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has been

Jack (be) my friend for over 20 years. We (know)

have known

each other since we were children. Recently, he and

have moved

his family (move) to a house on the same street as

me, and now our children play together almost every day.

have played

For the last ten years, Jack and I (play) for the same
hockey team every Saturday. Jack is a better player than I
has had

am, but in the last few months he (have) some trouble

has found

with his left knee, and he (find) it hard to play a full

has seen

game. He (see) the doctor several times about his

knee, but the doctor doesn't know what is causing his pain.
has decided

Jack (decide) to take a break from hockey for a

while, so that his knee can recover. It's going to be lonely on
the team without him!

Task 2 – Complete the sentences with the correct form

of tense.

1) We’re late, the game ______________ already


2) Sue can’t go skiing anymore. She

_________________ (break) her leg.

3) In the last few years, it _______________ (become)

more and more difficult to get into college.

4) John’s here, and he ______________ (bring) some


5) She’s getting married in a week, and she

____________ (choose, not) her dress yet.

6) It’s so hot that I ______________ (drink) five cans

of Coke already this afternoon.

7) You ______________ (eat) my lunch! How dare you!

8) The price of oil ______________ (fall) rapidly since


9) I ______________ (never, feel) so good!

10) _______________ (hear, you) about the accident?

11) I ______________ (lose) my book. Have you seen it?

12) I found your book under the table. I

_____________ (put) it on the bookshelf.

13) Sam’s out of breath because he _____________

(run) all the way from the bus terminal.

14) ______________ (sell, you) your car yet?

15) Paul ______________ (show, not) up yet. He must

have been delayed.

16) I was so exhausted after the exam that I

_________ _________ (sleep) for 12 hours.

17) Someone ______________ (steal) my bicycle!

18) She _____________ (never, swim) in the sea before.

19) Jerry ______________ (teach) English for many


20)How many pages ______________ (write, you) for

your homework?

1) I / live / here / five years

2) Fred / be / pilot / 1992
3) We / know / each other / childhood
4) Ten years / Sue and Kate / work / in the same office
5) I / want / play / professional hockey / I was four

Have you ever had malaria? If you have, the chances are

that you (get) the disease in a hot country. Malaria is

most common in tropical countries, especially those with wet
and humid climates, where the mosquitos which carry the
disease can flourish. However, recently, malaria (become)
has become

more common in Canada. According to a recent


report, over 1000 people (contract) the disease in

has risen

Canada in 1997, and the number (rise) every year

since 1994. This is an alarming trend.

Why is the incidence of malaria rising here? The answer is

travel. More and more Canadians travel abroad every year,
and some of them catch malaria. However, when a Toronto

woman (become) sick last year, her doctor (discover)

discovered has never travelled

that she (never travel) abroad in her

life. She must have been bitten by a mosquito which (get)

the disease from another sick Canadian.

1) You / ever / live / Paris / ? = have you ever lived in

2) I / live / Paris / when / I / be / child = I lived in paris
when i was a child
3) You / go / the Eiffel Tower / when / you / live / Paris / ? =
Did you go to the Eiffel Tower when you lived in Paris?
4) Yes / I / go / there / many times = yes, i went there
many times.
5) I / never / visit / the Eiffel Tower = I have never visited
the Eiffel Tower

Please fill in the blanks using the past perfect tense.

1) By the time the ambulance came, my father __________ (take) my sister to the hospital.

2) In October all of the leaves __________ (change) color already.

3) Maria was very upset when she __________ (forget) to bring her text book to class.

4) I started to clap even though the singer __________ (not finish) her song yet.

5) When I John got home after work, he realized that the snow __________ (not been
shovel) yet.

6) By the time mom finished cooking dinner, I __________ (already fall) asleep.

7) Margo and Sam __________ (been date) each other for two months before they
decided to get married.
8) The zoo __________ (just finish) renovating when we visited last August.

9) If we __________ (not go) to the party, we wouldn’t know that Charlie was such a great

10) Just when Carol __________ (finish) vacuuming the house, the phone rang.

11) By the time Sarah arrived, the team __________ (already finish) practicing.

12) Mike __________ (been swim) for several years when he finally decided to train

13) Cory __________ (left), by the time we arrived.

14) The garbage __________ (been collect) when I woke up this morning.

15) Stanley __________ (already take) his medicine by the time I got home.

16) Christy __________ (join) before the deadline, so that’s why she got a discount.


Task 3: Look at these sentences and match questions and answers.

1. Where’s Teresa? a. No, I’ve seen it before.

2. Are you going to the film tonight? b. After I’ve finished the washing up.

3. Do you know Michael? c. Yes, I’ve lived here for years.

4. Can we go out? d. She’s gone shopping.

5. May I borrow your book? e. No, I’ve never met him before.

6. Do you know London well? f. I’m afraid I’ve left it at home.

7. How do you feel? g. Awful. I think I’ve caught a cold.

8. Why isn’t john at work today? h. No, we’ve just moved to Oxford.

9. Do you still work i. I don’t know. Perhaps he’s had an

at smiths? accident.
10. Do you live near here? j. Yes, I’ve worked there ever. since

1) ____ 2) ____ 3) ____ 4) ____ 5) ____

6) ____ 7) ____ 8) ____ 9) ____ 10) ____

Task 4: Use the information from the sentences in Task 3 to complete

these sentences.

1. He told me Teresa had gone shopping.

2. I didn’t go to the film because

3. I didn’t know Michael in fact

4. We couldn’t go out until

5. I couldn’t lend sally my book because

6. I knew London well

7. I felt so bad I was sure that

8. John couldn’t go to work because

9. We didn’t live in Sevenoaks any more we

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