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Enquiry Report
Date of Inquiry:

We, ………………………….., and …………………………… was

nominated to be the Inquiry officer respectively as the representative of the
Employer and accused employee to conduct an fair and neutral inquiry
regarding the complaint against the accused, Mr…………………….. ID
No………. designation………………………..

The complaint against Mr. ………………is that on ………………., the

accused, …………………………………………………. Please mention the
charge here……………………………………………………… as per
section 23(4) of Bangladesh Labour Act (BLA), 2006. The show cause
notice stating the charge is attached hereto and marked as Exhibit No.1

In response of which the accused sent a written reply to the company

on……………. Since the reply of the said show cause notice was not at all
satisfactory to the management of the Hotel, a fair, neutral and independent
inquiry was scheduled to be conducted on……………………..

At the time of the enquiry, Mr. XX admitted the charges but in order to give
him all the opportunities of self defense, we continued the enquiry and
completed if after hearing both parties in full.

On behalf of the prosecution side, seven witnesses were examined by us in

support of the charges and the charge sheeted employee produced only one
witness in support of his defense.

The issue before us for decision is whether Mr. XX is guilty of the charges
brought against him by the management and our findings are in the
affirmative i.e. Mr. XX is guilty of all charges.

The following are the reasons of our findings:-

1. The management produced two witness in support of the charges no
one and all of them including his own witness started that Mr. XX
misbehave with manager on ……… (date)
2. we examined the managing director in support of the charge no 2 and
he stated with all the emphasis that Mr. XX misbehaved with him on
…….. (date) and the accused employee was not able to shake his
evidence in the cross examination.
3. We examined two witness in support of charges no.3 and all of them
stated that Mr. XX misbehaved with Mr. YY on ……… date in
presence of others.
4. We examined two witnesses for charge no 4 and we are of opinion
that this charge is also established against the accused employee.

The evidence of all the prosecution witness was given in a straight forward
manner and we have no hesitation in accepting the evidence of all witness.

We have, therefore, after carefully considering the evidence of the witness
come to the conclusion that the charges against Mr. XX have been proved
beyond any doubt.

(AA) (BB)
Member Member

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