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CLASS : VI - CBSE TOPIC : The seeds of a Revolution

I. Multiple Choice Questions.

1. ______________ were built to store grains.
A) Houses B) Buildings C) Ware house D) Granory
2. ______________ was an important invention of the Neolithic Age is
A) Pot B) Wheel C) Stone tools D) None of these
3. At present day, Mesopotamia is located in _____________
A) Iraq B) Iron C) Saudi Arabia D) None
4. The sentinlese are an indigenous tribe of ________ is lands
A) Lakshadweep B) Maldives
C) Andaman and Nicobar D) None
5. Which of the following is an odd matching ?
A) Harpons for fishing B) Needle for sewing
C) Daggers for hunting D) Daggers for hunting
6. ____________ was the first metal used by people.
A) Iron B) Copper C) Bronze D) None
7. Settled life led to the formation of ________
A) Villages B) Tribes C) Gonds D) None of these
8. Garo hills are located in the state of _________
A) Assam B) Meghalaya C) Tripura D) None of these
9. Daojali Hading is a Neolithic site located in the hills near
A) Ganga B) Indus C) Satlej D) Brahmaputra
10. ________ site shows the earliest evidence of farming and herding in South Asia
A) Mehrgash B) Burzahom C) Daojali Hading D) None of these
11. During the Neolithic Age, the main tools were made of
A) brass B) copper C) iron D) stone
12. The Mehrgarh settlement dates back to
A) 10000 BCE B) 7000 BCE C) 15000 BCE D) 1000 BCE

13. Daojali Hading is a Neolithic site in
A) South India B) North - Eastern India
C) Central India D) Western India
14. In the Chalcolithic Age, tools were made of
A) Copper and Stone B) Iron C) Bones D) Wood
15. Match the rows
A) Life sytle of early humans i) Palaeolithic Age and Mesolithic Age
B) Foo ii) Hunting and gathering
C) Dress iii) Barks and hides of animals
D) Shelter iv) Caves and rock shelter
E) Transport v) On foot


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