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by Zaki Yah

General metrics
7,758 1,327 47 5 min 18 sec 10 min 12 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
time time

Score Writing Issues

59 108 47 61
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 59%

of all texts checked by Grammarly

Writing Issues
47 Correctness
3 Confused words
1 Misspelled words
2 Mixed dialects of english
11 Comma misuse within clauses
16 Improper formatting
1 Closing punctuation
1 Misuse of semicolons, quotation marks, etc.
1 Incorrect noun number

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3 Faulty subject-verb agreement

2 Wrong or missing prepositions
2 Pronoun use
1 Commonly confused words
2 Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.)
1 Misuse of quanti ers

8 Clarity
8 Wordy sentences

Unique Words 32%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 28%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 4.7

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 28.2

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Reading is characterized as a receptive skill. It is an interactive process
between the text and the reader. There are two types of reading; intensive and
extensive reading. Over and above, it is very important to teach reading in ESL
and EFL classes because it enhances students' capacities in language
memorization, accuracy and uency. However, reading comprehension requires
careful lesson planning from the teachers and managing a suitable classroom
environment to make the students more interested and capable of learning.
The ve-step approach to teach reading that assists students to read quickly
and effectively

The rst step approach to teaching reading is the “lead-in step” .in this stage I
will immediately start by introducing the topic using warm -up activities and
asking intriguing and instigating questions related to the giving text, for
instance, I ask the students to review the titles, section headings, and photo
captions to get a sense of the structure and of a reading selection. Then I will
give them the opportunity to describe what they see. Moreover, to predict the
content of the subject matter .concerning the text provided (Put down that
glass: Airlines cracking down on drunk passengers with lifetime bans) rst I will
start by asking the students several questions such as: “what do you know
about the airplanes?”; “Have you ever travelled by plane ?”; "did you have
problems while traversing in your journeys?"; "did you see any people get in
trouble during plain travel, or any other scenarios? "; Then I will let the students
take turns and answer the given questions while also talking about their
8 9
experiences , information....etc. .After that, I will instantly ask them to check

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the text title and predict what the text may generally tackle; students' answers
will differ from one to another depending on their knowledge of the topic and
their experiences, also their knowledge of the concepts used. Eventually, I will
write on the board the answers that seem to be closely related to the topic.
The second step in order to teach writing effectively is the Pre-teach
11 12
vocabulary stage . In this stage, I will make the students incorporate more
within the topic. Basically I will choose words that seem unclear, or I can just
pick up some words that seem complicated in pronunciation or that are related
to the topic. For example: the expression "You should think twice the next time
you decide to start downing Bloody Marys before a ight" I can ask them what
does "bloody Mary" mean? And what does the word "downing "means in that
context after that I will provide them with a slight explanation such as saying
"bloody Mary" is a name of an alcoholic drink, and "downing" in this context
means drinking, after that I will explain some words which are related to the
topic, for instance: Airlines, holidaymakers, disruptive passengers, and Airport
Operators. Furthermore I will explain to them the word "Etiquette" and say that
there is an Etiquette for everything like classes, house, work, and even on the
Airplane, then ask them to guess what kind of Manners the passengers should
have in order to be able to ride on the plane; and then let the students take
turns again to interact and provide possible answers.
The third step in the process of teaching reading is Reading for the main idea.
At that stage I would start by stimulating students' memories like mentioning
ights or transport and how companies work and all, then I would question
them about their dreams of transportation and what would they expect airports
would look like, even ask them what and how would they plan their ights .
additionally I can link their ideas to the topic by asking them several questions,
22 23 24
for instance: “what will you do if someone's misbehave in the plane and try to

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ruin your journey ?”; “what do you think it will happen?” ; ”how people would
act concerning that?” ; then I will give them time to think about the questions,
perhaps some of them will talk about their experiences or something they
witnessed, also they may talk about rules they know or heard about it before
27 28
and so on and so forth. The second thing I would do concerning that step I will
request the students to read the text for a couple of minutes, then question
them with things that makes them either discuss it or research for it by giving
30 31
them short easy questions that require short answers not long
all cases, I will ask them about the text, “what do they think about it?”; “is it
short or long? “; “do they nd it interested or not? ” ; “What is the reason
behind writing it? “; “who wrote it and for whom it was written?”. Of course
students will answer depending on their comprehension. Some of them will
give answers and the others may just ask about unclear complex words and
some of them perhaps will just remain silent also maybe some students won't
nish reading consequently won't answer the provided questions.
The fourth step in this process is Reading for Details .at that stage when the
general idea is developed, and the students or more focused on the topic, I will
ask them to read silently and repeat the process twice before giving them the
34 35,36
questions .furthermore I will ask them to underline all the incomprehensible
words in order to discuss them and explain them later on. After that I would use
Comprehension questions for that step, simple questions that demands direct
answers from the students: for example, “what was the name of the company?
“What did the passengers do to be banned? "Where they ever allowed back on
the plane?” what were the rules set by those airlines companies in order to stop
41 42 43
those misbehaving travelers? ; Also I can use multi-choices questions by
providing the students with one question with different choices and let the
students select the correct answer; it could be one choice or more. For

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example; what was the text about? Misbehaving passengers or rules set by
airports companies, about Tourisms, then I let the students pick the correct
44 45
one .Additionally, I would use yes or no questions. Such as: “did the airline put
any rules for stopping those passengers? “; “Did they use warnings letters?”;
"do you think it was too harsh of the company to ban them for life, yes or no,
and why? “ I would end that step by explaining all the Ambiguous words. Until
we reach to the smallest details and we get the meaning of all the text.
The fth and the last step in the teaching reading approach is the Follow-up
step. In this stage I would simply ask the students to summarize the text.
Moreover, I can ask them to imagine what would they do in that situation and
49 50
develop a tiny paragraph on it, like share what they think about it ,their
reaction, and what would they do in that situation . Furthermore, I would ask
them to discuss concerning the applied rules. Also I would ask the students to
question each other about their point of view concerning the topic and its
elements .by the end I can develop some listing- speaking activities. I would
start by reading the text rst and ask the students to concentrate on my
pronunciation then, I will give them the opportunity one by one to read the text
out loud and correct any mispronounced words.

Through reading, learners became more familiar with the grammar rules and
widen their vocabulary simultaneously. Moreover students learn how to decode
the linguistics smallest unites to undressed the broader ones, at the same
time, they learn how to use their previous knowledge to understand the content
of the any given text also to grasp the meaning of unclear words just from the
context. Furthermore, through reading students promote their writing
performance depending on the amount of texts they read.

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1. warm -up → warm-up Confused words Correctness

2. warm -up → warm-up Misspelled words Correctness

3. of Wordy sentences Clarity

4. allow them Wordy sentences Clarity

5. airplanes → aeroplanes Mixed dialects of English Correctness

6. any → many Confused words Correctness

7. travel, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

8. experiences , Improper formatting Correctness

9. . . → ., ... Closing punctuation Correctness

10. in order to → to Wordy sentences Clarity

11. stage . Improper formatting Correctness

12. . In Improper formatting Correctness

13. Basically, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

14. Basically Wordy sentences Clarity

15. example: Misuse of semicolons, quotation marks, Correctness


16. that, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

17. Furthermore, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

18. in order to → to Wordy sentences Clarity

19. ights . Improper formatting Correctness

20. . additionally Improper formatting Correctness

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21. additionally, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

22. someone's → Incorrect noun number Correctness

someones, someone

23. misbehave → misbehaves Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

24. in → on Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

25. it Pronoun use Correctness

26. ”; Improper formatting Correctness

27. and so on, and so forth Wordy sentences Clarity

28. I Pronoun use Correctness

29. makes → make Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

30. , not Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

31. . at Improper formatting Correctness

32. ”; Improper formatting Correctness

33. course, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

34. questions . Improper formatting Correctness

35. . furthermore Improper formatting Correctness

36. furthermore, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

37. in order to → to Wordy sentences Clarity

38. demands → demand Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

39. Where → Were Commonly confused words Correctness

40. in order to → to Wordy sentences Clarity

41. travelers → travellers Mixed dialects of English Correctness

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42. ?; Improper formatting Correctness

43. multi-choices → Confused words Correctness


44. one . Improper formatting Correctness

45. . Additionally Improper formatting Correctness

46. to Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

47. the last Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.) Correctness

48. stage, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

49. it , Improper formatting Correctness

50. , their Improper formatting Correctness

51. situation . Improper formatting Correctness

52. Also, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

53. Moreover, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

54. the any Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.) Correctness

55. amount → number Misuse of quanti ers Correctness

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