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Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102295

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Life cycle carbon emission reduction potential of a new steel-bamboo

composite frame structure for residential houses
Xiaocun Zhang a, Jie Xu a, Xueqi Zhang b, Yushun Li c, *
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ningbo University, Ningbo, 315211, China
School of Architecture, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an, 710055, China
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao, 266109, China


Keywords: To understand the carbon emission reduction potential of residential houses, life cycle assessment needs to be
Carbon emission reduction considered for different building designs. In this context, this study compares the life cycle emissions of a new
Life cycle assessment steel-bamboo composite frame structure with a general reinforced concrete frame structure associated with a
Steel-bamboo composite structure
rural detached house in East China. Based on the inventory analysis of the production, construction, operation,
Residential house
Comparative analysis
and end of life phases, a process-based method is adopted to assess the emissions and a Monte Carlo simulation is
conducted to investigate the influences of parameter uncertainty on the comparison. The results show that life
cycle emissions of the steel-bamboo and concrete frame structures are 440.6 tCO2e and 537.4 tCO2e, respectively.
Although the operation phase is the largest contributor, the production phase accounts for up to 36.4% of the
total emissions. The contribution coefficients of desired processes indicate that cooling, heating, and lighting are
influencing factors for the emissions of both structural schemes, whereas production of galvanized steel sheet and
bamboo scrimber should be underlined to reduce emissions from the steel-bamboo structure. Based on an un­
certainty analysis using 10000 simulation iterations, the 95% confidence interval of emission reduction in the
steel-bamboo structure is estimated as [21.0, 155.0] tCO2e. this result verifies that the steel-bamboo structure is
more “carbon-friendly” than a general concrete frame structure. Moreover, this study proposed suggestions to
improve the life cycle carbon reduction potential and can help to understand the influences of structural designs
on the sustainable development of residential houses.

have been emphasized [6,7] to establish zero-impact buildings. Recent

research indicated that embodied emissions could contribute more than
1. Introduction 30% to life cycle impacts [8,9]. This contribution can be increased to
60–75% for low-carbon buildings [10], owing to the low operational
1.1. Background energy use. In this context, the building main body was considered as a
major emission source, especially for the production of primary
To control the global climate change, energy conservation and car­ materials.
bon emission reduction from the building sector has been underlined [1] As a developing country, China is the largest contributor to the
in recent decades. Previously, the operation phase was considered as the worldwide emissions and has made great efforts to control them
largest contributor to the total emissions throughout the building life [11–13]. Considering the large population in rural regions [14],
cycle [2], of which the energy-related emissions are mainly sourced low-carbon and sustainability development of rural buildings have been
from heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, and appliances. emphasized in relevant national policy documents. Moreover, a large
However, with the improvement of power supply systems and building number of buildings are being constructed in rural China to promote the
energy efficiency [3,4], the operational emissions have been signifi­ environment and living standards. For example, in 2018, the total in­
cantly reduced. Therefore, the emission assessment from the whole life vestment in rural construction reached more than 1000 billion Chinese
cycle perspective has been considered [5], and embodied emissions from Yuan (CNY) and the construction area of rural residential houses
the material production, building construction, and end of life phases

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (X. Zhang), (J. Xu), (X. Zhang), (Y. Li).
Received 3 December 2020; Received in revised form 31 January 2021; Accepted 15 February 2021
Available online 19 February 2021
2352-7102/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Zhang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102295

Nomenclature Eope emissions from the operation phase

Ewt emissions from waste transportation
Abbreviations EFc IO sectoral emission factor for road transportation
ALD annual lighting duration EFe emission factor of electricity
CNY Chinese Yuan EFeu emission factor of energy
IO input–output EFi emission factor of process i
LCA life cycle assessment EFdem emission factor of building demolish activity
LPD lighting power density EFmac emission factor of operating machinery per unit time
RCF reinforced concrete frame EFmat,p process-based emission factor of primary material
SBF steel-bamboo frame EFmat,s IO sectoral emission factor of secondary material
EFr process-level emission factor for road transportation
Notations n the total number of processes
Ak net floor area of room k qmac,eu energy consumption for operating machinery per workday
cmat,s transport price of secondary material Qcool life cycle cooling load
CFi contribution coefficient of process i Qdem engineering quantity of building demolish activity
COPc coefficient of performance for cooling Qi volume of process i
COPh coefficient of performance for heating Ql1 annual lighting electricity use
dmat,p transport distance of primary material Qmac working time of construction machinery
dwt transport distance of building waste Qmat,p quantity of primary material
E life cycle emissions Qmat,s cost of secondary material
Econ emissions from the construction phase Qheat life cycle heating load
Ecool emissions from cooling Qlight life cycle lighting electricity use
Edem emissions from building demolition Qwt quantity of building waste
Eend emissions from the end of life phase Tb bearing temperature
Eheat emissions from heating Tc comfortable temperature
Ei emission from process i
Ei,p emissions of process i in iteration p Parameter, variables, and functions
Elc life cycle emissions a lower limit of the input
Elc,p life cycle emissions in iteration p b upper limit of the input
Elight emissions from lighting c likely value of a parameter
Emat,p emissions from primary materials s the total number of iterations
Emat,s emissions from other materials x emission factor of a desired process
Epro emissions from the production phase y quantity of a desired process
Etra emissions from transportation ft(x) probability density function of a triangular distribution
Eoeu emissions from on-site energy use fu(y) probability density function of an uniform distribution

covered almost 0.7 billion square meters [14]. However, the construc­ mountain cabin in Norway. The results of this wooden house indicated
tion technology and energy performance of rural houses currently in although improving the heating efficiency could reduce operational
China are relatively low. In this context, it is crucial to investigate po­ emissions, the additional material consumption could offset this benefit
tential sustainable building structural schemes to reduce life cycle from a life cycle perspective. Sim and Sim [26] investigated the life cycle
emissions of rural residential houses. impacts of a Korean traditional house and found concrete was a major
factor of embodied emissions. Pacheco-Torres et al. [27] investigated
the embodied emissions of a detached house in Spain. The house was
1.2. Literature review and knowledge gaps constructed using the reinforced concrete frame (RCF) structure, and the
emissions were assessed as 385 kgCO2e per building surface area. Pal
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a popular tool to evaluate building et al. [28] assessed the life cycle emissions and costs of a townhouse in
carbon emissions [15,16], which can be classified into process-based
Finland, which was constructed using a concrete wall structure. The
LCA and input–output (IO) methods [17]. Process-based LCA methods
results were analyzed to achieve low-carbon designs by comparing
were commonly used in the analysis of individual buildings, because
different building envelope, heating, and PV systems.
they can track carbon footprints from detailed processes [18,19]. A large
Moreover, a few case studies were also conducted to compare the
number of previous studies [9,20–22] have been conducted to either
emissions of different building structural schemes. For example, Soust-
improve the methods or assess emissions of case buildings. Among these
Verdaguer et al. [29] evaluated the life cycle environmental impacts
studies, life cycle emissions of buildings constructed using different
of a single-family house in Uruguay, and building information modeling
structural forms were evaluated and measures were proposed to reduce
was adopted to compare brick and block masonry structures. Węglarz
and Pierzchalski [30] compared the production and operational emis­
Concerning the research of rural residential houses, relatively few
sions of masonry and timber structures and found that material
studies have focused on their life cycle emissions. Considering that
embodied emissions accounted for 22%–35% of life cycle impacts. Yu
single-family houses have similar function and volume with rural
et al. [31] investigated the life cycle energy and emissions of a
houses, this study made a comprehensive review of both building types.
single-floor bamboo house and found that the bamboo structure was
Bribián et al. [23] investigated a single-family masonry house in Spain
more “carbon-friendly” than a traditional masonry structure. The results
and found that the material production phase contributed 30% to the life
of the above studies and other research on multi-story buildings [32–35]
cycle primary energy use. Petrovic et al. [24] analyzed the life cycle
indicated that, while the emissions of RCF buildings were slightly higher
emissions of a wooden house in Sweden, which also found similar results
than masonry buildings, timber buildings may have the lowest emissions
with the above research. Nordby [25] assessed the emissions of a

X. Zhang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102295

Fig. 1. System boundary of the emission assessment.

from the life cycle perspectives. from the production, construction, operation, and end of life
Based on the about studies, it can be found that RCF structure, ma­ phases.
sonry structure, and timber structure are the three most commonly use (2) A Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to identify the most
structural forms for low-rise buildings. Specifically, for rural detached influencing factors of life cycle emissions and emission difference
houses in China, masonry structures were commonly used in the past between the two schemes, and further verify the reliability of
owing to the low economic costs. However, limited by the low strength comparison.
and seismic performance of masonry structures, RCF structures are (3) Based on the results of analysis and comparison, suggestions are
gradually accepted in rural regions recently. Unfortunately, the above proposed to improve the carbon emission reduction potential of
review indicated that RCF structures may have the highest emissions the SBF scheme for rural house sustainability.
among the three structural forms. Considering the short supply of timber
resources and the abundant bamboo resources in China, a new steel- The remainder of this study is organized into four sections. Section 2
bamboo composite frame structure (SBF) [36–39] was proposed as a introduces the system boundary, main designs of the assessed house, and
potential approach for rural building sustainability. The main technical methods for life cycle emission assessment and uncertainty analysis.
advantages of this structural form can be summarized as: (1) the growth Section 3 presents the detailed inventory in all life cycle phases
cycle of bamboo is short as 4–6 years, and the strength of bamboo ma­ including the emission factors and quantities of involved processes.
terials are relatively high; (2) pure steel structures need high re­ Section 4 analyzes the results of comparison, discusses the influencing
quirements of steel products and can lead to high production energy factors and parameter uncertainty, and proposes suggestions on low-
consumption, whereas pure bamboo structures may have large struc­ carbon houses. Section 5 concludes the main findings and clarifies the
tural deformations owing to the low elastic modulus of bamboo. The limitations of this study.
combination of both (i.e. SBF structures) can perform better.
According to the afore-described review, some knowledge gaps 2. Methodology
corresponding to the low-carbon rural houses can be underlined as fol­
lows. First, relevant research has compared the emissions from different 2.1. Functional unit and system boundary
rural building structures and suggested that timber and RCF buildings
had the lowest and highest emissions, respectively. However, timber Generally, the building life cycle was divided into four phases
buildings are not common in China owing to the timber shortage, and including the production, construction, operation, and end of life phases
more suitable structural forms need to be explored for the low-carbon [40,41]. “one square meter” and “the total house” were usually defined
development. Second, although a new SBF structural form was pro­ as the functional unit for life cycle emission assessment [42,43].
posed and its structural and thermal performances were tested and Considering that the two structural schemes were designed according to
verified [36–39], no research has investigated the life cycle emissions the same architectural layout, “the total house” was adopted as the
and its emission reduction potential compared with other conventional functional unit in this study, and therefore the emissions in each life
structures. cycle phase of the entire building were assessed and compared using a
process-based LCA method. The system boundary of the assessment is
1.3. Contribution and organization defined in Fig. 1. Specifically, for the production and construction
phases, building materials and components were manufactured, trans­
In light of the above knowledge gaps, this study aims to compare ported, and constructed into a complete building. Four categories of
carbon emissions of the SBF and RCF structural schemes from the whole subprojects incorporating earthwork and foundation, main structure,
life cycle perspective based on a rural detached house in China, and functional work, and auxiliary activity were considered. The main body
further discusses the measures to improve the emission reduction po­ including the foundation and main structure of the house was designed
tential of the SBF scheme. The main contributions can be summarized as using different materials and techniques, i.e., the RCF and SBF schemes.
follows: For the operation phase, essential demands of heating, cooling, and
lighting were simulated within a period of 50 years, whereas the emis­
(1) Life cycle inventory is analyzed for the RCF and SBF schemes sions from household appliances were not evaluated. For the end of life
based on a case study, the corresponding emissions are compared phase, the emissions were estimated using an area-based method [40]
owing to information scarcity.

X. Zhang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102295

Fig. 2. Drawings of the detached house: (a) South façade; (b) North façade; (c) West façade; (d) Plan layout of the ground floor. The layouts of other floors are similar
with the ground floor, whereas the dining room and kitchen are changed into living room and bedroom, respectively.

2.2. The assessed building

n ∑
E= Ei = Qi ⋅EFi (1)
A three-story single-family house located in Wenxi Village, Ningbo, i=1 i=1

China was selected as a case study. The house was planned by the local
government, which aimed to improve the rural living environment. The where E is the total life cycle emissions; n is the total number of pro­
designed life span of the building was 50 years and the total building cesses; Ei, Qi, and EFi are the emission, volume, and relevant emission
area was 357.65 m2. Fig. 2 presents the drawings of the house designed factor of process i, respectively. For different life cycle phases, Q may
by the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Ningbo. represent material consumption, energy use, or the quantity of a
The plan layouts of the two structural schemes for a typical floor and comprehensive process. Such data were obtained from the bills of
relevant design details are illustrated in Fig. 3 and Table 1. While the quantities and results of building energy simulation. However, the cor­
cast-in-place construction method was used in the RCF scheme, pre­ responding emission factors were collected from existing studies [35,40,
fabrication technology was adopted in the SBF scheme. The house was 47]. Table 2 introduces the detailed equations for life cycle emission
originally designed and constructed using the RCF structural scheme, assessment.
according to Code for design of concrete structures (GB 50010–2010) [44].
In order to compare the life cycle emissions and assess the emission 2.4. Uncertainty analysis
reduction potential, the main body of this house was therefore
re-designed using the SBF structural scheme according to Standard for Variation in parameters is one of the main sources of uncertainties in
design of timber structures (GB 50005–2017) [45] and Standard for clas­ life cycle assessment [48,49]. To identify the most influencing factors on
sification of steel structures (GB 50017–2017) [46]. A similar degree of the emissions and evaluate the parameter uncertainty in the results of
reliability based on the partial coefficient method was applied, and the comparison between the two structural schemes, an uncertainty analysis
design was implemented by the same company with the RCF scheme to was conducted using the following steps.
minimize the influence of designers’ habits. First, according to Eq. (1), the ranges of input parameters for the
emission assessment were classified into two categories: emission factors
2.3. Life cycle carbon emission assessment and quantities of involved processes. While triangular distributions were
estimated for emission factors based on the characteristic values of
The fundamental idea of a process-based LCA for building emission collected data, uniform distributions were assumed for quantities of
assessment [40] can be expressed as follows: processes as follows:

X. Zhang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102295

Fig. 3. Plan layouts of structural members: (a) RCF scheme; (b) SBF scheme; and (c) cross-section of precast steel-bamboo members. Sectional outline dimensions of
beams and columns are represented by “B-width × height” and “C-width × height”, respectively. All dimensions are in millimeters (mm).

⎧ 2(x − a)
⎪ 1∑ s
⎨ (b − a)(c − a) for a < x < c

CFi =
( /
Ei,p Elc,p
ft (x) = (2) s p=1

⎩ 2(b − x)

for c < x < b
(b − a)(c − a)
where CFi represents the contribution coefficient of process i; s is the
total number of iterations (10000); Ei,p and Elc,p are the simulated
fu (y) = for a < y < b (3) emissions of process i and the life cycle, respectively, in iteration p.
b− a
Finally, life cycle emissions in each iteration were calculated and
where x and y represent the emission factor and quantity of a desired statistical characteristics of the corresponding results were analyzed.
process (i.e. input parameter), respectively, ft(x) and fu(y) represent the Specifically, the mean value and standard deviation of results were used
empirical probability density functions of triangular and uniform dis­ to evaluate the influence of parameter uncertainty, and the 95% confi­
tributions; c is the likely value of a parameter according to the collected dence interval was estimated to achieve the potential range of emission
data; a and b are the lower and upper limits of the input, respectively. difference between the two schemes.
For triangular distributions, a and b were taken as the range endpoints of
collected data; whereas for uniform distributions, a and b were assumed 3. Life cycle inventory
as 0.9c and 1.1c, respectively.
Second, based on the distributions of parameters, a Monte Carlo 3.1. Carbon emission factors
simulation [50] was performed and 10000 iterations were generated by
random sampling. To compare the emissions between the two schemes, As presented in Table 3, emission factors are essential data in the
two data sets were sampled independently for the quantities of pro­ assessment. In the production phase, process-level emission factors of
cesses, whereas a unified data set was sampled for emission factors to primary materials were collected and evaluated based on existing
consider the same technical levels in each simulation. knowledge [35,40]. However, for some secondary materials without
Third, to identify the most influencing processes for the life cycle process-level details, their emissions were estimated based on IO sec­
emissions, a contribution coefficient was defined, which can evaluate toral emission factors and monetary costs [51]. Moreover, bamboo
the correlation between the emissions of a certain process and the total scrimber was applied in the SBF structure scheme, whereas its emission
life cycle emissions. This coefficient can be calculated using Eq. (4), and factor was not available in previous studies. Based on the investigation
a higher coefficient of a process implies a higher impact on the life cycle of the production process [52], an inventory of material and energy
emissions. inputs was analyzed for manufacturing pretreated bamboo and bamboo
scrimber. As demonstrated in Table 4, the emission factors are evaluated
as 24.37 kgCO2e/t and 910.51 kgCO2e/m3 for pretreated bamboo and

X. Zhang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102295

Table 1 Table 2
Design details of the two structural schemes. Methods for life cycle emission assessment.
Component Design details Note No. Phase and Emission calculation Note
RCF scheme SBF scheme
1 Production Epro = Emat,p + Emat,s Epro is the emissions from
Foundation Strip foundation Individual footing The bearing
the production phase, Emat,
capacity of stratum
p and Emat,s are the
was taken as 60 kPa.
emissions from primary
Column and Rectangular I-shaped steel- Material strengths
and other materials,
beam reinforced bamboo section RCF: concrete (C25)
concrete section and steel bar ∑
1.1 Primary Emat,p = Qmat,p ⋅EFmat,p Qmat,p and EFmat,p are the
materials quantities and process-
SBF: steel sheet
based emission factors of
(Q235b) and
primary materials
bamboo scrimber ∑
1.2 Other materials Emat,s = Qmat,s ⋅EFmat,s Qmat,s and EFmat,s are the
(124 MPa)a
costs and IO sectoral
Ceiling and Floor tile and Floor tile U-Values (W/m2⋅K)
emission factors of other
floor leveling Cement mortar (20 RCF: 3.105
materials, respectively, of
Solid concrete mm) SBF: 1.004
which process-level
slab (100–110 Steel-bamboo slab
emission factors were
mm) (120 mm)
Plastering (10 Cement mortar (20
2 Construction Econ = Etra + Eoeu Econ is the emissions from
mm) mm)
the construction phase, Etra
Ceiling painting Ceiling painting
and Eoeu are the emissions
Roof and Colored cement Colored cement tile U-Values (W/m2⋅K)
from transportation and
ceiling tile Fine aggregate RCF: 0.719
on-site energy use,
Fine aggregate concrete (40 mm) SBF: 0.491
concrete (40 mm) Expanded ∑
2.1 Transportation Etra = Qmat,p ⋅dmat,p ⋅EFr dmat,p is the transport
Expanded polystyrene (50 mm) ∑ distance of primary
polystyrene (50 SBS waterproof (2 + Qmat,s ⋅cmat,s ⋅EFc
materials, cmat,s is the
mm) mm)
transport price of other
SBS waterproof Steel-bamboo slab
materials, EFr and EFc are
(2 mm) (120 mm)
the process-level and IO
Solid concrete Plastering (10 mm)
sectoral emission factors
slab (120 mm) Ceiling painting (20
for road transportation
Plastering (10 mm) ∑
2.2 On-site energy Eoeu = Qmac ⋅EFmac Qmac is the working time of
use construction machinery,
Ceiling painting
EFmac is the emission factor
(20 mm)
of operating machinery per
Interior Wall painting Wall painting U-Values (W/m2⋅K)
unit time
wallb Cement mortar Cement mortar (20 RCF: 1.543
3 Operation Eope = Eheat + Ecool + Elight Eope is the emissions from
(20 mm) mm) SBF: 1.004
the operation phase, Eheat,
Brick masonry Steel-bamboo panel
Ecool, and Elight are the
(240 mm) (120 mm)
energy related emissions
Cement mortar Cement mortar (20
from heating, cooling, and
(20 mm) mm)
lighting, respectively
Wall painting Wall painting
3.1 Heating 1 ∑ COPh represents the
Exterior wall Wall painting Wall painting U-Values (W/m2⋅K) Eheat = Qheat ⋅EFe
COPh coefficient of performance
Cement mortar Expanded RCF: 1.543
for heating, Qheat is the life
(20 mm) polystyrene (30 mm) SBF: 0.660
cycle heating load, EFe is
Brick masonry Cement mortar (20
the emission factor of
(240 mm) mm)
Cement mortar Steel-bamboo panel
3.2 Cooling 1 ∑ COPc represents the
(20 mm) (120 mm) infilled Ecool = Qcool ⋅EFe
COPc coefficient of performance
Wall painting with rock wool
for cooling, Qcool is the life
Cement mortar (20
cycle cooling load
mm) ∑
3.3 Lighting Elight = Qlight ⋅EFe Qlight is the life cycle
Wall painting
2 lighting electricity use
Window Aluminum Aluminum window U-Values (W/m ⋅K)
4 End of life Eend = Edem + Ewt Eend is the emissions from
window RCF: 2.400
the end of life phase, Edem
SBF: 2.400
and Ewt are the emissions
Stair Cast-in-place Prefabricated steel Material strengths
from building demolition
concrete stairs stairs RCF: concrete (C25)
and waste transportation,
and steel bar
(HRB400); ∑
4.1 Building Edem = Qdem ⋅EFdem Qdem is the engineering
SBF: steel sheet
demolition quantity for removal of
elements, ground leveling,
The tensile strength of bamboo scrimber was tested as 117.6–129.4 MPa, or crane handling, EFdem is
with an average strength of 124.0 MPa. the relevant emission
b factor
Interior walls of bathrooms and kitchen were covered with ceramic tile. ∑
4.2 Waste Ewt = Qwt ⋅dwt ⋅EFr Qwt and dwt are quantity of
transportation building waste and
bamboo scrimber, respectively. relevant transport
In the construction phase, road transportation was considered for distance, respectively
5 Life cycle Elc = Epro + Econ + Eope + Elc is the total life cycle
primary materials and the relevant emission factor was 0.28 kgCO2e/
Eend emissions
(t⋅km) [47]. For secondary materials, their weights were difficult to
evaluate, hence the transport emissions were estimated according to the
transport costs and IO emission factor of the transportation sector (0.24

X. Zhang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102295

Table 3 Table 4
Emission factors of materials, transportation, machinery, and electricity. Inventory for the production of bamboo scrimber.
Source Unit Emission Source Unit Emission Material Input Unit Consumption Emission Emission
(kgCO2e/ (kgCO2e/ (kgCO2e) factor
unit) unit)
Pretreated Raw kg 2860 0.000 24.37
Steel bar t 2140.0 Other plastic CNY 0.25 bamboo bamboo kgCO2e/t
products (1 t) Electricity kWh 31.5 24.350
Galvanized t 2487.0 Other fiber CNY 0.30 Water m3 0.13 0.022
steel sheet products Bamboo Pretreated kg 1111 27.077 910.51
Section steel t 2137.0 Other chemicals CNY 0.31 scrimber bamboo kgCO2e/
High strength set 0.33 Transportation CNY 0.24 (1 m3) Phenolic kg 154 426.335 m3
bolt service resin
Galvanized kg 2.35 Road t⋅km 0.28 Electricity kWh 115 88.895
iron wire transportation Coal kg 185 368.150
Iron product kg 1.92 Electric rammer d 12.83 Water m3 0.312 0.052
Stainless steel kg 6.13 Truck 4 t d 74.81
Support and kg 2.14 Electric hoist d 11.36
scaffold 0.5 t Table 5
Timber m 3
487.0 Concrete mixer d 42.55 Material consumption of the two structural schemes.
500 L
Material Unit RCF scheme SBF scheme
Cement PC kg 0.60 Mortar mixer d 6.66
32.5 200 L Steel bar t 13.89 2.18
Cement PO kg 0.80 Steel bar d 9.20 Galvanized steel sheet t 0.00 15.69
42.5 straightener Section steel t 0.00 4.04
Sand t 6.60 Steel bar cutter d 24.81 High strength bolt set 0.00 3180.00
Gravel t 4.40 Steel bar bender d 9.89 Galvanized iron wire kg 95.28 20.45
Lime kg 1.19 Drilling machine d 3.61 Iron product kg 490.43 62.88
Gypsum kg 0.13 Shearing d 22.14 Stainless steel pipe kg 216.80 216.80
powder machine Support and scaffold kg 810.52 11.50
Clay m3 0.80 Edge planer d 58.67 Timber m3 7.17 6.94
Shale m3 292.0 Folding machine d 9.89 Bamboo scrimber m3 0.00 26.84
perforated Cement PC 32.5 kg 32.85 8.36
brick Cement PO 42.5 kg 72352.80 29123.80
Solid brick m3 204.0 Torque wrench d 2.94 Sand t 218.79 92.01
Ceramic tile m2 19.20 Ultrasonoscope d 6.18 Gravel t 216.75 60.89
500 × 500 Lime kg 1063.45 1063.45
Ceramic tile m2 19.20 Circular sawing d 18.55 Gypsum powder kg 3850.73 4224.92
300 × 300 machine Clay m3 5.03 5.03
Aluminum m 194.0 Woodworking d 22.11 Shale perforated brick m3 103.44 0.00
window thicknesser Solid brick m3 2.32 0.00
Emulsion kg 4.12 Pipe cutter d 9.97 Ceramic tile 500 × 500 m2 153.89 153.89
paint Ceramic tile 300 × 300 m2 303.82 332.85
General paint kg 3.50 AC arc welder d 74.62 Aluminium window m2 59.11 59.11
32 kW Emulsion paint kg 334.56 340.46
SBS m2 0.54 DC arc welder d 72.35 General paint kg 906.61 890.83
waterproof 32 kW SBS waterproof roll m2 166.45 166.45
roll Epoxide resin kg 0.15 1095.85
Epoxide resin kg 5.91 Butt welder 75 d 95.00 Polystyrene board m3 6.81 19.62
kW Rock wool m3 0.00 39.80
Expanded m3 235.8 Argon arc d 54.65 Safety net m2 49.95 0.00
polystyrene welder Welding rod kg 31.95 15.90
board Water m3 188.27 99.75
Rock wool m3 180.0 CO2 shielded d 66.49 Colored cement tile 1000 1.49 1.49
welder Other wood products CNY 1083.59 373.01
Safety net m 3.70 Drying oven d 5.18 Other cement products CNY 354.83 2828.39
Welding rod kg 20.50 Concrete d 3.09 Other metal products CNY 113.30 115.97
vibrator Other plastic products CNY 883.98 370.51
Water m3 0.21 Truck crane 5 t d 68.41 Other fiber products CNY 206.05 147.04
Colored 103 3172.0 Electricity kW⋅h 0.77 Other chemicals CNY 4800.22 4352.09
cement tile piece
Other wood CNY 0.18 Removal of m2 7.80
products elements gasoline and regional purchased electricity, the emission factors were
Other cement CNY 0.59 Ground leveling m2 0.62
taken as 2.94 kgCO2e/kg and 0.77 kgCO2e/kWh [35], respectively.
Other metal CNY 0.33 Crane handling t 2.85 For the operation and end of life phase, the actual emission from
products energy use and building demolish activities cannot be achieved at pre­
sent. Hence, relevant emission factors were estimated based on the
current technical levels.
kgCO2e/CNY) [47]. In the on-site construction process, energy-related
emission was considered as afore-mentioned, and the emission factors
3.2. Data for the production phase
for operating machinery are assessed as follows:
EFmac = qmac,eu ⋅EFeu (5) Within the defined system boundary, material consumption from
different subprojects was evaluated as follows: (1) calculate the engi­
where qmac,eu is the energy consumption for operating machinery per neering quantities of subprojects according to the drawings and design
workday (8 h), which can be obtained from the construction quota in details; (2) estimate the corresponding material consumption for unit
China; and EFeu is the emission factor of relevant energy types. For subproject based on the official construction quota; (3) combine the data

X. Zhang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102295

Table 6 3.3. Data for the construction phase

Machinery requirements of the two structural schemes.
Machinery Unit RCF scheme SBF scheme For the transportation process, local materials were used for the
construction, and the transport distance was assumed as 50 km. For the
Electric rammer d 2.61 1.08
Truck 4 t d 4.36 0.19 construction phase, the operation time for each type of machinery was
Electric hoist 0.5 t d 22.18 22.18 estimated according to a similar approach with material consumption.
Concrete mixer 500 L d 9.17 2.13 Table 6 compares the requirements of machinery for the two structural
Mortar mixer 200 L d 3.37 2.23 schemes.
Steel bar straightener d 2.22 0.14
Steel bar cutter d 1.73 0.25
Steel bar bender d 6.67 0.92
Drilling machine d 0.00 2.14 3.4. Data for the operation phase
Shearing machine d 0.00 0.54
Edge planer d 0.00 0.54
Folding machine d 0.00 1.88
In this study, building heating, cooling, and lighting were included in
Torque wrench d 0.00 20.89 the operation phase, and the emissions were estimated based on the
Ultrasonoscope d 0.00 0.19 energy consumption. For building heating and cooling, energy loads
Circular sawing machine d 3.80 3.20 were simulated using DEST 2.0, which is an open-source program based
Woodworking thicknesser d 0.31 0.31
on the Chinese energy-saving standards. Main parameters in the simu­
Pipe cutter d 1.21 1.21
AC arc welder 32 kW d 0.00 0.51 lation were defined according to Standard for building carbon emission
DC arc welder 32 kW d 2.66 0.74 calculation (GB/T51366-2019) [41]. It should be noted that the
Butt welder 75 kW d 0.64 0.18 maximum and minimum comfortable temperatures (Tc) in simulation
Argon arc welder d 0.68 0.68 were 26 ◦ C and 18 ◦ C. However, in practice, air conditioners may not be
CO2 shielded welder d 0.00 0.51
Drying oven d 0.27 0.07
open by occupants at this temperature. Therefore, bearing temperatures
Concrete vibrator d 12.80 3.54 (Tb) assumed as 28 ◦ C and 14 ◦ C were also used in the simulation. In this
Truck crane 5 t d 0.75 0.40 context, when the indoor temperature reached Tb, the air conditioner
Other appliances kW⋅h 27.02 29.61 was opened and then the indoor temperature would gradually approach
Tc. The simulated results of annual heating and cooling loads are illus­
achieved in the above two steps to evaluate the total consumption of trated in Fig. 4, and the total life cycle loads can be achieved by
each type of materials. The comprehensive results of the RCF and SBF multiplying the designed life span (50 years).
schemes are compared in Table 5. As presented in Table 7, energy use for building lighting is estimated
according to lighting power densities (LPDs) and annual lighting dura­
tions (ALDs). Default values of LPDs and ALDs for different types of
rooms were provided in the relevant standard [41], and the annual
energy use can be estimated as:

Fig. 4. Annual heating and cooling loads of the two structural schemes.

Table 7
Annual lighting energy use for the two structural schemes.
Room Reinforced concrete framed structure Steel-bamboo composite structure

Net area Lighting power density Annual lighting Energy use Net area Lighting power density Annual lighting Energy use
(m2) (W/m2) duration (h) (kWh) (m2) (W/m2) duration (h) (kWh)

Living 99.2 6.0 1980.0 1178.6 104.6 6.0 1980.0 1242.6

Bedroom 104.7 6.0 1620.0 1017.9 112.1 6.0 1620.0 1089.6
Kitchen 7.7 6.0 1152.0 53.2 8.5 6.0 1152.0 59.0
Dining 11.3 6.0 900.0 60.8 11.9 6.0 900.0 64.2
Bathroom 28.1 6.0 1980.0 333.9 32.6 6.0 1980.0 386.7
Store room 14.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.7 0.0 0.0 0.0
Staircase 32.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 36.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total 298.4 – – 2644.3 323.1 – – 2842.1

X. Zhang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102295

Table 8
Estimation on the quantities of demolish work and waste transportation.
Source Unit RCF scheme SBF scheme
Removal of elements m (building area) 357.65 357.65
Ground leveling m2 (site area) 119.22 119.22
Crane handling T 741.08 270.17
Waste transportation t⋅km 37053.84 13508.71

Fig. 7. Embodied emissions from five types of load-bearing struc­

tural members.

decoration practices.

3.5. Data for the disposal phase

Table 8 summarizes the amounts of building demolish work and

waste transportation. The engineering quantities of elements removal
and ground leveling were estimated according to the building area and
site area, respectively. For crane handling and transportation, the
Fig. 5. Embodied emissions from the production phase (tCO2e). quantity of waste materials was assumed as the self-weight of the house,
and the transport distance of waste was assumed as 50 km.

Ql1 = Ak ⋅LPDk ⋅ALDk (6)
k 4. Results and discussion

where Ql1 is the annual lighting electricity use, k represents the type of 4.1. Comparison of production and construction emissions
room, and Ak is the net floor area of room k. The total lighting energy use
was therefore estimated as the product of Ql1 and the designed life span. 4.1.1. Production emissions
Moreover, replacement of materials in the operation phase were not Embodied emissions from materials production are compared in
included considering the following reasons. For main structural mate­ Fig. 5. For the RCF scheme, cement, metal materials (mainly steel bars),
rials, their lifespans were assumed to be the same with the service life of and masonry bricks contributed 62.5 tCO2e (38.1%), 34.0 tCO2e
the building (i.e. 50 years), according to the requirements of load- (20.7%), and 30.7 tCO2e (18.7%), respectively to the production emis­
bearing capacity and durability in relevant design codes. For decora­ sions. However, for the SBF scheme, the top three contributors were
tive materials such as plaster and painting, they may be replaced several metal materials (mainly steel sheets), cement, and bamboo scrimber,
times in the entire building life cycle. However, the exact times of which accounted for 54.9 tCO2e (34.2%), 29.5 tCO2e (18.4%), and 27.9
replacement were difficult to acquire for a newly built building. Besides, tCO2e (17.4%), respectively of the production emissions. Comparing
although replacement of decorative materials could contribute to the life with the RCF scheme, although the steel consumption due to steel-
cycle emissions [40], it may have limited impacts on the results of bamboo composite members was higher in the SBF scheme, the
comparison, considering that the two structural schemes used the same cement use was reduced by more than a half, and the total production

Fig. 6. Carbon emissions from the production and construction phase.

X. Zhang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102295

Fig. 8. Carbon emissions from the operation phase. Fig. 9. Carbon emissions from the end of life phase.

emissions were slightly lower.

Table 9
Comparison of life cycle emissions between the two structural schemes.
4.1.2. Construction emissions
For the construction phase, the emissions from materials and com­ No. Phase Carbon emissions (tCO2e)

ponents transportation were 10.7 tCO2e and 4.0 tCO2e, respectively of RCF scheme SBF scheme Difference
the RCF and SBF schemes. The considerable reduction in transport 1 Production 164.1 160.5 − 2.2%
emissions can be attributed to the lower self-weight of the SBF scheme. 1.1 Primary materials 161.9 157.3 − 2.8%
With respect to machinery operation, energy-related emissions from the 1.2 Other materials 2.2 3.2 47.7%
2 Construction 12.3 4.8 − 60.7%
two schemes were 1.6 tCO2e and 0.9 tCO2e, respectively. The difference
2.1 Transportation 10.7 4.0 − 62.7%
in emissions was mainly caused by the energy demands for casting 2.2 On-site energy use 1.6 0.9 − 48.2%
concrete members and processing steel products. For such low-rise 3 Operation 342.7 267.7 − 21.9%
houses with relatively small volumes, on-site construction activities 3.1 Heating 140.1 58.8 − 58.0%
contributed no more than 1.0% of the total embodied emissions, and 3.2 Cooling 100.4 99.0 − 1.3%
3.3 Lighting 102.2 109.8 7.5%
hence, they could be ignored.
4 End of life 15.6 7.5 − 51.6%
4.1 Building demolition 5.0 3.6 − 26.9%
4.1.3. Emissions from the subproject perspectives 4.2 Waste transportation 10.6 3.9 − 63.3%
To investigate the influence of structural schemes on the production 5 Life cycle 534.7 440.6 − 17.6%
and construction emissions, the results were further compared from the
subproject perspective. As illustrated in Figs. 6 and 7, the subproject-
board to improve the thermal performance in the SBF scheme. Hence,
based emissions from the two schemes show considerable differences,
the relevant decorative emissions were 5.4 tCO2e (19.8%) higher than
especially for the building main body and decoration work.
the SBF scheme.
For the foundation, considering the difference in self-weights, the
embodied emissions of the RCF scheme were 26.2 tCO2e, which were
4.2. Comparison of operational emissions
almost twice those of the SBF scheme. For load-bearing members, the
relevant emissions of the RCF and SBF schemes were 53.7 tCO2e and
Fig. 8 compares life cycle operational emissions from heating, cool­
64.4 tCO2e, respectively. Comparing with the RCF scheme, embodied
ing, and lighting. Based on the results of energy simulation. The emis­
emissions from beams and columns were about 12.4% higher in the SBF
sions of the RCF and SBF schemes were assessed as 342.7 tCO2e and
scheme, owing to the higher demand for steel products. Besides, as
267.7 tCO2e, respectively. Comparing with the RCF scheme, the emis­
indicated in Table 3, the emission factor of galvanized steel sheets is also
sions from heating were reduced by 58.0% in the SBF scheme, owing to
higher than ordinary steel bars. However, hollow sections were designed
the use of insulation materials. However, the improvement in insulation
for the slabs in the SBF scheme, and the relevant embodied emissions
measures did not show a significant influence on the emissions from
were 9% lower than those of the RCF scheme. With respect to the stairs,
cooling, which was only 1.3% lower in the SBF scheme. Moreover, the
steel construction was used for the SBF scheme, which led to a signifi­
emissions from lighting in the SBF scheme were 7.5% higher, because
cant increase (123%) in the relevant emissions than the concrete stairs in
the thinner walls increased the relevant lighting floor area by 18.7 m2.
the RCF scheme. Moreover, prefabrication technology was adopted in
the SBF scheme, and the members needed to be assembled at the con­
4.3. Comparison of end of life emissions
struction site. Therefore, connections of structural members led to
additional embodied emissions as 5.8 tCO2e.
End of life emissions of the two structural schemes were estimated as
For the SBF and RCF schemes, non-load-bearing walls were con­
15.6 tCO2e and 7.5 tCO2e, respectively for the RCF and SBF schemes. As
structed using steel-bamboo panels and brick masonry, respectively.
indicated in Fig. 9, the end of life emissions mainly source from the
Considering the construction details as shown in Fig. 3 and Table 1,
removal of elements, crane handling, and waste transportation. The
hollow steel-bamboo panels had smaller thicknesses and lower material
lower emissions of the SBF scheme can be attributed to the reduction in
requirements. The relevant emissions were 12.6 tCO2e (31.5%) lower
the demolish waste.
than those of brick masonry walls. However, the net floor area was
increased and the exterior walls were covered by expanded polystyrene

X. Zhang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102295

Fig. 10. Average contribution coefficients of all iterations: (a) the RCF scheme; (b) the SBF scheme; (c) emission difference between the two schemes.

4.4. Life cycle emissions First, local materials are usually used to save costs and the construction
requirements are simple for rural detached houses in China. Accord­
Based on the above analyses, Table 9 summarizes the results of life ingly, construction emissions from transportation and on-site energy use
cycle emissions. It can be seen that, for both of the two structural are relatively low. Second, the comfort requirements of rural houses are
schemes, the operation phase contributed 60.8%–64.1% to the life cycle lower than urban buildings. The corresponding low heating and cooling
emissions, followed by the material production phase with a share of energy lead to a reduction in operational emissions. Therefore, the
30.7%–36.4%. However, the construction and end of life phases made contribution of production emissions is significant in rural houses.
limited contributions (less than 3% for each) to the emissions. The above Moreover, with respect to the comparison of the two schemes, the
characteristics of results can be attributed to the following two reasons. SBF scheme generated lower carbon emissions than the RCF scheme

X. Zhang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102295

Table 10 steel showed negative impacts.

Statistical characteristics of simulated life cycle emissions (tCO2e). Moreover, Table 10 and Fig. 11 present the statistical characteristics
Statistic Mean Standard Confidence interval and distributions of simulated results, with consideration of the life cycle
deviation (95%) emissions of the RCF and SBF schemes and their difference. As illus­
RCF Production 173.0 22.0 [131.2, 215.7] trated in Fig. 11, both of the maximum and average emissions of the RCF
scheme Construction 13.4 4.1 [6.3, 21.8] scheme are higher than those of the SBF scheme in the simulation.
Operation 281.1 105.0 [65.6, 458.1] Comparing with the RCF structure, the SBF structure generated lower
End of life 15.6 2.8 [10.2, 21.1] life cycle emissions in more than 99.6% of the 10000 simulation itera­
Life cycle 483.0 107.5 [265.1, 667.5]
SBF Production 164.2 17.2 [131.3, 197.6]
tions. Only 37 iterations indicated emission increases within the range of
scheme Construction 5.2 1.5 [2.5, 8.3] 0–35 tCO2e. Moreover, Table 10 presents the detailed statistics of
Operation 219.6 82.1 [51.4, 357.8] simulated results. The SBF scheme reduced the life cycle emissions by
End of life 7.5 1.3 [5.0, 10.0] 86.6 tCO2e on average, with a standard deviation of 34.6 tCO2e. The 95%
Life cycle 396.4 83.8 [225.4, 539.4]
confidence interval of emission reduction was [21.0, 155.0] tCO2e. With
Difference Production − 8.8 22.3 [-52.9, 35.3]
Construction − 8.2 2.6 [-13.8, − 3.7] respect to the average emissions and relevant confidence intervals, the
Operation − 61.5 26.2 [-113.2, − 13.2] SBF scheme indicated emission reduction potential in most of the life
End of life − 8.0 1.8 [-11.7, − 4.7] cycle phases, except for the confidence interval of the production phase.
Life cycle − 86.6 34.6 [-155.0, − 21.0] It should be noted that the mean values of life cycle emissions in the
simulation were somewhat different from the results in Sections 4.1–4.4.
from all of the four life cycle phases for the assessed residential house. These differences can be attributed to the asymmetric triangular distri­
Specifically, for the RCF and SBF schemes, the embodied emissions from butions assumed for emission factors. Overall, with comprehensive
the production, construction, and end of life phases were 192.0 tCO2e consideration of the comparison and uncertainty analysis, the SBF
and 172.8 tCO2e, respectively; the operational emissions were 342.7 scheme proved to be a low-carbon choice in comparison with the RCF
tCO2e and 267.7 tCO2e, respectively; and the total life cycle emissions scheme.
were 534.7 tCO2e and 440.6 tCO2e, respectively. Comparing with the
RCF scheme, the embodied, operational, and life cycle emissions were 4.6. Discussion on the emission reduction potential
reduced by 10.0%, 21.9%, and 17.6%, respectively.
Based on the above analysis and comparison, suggestions were pro­
4.5. Results of uncertainty analysis posed to investigate and improve the emission reduction potential of the
SBF scheme from the perspectives of each life cycle phase. For the
Based on the proposed method in Section 2.4, a total of 40 processes production phase, steel sheets, cement, and bamboo scrimber were
were considered in the uncertainty analysis, including 33, 2, 3, and 2 identified as the main contributors to embodied emissions. According to
processes, respectively for the production, construction, operation, and Eq. (1), emission mitigation can be realized by reducing either the
end of life phases. It should be noted that, some secondary processes consumption of materials or their emission factors. Specifically, detailed
such as the production of secondary materials, on-site machinery measures are presented as follows. First, consumption of the above three
operation, and building demolish subprojects were integrated in the types of materials can be reduced by optimizing the designs of structural
result analysis. Fig. 10 demonstrates the contribution coefficient of each members and connections [53,54]. Second, in the above analysis, the
process on the average level of all iterations. The most influencing fac­ same decoration practices were considered for the two structural
tors on the life cycle emissions of the RCF scheme were heating, lighting, schemes, which accounted for nearly 20% of the embodied emissions
cooling, cement (PO 42.5), steel bar, and shale perforated brick. They from all subprojects. However, some decoration work was not necessary
accounted for 83.3% of the life cycle emissions at the average level of all for the SBF scheme, such as the wall and ceiling plastering. Considering
simulations. In contrast, lighting, cooling, heating, galvanized steel the construction technology adopted by the SBF scheme, surface deco­
sheet, bamboo scrimber, and cement (PO 42.5) showed considerable ration of building components can also be finished during the prefab­
influences on the emissions of the SBF scheme, with a total contribution rication process. This integration can reduce the waste of materials, and
of 77.7% on average. The above-identified factors were also the key therefore reduce the corresponding emissions. Finally, with respect to
points on the emission reduction potential of the SBF schemes. However, emission factors of materials, using waste materials and substitutes are
while reduced requirements of heating, cement, steel bar, and perfo­ considerable measures to reduce emissions from steel and cement pro­
rated brick brought positive benefit to the emission reduction, addi­ duction [55,56], respectively. For bamboo scrimber, adhesive materials
tional demands of galvanized steel sheet, bamboo scrimber, and section and coal are the main source of emissions as indicated in Table 4.

Fig. 11. Distribution of simulation emissions in 10000 iterations.

X. Zhang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102295

Relevant emission reduction can be expected by using low-carbon ad­ and this study. Investigation of the optimization design of steel-bamboo
hesive materials and improve the production technology (for example, structural components can be an essential approach to reduce the rele­
replacing coal with clean energy). vant emissions. Second, a rural house in East China was analyzed in this
For the operation phase, lighting, cooling, and heating were all study. More case studies should be carried out in the future from a
considerable sources of operational emissions. First, the case study comprehensive view.
verified that, although the additional insulation materials used in the
SBF scheme showed a negligible influence on the cooling energy use, Author statement
they significantly benefit the emission reduction from the building
heating perspective. Second, electricity is the main energy source Xiaocun Zhang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation,
applied in rural detached houses in East China. Based on the charac­ Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Jie Xu: Data cura­
teristics of the rural environment, measures including the application of tion. Xueqi Zhang: Software, Data curation. Yushun Li: Conceptualiza­
bioenergy and solar power [57,58] can reduce the emissions from power tion, Validation
generation. Finally, occupant behaviors are also crucial to control
operational energy and emissions [59,60]. Hence, strengthening the Declaration of competing interest
awareness of energy conservation can be a positive management
measure. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
For the end of life phase, future recycling of materials was not interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
considered in the above assessment. Indeed, steel sheet and section steel the work reported in this paper.
used by the SBF scheme can be easily recycled, and the relevant recy­
cling rate can reach 90%. Moreover, waste bamboo and timber can also
be used as biomass fuels. In this context, emission recovery of almost 60
tCO2e can be expected from the end of life phase, which is nearly 13.6%
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
of the life cycle emissions.
of China (51678310, 51978345) and the Ningbo Science and Technol­
ogy project (202002N3090). Thanks due to the Architectural Design and
5. Conclusions Research Institute of Ningbo, China, who designed the case study
building and provide relevant drawings.
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