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Enquiry Proceeding

Date: Time:


Pursuant to the enquiry notice dated ................... derived from the allegation of
misconduct against Mr..........................., ID No........................., a fair and neutral
proceeding is hereby started in presence of the followings

Name and designation Signature

1. ........................... ..........
(Member of enquiry committee nominated by the employer)

2. ......................... ...........
(Member of enquiry committee nominated by the employer)

3. ......................... ...........
(Member of enquiry committee nominated by the employee)
4. ......................... ...........
(Member of enquiry committee nominated by the employee)

5. .......................... ...........
(Accused employee)

At the outset of the proceeding the allegation is read out to the accused and asked
him whether he has understood the meaning and consequences of the allegation or
not. The accused replied that he has understood the meaning and consequences of
the allegation brought against him.

Ques: Do you plead guilty?


Ques: Do you want to present any witness in your favour?


(Member No. 1 of inquiry committee) (Member No. 2 of inquiry committee) (Accused employee)

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At this stage of inquiry proceeding, Mr./Ms............................ , the witness No. 1

from the employer’s side is called into the inquiry room. Mr.................. deposed as

Upon completion of recording the deposition, Mr. ....... (accused)........ is asked

whether he wants to cross examine the witness or not. Mr............... cross examined
the witness as follows:

Ques: ..............................
Ans: ................................

Ques: ...........................
Ans: ............................

At this stage of inquiry proceeding, Mr./Ms............................ , the witness No. 2

from the employer’s side is called into the inquiry room. Mr.................. deposed as

Upon completion of recording the deposition, Mr. ....... (accused)........ is asked

whether he wants to cross examine the witness or not. Mr............... cross examined
the witness as follows:

(Member No. 1 of inquiry committee) (Member No. 2 of inquiry committee) (Accused employee)

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Ques: ..............................
Ans: ................................

Ques: ...........................
Ans: ............................

At this stage of inquiry proceeding, Mr./Ms............................ , the witness No. 1

from the accused employee’s side is called into the inquiry room. Mr..................
deposed as follows:

Upon completion of recording the deposition, Mr. ....... (accused)........ is asked

whether he wants to cross examine the witness or not. Mr............... cross examined
the witness as follows:

Ques: ..............................
Ans: ................................

Ques: ...........................
Ans: ............................

At this stage, Mr. ..... (accused).... is asked

Ques: have you enjoyed full freedom to defend yourself?

Ques: Have you got opportunity and freedom to present your witness and
supporting documents before the inquiry committee?

(Member No. 1 of inquiry committee) (Member No. 2 of inquiry committee) (Accused employee)

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Ques: Have you got opportunity and freedom to cross examine the witnesses?

Ques: Do you have any grievance regarding this proceeding?


Ques: Do you want to say anything?


All the proceedings have to be written by Hand

(Member No. 1 of inquiry committee) (Member No. 2 of inquiry committee) (Accused employee)

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