Cornerst One: Abundant Living: A Full Gospel For A Full Life

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Vibrant Mental Health
Bountiful Physical Health
Resilient Spiritual Health
receptive to what God wants to do in our

First, we must r est an d t r u st in God's

gr ace. This is not an abdication of personal
responsibility, but it is a humble recognition
that we cannot create Abundance in our own
lives--not in the way Jesus is talking about.
We must recognize that we are ultimately
powerless to help ourselves without first
Nothing is more central to the work of receiving sufficient grace for the task.
Christ in saving humanity than the promise of Abundance in one's life begins with God's
abundant life. John 10:10 says [ Jesus speaking], loving presence and aid.
"I have come that you might have life and have
it abundantly". This word abundant is powerful Second, w e m u st or ien t ou r lives t o
in that is conveys an image of blessing that is h igh er , n obler , an d m or e spir it u al t h in gs.
poured out and continually overflowing into and There is an old saying from the early
through our lives. computer programming world which said,
When we consider the many areas of our "garbage in--garbage out". This is a truth in
lives, into which this abundant flow of God's all areas of life and experience. If we
grace and salvation can flow, it is pretty surround ourselves with toxic people,
magnificent. We have a spiritual aspect to our life-draining images, and negativity, the
lives, to be sure, but abundance does not stop outcome, or output, is a foregone conclusion.
there. As human beings, we also have facets of Paul says, " whatever is true, whatever is
ourselves that includes the physical, emotional, honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure,
mental, social, relational, familial, professional,
whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if
political, etc. The list could go on. It is into each
there is any excellence, if there is anything
and all of these areas that Christ's abundant
worthy of praise, think about these things."
salvation can flow.
(Philippians 4:8).
This full salvation is captured in the New
Testament concept of "sozo". This word Finally, w e m u st n ot let t h e bet t er
indicates the full soul salvation that becom e t h e en em y of t h e good. By this is
encompasses body, mind, and spirit and all of meant, we cannot let some vision of
the facets of our lives which are associated with perfection keep us from finding satisfaction
them. Sozo and Abundance are intricately and in the progress we have made. One cannot
integrally tied together and the Bible teaches us measure oneself against the ideal, but one
that this is God's true plan for our lives. must measure oneself against the progress
If this is true, then we must address the one has made over the previous day.
practical question: How do we create a life
These steps are crucial in preparing
conducive to promise of abundant living? There
our lives to receive the Abundance Jesus will
are a few key principles I would like to
emphasize relative to our own reaching toward to bring into our lives. Abundant life is our
the possibility of this promise, i.e. there are inheritance and destiny in Jesus Christ.
some things we can do to make us more Pastor Mike
Abu n dan t Healt h
2020 M in ist r y Goals
3 Ar eas of Abu n dan t Healt h : 1. Vibr an t M en t al Healt h , 2. Bou n t if u l
Ph ysical Healt h , an d 3. Resilien t Spir it u al Healt h

1. [Spir it u al Resilien cy] Renovate Upper Room Prayer Chapel to serve as a dedicated
prayer and healing center and develop our comprehensive prayer ministries , including:
* School of Prayer,
* Prayer Counseling training and implementation of the Transformational Prayer
Model Ministry,
* expanded communications around prayer ministry.
2. [Vibr an t M en t al Healt h ] Continue to develop Cornerstone Pastoral Counseling
and Wellness Center to offer individual pastoral counseling, marriage counseling, and
Marriage support and intervention events.
3. [Bou n t if u l Ph ysical Healt h ] Offer nutrition classes, health and weight
management opportunities, and screening services through Cornerstone Pastoral
Counseling and Wellness Center.
4. [Bou n t if u l Ph ysical Healt h ] Expand Blessings in a Backpack Ministry to include a
summer mobile distribution and enrichment outreach.
5. [Vibr an t M en t al Healt h , Spir it u al Resilien cy, Bou n t if u l Ph ysical Healt h ] Train
to launch Celebrate Recovery program as part of an integrated, effective Recovery Ministry
to our community.
6. [Spir it u al Resilien cy] Launch Immerse Bible small group program.
7. [Vibr an t M en t al Healt h ] Train in and Implement the Grief Recovery Method.
Ot h er Goals
8. Develop Cornerstone TV.
9. Launch Pioneer Club.
10. Demographic analysis and definition of "parish"/field of mission using
MissionInsite technology.
M eet in g Sch edu le

Leadership Council Meetings

Monday, January 20 at 6pm at the Parish House.
Monday, March 16 at 7pm at the Parish House.
Monday, May 18 at 7pm at the Parish House.

Boothsville Adminstrative Council : Tuesdays at 7pm (Trustees at 6:30pm)

February 4, 2020
April 7, 2020
June 2, 2020

Eldora Administrative Council: Tuesdays at 7pm (Trustees at 6:30pm)

February 11, 2020
April 14, 2020
June 9, 2020

Janes Memorial Administrative Council: Tuesdays at 7pm (Trustees at 6:30pm)

Feburary 25, 2020
April 28, 2020

Christian Education: 7pm at the Parish House

Monday, February 17, 2020
Monday, April 20, 2020

Su n day, M ay 3, 2020: Dist r ict Con f er en ce. Tim e an d place t o be an n ou n ced.

WV An n u al Con f er en ce: Ju n e 4-7, 2020 at West Vir gin ia Wesleyan College.

Upcom in g Even t s

Will Gr ah am Celebr at ion Ch u r ch Leader s Rally

On Monday, Janaury 6 , 2020 at 7:00pm at Trinity Assembly of God, all church staff and
lay leadership are invited to participate in a Prayer Rally with Will Graham for the
upcoming Will Graham Celebration. It will be a time of worship and prayer for the April
2020 event.

Pion eer Clu bs, Cor n er st on e You t h , an d Bible In st it u e Resu m e

On Sunday, January 12, 2020, Pioneer Clubs, Cornerstone Youth, and Bible Institute will
resume following the short Christmas break.

Ch r ist ian Lif e an d Wit n ess Br eak f ast

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association will be holding a breakfast gathering of
interested church leaders leaders to kick off late winter Christian Life and Witness training
events. This process is instrumental for church follow up after the the Will Graham
Celebration in April. This event will be held on Saturday, January 18, 2020 at

Bish op's Day in t h e M on Valley Dist r ict .

Saturday, February 8. Place and time to be announced.

Ash Wedn esday Ser vice

February 26, 2020 at 7pm at Janes Memorial.

Will Gr ah am Celebr at ion Follow u p Disciplesh ip Br eak f ast

Sch ool of Pr ayer , Par t 3

Saturday, May 9, 2020 from 9am-Noon at the Parish House.

WV An n u al Con f er en ce
The WV Annual Conference 2020 session will be held at WV Wesleyan College on June
4-7, 2020.
Con sider su ppor t f or Cor n er st on e Par ish Hou se an d M in ist r y Cen t er
We are entering our second year of the Parish House. We appreciate the
wide-spread support of this project. We have met our goals of paying our mortgage in a
timely manner and have nearly 6 months of payments in reserve. We have a couple of
larger projects at the Parish House coming us this year: developing and renovating the
detached garage as a dedicated Prayer Chapel and creating a youth center in the
basement. Cost projections will be made available as plans are developed. In addition, we
want to begin paying down the principle this year. If you have not yet partnered with us to
support the Parish House, we would ask that you prayerfully consider it in the coming
year. Offering envelopes are available upon request. Thank you for your support and for
the impact the Parish House is beginning to have on our community.

M ou n t ain St at e Celebr at ion

w it h Will Gr ah am
at Fair m on t St at e Un iver sit y

Church Leaders' Rally: Monday, January 6, 2020 at 7:00pm at Trinity Assembly of

Christian Life and Witness Breakfast. Saturday, January 18, 2020. Mollohan Center
from 8am-10am.

FM 419, Youth Event: Saturday, February 29, 2020 from 9am-5pm at Trinity Assembly of
Christian Life and Witness Classes. 3 weeks over February and March at various
locations to be announced.
Follow-up Discipleship Breakfast: Saturday, March 28 from 8am-10am; Location to
be announced.
Will Graham Celebration: April 24-26, 2020 at Fairmont State University
-Friday, April 24, 2020 at 7pm
-Saturday, April 25, 2020 at 10am: Kids Fest
-Saturday, April 25, 2020 at 7pm
-Sunday, April 26, 2020 at 6pm.
Sm all Gr ou p Bible Readin g Pr ogr am

8 Weeks in the Spring (beginning the week of February 16)

Each r eadin g book (con t ain in g t h e scr ipt u r es t o be r ead f or t h e gr ou p)

cost s $13.50. See Past or M ik e t o Or der . Sch olar sh ips ar e available u pon
r equ est .

Cor n er st on e Past or al Cou n selin g an d

Welln ess Cen t er

Housed at the Parish House, the Pastoral Counseling and Wellness Center offers life
coaching and life transition counseling, marriage counseling, addiction recovery coaching, spiritual
direction, and pastoral counseling. Appointments are available and there is no cost for these
services. Call today for an appointment at (681) 758-5001, ext. 5. Visit us at
Sundays from 5:30-7:00pm
at Eldora United Methodist Church

Scoot er s ((4-K)
Voyager s (Gr ades 1-2)
Pat h f in der s (Gr ades 3-4)
Tr ailblazer s (Gr ades 5-6)

Cor n er st on e You t h Fellow sh ip (Gr ades 7-12)

w w w.cor n er st on em in ist r iesu m

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