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1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------,which ( ki bu )

She married again just after her husband’s death, which surprised everyone.
People should learn a foreign language, which helps them find a job easily.
2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------ving
( ıp / ip erek )

He passed all his exams studying hard.

We persuaded him to come with us showing the pictures of the hotel.

3. I am of the opinion that ----------------------------------------------------------.

I am of the opinion that people shouldn’t smoke in public places.

I am of the opinion that public transportation should be free.
4. It shouldn’t be forgotten that --------------------------------------------------.

It shouldn’t be forgotten that people’s fate is determined by themselves.

It shouldn’t be forgotten that people always need each other.
5. It is an undeniable fact that -----------------------------------------------------.

It is an undeniable fact that practice makes perfect.

It is an undeniable fact that life is full of surprises
6. ----------------------------------is getting more and more difficult.

---------------------------------- is getting harder and harder.

----------------------------------- is getting easier and easier.

Finding a good job is getting more and more difficult.

Communication is getting easier and easier.
7. Thanks to ---------------------------------------------------------------.
With the help of -------------------------------------------------------.
Through ----------------------------------------------------------------.

Thanks to modern medicine, we can now treat many diseases.

With the help of satellites, we can communicate with the people in other countries.
8. --------------------------has become……………………………….…
…………………………..have become ………………………………..

Today English has become an international language.

The World has become a small village.

9. Like ………………………………………………….
Unlike ……………………………………………….

Unlike some countries in the World, Turkey remained impartial in the Gulf War.

There is nothing like having breakfast at home.

10. It is said that ………………………….………………………………………
It is claimed that ………………………………………………………………
It is known that …………………………………………………………………
It is estimated that ……………………………..………………………………
It is believed that -----------------------------------------------------------
11. As far as I know, ———————————————————————
As far as I remember,—————————————————————
12. According to ———————,——————————————————————————

According to WHO, the Corona Virus has turned into a pandemic.

13. ---------------------------------------------------------------. That is, ------------------

---------------------------------------------------------------. In other words, -------

-----------------------------------------------------------------. To put differently,——

Some people are conservative. That is, they do not like change.

Mobile phones are portable. In other words, they can be carried every where.
14. ----------------------------------------------------------. Otherwise, --------------

aksi takdirde

You should study hard. Otherwise, you may fail.

15. ---------------------------------------------------------. On the contrary,…………….

( aksine çürütme )

Ayşe isn’t an ugly girl. On the contrary, she is a very pretty girl.
16. With regard to -------------------, ------------------------------------------------------

With respect to -------------------, ———————————————————————

With regard to quality, private schools are better.

With respect to safety,........

17. am/is/are strongly against ———————————————————————————
am /are / is in favour of ———————————--------------------------------------------

Parents are in favour of sending their children to private schools

18. Provided that ------------------------------------, ——————————————
(if )

You can come and stay with me provided that you share the rent.
19. Due to ———————————————————————————————————
Owing to ——————————————————————————————————-
Because of —————————————————————————————————-
On account of ————————————————————————————————

The road was closed because of the accident.

20. Because————————————————————,----------------------------------
Since —————————————————————-, —————————————-
As———————————————————————, ——————————————
In as much as —————————————————-, ——————————————
21. Despite ————————-,———————————————————————-
Inspite of ———————-,———————————————————————-
22. Although-————————————————-,—————————————————-
Even though ———————————————,—————————————————-
Though —————————————————-, —————————————————
Despite the fact that———————————-, —————————————————
Inspite of the fact that ———————————,————————————————-
23. —————————————— do everything humanly possible

We should do everything humanly possible to save the rain forests

24. For the sake of ——————————-

We should do everything humanly possible for the sake of humanity

25. regardless of ————————————————-
irrespective of ————————————————

Terrorists kill hundreds of people regardless of their age, gender, religion, language
or race

New planes can fly regardless of distance.

Everything humanly possible should be done irrespective of its cost.

26. once in a blue moon

Today people visit each other once in a blue moon.

Parents spend time with their children once in a blue moon

27. part and parcel of———-

Death is part and parcel of life.

Discipline is part and parcel of education

28.———————————————————. Therefore, ———————————————
As a result
29.———————————————. However,——————————————
30.——————————————————. Moreover, ———————————————
Besides ,
In addition,
31. Allow somebody to do something
32. Enable somebody to do something
33. Have the opportunity to do something

Have the chance to do something

34. To begin with,
35. In conclusion,
To sum up,

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