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Supplemental Rules: Social Combat

This Is Playtest Material These homebrew rules are meant to support
The material here is presented for playtesting and to those.
spark your imagination. These game mechanics are in These rules aren't intended to replace the need
draft form, usable in your campaign but not refined by
for roleplay. Very few players, however, have
design iterations or full game development and
experience in high stakes negotiations,
editing. They aren’t officially part of the game and
aren’t permitted in D&D Adventurers League events. formalized debate, or even public speaking. Some
If you decide you enjoy this material, it will be refined players may be uncomfortable with
based on your feedback, and then it will appear in a confrontational conversation, even in roleplay,
Dungeon Masters Guild book. and it's important to make your table fun for
them, too. When the party's barbarian lifts up a
A band of heroes stands before a frightened
portcullis, the GM doesn't lead the player to a set
crowd. They must rally the village to gather
of weights and make them do 10 reps. Rule
resources and prepare to defend against the
mechanics exist to provide resolution when PCs
coming marauders. Dissenting voices call for
are better (or worse!) at something than their
retreat, others border on panic. The adventurers
player. Additionally, most of the time social
exhort them to steel their will and follow their
confrontations are handled by a single character
cunning plan.
in the group. This leaves the rest of the players at
A paladin stands before the magistrates, ready to the table without much to do. Employing social
present a case. Her roguish friend is in trouble combat rules brings everyone into the action.
again, and this time it might be serious. Without
her friend's blades and keen eye for traps, they'll
never recover the relic in the dungeon.
Social Combat Mechanics
Ten heavily robed figures stand over the body of The Social Combat mechanics are intended to
the Grand Magus. Before he can be entombed, they mimic physical combat in as many ways as
must choose his successor from among their possible. This is the basic concept for making
number. They have been preparing positions and rule arbitration. The key difference is that mental
alliances all through the Grand Magus's waning attributes will be substituted for physical
years. The vote must be cast at dawn. attributes. In general, substitute attributes as
When to Use Social Combat • Strength = Logic
• Dexterity = Wisdom
The three pillars of RPGs are combat, • Constitution = Charisma
exploration, and social interaction. Each can take
Except for attacks, when a bonus or modifier is
focus or be mixed together to create dynamic
called for and more than one character is
worlds and tense scenes. Combat, of course, has
speaking for the case, use the highest bonus or
the most intricate mechanics and is tuned to
modifier in the group.
make physical conflict dramatic while keeping
the action moving. Exploration is handled with
Survival, Perception, Investigation, and other Crafting a Case
checks to navigate traps, obstacles, and Your case is a representation of the points and
distances. arguments that support your goals or
Social interactions are usually represented with conclusions. In social combat, it is the equivalent
one or two dice rolls using a Charisma linked of a creature that is created, defended, and given
skill. This is great for a one-on-one interaction, a attacks based on the skills of the participants
quick deception, or short-term intimidation. arguing for it.
There are other kinds of social interactions that Roll for Hit Points: First establish the initial
make for great scenes and gameplay, though. strength of your case by determining Hit Points.

©2019 Thomas Edrington and Scraigon Earhart-Stokes 2

In the same way that physical Hit Points Social Armor Class Modifiers
represent resiliency, vitality, and resistance to Social Status Social AC
damage, Hit Points in social combat represent Ascribed Status
how robustly the points you've laid out can Inherited Wealth 11 + Wisdom
withstand critique and inquiry. (money, land, small
Make a Charisma (Persuasion) roll. The base DC business, etc.)
is 10, which gives your case 10 hit points. You
Inherited Minor Title 12 + Wisdom
gain an additional 1d10 Hit Points for each
(courtier, large business,
increment of 3 over the DC (+1d10 at DC 13,
+2d10 at DC 16, +3d10 at DC 19, etc.). If multiple
PCs are making the case, any of them that roll Inherited Major Title 13 + Wisdom
above 10 count as an extra +3 to the top roll. This (duke, sheriff)
is your case's maximum hit points.
NPCs usually make the same roll for opposing Inherited Ruling Title 14 + Wisdom
(monarch, crime boss)
cases. In some cases, NPCs are advocating instead
for the “status quo;” that is, they don't have a
Advanced Age 12 + Wisdom
personal case or directly opposing view but are
invested in whatever state of affairs the Dominant Species 11 + Wisdom
characters seek to change. When this happens, (where applicable)
the GM should choose an appropriate challenge Achieved Status
rating for the social encounter and refer to the
Earned Wealth 12 + Wisdom
“Monster Statistics by Challenge Rating” table on (money, land, small
pg. 274 of the DMG to assign hit points to the business, etc.)
opposing case.
Determine Armor Class: AC in social combat is Earned Minor Title 13 + Wisdom
the measurement of how difficult it is to land a (senior clergy, guard
convincing argument against a case (and
therefore reduce its HP). Insight into your
Earned Major Title 14 + Wisdom
opponents upcoming attacks combines with (city councilor, college
recognized social status to reduce the impact of dean)
your critics' arguments.
A case's base Armor class is 10 + Wisdom Earned Ruling Title 15 + Wisdom
modifier. If any character arguing for the case is (governor, captain of the
proficient in Insight, then add that character's
proficiency bonus. This base AC is then modified
Heroic Accomplishment 13 + Wisdom
by any special social status recognized by those
involved. Titles, wealth, awards for heroic feats, Divine Power 12 + Wisdom
even advanced age could make attacking your
position more difficult while remaining civil and
sympathetic. Much like armor, a case's AC can
only be modified by a single status at once,
Social Combat Rounds
known as the master status. One round of social combat represents one
There are two types of status that add to Social minute of engagement. This is not set in stone.
AC, ascribed and achieved status. Ascribed status Sometimes a formalized social combat, like city
refers to social status that is inherited or given council debate or court proceedings, will have a
without personal effort. Achieved status refers to different pace. One minute is intended to be a
honors that have been earned through work or baseline.
expertise. See the table for suggested modifiers.

©2019 Thomas Edrington and Scraigon Earhart-Stokes 3

Actions in combat represent the give and take • Performance: A character may use
played out in debate and conversational duels. relevant works of poetry or oration to
Each character involved in advancing a case may make their point.
take one action and one bonus action, listed
• Persuasion: The most widely useful skill
in social combat, this is any attack that
highlights the benefits of a case using true
If enough characters are involved that initiative is
relevant, roll 1d20 + Wisdom modifier.
• Deception: Attacks may use false
Social Combat Actions information or manipulative language to
change opinions.
Attack: Employ one of a variety of methods to
• Intimidation: Attacks can be framed to
weather down your opponents' case. Choose an
invoke negative effects of opposition or
attack type representing the type of argument
work to play on fear.
you're using. Each is linked to a mental attribute
and has its own damage dice. Roll 1d20 and add Deflect: By focusing on answering and opposing
the attribute modifier linked to the rhetorical opponents' points, you inflict disadvantage on
weapon, then compare it to your opposing case's any attacks on your case until your next turn.
AC. Cast a Spell: Spells with a casting time of more
• Logos (Int): 1d10 + Int. A logical appeal to than 1 action can be cast as a social combat
convince an audience by use of facts or action, up to a casting time of 1 minute. Spells
reason. Arguments based on legal with a casting time of more than 1 minute can be
precedent, empirical evidence, and logical cast over multiple rounds if the caster is
conclusions fall into this category. uninterrupted.

• Ethos (Wis): 1d8 + Wis. An ethical appeal Help: A character can take their action to support
to convince an audience of the character's an ally by suggesting arguments, disparaging
credibility, or degrade that of their attackers, having facts and figures ready, or even
opponents. Statements about cheering at the right time. When a character takes
accomplishments, level of bias, or the Help action, their player chooses an ally. That
connections and affiliation are Ethos ally gains advantage on their next attack.
attacks. Redirect: Turning the conversation to address
• Pathos (Cha): 1d6 + Cha. An emotional points that have already been made can refocus
appeal means to persuade an audience by parts of your case that have been weakened. This
appealing to their virtues, vices, and action adds 1d8 hit points to your case.
bonds. This could represent calling for
mercy or unity, whipping up anger, or Social Combat Bonus Actions
relying on greed.
Shield: Proactively addressing weak points in
A player should roll their attack before role- your case can foil incoming arguments. This gives
playing their character's action. If a character is your case +2 AC until your next turn. A case may
proficient in Performance, Persuasion, Deception, benefit from up to two Shield actions.
or Intimidation they may choose to frame their
attack in such a way that they may add their Cast a Spell: Spells with a casting time of 1 action
Proficiency bonus (but not the skill's linked or less can be cast as a bonus action in social
attribute, as that is determined by Logos, Ethos, combat.
or Pathos). Expertise in a skill grants double Pathos Attack: Of all rhetorical attacks, Pathos is
proficiency as usual. the quickest to invoke and the easiest to weave
linguistically into another attack. As a bonus

©2019 Thomas Edrington and Scraigon Earhart-Stokes 4

action, a character may make an attack with When you make a death saving throw and roll a 1
Pathos, using the rules above. on the d20, it counts as two failures. If you roll a
20 on the d20, your case regains 1 hit point.
Social Combat Resolution Stabilizing a Case: A character may use their
action to attempt to revive elements of the case
Social combats usually end in one of two ways. In and re-engage. You can use an action to make a
situations with a time limit, there will come a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check to stabilize the
time when a decision must be made, at which case. A stable case no longer requires a saving
point the case with the most hit points will be the throw, and its allies may once again take actions
most likely to sway those making decisions. normally (including, importantly, the Redirect
Sometimes this decision is made by a single action).
judge, an audience, or the participants
themselves. In most other social combats, only Damage at 0 Hit Points: If a case takes any
one case emerges with hit points left. This could damage while it has 0 hit points, it suffers a death
also happen during a timed combat, which would saving throw failure. If the damage is from a
leave all other cases completely undercut and critical hit, it suffers two failures instead. If the
invalidated before judgment would regularly be damage equals or exceeds your case's hit point
made. maximum, your case suffers instant death.

When a case reaches 0 hit points, it becomes very

vulnerable. Some inherent flaw has been exposed Social Combat and PC Options
in the case, or the crowd has completely turned
There are many options available to player
against one side.
characters that could come into play during a
If a case receives damage that would drop it to 0 social combat. Feats, background features, class
hit points and the remaining damage equals or features, and spells can all alter the field one way
exceeds the case's maximum hit points, the case or the other. Since the social combat rules use
is dead. Its points are so completely undercut that clear parallels with the combat system players
not even the most persuasive argument can sway are familiar with, it should be easy to adjudicate
judgment in its favor, or characters arguing in its the effects of these features.
favor have been thoroughly discredited. The
Generally, any effect that influences Charisma-
case's allies may themselves have been swayed.
based checks should count towards social combat
If damage reduces a case to 0 hit points without attacks, since they use Charisma-linked skill
killing it, it is in dire straits but it can be salvaged. proficiencies. Features that add to attacks
Attacks on a case with 0 hit points are made at without denoting ranged or melee and without
advantage. some damaging or physical effect should also
apply to attacks.
If your case is at 0 hit points at the beginning of In this section, we'll list a few illustrations of how
your turn, you can only take two kinds of actions, common options can effect social combats. This
unless it is also stable. list won't be exhaustive, of course, but it should
help illustrate common effects and how to treat
Death Saves: If the roll is 10 or higher, you
succeed. Otherwise, you fail. A success or failure
has no effect by itself. On your third success, your
case becomes stable (see below). On your third Backgrounds
failure, your case dies. The successes and failures
don't need to be consecutive; keep track of both Charlatan: Your False Identity feature may
until you collect three of a kind. The number of qualify for higher status AC than your character
both is reset to zero when your case becomes would otherwise have.

©2019 Thomas Edrington and Scraigon Earhart-Stokes 5

City Watch: Depending on the status of the City Scraigon begins by making his case. Giz has an 18
Watch in the setting, this could confer a higher Charisma, the Courtier background, and the
achieved status AC. Diplomat feat (which grants double his
proficiency bonus). This means, at 5th level, he
Folk Hero: This background may qualify for the
rolls 1d20 and adds + 10. He rolls a 13, totaling
Heroic Achievement AC status.
23. This means his case gets +4d10 to it's base 10
Noble: While Position of Privilege provides an Hit Points. After he rolls these, his case has 31 Hit
obvious ascribed status, the Knight variant's Points.
Retainers may be able to take actions in social
Giz's Courtier background is an achieved status,
combat (at the DM's discretion).
and his Wisdom bonus is +2. This gives his case
an AC of 15.
The GM determines that convincing the tribe to
Actor: A skilled Actor could take the risk of take such drastic action as relocating over 100
assuming someone else's status AC during lizardfolk, hatchlings and all, is a Challenge Rating
combat, as long as their deception holds. of 5 and assigns the case for the status queue 140
Hit Points. She also determines that Ihrtos will
Diplomat: The charm effect of this feat does not
only hear debate for 10 minutes (10 rounds)
automatically fail during social combat. If your
before retiring to rest and deliberate. Since
check succeeds, the target is charmed and
Gururt is the most vocal opponent, she'll use his
becomes unable to make attacks against your
statistics to to determine AC and take actions.
Gururt's Wisdom bonus is +3 and he has Earned
Empathic: During social combat, this feat can be Wealth, so the status quo case also has an AC of
activated as a bonus action and must be used on 15. Giz has a strong case, but his work is cut out
the turn that it's activated. for him.
Historian: This feat's bonus may be added to Round 1
allies' social combat attacks, as well as other The GM rolls initiative using Gururt's Wisdom
checks as normal. bonus and beats Scraigon's roll. Gururt is
Inspiring Leader: When a character with this proficient in Intimidation and his best mental
feat presents a case, that case gains a hit point attribute is Wisdom. The GM decides that he'll
bonus equal to the character's level + your make an Ethos attack framed with Intimidation.
Charisma modifier. She rolls a 9, and adds Gururt's proficiency and
Wisdom bonus to make 15. This is a hit, so Gururt
Menacing: A character may activate this feat's rolls 1d8 + Wis and deals 7 damage to Giz's case.
benefits as a bonus action during social combat.
Gururt will use his bonus action to follow this up
with a Pathos attack, still using Intimidation.
Example of Social Combat
This time the GM rolls a natural 20, so she rolls
Scraigon's sorcerer, a lizardfolk named Giz, needs 2d4. Gururt has no Charisma bonus, and she rolls
to rally his tribe to leave their swamp hollow. He's 6 damage for him.
discovered a mystical taint that's going to
Gururt jumps to his feet. “Our lands bring us great
overwhelm the lizardfolk village within the week.
riches! We claimed the finest point along the river
Since Giz is known to have served the tribe well in
by the might of our tribe. If we relinquish it now,
matters of the outside world, the village elder
who knows where this taint will chase us? Our
Ihrtos has called the village together to hear Giz's
hatchlings will starve if we cannot find hunting
case. Gururt, the village's wealthiest hunter, is
grounds as fertile as this.”
loathe to abandon hunting grounds so familiar
and challenges Giz's claims. Gururt begins reciting the lineage of powerful
warriors that have stood in many battles, and the
clever wonder-workers that make magic for the

©2019 Thomas Edrington and Scraigon Earhart-Stokes 6

tribe. He tells of other crises the tribe has faced As a bonus action, he attacks with Pathos, again
and how these mighty lizardfolk stood against framed with Persuasion. At disadvantage, he rolls
them. an 8 again, but this time adds his Persuasion
proficiency and Charisma modifier for a total of
“We do not run! Not from fey, not from soft skins,
and not from sickness in the magic. If we run, we
will show weakness to all that want what we have Rolling 1d6 +4, he deals 7 damage. Giz tries to
and never again know rest in this or any land.” leverage the momentum over the strength of the
tribe by comparing them favorably to the
Scraigon sees that his case only has 18 hit points
liazardfolk and soft-skins down the river, but
left. He can't take another round like that. He
Gururt continually points out that they are
decides to activate Giz's Diplomat feat as an
stronger on their home ground.
action. Gururt is proficient in Insight, but when
Scaigon rolls Giz's Persuasion, it is too much to Stymied, Giz stresses the threat of the corruption.
overcome. Gururt becomes charmed. “Even on unknown ground, we are mighty enough
to face any challenge on the road. But even at our
As a bonus action, Scraigon chooses to attack
strongest, and with all our allies present, we will
with Pathos, using Persuasion. He rolls a 14,
wither here and eventually be hunted like soft-
adding +10 for his Persuasion and Charisma.
skins.” Ihrtos nods at this.
Scoring a hit, he rolls 1d6 + Cha and scores 6
damage. Rounds 3-6
The next few rounds go on like this. Gururt
Giz carefully chooses moments to agree heartily,
remains charmed, but continues to make it
and enthusiastically echoes Gururt's points about
difficult for Giz to score much damage. Scraigon
the strength of the tribe and it's notable members.
and the GM trade a few quips and describe the
Before Gururt knows it, his points have been stolen
attacks and defense.
out from under him, and he is inadvertently
agreeing with Giz's interjections of praise. At the end of round 6, Gururt's case is still sitting
at 97 hit points. Scraigon's still has the 18 that
Gururt pauses, trying to think of another tribe
were left after round 1. Scraigon knows that the
member to praise when Giz cuts in softly. “We are
math is against him and time is running out.
mighty, and our tests have built that might. Facing
this new journey can only make us mightier.” Round 7
Gururt continues to defend on his action, keeping
Round 2
the case's AC at 17 and imposing disadvantage for
Gururt is charmed and can't make attacks, but the
the round.
GM still has plenty of actions to choose from.
Gururt only needs to keep the status queue case Scraigon decides to change his tactics, and risks
intact to win, and so the GM decides to take the breaching the tribe's etiquette. He spends a
Deflect action, followed up with a Shield bonus sorcery point to activate his Subtle metamagic
action. Scraigon now has to hit a 17 AC with and casts Suggestion on Gururt as a bonus action.
disadvantage. Gururt can't attack, but the GM Scraigon decides he'll suggest that Gururt just sit
doesn't have to end the encounter or even to quietly and listen. Gururt rolls 13 to save, and
make it easy. fails. He's already taken his actions for the round,
so the bonuses he granted remain.
On Scraigon's turn, he knows he won't be facing
damage to his case. He also knows that he has Scraigon follows this up with a Logos attack,
limited time to deal as much damage as possible. needing as much damage as possible. This time
He takes the Attack action, this time framing a his roll totals 19, and he deals 9 damage.
Logos attack with Persuasion. After disadvantage,
“Gururt, you are suggesting that we can stand firm
he rolls a 8 and adds +7 for his Persuasion
against a flaw in the forces of nature. This is not a
proficiency and Intelligence modifier, resulting in
fight that can be won with teeth. Please, listen
a 15. A miss. Something about his logic failed to
make the point.

©2019 Thomas Edrington and Scraigon Earhart-Stokes 7

quietly a while, and I'll make it clear exactly what's
coming for us.”
Gururt, frustrated but compliant, takes his seat
and offers no further opposition.
Scraigon now has three unopposed rounds to
take the status quo case's HP down and raise his
own case's HP. He'll have to balance actions spent
on Redirect with Attacks and hope the dice do
him some favors.
At the end of the allotted time, the GM compares
the remaining hit points of the cases and uses
them as a guide to determine whether Ihrtos is
swayed or not, and what actions he'll direct the
tribe to take in the face of this new threat.

©2019 Thomas Edrington and Scraigon Earhart-Stokes 8

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