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Electroscope experiment

1st slide ( introduction )

Osha: Good morning my fellow students, I'm Osha

Maryam: And I'm Maryam

Osha: today we'll be going through our electroscope experiment

2nd slide ( defition )

Maryam: what an electroscope
its a scientific instrument the measures static electricity

Osha: and Static electricity is the result of an imbalance between

negative and positive charges in an object

3rd slide ( aim )

Maryam: The aim of this experiment is to Detect the presence

and differentiate between the electric charges

Osha: Understand how the electroscope works and how each

part functions in addition to Test the charges and how they
interact together

4th slide ( theory )

Osha: The first electroscope was a pivoted needle electroscope

invented in the year 1600 by a British physicist William Gilbert
The basic theory behind a working electroscope depends on the
atomic arrangements of elements the induction of the charge the
internal structure of metal elements and the basic idea of unlike
charges which attract each other while like charges repel each

5th slide ( material )

Copper wire
Aluminum foil
Hole puncher

6th slide ( procedure )

Step 1 shape copper wire to fit in the glass jar
Step 2 poke holes through the lid and cut aluminum foil into 2
Step 3 form a hook for the foil to install in and then tape to
secure the wire

7th slide ( diagram )

this diagram shows how the electroscope is supposed to look
8th slide ( video )

unfortunately we lost the clips from the lab of us putting
together the electroscope

however we have a video of the final result

9th slide ( video explanation )

Osha: Electrical charges move to the metal and down to the foil
which then repels each other Since each foil has the same charge
they repel each other

10th slide ( references )

Maryam: and in this slide we cited all the different resources we

used for our lab report

11th slide ( end )

Osha: Thank you for your time and consideration

stay safe!

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