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Date: …………….

Mr. X

Subject: Show Cause Notice

Dear Mr. X,

It has been reported aganist you that at about 4 pm on june 1, 2017 Mr.Y, the production
officer, called you in his chamber and asked you to explain your conduct about the faulty
operation of the stamping machine. On this you very rudely told Mr.Y that you know the job of
operation of the said machine better than he knew. You therefore, uttered the following words
in Bangla and without giving any explanation of the thing called for, violently opened the door
of the chamber and went away.

Now therefore management would like to issue this notice calling upon you to show cause,
within eight days of the receipt of this notice, as to why your aforesaid activities shall not be
treated as misconduct under Section 23(4) (h) of Bangladesh Labor Act 2006 and accordingly
why appropriate disciplinary action shall not be taken against you.

Please note that if you fail to submit your explanation within the specified time, it will be
presumed that you accept the charges and have no explanation to offer. In that event,
Management will be at liberty to take appropriate disciplinary action against you without any
further reference to you.

Since the charges brought against you are very serious in nature, pending conclusion of the
disciplinary proceeding, you are hereby placed under suspension with immediate effect. You
will be paid subsistence allowance during the period of your suspension.

Yours faithfully


cc: …………………
Date: …………….
Mr. X

Subject: Show Cause Notice

Dear Mr. X,

It has been reported against you that you are habituated to come late. On Sept from 8 am but
you came late and you did not join your duty up to 8:30 am. In the past also you came late on
the following occasions:


(Sl. No dates on which came late Time)

As a employee, it is your duty and responsibility to follow the Company rules and regulation but
you have not duly present on time your duties in number of cases for long time which amounts
to habitual late in work.

The above mentioned acts alleged management would like to issue this notice calling upon you
to show cause, within eight days of the receipt of this notice, as to why your aforesaid activities
shall not be treated as misconduct under Section 23(4) (h) of Bangladesh Labor Act 2006 and
accordingly why appropriate disciplinary action shall not be taken against you.

You are, therefore, required to show cause, in writing, within eight days of the receipt of this
letter as to why you should not be punished on the above charges.

Since the charges brought against you are very serious in nature, pending conclusion of the
disciplinary proceeding, you are hereby placed under suspension with immediate effect. You
will be paid subsistence allowance during the period of your suspension.

Yours faithfully


Cc: ………
Date: …………….

Mr. X

Subject: Show Cause Notice

Dear Mr. X,

It has been reported against you that a remarkable amount of manual entry has been
conducted by you without any entry in the register book. As per the house policy “if any
employee fails to swipe his/her In/Out time card, s/he will record his/her In/Out time in the
register book kept in Time office. S/he will make application to HR through the department
heads immediately explaining the reason for not swiping the time card”. After auditing the log /
register book, no entry was found in the register book. A single entry of employee’s time In/Out
must not be inputted manually if there is no entry in the register book. Attendance of the
employee in the register is directly linked with the payroll as well as security of the hotel.

Now therefore management would like to issue this notice calling upon you to show cause,
within eight days of the receipt of this notice, as to why your aforesaid activities shall not be
treated as misconduct under Section 23(4) of Bangladesh Labor Act 2006 and accordingly why
appropriate disciplinary action shall not be taken against you.

Please note that if you fail to submit your explanation within the specified time, it will be
presumed that you accept the charges and have no explanation to offer. In that event,
Management will be at liberty to take appropriate disciplinary action against you without any
further reference to you.

Yours faithfully


cc: …………………

Date: …………….
Mr. X

Subject: Show Cause Notice

Dear Mr. X,

It has been reported against you that at about 3 pm on Nov. 1, 2016, while you were working
inside the factory premise, you picked up a quarrel with Mr.Y of Packing Department and
subsequently you struck him on his head with a double ended spanner causing serious injuries
on his head.

Your above acts amount to misconduct and you are, therefore, directed to explain as to why
you will not be punished on the above charge.

You must submit your explanation in writing to the undersigned positively within eight days of
receipt of this letter, failing which action as deemed appropriate will be taken against you ex-

Yours faithfully


cc: …………………
Date: …………….
Mr. X

Subject: Show cause notice.

Dear Mr. X,

It has been reported against you that on june 28, 2017 you attended the office as usual at 9 am
and went out during your lunch break between 1 pm to 2 pm Instead of returning from lunch
break at 2 pm you returned at 4 pm in a state of drunkenness. On being asked by the office
Supdt. Mr. M.A khan, the reason for your returning late you started shouting at him in a very
loud tone, spoke to him in an insulting manner, called him a rascal and a later you also told him
to shut up. Further you left the office at 4:30 without obtaining the permission of your superior

You are, therefore, asked to explain as to why severe disciplinary action shall not be taken
against you on the above charges. You must submit your explanation in writing to the
Undersigned positively within eight days of receipt of this letter, failing which action as deemed
necessary will be taken against you without any further reference to you.

Since the charges against you are very serious, you are hereby placed under suspension
pending enquiry and during the suspension period you will be paid substance allowance as
admissible under the rules.

You should leave with us your address where the enquiry notice and any other communication
meant for you can be served on you. You should not leave the place of your posting during the
period of suspension without prior permission of the undersigned.

Yours faithfully


cc: …………………
Date: …………….
Mr. X

Subject: Show Cause Notice

Dear Mr. X,

It has been reported against you that, you have been absenting yourself from duty with effect
from ………….. without prior permission of the management, sudden absence on your part
dislocates the normal work of the organization. The office request you to join your work with
proper explanation of your absence vide letter no…………………but you did not join your work;
even you did not reply the letter from the office.

In view of the above, you are called upon to explain in writing with in eight days as to why an
appropriate disciplinary action should not be taken against you.

Please note that if you fail to submit your explanation within the specified time, it will
presumed that you accept the charges to be correct and have no explanation to offer. In that
event, the management will be at liberty to take appropriate disciplinary action against you
without any further reference to you.

Yours faithfully


cc: …………………

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