Perodanl Evangelism

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Personal Evangelist

Final Exam

Test I

1. Which are not the objective of soulwinning?

a. To Glorify God
b. To rescue sinners from hell
c. To encourage Christians
d. To add members to the church
e. To hasten Christ return
2. In the choices below, which group enumerates correctly the three instruments of
God to reach out a soul?
a. Gospel, Church, Program
b. Gospel, Holy Spirit, Program
c. Program, Holy Spirit, Church
d. Human, Church, program
e. Gospel, Holy Spirit, Human
3. What is the correct RELATION of God on a soulwinner in soulwinning?
a. Master and servant
b. Teacher and servant
c. Partner
d. Boss and subordinate
e. None of the above.
4. One of the reasons why Christian is hesitant to do soulwinning which is needful to be
a. Availability
b. Knowledge insufficiency
c. Fear
d. Lack of leading by the Holy Spirit
e. All of the above.
Personal Evangelist

Final Exam

Test II

(Advanced) 1 pts each

Arranged the following to its appropriated order according to your assessment.

Baptist Follow up Evangelism/Salvation Visitation

Discipleship Membership Unbeliever
Bible Study Involved in the Ministry Babe in Christ


Test III

(Essay) 5pts each

1. What is the difference between WINNING and LEADING to Christ?

2. Give a situation that a soul winner will appropriately decide not to continue sharing
the Gospel. And how will you handle/ respond to the situation as a soul winner?
3. How do you prepare yourself physically before soulwinning?
4. How do you spiritually prepare yourself as a soulwinner?
5. What will you do?
You have encountered a person who do not believe in God. You are now
presenting the gospel; however, he begins to insert and disrupt you by
telling he does not believe in God.

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