X 0.95 X 320) = 4137.28mm^2

Provide = 21T16 ( As= 4331mm^2)

Punching Shear
- a failure of RC slabs when subjected to high localised forces
- for flat slabs, punching shear failure occurs near column support
Design for punching shear failure
1 2 3

- Successive zones are checked until a perimeter which does not require reinforcing is
Punching Shear Example
● Diameter of column = 500 mm (given)
● d= 320 mm (from before)
● fcu= 35 N/mm2 (given)
First Critical
● Ultimate Axial load at column shear perimeter
○ 1612 kN (from before) 500mm
● Distributed load per m2 0.75d
Second critical
○ 1612*(8.4^2)= 22.8 kN/m2 (fromshear

face of
loaded area
perimeter, u = pi* 500 = 1571 mm
Removing load within first shear perimeter (yellow zone)
Shear force ,V = F- A*n = 1612 - (pi/4*(0.5)^2*22.8) = 1607 kN
Punching Shear Example
Moment Transfer Requirements
● To allow for effects of
moment transfer,
BS8110 requires V to be
increased by:
● internal columns 1.15
● edge columns 1.4
● edge columns, corner
columns where bending
occurs about an axis
parallel to the free
edge, the V is increased
by 1.25
Shear Stress Distribution due to
Moment Transfer
Punching Shear at Col Face
EXAMPLE (Moment Transfer Increase)
Moment Transfer Increase in V
● Shear stress, v = 1.15V/ud
● (1.15*1607*103)/(1571*320)
● 3.68 MPa

Check Shear at face

● vu at face must be less than the lesser of
● 0.8SQRT(fcu) = 4.73 MPa and 5 MPa (BS8110-1:1997 Section
● Vu (3.68 MPa) < 4.73 MPa

Shear stress at face of loaded area OK

(check at 1.5 from column face)
1.5 d = 1.5 *320 = 480 mm from column face
Length of perimeter, u = 4*[500+(2*480)] = 4*(1460) = 5840 mm
Shear force, V = F - A*n = 1612 -[(1460^2)*22.8] = 1563 kN

Shear stress, vu
= 1.15*V/(u*d) = (1.15*1563*10^3)/(5840*320) = 0.96N/mm2

Capacity, vc
A_s is the average of the area of tensile reinforcement
in the two direction. due to panel symmetry, the average area of tensile
reinforcement in this case is 4222mm2 (21T16 at interior support)
= (100*4222)/(4200*320) = 0.314
Punching Shear Example
(check at 1.5d)
● Find v_c by interpolating from table 3.8 BS8110 or using the equation
● 0.79[(100As/(b*d)(1/3)] * [(400/d)(1/4)/1.25] * [(fcu/25)(1/3)]
● vc (0.62MPa) < vu(0.96 MPa)
v>vc, so shear reinforcement is required.
check requirements for shear reinforcement
since vu <1.6vc (1.6 x 0.62 = 0.992 MPa)
● Asv= (v - vc)u*d/(0.95*fyv*c)
Asv= [(0.96-0.62) * 5840 * 320] / (0.95 * 460)
● Asv= 1453 mm2
if 1.6vc < vu <2vc
● Asv= 5(0.7v-vc)u*d/(0.95*fyv)
Punching Shear Example
(Shear Link Calculation)
● Number of 10mm links required = Asv/(2*pi*102/4) = 10 links
Links must be distributed evenly between at least 2 perimeters within
the failure zone.
● The spacing between the legs of the links must not be greater than 1.5d
(1.5*320 =480 mm)
Arrangement of links in failure zone



Figure 3.17

BS8110-1:1997 Section

Punching Shear Example
(Spacing of shear links)
● Position links on perimeter 0.5d and (0.5+0.75)d
○ 0.5 d = 160 mm
○ (0.5 +0.75)d = 400 mm
● The lengths of the perimeters are:
○ u1 = 4 * (500 + (2*160)) = 3280 mm
○ u2 = 4 * (500 + (2*400)) = 5200 mm
● Number of links on perimeter u1 = 10 * (3280/(3280+5200)) = 4
● Number of links on perimeter u2 = 10 - 4 = 6
● Spacing of legs of the links = (3280+5200)/(2*10) = 424 mm < 1.5
Punching Shear
(Check at 2nd shear perimeter)
● (1.5 + 0.75) d = 2.25 *320 = 720 mm from column face
● Length of perimeter, u = 4*[500+(2*720)] = 4*(1940) = 7760 mm
● Shear force, V = F - A*n = 1612 -[(1940^2)*22.8] = 1526 kN

● Therefore
● vu
○ 1.15*V/(u*d) = (1.15*1526*10^3)/(7760*320)
● vu (0.61 MPa) < vc (0.62 MPa)
SO OK, no further reinforcement is required
Punching Shear
Alternate Shear Reinforcement
RAPT - Frame Analysis
Data Input:

Column Strip
Width= = 4200mm PLAN VIEW

8400mm 8400mm 8400mm 8400mm 8400mm


5 SPANS - each panel is 8.4 m by 8.4 m

Self weight only
Assuming no live load & pattern loading
By hand calculation:
Self weight of Slab = 0.35 * 24 = 8.4 kN/m3
Ultimate load, F= 8.4 * (8.4)^2 = 593 kN
Total Positive moment = Net Negative moment = 0.063 Fl (for interior
0.063 * 593 * 8.4 = 314 kNm
Positive moment of:
Middle Strip = 0.45 * 314 = 141 kNm
Column Strip = 0.55 * 314 = 173 kNm
Negative moment of:
Middle Strip = 0.25 * 314 = 79 kNm
Column Strip = 0.75 * 314 = 236 kNm
Comparing Hand Calcs to Rapt Output
rapt output: Moment -ve moment for CS
rapt = 295 kNm
Hand calcs = 235 kNm

-ve moment for MS +ve moment for CS

rapt = 98 kNm rapt = 126 kNm
Hand calcs = 79 kNm Hand calcs = 173 kNm

+ve moment for MS The negative moment for both

rapt =103 kNm CS and MS appears to be higher
Hand calcs =141 kNm
than the value calculated whilst
*MS = middle strip
*CS = column strip the opposite is true for the
positive moment.

Check the percentage of CS and MS distribution in respective +ve

and -ve moment (In CS, 0.55 in +ve and 0.75 in -ve)
The column strip and middle strip distribution of both negative and
positive moments are absolute values applied according to BS8110,
which matches the percentage of distribution entered in rapt
Check Distribution of total moment into +ve and -ve moments
Hand Calcs RAPT
Total -ve moment Total -ve moment
=313 kNm = 98 + 295 = 393 kNm
Total +ve moment Total +ve moment
=313 kNm = 126 + 103 = 229 kNm
Total span moment Total span moment
= 626 kNm = 628 kNm

313 kNm 393 kNm

313 kNm 229 kNm

The difference in output values above shows that the

relative stiffness has been accounted for in RAPT.

Same example as before but with:

Columns instead of pins
Superimposed Dead Load = 2.2 kN/m2
Live Load = 5kN/m2
Without pattern live load

Positive Moment: Negative Moment:

Column Strip = 337kNm Column Strip = 700kNm
Middle Strip = 276kNm Middle Strip = 253kNm
TOTAL: 613 kNm TOTAL: 953 kNm
Verification of Span Moments
Hand Calcs RAPT
Total -ve moment Total -ve moment
=732 kNm (reduced moment = 953 kNm
by 0.15Fh_c taken into Total +ve moment
account) = 613 kNm
Total +ve moment
Total span moment
=853 kNm
= 1566 kNm
Total span moment
= 1585 kNm

953 kNm
732 kNm

853 kNm 613 kNm

The output values appear to differ due to relative stiffness and column
face moments instead of the centreline moments.
Centre of Interior Span:
CS = 23T12 (for 337kNm)
MS = 20T12 (for 276kNm)

Interior Support:
CS = 27T16 (for -700kNm)
MS= 20T12 (for -252kNm)
Reinforcement detail
Centre of Interior Span:
CS = 23T12 @ 190mm (for M= 337kNm and As,req =2500mm2)
MS = 20T12 @ 210 mm(for M= 276kNm and As,req=2260mm2)

Interior Support:
CS = 27T16 @158mm (for M= -700kNm and As,req=5360mm2)
MS= 20T12 @ 210mm (for M= -252kNm and As,req=2260mm2)


Centre of Interior Span:
CS = 18T16 @ 250mm (for M= 469kNm and As,req=3530mm2)
MS = 15T16 @ 280 mm (for M= 384kNm and As,req=2890mm2)

Interior Support:
CS = 21T16 @ 200 mm (for M= -549kNm and As,req=4130mm2)
MS= 14T12 @ 300 mm (for M= -183kNm and As,req=1370mm2)
- get a feel for numbers and what they represent & typical
values to aim for
-deepen my understanding of design concepts and
behaviour of structural elements
-utilise software such as SAFE and ADAPT
- practical design considerations for e.g. consistent bar
sizes & spacing
- learn how meinhardt manages people and tasks for large
scale projects (organisational methods etc.)
Effective Shear Force
Method 1:
● If actual moments transferred to the column are
unknown due to use of coefficients, BS allows for
factors of 1.15, 1.25 and 1.4 for Vt to account for the
effects of moment transfer.
Effective Shear Force
Method 2 (BS
● -BS has a more comprehensive approach which considers the moments
transferred to the column as below:
○ Alternatively, Vcff may be taken as 1.4Vt for approximately equal
○ M, may be reduced by 30 % where the equivalent frame method has
been used and analysis has been based on patterned loads.

for internal columns

for edge/corner
Punching Shear
Where does Mt come from?
● Unequal spans
● Unequal loading conditions
● Live load patterning
● Large column stiffness
SAFE Slab Analysis
Extraction of Mt
Mt: Total unbalanced moment transferred to
support (from col above and below)
Effective Shear Force

Mt: Design moment transmitted from the
slab to the column,
M2 x: Length of the side of the perimeter
parallel to the axis of bending

BS also states that the equations should be

applied independently for the moments
and shears about both axes of the column
M3 and design is checked for the worst case.
(BS 8110-1:1997 and

Effect of openings
BS8110-1:1997 p.63
Ineffective perimeter

When the opening is located at <6d from the edge of the

column, the perimeter enclosed by the projection is
considered ineffective. As perimeter (u) reduces, the
shear stress demand (v) increases.
Effect of openings
example by AutoCAD:

A case study
4 columns are highlighted: Loss in punching perimeter in
this example was average
12% per opening

1 2

A case study
● Method 1(simplified way with factors)
○ Internal cols: 1.15
○ Edge cols: 1.4
● Method 2: with actual Mt
Cracked Moment of Inertias
Typical Slab Thickness
Slab Cracking
Cracked to Service Load
Slab Cracking
Cracked to Ultimate Load
Mt without cracking
Mt with consideration of cracking
Punching Shear Conclusion
● Shear is a brittle failure
● Accurate estimation is critical of both
○ direct shear (axial component)
○ moment shear (moment component)

● Mt <> 0
Deflection provisions per BS
Limits for deflection [BS 8110-1:1997]

● Deflection of horizontal members below the

level of casting should not exceed SPAN/250.

● The final deflection taking place after fixing

of partitions/application of finishes should not
exceed the lesser of 20mm or SPAN/500
A quick survey
● How long does analysis typically take?
● How long does design typically take?
SAFE - Modeling
● Units and Design Code selection
● Material Properties
● Element Properties
● Add SAFE Objects (slab, column, wall, ..)
● Load Patterns/Cases (DL, SDL, LL, ..)
● Apply Loadings
● Meshing Size
● Design Strips
● Analysis and Design
● Validate Results (wrong input = wrong output)
SAFE - Geometry import
● Grid Lines
● Drawing tools
● AutoCAD DXF file
SAFE - Rigid Zone
● To account for the additional stiffness*
provided by column or wall supporting the
slab, we can define a rigid zone over the
overlapping area:



* it will prevent deformation of the slab at the column/wall location

SAFE - Support Conditions
● Point support, applicable to:

1. Columns
2. Walls
3. Slabs

SAFE - Load Combinations
● Design load combinations are created
automatically by SAFE based on selected
design code.

For this example we have:

1. 1.4 x DL
2. 1.4 x DL + 1.6 x LL
SAFE - Moment Contours
M11 contour: M22 contour:


Total moment at this location for a 4.2m width:

Mu = 64 * 1.05 + 79.8 * 2.1 + 65 * 1.05 = 303 kN.m

SAFE - Design Strips
● Manual
● Automated for regular geometries (GRID)

middle strip

4.2m middle strip 4.2m

4.2m column strip 4.2m

column strip

* SAFE column and middle strips are similar in terms of design procedure (they only have different colors)
SAFE - Extraction of design moments

X dir strip Y dir strip

Mu = 234 kN.m

Mu = -677 kN.m Mu = 302 kN.

SAFE - Design Output
Design outputs are:
1. mm2 per meter width
2. mm2 for entire trip
3. Total number of rebars
4. Additional number of
rebars + typical rebar

As = 2510 mm2
As = 6160 mm2
SAFE - Validity of program computed
b = 4.2 m , d = 320 mm
fcu = 35 N/mm2 , fy = 460 N/mm2
M = 302 kN-m
K = M / b d2 fcu
K = 302 x 106 / (4.2 x 1000 x 3202 x 35) = 0.02

z = d * [0.5 + SQRT (0.25 - K/0.9)]

z = d * (0.5 + 0.47) = 0.97d => z = 0.95d
As = M / 0.87 fy z = 302 x 10 ^ 6 / 0.87 * 460 * 0.95 * 320
As = 2482 mm2 (SAFE reported 2510 mm2) OK
SAFE - Punching Shear
Punching Shear Design Output:

with subtraction
Ratio above 1 means failure of loaded zone
within punching
shear perimeter
SAFE - Punching shear
If required, user can modify the eff. punching
perimeter by: (Based on BS code, a circular column requires a rectangular
shear perimeter while in SAFE it is taken as circular perimeter)

1.5 d = 1.5 x 320 x 2 + 500 = 1460 mm

SAFE - Punching Shear output
● As = 6160 mm2, p = 0.46%
● 100 x As / (b d) = 100 * 6160 / (4200 x 320) = 0.45
● => vc = 0.55 MPa vs 0.58 MPa (SAFE)
● Shear Force = 1600 kN (assume 8.4x8.4 interior col, without
subtraction for loaded zone)
● bo: Punching Perimeter = 4(1.5 * 320 * 2 + 500) = 5840 mm
● v = (1600 x 1000) / (5840 x 320) = 0.85 N/mm2 vs 0.82 MPa (SAFE)
Utilization Ratio
Ratio = vu / vc = (0.84 / 0.55) = 1.52 (SAFE reported 1.43)
Punching Shear Considerations
● Interior condition seems ok
● Careful of corner conditions, edge
conditions where moments can be high
● Effect of openings must be checked
SAFE - Deflection Considerations
Deflection options:
1. Elastic (linear analysis)
2. Short term cracked (nonlinear analysis)
3. Long term cracked (nonlinear analysis)

Rebar Input Options:

(applicable for short and long term)
SAFE - Deflection Considerations
● User specified Rebar: user may draw rebar
for the entire model (not additive)

● For FEM Design: rebar is taken directly from

the design results

● Quick Tension Rebar: user can define a

typical rebar size and spacing for the entire
SAFE - Deflection Considerations
Based on FEA Design Results

Elastic Cracked Short term & Long term

Elastic = -4.49 mm
Short term = -12.9 mm
Long term = -35.4 mm
SAFE - Final Notes

● Make sure your model is stable and correct before using the results.

● Run a nonlinear analysis only after you are comfortable with your linear
analysis results.
● Slab torsional forces are considered in slab design (wood-armer).

● Beam meshing is based on global slab meshing.

● If point load is assigned on the beams or slabs, make sure the point is
included in the mesh.
● Do not model unnecessary details (make model as simple as possible).

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